Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE September 20, 1929 School Days Spell Quiet to Soci(ll Life of Young Folk Lawn Fete Inaugurates North Shore Young Chain of School B~nefits People Leave for \\' ith autumn's a<h·cnt cotnes anDistant Schools ll! Hincement of p lans for the swelling BY VERA McDERMID ~1am pj September Bride Miss Martha Swan Now Is Bride of. . Robert ·T. Drake Yellow chrysanthcmu1r.s to kncl bright crmtra~t to massed ferns and palm~ , and wro'ug ht iron camklal,~a with gleaming tapers \H'rt' arran!ft'd . _ 111 the First Congregational church ot \\ 11 mettc and at \\~cstmordand c( 1\l'nt ry dtth last Saturday evening for tlw. weddin g of ~!.iss Martha Bi,shnp ~wan, d;;ught er of Jamts Delos Swan <1 I <J32 Lake an·nue. and Robert Tucker Dr:th, son of 1.1 r. and \lrs. Lyma11 :\Ltnky Drake also of \ Vilfctte. Dr. Rnb c rt Clemet;ts, dean oi the \lcl'\)rmirk Thcologica I semi nary in C h icag·, ,, o 1f1ciated at the R:30 o'clock cncmuny, a.., sisted by L·r. Verc V . Loper. The rL'· ccption iollowed ;u the cl ub immed~ : ttl'ly a f tcrwanls. The same fir ~ t color (If autumn \\·a-; suggested in the \\'edding dr c~~- u i atl tique satin and \\'as den·It ~p~cl 111 ' k .·per shade~ in the goldl'll hue ()I t ht I!:' '\\·ns of the attendants. The brick wore a Chand priwt·-.s om,·n \\·ith touches oi old bet· ·tnd a ~ap uf rnsepoint \rith clu~tt·r:-. c~f <~nngc blossoms fa stened hLT tulle nd t, hl'r · 1a 1 head. L'l ,. . , 1c carne< >Ottc(llt:·t < ) 1· ])ri (k's roses and lili es oi the ,·;tl ky. '!'he matrun uf lliln<~r. .\I r~. I :tmt·-; OL'lus s,\·an. Jr.. the n.aid · h"nt·r. ~1i -;s .\l~ldn:d :V1clllne, and l. hl' t"" bridesmaid s. 11iss V ~.:ra Hocrher and .\I i.;~ Alice Froesr hk. \\·t.: re clat) . 111 <~rcsses oi moric in the new capttCJlt~ ~ hade \Yith hrtl\\·n tulk \\·ith. that (.'1 tlw matnm <If h'lll<~r iashl~ttll'd .111 prinCL' SS ~ty k. and th L· utlt.·r-. :' Itl1 hllttt'fant :-.kirh t,f thl' hr<t\\·n rtlllkd tulk. 'l'hn· al l rarrie<l '!'ali~man r(l-.t.'"· ltlhll ('lt:nwnh ui Chiragu ~ern·~! _: 1-. he:-;t mat! i<'r \1 r. Dr:d~t· and k· ·1th Drake. Jo ~t ph S\ran , \\ 'hitn .·y Drakl'. Dllt~ald \\' ilhur. :111d l~lakt · I~< Jilt-rh \\'t'rt· tblll'r:-.. tlw lll"lrth ~h(lre nnmg people an· ka,·inl-! ~nlln or haH' alrca ch· left for \lllt-<·i-ttl\\"11 ~chnob and cnlkgt·s. Almn~t all the ~t.,,. Trin grad uate:-; as well :1~ th<l~t· irPlll the Cnuntry Day sc lwol i11 \\ 'innetka. in tlH:ir pm:-;uancc of ·l.i!..!lll'r t·dur:ltiPn, afl· t·ntcring- eastnw t olk'-!t':- and !-late uni\'(· r~ities. .-\1till·tl\..! h n11 llllt' :-dwol t'l'l11:-\ to he particubrh ia,·orccl. thl' l·:a:-;t i:-; prohahly :;ll. lllll;t Jtllplllar :-;cctinn uf the cnunt;·y, althnul!h SP IIll' arc L'IItcring colleges in tht' \\·l'~t and ~nuth a~ \\'l'll as the · Xorth . :\ lllt11lg t lH· _\'tlllllg· pvnplt· <·i \\'ilnlt'lte and l~enih\· 1,rth \\·ht1 ,,·ill :tttt'llcl out-,lit<H\'11 ~ciHhlb thi-. \\ illtt·r are ~ar·th ~.l i11 or. l ·a t IH' r inc T a it . an cl \I :t n · E Iiz abt·th TP\\' Jl-.t'I HI. "l10 are goiJJg· to the Bri;trrlitf ~rhtH d in ~t'\\ Yt1rk . \tan· L 1111 i~ l' !Ia \'t.' ~ h a~ k it in r t h c :-\at itln ;t l Park ~t·m.inan· at F<·n·st (~lt· n. \td .. ~firiam Pa .~t.: t:.l'tt\· \luliord. a1ul \1 arinn :\I cl )llnald \\'ill resumt· their ~.tudil' . . at \\ 'clk:-.l<·y colll'gl'. Dorotlty -------C·l\lj.!'h, Hl'tt\· \\.t·her, \1artha Farm e r. <lnd · l·n·l'lia ·Bald\\'in hart· all n·tnrned Adult Members of Shawnee tn La\\'rt'llt't' l'tlllt'j.!L' at :\ppktnn. \Yi s. Have Dance September 2 1 ~~ ari\1rie < >k~\·n " ·ill at it'n ·l I Le l 'niSha\\·nt'l' ( ·ountn· r luh is closing its n ·rsi! ,. pj l\l)ur;tdn :t ' n\lUh!n, \\'hill' :-ltniJllt'r st·aso n a11d e nt er:-; up on. the 1 her sfstn. Fl" lliCt:':'. \\· i~l ~t tH \· in <..'hi, ara!..!tl. Flizala·:h l·:hn:,:trt \\ .j; rl'Ull'll tlJrcshn ld t)i the onrnining \\·inter ..,,_ .;lln \\·hirh " ·ill dra\\· its nu·mhnship dl to' \\·an! ]\elmont at ::\asl1\'i1k. 'l'c11Il. t(, the \\'hirl oi man\·sicll'd acti\'it\· tht· C'.1therinc Birkham ha s n·sumed her l'luh offers. ~cptt· n-lhl'r finds the. rluh ·st uclies at Ohio \ \ ' eslt·,·a n uni\'er ~ i '. \'. :'\atal ie II md has entt·n ·d tht l ' ni\-er~it ,. i(lllo\\'ing its usual srhcduk nf danc es. t'f \\'i ~rnn~in. \\'hile Pearl :\1uttro :tlitl dinnl'r. huiTet suppers and bridge , and Kathnin <..'tH'k k!n' n·turtlt'd ltl l~ <ld·. h rid!..!' e lt 111 r he on s. ~at u r c1 a\' L' \'l' n in g:. ~t·ptt·mhn 21, ~tninr mt· mhn~ oi Sha\\'f_,rd l't11lt'gl'. 1lt't' \\ill han· a dance fo ll o\\·ing the din J>rnhahly tht· grcatl'~t pcrCt'!lt .: ~ ~· tli tH·r h1111r irn111 l1 It) H . \\'illllctte young people art· att<'nding· \l()nda,· i:; th(' ncca.;il)ll of the hri tlgl' the l'ni,·er~it~· oi lllinoi:-;. and ; 11t 1n11.~ luncltl'llt1.' 'l'l!ur:-;day uf thl' hufTet dinn.er thc:-.t' art· Ralph Orner. Carl ~ritt1ltz, ;Jil<l prtH.r re~siH· bridgt·. Friday. S·-· pJ(.!ltl ~lwridan. Drake ( >lckr. \I ar _ ,. tenJIJn 27, a dance itlr rhildn·n of the Lannen. Ruth Dran·r . . :\lhert Helt. -.i:-;th. St'\Tnth. and t·ig-h t h gradt·s, and J<1st' ph C r u lllli -. h, · :\ l art l1 a B cIs he. :-;;lturday aitnllt10n Sl'ptemhn 2~. a Har11)d Fk~ c h. H.ohnt Bjork. l~(ll>t· rt 1-arty fCJr children up to the sixth J.~uhl. Dt·rutll\· ~1cFarland, ~1ani11 .L·r adt·, \\ hirh cnnlmt·nct·:-. at .2 t1'clt1d:. Hrt1L'di~ ;u1 . h.'aiH'l':-\ ~~ rl'utttll·ll. lu h11 'l'ht· (lr:-t ftmnal dinner dance oi tht· Del' C<.>x. llurlt'n:-.l' ~l·hrcadn, lla·ll,, rt \\ intn Sl'a:-tlll ior Sl·nior tlH'mhers " ·ill Crt·\\·:-.. lH! on < ktt1hn S, " ·hirh date \\·ilJ cl(l·t· :\u ~tin Plwlps oi l~enil\\tlrth ,,·ill the ~ltlllllll't' adi ,·iti es. r. 111 t i llt1t' hi.., ~ t u d it':-; at Yak. " h n v he ;s ntl\\ \\ Prking i11r hi-. J), ,rt<l r\ dc Neighbors Plan Benefit .~n·c in !Ji,,Jugy. Rtdn·rt Flli-. a 11< l ) an~t·:- ( )ldn l1a \'t' rrt llr ltl'd ltl Dart Bridge and Fashion Show ~:H lltt h. L1rl p(,rOJlt<l and l~ ohnt l.t.·~.·l1 Thl' \t·i .~hhur:-; club pf Kenih, mth \\illt·n tn \\ ' illi:tlll~ c<tllvL:e at \\' illiaiii!-- i:-. ~l'd.:iilj.! ht.: lp and ro-<'JilTatitlll ttlr H·\\ 11 . . \1 ;.~-.~.: Tnm ( ~ri~:;J11un· :11Hl \\ 'i l- ~~~ hu1Hirt·d Ydt'l':tlb at tlw l: rt· .tt liam lclkr han· rdmned tll l\)katc l.akc~ ht~-.pital. 111:111\' <li \\'hnm are rt'u n i n ' r ~ ·1\ ; 1 t II am i It (It! . ~ . \' . ; I a n e rci,·iii!..!. llll l'tliiiJlt'tl:-:t t it111 \\'hat:-ut'\'L'r. \\'i lbrd l1as kit i11r :\lh i<)tl college: Al- The ~l'ighht·r~ club ha~ its ll\\' 11 11 11it. bi< ·II. :\I irh.: and I ane (>wen inr Kn nx \\·hirh i:- ,· i:-.it~.· d t \\·irt· a nwnth 1)\· \I r~. rt~lkgv. :\ll lllllg ihn-.t· \\'ho wil l atte'ld Frank \;t:- <lll, chairman. and \1 r .-.. ~ ~· rtll\\ t -.tnn unin·r~t ,. :trl' Ht·tt ,.. \1 - l.llllt'~ J'rl'nti:-. .... t'tl-rhairman. \\'hn hriltg· \·s cigarets. randy, dPthin g-, ~ t r. \\ ht t \\11 vnh·r the · ~chtlOl Pi tilllsir, ·!,1 the ho _ tllaj.!azine~ - clnnati(llb tll tlH· ;1::d ~a< ,mi \I r Dn"·l'll. ~rarga··ct and ~. k1~-:n " ill ~twh· at tlll' ~at.·rt·d Heart .': l'i~l tl )l)rs. .\· hirthda,· part\· and t'fltcrtainmcnt r<·JI\t·nt. l.akv F \;lT~t. and ~!an· l·:llt'll '1\t·IJin "ill rt·-.unJt· her \\·urk at the i.; held t\\ icL a \Tar inr all thl' hn,;.; l'ni,~r- . . it.' ,, :· l'hiragP. \\'illiam Gth- in the hu:-;pital. 'l'hi:; \'Car. in · Pnkr . . <·11 "ill ~ · n:n l'rincl'tnn . and Rl,lh' rt to creatl' a fu nd tn carr\· on tht· \\·ork, tllt' Cllllllllitkc has plannt·d a hridt.::c ~)r tl\\ n k1-. kit tt· cn1n I Ia nard. ( Ji t I l' \\ 'innvtka \'PUll~ penple tt·a and ias hi nn :-;)1\l\\ inr \\ ' cdnvsd;'n·. J'lJliJI I:t . . l: .,;tJ La-. rl'lt~t'tll' <j iur 11is ( J r t n h n 2. at t h t~ 1-\ l' n i I".< 1r t h c I u h at iuni,,r Yv:t.r :tt ll ;tn·:t rd :tnd l~uhert 2 <l'rlock. ~1 r:-; . Xt·llie :\. IIa nna t'f l'c·L·hr:m. h:1- n·turtJl'd 10 Yale . Robert ~pani::.h Court will di:-pla,· the latl'st ~1t·~it· hit i()r L'arktun rtdlt·gt· . \orth- ia:-;hion:-; dming the tl.'a lHHlr. Tickt:ts tield. \I i1 1 11. ;llld ~u·-:1n J:urlinghatn will ma\· he purchased at thl' dtl< r. tnttr hL"r -.t·nit·r \'t·:tr at \ · a~~cr. .\1 :trtha Etzhach and . .\largard ~tults han~ Gamma Phi Betas Meet <:llttr<:d tht L'ni vl'r-.it\· (lj · Illinoi:-;, and Tht: ~11rth Shure Alumnae assnclaDonald Br<ICkt·ll and. \\' arn·n Schmid tinn' oi Camma Phi llcta sororit\' had h<..n~ g-011<.: to Dartmouth, \\'hile David. its mnnthh· luncheon ).!nucla\' at the Schmid ha!'o return ed to \\'i ll iams col- 1 e:-.idencr ~1f ).J rs. J. B. H. itt~:nh o use, lege, and ~~ urit.'! LhkmatJn to Principia ~29 Fuxdale aHma~, \\'innctka . '1\n.) in St. Loui!'> . Ill' \\' g ue. ts \\'Cre present. ~Ir s. \Villiam \\'inton of 10 Indian Hill road and ~Ir s. ]. D. Craven of Braym er, Mo ., has F. \\' . Kaempfer of 790 Prospec t avebeen visiting his cousin, Mrs . S. N. nue, \i\' innctka. Both arc members of 'fideman, 1025 Linden avenue, thi s l~amma chapter at the l:niversity of \Visconsi n. week. oi the fund~ for thl' new \lallinrkrodt high ~chon! building under t h t· auspicrs of the Mothers' cluh oi that institu tion. This \viii he done !Jv the ~~iv in~ oi a serit·s of aftl'rnonn. affairs occurring the third Saturday in each month t hrouglwut th e Ill'\\' sea:-.on. Each will he somewhat likl' tlll' one preceding. and at earh a bakery sa ~e and card · games \\'ith prizt·s and re f re s June 11 t s. \\'ill IJt' i11 cludt·d. :\lawn fdc introduces this sl'ries ~at urdar aftl'rnoon. SL'ptcmher 21. at 2 o'clock. on tht· grounds of the con\'cnt and ~rh11ol. h: idgl' ruad and \\'al nut an·ntH'. Pin)t hridge , bunco and fin· -hunclrccl \\'ill he played and the prin·s will include th ose fnr indi\'idual tables . lcl' cream and rake will he Sl'f\'L'd. \I r s. \I . I . Fe h t' r o f E \'an s ton is i 11 ch:·rge t·i i he lwm e made . bread :-lll d rtd'ft·t· rakt· that " ·ill he on sale and \Irs. Frank T. Harry, 1537 CL'ntral :t\'l'nlll', \\ .il111ctte. is ti cket chairman. l'n<lt·l'\\'ood and ~I r~ . l·ndt ·r wt~ d d Hobert 'l'uchr 1)rake ht· ;< ·rr her n·,arriagc Saturday. Septl'mher 1-l. \\'as :\1 i:-.s \lartha Bi shop S\\'all oi \\ ' il llll'ttl' . :\I r. and :\I r:-.. Drakl' are m. 1!· ·r · ing thr11uglJ the \\' 11<1d~ oi lltlrtlwm \\.i-. COihin and \\·ill !Jl.' ;tt htlll1(.' altl'r ()c toht·r I. at the ;IJ>artnlt'nt thl.'y h:t\'L' takt.·n at Cathedra I :\ \'JTntlrt. :\1 orll.ll!!sid e lleighis. ~ l'\\' \ ·tlrk City . \lr. Drakl' \\'ill he as~(lriated \\'it 11 L<lll .~lll:lll, Cr.·cne. a1HI company. JH1 hlish .. r-.. G ·:ve Pirthday Dinner 1 _\·n t r a I Catherine Hall Announces Plans for ·October Wedding ~I iss Cat hcrinc De Pa~s 1 !all ha:-. ~l'l ~atttrda,·. Ot:tnhl' r ,::;, ior her \\'cdcli11g" She \\'ill become the brick of Kenndh R Burgt·n. ~ntl <·i \I r. and .\1 r:-.. J oh n llnrgt·n C·i ~t·,·a ch, h1\\·a . at -l :30 o'clock in the a ftt:m< 'l·ll in t ht: chapel ni ~t. Lttkc's chmch \\·ith Dr . lfuhcrt Carleton of11ciatinl..!. Thcrt.· \\'ill he 110 \\'l:dding t'L'L'l'jltitlll httt that l'n·nitlt.:; ~I is~ llall's part'llt-.. ~I r. and ~ f r s. I f. I~ . 1Ia 11. " i 11 t: n t n t a i n t l~t · bridal part\· at dinnl'r at their ht)tllt', Visitors at Lawsonia 'l'hl' chill of autumn in the air fails 72<> \\' a~hinl!ton an'1ll1". '\li~:-; land I fall \\·ill he ltn ~i:-;tl'r\ t11 rtHd tht ardor of those ntttdtiPr L'tlnnh· att .l'IHiant and Dit1ll PllJlJll'lll'\' oi thtt~ia:-.ts ,,·Jw ha,·c discmTrcd \\·hat a ~t. L<lttis "ill act a:-; \I r. :~orgtn's hr~t -.plt nclicl al frc:-;co place t(l \\·hik a\\·a\' man. a \\'tTk-end is the Law ~o nia Cnuntr _ \· rluh at Cr~L'Il I.ak t. The 1·:. l I. Dag--. kys (If \\ ' innl'tka 111ntnrrd 11p Satttrday Give New Members' Tea t· ' ~]ll' nd 1hrl'e da~·:-; at the clubhou se . ·\ t t·a \\a:-; .~ i n·n Ia ~ t ~t1nda~· en·n in~ ( Hlwr s \\'ho " . rL' week-ending there at th t· hottlt· oi ~I arjurie Ktll'1lig, 102~ inrlwk '\f r. and ~f r:-; . Jh ro n \ T. Kan aEllll\\<HHI an·nui.·. irtllll -l until (, o\·ltlck . in r h ll h llt' " . a n d 41n 1!- p c c 1i \·c Ill I.' Ill b l' r" It-,· lll l'hira!..(o. '\fr. anci ~fr s. Hichanl ni tlll· .luni(lr mt· lnhn~hip oi t hL· C. llall. Jo:y;;n . . tnn, and. the \Yalt('r _T \\'oman\ l'atholic club oi \\'ilmcttL·. Coxe:-; oi 1\t·nihmrth . About fort\' ~ue;; t ~ \\'ere prt·scnt. ~larjuric Kol'nig· is president oi th e Marries. Ar~q 1\l an J un iur llll'mhcr~hip: Olin· ( klcrich t.' '\f r. and '\f r s. Ralph Tirown of 1315 first Yire-pre:-idl'nt: Laura L. Hciclt- Ches tnut aH· nu e announce the marriage mann. sen)tHl Yice-prc:-;iclcnt: Crace oi their daughter. nettina Margaret. LtHhrig, secretary ; H ele n O'Dn nnt·ll, tn Jol111 B2,rtlett Sherman, lie utenant in treasurer: Clara Meter, ~far~· Dacg- th r lTnitcd States Arnt\', \Vedne5da\' !ing, DMo tll\' Hohol, directors; ).[ r:-.. ~eptcmher -l. in \Vilmctte. ~f r. an~l Frank Thale . .1 uni or advi sor. '\f rs. Bartlett will h<' at home in Fort Be nning, Ga .. after OCtober 15. da\·. r . and ).T rs. \Vi lliam ).[. K kin._ 400 a vc nu e. c 11 t e r t a in e d at a I a Illik dinnl'r part,· on \\'ed ne~day l'\'l'11~11~ c·i thi:- \\'Z·e k on the orcasitltl oi :he ~l'\Tilt\·- fiith birthday of .\fr s. "kin\ .nwthcr. ).fr s. L. Xathansnn (li l'hiragCJ . .~\mo;tg the guests " ·ere :\I r . and \1 r s. Klein's sn n -in -la\\' and daughter. ~fr. and :\[ rs. Jar\ Simon ( I·:Jca nor Klein) of '\f ontrl'al. Canada. ~I r. and ).f rs. Simon wen.· just marri c1! t his p a.., t J un e. and \\' i 11 s p c n d :-; c HT a I "l'tks in \\' ilmett e. ~I \tl Spoke Luncheon Tuesday Spoke 12 of th e PresbYterian church will he e-ntertained at a luncheon mee ting at the home of Mrs. F. E. Davenport, 404 Gregory avenue, on Tuesda-.' , September 24. Mrs. Harry Barnhill will be assisting hostess. Enaaaed V. Bezdek of 2246 \iVilmette avenue. announces the enQ'ag-ement of his clatwhter. Anne Elizabeth. to Kenneth R. Gathercoal. son of Mr. · and Mrs. ] . R. Gathercoal of 637 Illinois road.

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