Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE September 20, 1929 IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Wise people who are making a change of residence this Fall wm call lredale's TODAY and make moving day arrangements. Your work will be done quickly, without loss or damage, and· with a minimum amount of inconvenience to you . Phone today. Garden Talks ( l'ontrihut<:d ll\· the \\' iimctte Carden Club ) \\ 'h" :-.ta ,. in th e house \\'here it is cnlcl and dark? The ,·arcl is sunnY and " ·arm. and tht tlll\Yers arc not all gom~ irnnl th~ uarclcn and the h()rclcrs. 'I'Jwrc are henriH:~ and an old flat stone to :-it Pll and littf~ s hclt~rC'd places " ·here ntH' i:-. hidden . < h ·erllt'acl thnc i. -. the hrig·lt tc:--t. ~lll) nil':--t :--k\· tP St'C and the lca\TS Oil thl' trl't:-. auain~t the blue hark!.!Wlllld an· a:-. green and alnw:-t a-. pkntiiul ;1s th<·y ,,.nt· all snmnH-r. l~uttnt1i c-. an· :11 t lw 1..! a rd l'n. ~cn·ral iringcd .l !l'lltiath · arc 111 .l·l<H·Tll. The plant-. \\l'l't' hnlll!.!ht ll rrc ir11111 \\ ' i-.rnll~il ,l \\ltt'll tht' h11d-. ,,,.,'~' . . lllall. anr! 11n.: t \var. llt.' \\' irill~t:d .l!l'llti:ttl' "·ill lit' ~1'11\\illL! irPtll the 'l'vcl:-oi tlJt· -.l'. '!'ltv ciiN'd !.!tntialls a rL· ill l>l r, <olll. ltlP, in th e ,·ani. :-.trllll).!', ltarch tH'rt·nniak Tht: tal l l'llPat(lrium ,,·ith it, t·lu,tcr :- (!i :-.mall ,,·hite An,,·ers a11.1 it-. iroh l!fd'll i(\lia!.!,. i-. rt !.!rart·iul thill !.!. g1'11\\ il1.l! ll\· tiH· il·llCl'. ()\'lT tJH· arch. thl· \\.1\t'rll,inc.: llan .l! :-. ih kan·-.. 11 art t h c l' 1,I11 r, 1'i h 11. Jl art t lH· !.! 1·' · ·- 11 ()i :--tllllllll'f. :\ hrl't:tl' i:-. l1 l·· \illl! in tht· l>lltl~1~-. -.11rll a ;--11i t. r!r11\\ ,, hrt·tll' . Turn tlll' "; tl! L' .., 1 , i '·"u r I" )( ,k. i i "1111 '\ i 11. a:-. ' . 1t1 -.it 1111 tht· ht·tll·h. !1111 d(l 11111 rl'acl t11 t't c <.'Xt'lll-.illll qj tlH· da\. 1-:! t i~~\· tlH' pricv Jt-,.., l!iit I ,j ;t -.\11llllll'}' rl;l \' \\'hill- it Ia · I ' · J.ndian Addresses Pupils of Howard 's chool on Tuesday The m.,,. auditorium of the Howard !--ch6ol. a part nf the new ~dditi on to that scllnol \Yhirh \\'as completed during the :--ttll11llt'r, \\'as used for the first time T11 csday · morning- at 9:30 o'clock when \:. 1~. ·nhal"·ani nf Bombay, lnr.lia, spoke to the children of _tl:c UPl~Cr !..!Tacles on the !- ncial and rehgtnns It f l' ;~nd custnms of th<' Hindu 'pcuple . ·The speaker front India. ,,·tw has ~l(l drc sed !--fh(Jnl asscmh laf.!TS in many parts of the ,,.llrlrl. "as accompanied to this country Ly his " ·i i e. H c spoke in the difft·n·nt Hindu langua~· e . . sang ! lindu s(lng:-.. and t1lld ni the marria..(t' rustom:-. dn· ... .;, inncl. educa ti on. ;111d othe r intl:rl'-.ting pha:-.e:-- 1\f Hincltt life. :-:.cn:nth and ('ighth graders at th<' ~tolp srlt<Hd al.;o lH·ard ;'t talk 1_> _ ,. \fr. Dhah,·ani· in tht ~tlllp . gymna.;tum at 11 n'r lud..: Tt~t· .-.day mnrnin .~·. Overstuffed Furniture and Rugs Processed by lredale's are MOTHPROOF! }:XPEJtT STOHAGE OF IIOUSEIIOLD GOODS 1723 HENSON .t.\ VENUE, EVANST<>N Plf01 V R JV // .. ill RTTH 1.132 MOVING Theodore Schultz Pledged to Kappa Sigma at C. S. M. ThcodP rt: ~rhultz. Sllll (\i ~~ r. :t,HI ~I r:-.. 'l'hcodl)rc C. Schultz. ii7 Foxda lc ,t\'l'lllll'. \\.innd ka. \\·hu tllttr<:d the Colorado ~rlt(lol r·i \li11c:-. "ith this n .! ar':; frc:-.lnnan clas:-. has IH;L'Il 'pledged tu the h:appa ~i~ma fratnnity, accmdin.~ to ;tnt·,,·:-. lntlkti11 irl)lll that sch()ol. Yuung SrhultJ: \\as graduate(! irot!'t \cw Trivr High srhor>l in 1928 and tuok pn:-.t-g ra<!ua tt· work tiH.Tt·last year. The iraternih· to \\·hcih 11~: \\'a:-. pledged is l>llC nf ;ix 1l!l tl1t' Cull)radn . chou! oi ~.lines campu:-.. Till' othc.:rs arc: Sigma :\u. ~i!..(ltta :\lpha Fp ilon, :-:.igma Phi F ,·:-- il()ll . . \lpha Tau Omega, and !1da Thl'!a l'i. -· Enjoy STYLE without sacrificing COMFORT D r. lkrh nt 1.. \\ 'ilktt. 3\'1 1\ iriJIIl<llld r<oarl. h:t'IJ il\\lll'th. rdurncd 1·'1 ~aturcLt\ ,,j Lt . . t . \n ·c k irnm a tri p t,, ColPradP. Dr . \\'i llv t t prcarht'd t w -.nlllilll at tllt' ('hu!·(·h -.t·n ·irl' ni t ll~ · Kc11ilm lrth t ·,,iltll ~ · hlli'L'h (ill S1111<Lt ,. '!ltd tlw11 \\t'llt 111 Pt·JJ I \\a tn. \lirh-.. !11 itoill \fr -.. \\ ilk tt <t11d hn mrot :H r. \lr-. . Pr in· 1> · ;1t1d \lr-... \\.ill ett \\ ·n l\Irs. C~t· nrge _lrlltt·-. . 31K <hi()rd rPad. r t'lunt t , . 1' l'll ih \ "··1 h t It 1· 1 .,, r! r·i t It i' K c nih n 'r t h is t' 111 n t ;t i 11 i 11 ~ h c r It 11 H ·!' \\Cek. 1 concluhtoda\. H ERE they are ... dashing, spirited, exclusi\'e models for every personality ... cosrumc ... occasion. Truly a revelation in shoe beauty. But eyually a revela-tion in foot joy. For the Selby Arch Preser\'cr Shoe is just as advanced 10 comfort features as in sty le trends. WEDDING GIFTS 'rhank you notes will have a nng of sincerity-if you select the wed ding gift at Tatman's. Here you will find glass and crystal~in repro ductions of rare old designs. And china service tn the loveliest patterns of the fine makers. Its concealed structural advantages can not be copied, any more than the wearer of ordinary sagging arch shoes can · counterfeit the free, flowin g walk, the assured poise and the alluringly curved inscep so admired in women vear the Selby Arch Preserver Shoe. who \· Don't let anything keep you from seeing these new styles ... reflecting the new Paris and · New York vogue. New Models $10 -· and Up The NEW ... THB TATMAN I he house of gifts fi RCH PllE~EJlVED 1 Shoe Shop Inc. 517 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON 625 N. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO 626 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON

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