Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1929, p. 23

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September 13, 1929 ·W I L M ETT E LI FE 23 CLABAUGH QUITS POST AS PAROLES CHAIRMAN I ' Winnetka Man Makes Final Statement Reviewing Penal ---· Conditions in Illinois Edito1·'s not : Jliuton C. Clahaug·h, Scott avenue, Hubbard 'Vood.·, retiring chairman of the Illinois Pardon and Parole board, provides an extn·ml'ly intc>rel'iting review of penal conditions in the !'tate In the following statemen t bl-iUNl to the board upon the occal'ion ·of hi~ retirement. Mr. Cln.baugh'!-> spl<'ndid ~er\'i<'e to the state over a neriod of l'e \·eral vearf; has been clo!'ely watehed hy his neighbors on the north short· who rl'g-re t that he has found it necessar~- to relinqui~h his great rt' sponsibility. 1~!2-l -· To the members of the Pardon and Parole board and all employ~s oi the h·oard and di \'is ion of supervision : lrpon the occasion of my retirement as chairman of the board and supervisor of paroles, I wish to thank each and every one of you for your loyalt \ . unfailing courtesy. and tireless effort in \\·hat at ht'st may be called a com.p lcx and difficult social or puhliC-\\'l'liare problem. .'he result accomplished could not have been achicHd without such conscientious co-operation, and I want you to know that it " ·ill al\\"ays l>c appreciated. Study Every Inmate The case of cYcry inq1ate <1f our penal and reformatory instituti<lns has bl·tll n ·,·inn:cl duri11g the pa~t three , .l'ars . committed on pleas of guilty to larceny. Other information relative to construe-· tive legislative and administrative improvements will be found in the exham:;tive ~pecial report compiled und0r the direction of the l.Jniversity of Chicago, the University of Illinois, and Northwestern univer:sity, respectively, by Prof. Ernel't W. l3urges:-, Dean Albert J. Harno, and Judge Andrew A. Bruce. )lake!' Stleclal Ue]tort Attt'ntion is also invited to my ~necial report ' to the di·rC'ctor of public wt>lfarc,' · F'ehruary 16, l !)29, which included detailed analyses of th(> case.· of l9,2l12 ~'2 9th Season- Now Open" inmates received at the l'ieveral institutiom; from each of the 102 counties of Illinois during the eight-year })eriod of 1!'121 to 1928, both inclu~i ve. For com·enE LEVENTH STREET it·n<.'(, , thf' t>xhibits have heen groupt>(} from "A" to "W" as follows: (,\) Penal 110pulatioh (B) Pri~on population, firl't offender., Teachers in Charge: I and rPcidivists (chart) ((') Prison ponulatinn, analysis of crim.:> . A NN A CHI NLUN D -- LAU RA COUPL AND (D) Prison ponulation, .Jolit>t, ('hester, and Pontia<· KAT H E RINE HEDGL IN (E) Prison JlOpulation, St. Charles nncl nent'Ya (F) Prison population, Vandnlia. ((; ~ Prison population, total all pri!'on~; ·~ s T UD E NTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME" (H) Indl'tprminate !'l'l1tenC'e~ ( J) Prisoners rcceivc>d, first offenders and ucidi\'ist::: Main School : 509 S. WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO (K) ..Annly:<b <d' agt·:-: (If pri!-'ont·r~ when r >c·eiv(><l (L) ~\g· ~·~ 11f pri~Ollt>l's at Pontiac 1.\1\ H:tt't' nn<l n;lth · it~· ·of pri~on<·r~ l'f ' C'(·i\'c>d (N) Education of prisoners rfceived ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( ()) Rdigion of prisoners recc>i\'f·d (l'J ('a~t·s lward by Parol e hoard, Jolil't C . OLUMBIA SCHOOLOF MUSIC W ilmette Branch : 627 I (Continued on page 24) · PA TRONIZE OUR ADJIERTISERS ---~- -~~~~-----~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~- . ..... During tht· JH.' riod ui .\ugust 1, l'J.2(J , to lanuan· I, 1().2(), a total ui 10,553 -.: :.i~;.s wl· r~ n .: ,·it\\T<l. This invuln:d an enurnHHl~ anwunt oi detail \\'ork, which, I am happy to say, ha~ been kl·pt up tl' date. \\ .hcn l took office 111 lulv. }(},2(), t hnl' \n·n· 5.8S.2 inmates u( .J ulict, l'hl·~l\:r, a11d Pontiac alone. On August .30. 1()2<J. thnc \\Trl' 7J)56, a net incrta:-.e t~i l.XO-+ or nwrt than 30 per rl'llt in thrl'l' year:-, . ..\ot\\·ithstanding thi~ increase and tht rtctnt statements that paroles f1an: · decreased 50 per cent during my tnm ui ofticc. l wish to say that you nJ,. fcllow-nH'mhers, ha,·c dealt hum~tndy. in ·lligcntly, and courageously with each case whether acted upon ian)fahly or unfaYorably. That you ha\'(: acted \\·is_dy is abundantly prond by the record and especially hy the -..mall percentage of · paroles charged I with nc\\' crime.:: something less than .?00 cases in three years. out oi sever;> 1 tlwu;o;and who are or were on parole . Analyzes " Population" Hungry for Delicious Salted Nuts? Good Nuts are good for you. They're Fresh Every Hour at the ..... That you ha\·e acted j u diciuosly allll <lt·t'isin·ly in the vublic interest in l"l'ful'ing t>arl~- varole to tho:,;e convided of ('rimt>~ of violence is shown by an ;tn<1ly:-ds of tht> pre:-;ent pop u lation as follo w :-;: :\lur<h·r: Ovt>r 16% of the combined popu lation of .Joli t and Clwst· r are held for murdt~r. J~ohberr: 0\'t'r 2:-i % rJf th·· combinf'<l population of .JoliPt, C'he:-:tt·r, and Pontiac an· ht·ld for robbery. 1 Hun:-lnry: ( J\·t'r I 7% of the eomLint'(} population <·f .Jolil·t, ('ht·stt>r, and Pontia<· :t n· h(·ld for burglary. ~____., rm au:·:..w· A~~nult to :\Turder, Red), or l~:tp( · : <)\' ('!' :\' -; of the <·omhinPd population nf .Jolit't. ( 'ht·~tl'r. an(} Pontia(' an~ lwld fur assault to munhor, rob. or ra )W. :\fan:-;laug-htt·r: ;\ } )()Ut , 3-7/lOr;; of th<· t·oml>in<·<l J)ll})tllati'm of Joliet, ( 'IH·stl'r, and l'ontia(' an· held for manslaug-hter, . manv (,[ which <·asPs were really rnurd ·r t·om ))romis,·d into man:-;laughtvr. I n(}l't'l'llt Lill·: rt il's with Ch ildn·n :w·l rm_ 1 'rinws ~\ g-ainst ~atun·: Ahout 1 :\-:Jr; of the (·omhinPd pt q)Ulation of .JoliPl, ! 'lw:-:tH' ancl l'ontia<· are hl·ld for inNORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING DAVIS dt·('t' llt Iibt·r t il·:-; with t· h ildrf'n <ttHl l'l'im('s ;tgain:--t 'l:tlUI't·. Your ; ,fi :ifi )lu j or ( ' rimln a ls . EVANs/oN Itt <l!lwr "·o r cl~. about 6S )}l'r ('l·nl of Grocer thl' pn·:-:t·nt inmalt·s of tht· thl'l'P major Stll· Jlt->llal and r. fonnatory in~titution~ 111" PHONE GREENLEAF thi~ gn·al sta!t· (prt·Ht·nt tot:d 7,(i;,(), t11 Billy Bov· he px;1<·t) an· ht'ld for om· or more· · ot' 1 \~ Open Evenings Till 10-Sunday$ 11 to 8 t lw :-:i x 111:1 jor t -ri nw~ r1f m u rclt·r· a tlll ph,\·:-:kal niminal violt·ll('e ag-aitt!-'l ]11'1'-1 :-:ons and prop<·rt:-·. ~\ mnng- t h st' inma t t·s tht· r e an· nt·ar l:: 1,000 mur(}ert·rs, O \ 'vr 2,000 g u nnwn, atHl· l 1.:>Ofl hu rg l n.r~. to :-:ay not hi ng of gut t· !lien w h n \\'('!'(> fort u nate f!no u gh to IH· · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : !Ul,.,._..._ IDILL»Y IIDOY Hut l(,itchen.w 3006 519 ST.

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