Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 40

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WILMETTE f' . I , ------------------------· I ,I I LIFE ENTERTAIN CIRCLE September 20, 1929 ' LEAVING FOR SCHOOL Next week the girls will leave for the Eastern colleges. Elizabeth Kelly -412 Cumnor road, and Charlotte E rwin 612 \VanYi ck road, will leave for Vassar and E leanor Berger, 306 Kenilworth ~veilUc and Vi r gi nia French, 901 Che"tnut a\·emtc are leaving- for Kn ox co llc.'gc. Sh irl ey Ross, 1321 Chestnut avenue is leaving Sept em her 30 for ~1ottn t Vernon ~t lllinary. \\'a·shin gton, D. C. Artistic DECORATING l'Hur hom.- J1·ns Its own atmosphere. ' With th(' aid of our lntnior IIN·urntnr s ~· c.u rnn 1 XJ)rt·ss this lntJh·ftluulfty In tilt' clt·roratlon~;. Mrs. Rav Warren, Mrs. Ja'm es Cross. lev and Mrs. E. H. Burge entertained the 1'-:eighborhood circle of the Congre~at iona l church at 942 Forest avenue Tuesday afternoon. Most of th e members and six guests \\'ere present. ~ I r. JUNIOR LIFE <f'nntinued from Preceding· Page) Ed's Crab-Hunting Style Crabbed by Crabbed Crabs As soon a:-; sc hool was oYer for lhe sUI1111Wl' Wt' :-;tnrtt d tn g't·t n· arl~· to go to t·: ,mp. l W P III Th t> da ,. a ftpr wt· g·1Jt t wn· we . in :-;\vimn~ing. :\ly hroth (' r, l<.d, w en t out to whe rt> tlwrt> \\"t"' l't· s1H11t· <·rnhs. . l.roug·ht in a few allll \\' t·lll lial'k lm 11111 n·. Two of thl' c·t·abs g:ot lwh1 nf hi s tl·t's hut that didn't :-;top h1s tongut·. ~ly dad \\'t·nl c.ut nncl got hi111. \\·(· had a t·rah dintlt·r IJUI l·~d had two -.Jad· Lt ·r!·wh, HH ll ow:t rcl M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 ~------·-----------------------. and ~f rs . E. C. BentleY a nd their da ughter , Miss !v1 ary E) let;, h ave returned to their homt.· at 80-+ E lmw ood avenue from their summer place on Mr. and ~I r~. PerC\· Ft · t, Cum- Crescent Hill. Grand Ha \·en. Mich. ber land rua<l. Kenilw1lrt l ~· spend- Miss Bentlev will n :s umc her studies Ing- a In,· day~ at Lakt· · lacid. \:'n,· next week at- the Cniversity of Chicago, wlwre she is a senior. York. H·: - ' . Teacher Discovers One Way to Put Wave Power to Work HAVE you seen Magic Chef, the new vogue in gas ranges? Designed to conform with the art trends of the times, Magic Chef is the most delightfully new, handsomely different gas range you've ever set your eyes upon. A beautifying ele.ment in any kitch.. en, old or new, it also combines more than twenty out, standing improveoments. See Magic Chef and you'll . want it {or your own. It will give you real enjoy .. ment in the new beauty and convenience of your kitchen. WM NEW \Yt· art· :-:tudring po\n·r ill :\Tiss \~er llon's room, so :Vl iss \'t·rnnn in\'t'lllt·cl a wa,· to us\' tht:> JHlWl'r <Jf the wan·H. Takt· a l;mg· rod n nd a IJ uo~· down to th · la.kt· " ·ith t lw hahy and l'ii !Tiag·P. Altn<'h onE· \'lid of the rod to tlw hugg·y and the c.:ht-r l·nd to thl' huoy. Put the · huggy 1·11 tlw . lnnd ancl thl' huoy in the lake. Tht· wa \'e~ will llwn rod< tlw ha.hy to sit t' P whil P ~·ou pia~· hall. l>orothy flolwa~·. it· I '· ·lltl':tl Eighth Grader's Mantle Heavy on New Shoulders ( 111 tlw tir:-:1 da~· of ~dH~t·l thi~ fall, I fvlt !-'Ort of runny g·ldtlg' into tht· ··ightll Tlwn wlwn T \\'t ·llt out ltJ at ro·<·(·Ss :tlld ffJund that tllt·rt· Wt' l't' 1111 oldt·t' f01lows to sa y , "( 'umt· 1111, gt·t 11ffa hvrt·. Thi s i:-: !tUr fu·ld ." 1 l't·lt lil.;v ~~· rt ttf a king· Ctl' ~111111 ' 1 hing·. I t!nn't 1\lHI\\' how tlw l!lhf'r f(·llows ft ···l I·Ut it ju~t <lnP~n't sl·t ·m right teo 1111·. :\lark Simonds, ll owanl sl~ j · la~· t'ot~lhall g rad(· rtJOm. Eighth Graders Plan to Try for Advanced Course Tht· t·ighth grctdt · ~ 111' St11lp :t ru.l Jlt~wartl sdwols will tal\t' an atl\': tllt'l'd vnurst · ill rtllt~i <' apprt·c· iation at :"t·\\· Tri1·r 1wxt ,·,·:tr if tht ·ir ol'l'ht·~frn nrt\t · loor.!.; ~ ar.· .u ·<'··t·tt·d by :\lr~ . Culton at :"t·\\· 'l'ri t·r. Tht· so ·\'t ·nth g- rad· ·~ will :tl~ro h:t\'t· tlw ~ nt ·d:ll a<h:tnl: t .~t·. T t·a tlwr thin!.; ' :\lr~ . ;l :trk will ha\'t· a g·()cod lll:tll~ · .\-1 ni,tt· '""'k~ fro111 th1 · ~~·,··· nth :tlld t·ig·hth g-ra c lt- :-: < 'hi~ ~' l':tl', -Fran!.; ~ I a~· . 1111\\·a rcl S. School Children to Make I1~11' stra t1ons From Books ' l ' l!tJr~tl · ,~·. St·ptl·lltlll'r 1:~. :\li:-s \\'itlifr· ·d !:right fr11rn tlh' l'ulllit · liltr:trr !' : till· · t·· ·I ll ' l'Otllll :IIHI t1tld ll~ that :-: Ill' \\':lllktl II " "' illustralt· IHtoks whil'h \\'1· ha\·,. r. ·:ttl :t tlll that nrt· ir1 tilt · libr;trv . Slw :tls11 !·old Ill-' that !-:ht· was ~·oing t.o t:tl<(' tilt' h r·s t < ·J: i's wifh lwr !11 l'rhana. Ill ., and ~hn\\' tlh' l at th e lilll·arian's (·on \·e ntiCtll. "'·· all ,,·a nt (lUI' illustratillll!" to go down lll· ·J't· sn W·· art· all doing- our hP:-:t. - :\l;trjurit· \\"t·illt ·tl, 7<' Sfodp Magic Chef, the new vogue in gas ranges, designed in the Research Laboratory c:A American Stove Company py engineers working in collaboration MAGIC CHEF NEW GAS RANGE PATRICIAN MODEL . with Frank Alvah Parsons, B.S., President of the New York School of Fine and Applied Art and noted authority on Interior Decoration. l : LE("I' ( ' L .\SS OFFH ' EUS Friday, Septt·nJIJ('l' J:l, t lw RA vl:ts:-: 111' ! lown.rd sthool t·leded it~ room o'ffi<·<·r~ . \Ve f> l<'C'ted f:eorg-t:> ~ta xwt· ll for presidl'n I. .hmet Wright fot· \'i(·p-pl'('sident and Helen Pt>rrv for set'r~ta t·,· nnd Frank f'h ri sty fo1.' Lt·easun,r. Y\·ith tll(>~e four nffkt>r::; we hope to h a \'t' a. ~ucrt·ssful Y··a r . -::\Iargery Taylor, SA Howard ~F:W SF.T OF (TR'fAI~S ::\ft·s. Stalling of SH Howard ha:-; <\ new lllustration at right shows Mag· c Chef with cooking-top cover lifted, interior of oven and broiler ex- "·'t of erl'tonn<> c urtain~ whi(·h make h er 1oom very c lwerful. The oth1·r t<>achers ··ee m to have caug-ht th e "fevt·r" and it is rumored that :\!i ss :\lad ~en of iB and :\lr~. Jon es of 8A an· soon to h an: a sPt ll }SO. poeed, and utensil drawer partially c:uh price, lnatalled. You may purchase "Llttle by Utdc" for anall .G.b. dcaM chat~~e- -D tty Shanahan, 8A Howard , withdrawn disclosing drip tray. FORr :n uoo~r f'I,un An extremely practical and effi.. dent eas rangt in every respect. l\riss -:\lcPartlin's room sta rt<·d a e luh 1·n W ednf' fo>day, September 11. '!'he pn'sidrnt is Philip Rogerfo>; vicf'-]lrf>:-;idl·nt, noy ~cheible, and the st>cr e tan is Luev I .akf'. The du t>s are tf>n cents ~t month. · - .Jean FinlayRon, Grade 5 f'f·ntral 1U~A D ")[F.RCJL\N'f OF VF.NH'W' Tht> eighth gradt>fi of Howard sehuul a r e about to Rtat·t reading "The M erc· hant ilf Venice." Hom<' of the children haY(' l't'ad it and say it iR wr-y intereRting. ~~) I a m ~ure we will all enjoy it. - Alft·ed Struebing, 8A llownrcl PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY. OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS On display in Public Service Stores at: Oa~ Pede Cicero Evanston Des Plaines Berwyn Forest Park Maywood Rivenide Wilmette Park Ridge Harvey Blue Island Chicago Heights Kankakee Ottawa NOW HAVE LOCKER~ O n Friday, September 13, the pupils of Lhtl Howard school got the ir locker k ey~. '1 'he number:s run from 1 to 277. The loc kers are divided into fiv e groups which :trc given to one sixth, two seventh and · wo eighth grades.

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