Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE September 20, 1929 f Carey Orr, Cartoonist, to Address N. T. Tri-Ship Club . beatttiful Have a velvetY tauHt of CREEPING BENT GRASS ( \Vashington Strain) 1\'ow i~ rhr rimr !o pl.lnt this clran and lasting grass on your home Rrounds. You ' ll find it unc;urpassed 1n every practical respect. Information' and cstimatrco. TREES SHRUBS EVERGREENS PERENNIALS ROCK PLANTS Carey Orr ~f the Chicago TribUtH', recognized as one of the best cartoonists in the countrr. will be the honored guest at the first Tri-SI~ip clul_> dim.1cr meeting of the ,·ear at J\ew Tner Htgh school Thursda\', September 26. Mr. Orr will give a talk and demonstrate procedure in Cartoon drawing. The meeting will he open only to boys. uf the upper classes. ireshmen not bcmg admitted. The Tri-Ship dub is composed of all boys in Kcw Trier High school and \\'as formed ior the purpose of dcyeloping amon .l! them the highest ide.a!s of sportsmanship. fcllo\\'ship, an.c!. ~tttzct: ship. It sponsors man\· acttYtttes dt1 rl'cted t~m·ard the acco_ myli_shmynt of ~he~l· atms . Donald I·nsbtc ts the t<ll'ttlt\' :--ponsor of the club. C. of C. Nine and Glenview to Clash He, e This Sunday By AI Schaefer \Vith "Lefty" Kennedy plaguing N ih.·.; Centl'r hatters and al!owing them only three hit:; ' during tlw entire game, tlw \\'i lmettc Chamher' cti Commerce slug · · gcrs am1exed four lCl'll hlows aml won :~ the g-ame Suaday ~ at the V i 11 a g c C rt'L'll hY a 10-1 count. Ct was the ht 1t11e team' s SIXteenth win of t ht· 'il'~lson and made it "'cn·n in a row for tlw southpaw hurl ~..· r. I ~r r. and ~f rs. Luther S. Hammond. WHEELING NURSERIES M ilu. aukee At'enue at South Limits of 1 WHEELING. ILL. Telephone Whrrling ) ;-R ~~=====-====~~~ -~~~~~=~~~~~~============~- birth of a snn lwrn ~{onda ,. at the ~r ichael l~eesc hospital. Mrs. Hamnwnd " ·as Ruth KeeleY before her marriage and the ne,,· haln· is h) ne c a lied :\ n thnm· Dres ser IT ammon d. Lutlwr llamnlotHl ":·as a inrmer rcsi-· dent ni Kenilworth. 1r.. are being Cflngratula ted upon the ·oPENING ANNOUNCEMENT FRANK SULLIVAN, Inc. announces the opening of a nc\v establishment for the convenience of many friends in Evanston and the North Shore Bcsid~-s hurlin!!· n:cdlcnt hall Kt.·n ncch· oankred a brace of hdpiul clouts. Bu~rL·t> kd the ofh·nsivc ior the "ictors. ht~\\ l'\Tr with a triple and three singks. :\s l.icJ;l. \rent hitless. the third-sackn nn\\' leads the outfit in hatting hy a con. . ckrahk margin. The vanttuished put up a fine battle un til the \Yilmctte :-ixth when flvc runs \\Trc scored hy the locals with the aid Pi opportllllL' hih and errurs . From that tinit' oil tht· hattk \\'aS a rout. Ck1n·ie\r \\'ill nla\' the locals at tht· \. illagl' Cn·en nt:xt. Sunday ;t fternocm . Thi.; battk is e:-;pected tn bring out all tl1c.: baseball ian~ frt)Jll \\ ilmettc, Glcn,·in,· and ~urn ·unding to\\'llS. It will undt~uhttdlr hl' a~ much a "ieud" as the .anmnl \\-i;ml·tka -\\ 'ilmette tussle. There an· a t1umhl'r of j,,rmet~· \\'ilmcttc play er~ on the Clenvil'\\' nine. Boh Httrmtister ,,·ill catch. Ccorge Estes wi1l hl' ~ tatium·d at short and Ed Braun \\':ll be .;n:n ct "' 1rt ing- in thl' otlt field. Our lll'ighburs alst> hcl\'l' a line record to date and it remains tu he ~een whiC'h aggn:gation is the htst. Sttn(lay's htlX . . con.· : K<·nnt>tly .... · W II nu· t t t· .Tan tz, <'1. Kassel, 1 lJ Liepe, HS Borre, ::lb Hal<er, 2h ( '. u i t '. all r h ~lh·s ('t·ntu :~IJ ii 1 2 Loutch, tth r h 4 0 1 :; 1 0 :; 1 0 :; ~ 4 :l 0 2 :! l 0 Port(·rfi<>ld. rf :1 Hobinson. ,. 2 Hudolph, If X(·I!'Oll, lh Lapunw, rf LieJlt', rf Kollt' l', If 4 0 ~ 0 (I 0 I 0 0 4 0 0 :{ L 1 :\loore, v Heddil'k, d Kt>nnNl.\' . 1· .~ 1 2 2 0 r, ( ~~~(·11, 2h H onnicklt·, ss ;~ 0 u :! 0 0 Eit·rman, p ·· 0 1 ... WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25tl1 I 6 r s Sherman Avenue Ev.1nston 7 'he> Hahn Buildinq 2!1 1 :: 40 10 14 Totals hit:-. Janetz, Porterfield. Thn·e lJast· hit:-, HotTl' . Home run, ~roore- . ::;trurk out, h;\· Kt-nrwdy, 7: by Eiermann, G. \Yalk:-:-1\<·mw<.ly, :~ ; Eiermn.nn, 4. PlluhlL· play, Li ·pl·-Bakt·r-Kassel. Hit oy J·itC'her, h,\· Kt·nned,\·, :'lfoore. Bacrifi('f h1t:-;, Bakt'l', Olst·n, l'ortt>rfield. Pmpirf'. l{arraffa. ~(·on·r, 1 l offrnan. St·ort· by inning·s: Wilnwttt> <'. of <'. ~ U 0 0 1 !i 0 2 ·-10 Xilr·s <'l·ntt·r 0 1 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 - 1 Totals Two ba:-t· Exhibiting N eto and Original Fashions in GOWNS - - WRAPS - - SPORTSWEAR MILLINERY - - COSTUME JEWELRY ~f r. and .\Irs. A. J. Brock and daugilte:r, Marjorie ..~20 \\'arwick road, Kenilworth. left last Saturday night to take a Pacific crui~e and expect to be gom· three month~. The\' sail from San Franciscu to Japan: down the east coast to China, India, Australia, and the Fii.ri Islands. returning about Christmas time. Ceorge Brock has · taken an apartment on the Lake Shore dri\·e hote 1 for the winter. ... Announcing Our FALL SHOWING OF FURS Large Stock on Hand REBUILDING AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER During the past 22 years, l\1r. Sullivan has been associated with MARSHALL FIELD 8 COMPANY in the Coat Section . r---------------~ " -------------------------------------------------------------- 501 CAPITOL BUILDING and Randolph Streftt. Chlea.ro Phone Central lOft EatabUahed , 187t ~tate A amall deposit will hold anv garmtnt till talltd lot

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