Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 49

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·' September 6, 1929 - .') · WILMETTE ~I ALE LIFE 49 J,IELP WANTED , 69 FOR RENT~HOl!SES $150 SALARY PLUS COMMISSION ~a l esmen -We can use two more men in Winnetka, Wilmette, Glencoe, Northbrook anp Glenview, .to seH Marmon an d Roosevelt cars. W e train you and furnish lead s . Marmons and Roosevelts are going big, in fact August wa::; the largest month we have ever had . Th Pse are real positions and seldom offered by any automobile firm. See ::\Tr. Thomas at W e rsted Motor Company in Winn r tka. 57LTN50-ltc ADDED SERVICE FOB CLASSIFIED USERS e will DOW ·accept elassiEied advea-· tisements Eoa- publieatioa in the cu··ent issue until 9 P. M. WEDNESDAYS WILMETTE LIJ!E ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR RENT-8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, newly decorated, lg. lot, $125' per mo. 557 Greenbay Rd., Glencoe. Call Mr. Comes. Highland Park 500. 69LTN50-ltc . · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WINNETKA 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS. Newly decorated. Oil burner. Imm ediate possession. Tel. ·w innetka 851. 69LTN50-ltp . 5 ROOMS, 2. PORCHES, OWN HEATin~· plan_t, 410 Linden St., Winne tka. 69LTN 50-4tc HELP WTD.-11ALE & FR~lALJ: \i\ ANrfED ;o 'FOit RENT-FUUN. HOUSES . .. , Iu· r a l maid::-, 2nd maid s, cook::; and , llauff(' ur:; to place at once·. 'Vhit e o r \ ,,Jored. Ul'\JVERSITY !)~~ GREE~LEAF 61 :10 :'\OHTH SHORE E::\fP. AGEXr"Y !fi!G ~hrrman An~ .· Evan s ton , Til. 5RLT~:i0-ltc ... ~ F On Rr.}NT-RAVINJA. FURNISHED G rm. bung-alow, Oct. 1 to May 1. ch oice loca ti n n. Oil burn e r, garag-e. R~ason able to right party. l 'h . Highht nd Pk. 10!:10. 70LTK50-ltp ~lODER~ ~ . ~ ~ I~ Rl CC~S 1~11 t lr·r I~~IPLO ·Y~fE:\"1' ..t\GEXC\~ 11 11 EAST :J:i'Tll :STREET C'hauffe·urs 1 fou~ rnwn \ ·, ,uples Maids Day\\'fll' l-:t · r ~ ( ' II(I}( S Yale ts H o t e l ::\Taid s l'lwtw l) () ug-1:\ s 1500 iiSLT:'\;)0-H c Just 'relepboae e I ~ ~ 7 ROO~[ ~ e pt. 15 or Oct. l $1iii . Block from t ran s p. 2 lJloc k s Winm·tk a !'102. hath ~. HOUSE, GARAGE. until Jun e 15. Price high school and all g rad <' sc hpc,J. Tel. 70L:JO-ltp 1 ~ ~ ~ · 7 rr·(·m s, ~ loca lity. 2SS4. -.} $nO l'E It -:\IO~TH porl'h, garagt·. E:xdu:sive Xt·ar ~ d11111!. <'all \\' inn 0tka 70LTN50-ltc ~ ,_ l ' Oit HE:Y 'I'-OA RAfl'ES WILMETTE ~ " 4~00 ·:,:t 1' .:::,:· nr~l S ES~ Ol'PO H'l't;XI'LTES ! ~T~Eil f'h. 1I I. ~ FOH. RENT-O ~F. 1217 Maple Ave. gate 4092. CAR CAP..AGE AT Clwnp. & Cnll Briar 721...4!)-tfp < 't·n tra lli ~ hl i tnd F011 JAC'K & .JILL SHOP, I Aw·. E ~ tahlislwd 2 year~ .~ I>at~ ~~10. l!i ghlan~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR RENT-STORE 15X55 , NEXT DOOR ~ i3 FOU ltEXT-STORES OFl'ICES - .. I 'k 110 :i!'lLTX :iO- He W..\X'l'ED-:FE)L\1,}~ i _fH_i I:< \ \ ---~ -' I FOH UE5T-APART)IE~TS --~-~·· ·,~~·~]-·~: '·_:_~~~~-'~~~--Jl li-7.~~~--------~----J( ~l 'IT .\TIOX l!l·~ FI~J-:J), HELT.\BLE \Y O:\L\X pr:t··t i!':tl nursing·, l'Ompanion. n1· " ' ill ··:tn· fo(· c hilclr<' n b\.' th e hottr. Tt ·l. \\'inn<·tlw ~ :H :~. 60LT~.i0-l k llE!" T< I l!E~T 1~ :"\E\\" l£ 0 :\[E. :t t t r:wti\·e 1wighborhn1>d. (',,n. ,·,·nit·lll t· · ~t·lH·Id~ :tnl tr:tn~JHti'Ul!iflll. t ;at · 1 ~, . if (lt ·!"in·<l. 1 ,··Ik \\' inll t: tka '·II 'GL'I' ~· ,j 0-It ~.· . . lt t.\T I.J\1 i·· t. THE BRONX 1-:'·-~ 1 1 ·:~ I' El'tlEXC'P.D LA l'XDhES~ \YI. \\"111' 1.: fir ~t thrt ·<' dav ~ of \\'t ·t'k r· · f· · n·nc1 · ~. .\TTI: .\< 'T IYE H l(l::\T JX BA~T ~lDE II hr ·nH·. 1::1thrr··1Jn fat·ilitit·:-: unusuallY 1;.,.,(i !.!· ·1·<1 . 1 ·"nn·rlit ·llt all t ran:-:p. <;ar:tg·;. Ph. \Yiimdt c :?6~::~ ··Pti·>tt:tl . l~vf . I'll. \\"i lml'lt t· :!fq , GOL Tii 0-1tv t;fj L:;ft-lt v , 1 NILES CENTER r oo m apartments $60 and up, large, ll~ht. modern. Near Dempster "L" t e rminal station and North Shore el ecc ric. :?~ minutes to loop. to \Voolworth 5 and 10. SuitalJi e for hab <' :rta ~ h e r, hoy s' and young m e n's w f·nnng appar I, or kwelt·y store \Yolff-Griffi~ Jlardwar c Bldg·. jun Cen' tral Av£·., \\' iinwtte. nL'f~riO-lt<! TO RE:-\T -I~ FRA~KLIX ('<·ntt:r and Elm Street~. 2nJ3LWo~; (\·titer ~tr("d Offk<- with r eception r nom . L o w r nt ': t rlton Prouty, \Vinn l" tka 7. . 73LTN50-tfc DE ~K ~l'A< 'E Jth ~> n (· ""rYi <·e. ~I. J. F AHER'fY · · ~mp,.:tf· r \L\:'\TEll--L "\l'XDTI.Y \\. Ol!K T(l no 1 :It honw. \\.ill C'all f n r a.ncl r1el. C' ln t h s :! \ 'J·: Il Y l'<l.\IF'OJ1T.\llLI·: <'<l~:-\J::<"fing ~"" ' n ' ~- :-:illl! ll' c·r t·n ~nit· ·· 1h·~irahJt. I Tf 1 l~E :\'T- rx FH .\~KLT~ RLDii. , f'E :"\clrit ·(l uut~i<1(·. Y c· ry goH·C1 l't·i'. l'h. " 'il··<~"t lr., ·: !lir·n . 1: 1 · a~ . 1-::ito- h··ll· ·tt· · if : t .. r <lltd Eli 1 :-;tr··t·t". \\"inn..tk :1. Third lll..t tt· :?G:!:; _ GO LT50-1 tr· lh· ~irt ·<l . l'h . \\' ilml'ttt· !1\i:-, 1: . 1; 1;t,;-, 11 _ ,. ' Flr·f·!' .\p;trtme·nt-LiYin g r of!m. roll11 <'.\1'.\BI.E \\"0 ::\L\X \Y.·\XTS L.\l"XDHY :t~\· a.'· 1... <1.: dr· ·~~ing- r ~tom: bath: \\'<!!')\ b)· thl· clay. G GS. 1'1.1·: .\ :\'. \\' ELL I IE! 1 FJ'tu:"\T d Illd t· kit< h<·nf·t t· · \\lth Frig-Hlairt ·. 6 GOLT:'\:ill-1tp· t·c .. >It l. :\'t <tr tr;ti1!-'Jl. l ~rl':tld'nst rtp]~ l':t!"llll:th!P r··nt. ('ar lum Pr nu t~·. -----------------t i ( ·I t:d . Lit <ly prd. l 'h . '" i I m t t~ 3 7::11. I , , . i 11111-1 I< :t 7. fi iL T .:'1: 50 -t f Stret>t at Bronx Ave. Ph o ne Xil es Center 93 67LTN36-tfc T!.<·a"rtnalllt.:. FOH H.ENT. TELECo ng< ·nial l:iUrroundings. l'l1 o n · Winn e tlm 22:'i. 73LTN4S-tfe £:'\ \\"f:'\:'\J;:TK .- \ , 1 :"\E\V COR. STORE 44:x :?·l. 1 n <· w 1-'tor e 4-l:x1G. Both have l'niYet·~it)· Fl"J~Xf~ 'I -·'--~-~-· ~~ .i\E\Y ~-------------7.:..;3,;.;:L;'l~N;...4~3;_-.:;,:tf~c R eas. r e nt. Ph. \Vinn . 112 1 H1St· m<· nt~. (_))_l_s_A_L_E_J_l_o_u_s_E_s _ _ _ __ EXPEH.TEXCED PA l!T¥ WlLL C "T nnrl makr s li}) C() \' {' J'S, I'C'aRo n a bl t' . Ph . LJlin·r~ity 71lfi:i. 60J,TX:i0-1tp HBLL\BLE YOGKG \VO~L\:\' DESIRES <'an· n f ehildt'01 afternoons and e \'1'-ning s. Ph. Wilm e tt e · 77!'! R. !iOL:JO-J tp r"C!L. \YOl\IAX \Y . .\~Ts \\"O HK ~run.;'\_ tn:;·"· <·nm wt 0 nt, rt·lbhlt· . Ca ll " ril1 tm·tte 4012. 60L50-1t!' 66L50-lt c I J...\ 1:c; 1 ·:. ],:tt h. for 1 n r tl':t n". H t· a~r· n . T< 1 ~t·xx Y l~O(HT. ~. I T\\.1! ~i l XEXT TO Kit<-lwn pri\·. X ear I T t' l. \Yinn < · tl~ a 22!1!1. . . G!iLTX:iO-ltp l:c lll.\( KIT<'Ili::XETTf: .-\PAnTm..-nt. ·ll1 !' f·J.ivn ontn largp orch. ho·:tt. in!:-'!:tnt hr·t w:ltt' l', !·Xcf:' ll t- nt u a n,..p. I !· f· ·n ·ncPs. Ph. \Yilm ... ttf> ~Of G7L;}0-lt!' I~"' ----------------~- 1 - . Fl!OXT noo~r. T,,·r x 1 llt·<l:-:. ··tll· e.r t we· tt>:1d1c-r~ (t J' hu:-:inp~::; .\ T'T . Frtl~ HEXT FCRK O R U~Frns. \\·r,mt·n. Hn·a l,;f: tH pri\· i)(-~t·~. \Yi nll· ·:-:ira ld· · lr wnti(·J1. li nt wat··r. 11il lwat . lll·tl.;a ::~~fl . !i6 LT:'\ :i0-ltp 1< 114 L:tk· · .·\ \·,.. \Yilm· · tt ~ 42i6 . ~tEXT Hot ,·alu lwdrm~ .. 2 tilt-> baths, attac.:hed garage. \\.' :t E~GLlf-;1! ~®JTilll ~f@If ~illl BRICK RESIDE:XCE 4 The be!:lt nf' on <J.r~--. tt-r h N t t. Lot 50x 125. \\'(· <:a n offer. $17,000. WO~TAX FOR L-\.l..:'~D11Y or:. r"LE...\~- Fur:. l· ! EXT nnrnr. .\L~(I !"J'A('E I:"\ ing- by clny. Ph. t·niv r rsit)' 2:iS~. g·:u·:q.!·,.. ~\-i ll. arr;l!~g, . 1 f(ll' ~"m:·. light 1 u J· p g f 1 l'l \Y 1 11 t 1 " 60LTXi'i0-2tp re,· ~t· 't't · 111 I · < · ·~II ·· ·< · 1. I' :---:---------------:.::.4S. GG L38-t fc G7LTX:>0-1t~· I O wn e r h as le ft town, offers horn e at great I ' :!":\' 11 FL. .\ f'T . \ 1T 1 . X A. D .,f \\"i nn1 · LI~a $2:>. Jl Pl' m n: 1 1 \V~\XTED-SOC IAT... SEC'n.gTAH.Y~ITJP w o man . \Yinnl'tka 32::6 . 1 I mf>tt..- SS~· Y -4 . nn ~orth _ Shore by cultur<:cl, HJ)(·l'iPilC('d ( 'EXTnA L 60LTX:i0-1tp . l! l· " ll1"' rr·flll1!', water. ('OLOHEO GlRL \VAXTS v;.·unK BY j REALTORS thC' wr·f·k, stny o n pla C'c. Ph . l'ni \'<·r- ~ 746 Elm ~tr<:d Winn e tka Winn. 1617 sit:-· n5R. GOLTK!!O-ltp L:\ 1~ c E T, 1 G r r T H Ol".'EKBE P T~ G 77LT!\::iO-ltc 1'111·111 J1l·:tl' tran~ . l 'h. \Yilnwttf' 101:J . GGLTXG0-1tp ~TI'DTO APAT!T:\lEXT IX EXCELLEXT . COLOHED GfRL, HALF OR \YTIOLE d \Vinni'tl<:t lr·<·atictn . ~6;) pt'l· mnnth. _ays work, by th e w rc k, g-o hnmt· Ph . \\'in tH· tl.; n :!1\)..-t. 67 LT~ 50 -It C' I liSTI~f'TIVE ENGLISH BRICK AND lHg-htH. Uninr~ity 3S44-R. 60LT~ 50 _ 1 tp :! I' "\ l~<;E All: Y TIOO~fS FOR HEXT s tu cco r eH idPnce , with 7 bedrooms and ll· -fl l' llrl\\·:trcl anc1 Ln~all ~\· h ()nl. Ph. . 3 baths; a h Pated sun and two heated EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS \VX:\'TS \\"il! twltt· ·l ~:i4. GtiL., 0-1t·: 1ST OF 0 T. APARTME~TS AVAIL~ I N· ping p o rc·hvs ; hot water oil heat. work to take home , will cnll for and ahl in ~mith Bldg-., \Vinnetkn. $6 5. Ph. 1'h1· h n u ~e is unu s ually well built anq d e liver. Ph. Wilmette 350!). 60LT~4~-tfp F OI! 1!1-..:-\T - :"\l f'ELY Fl'11XT~I1ED Winn Ptl'a 112. 67LTN43-tfc n"iltl. 1-::t :-:t :-:i<lt· h··m1·. Ph. \\"i lm tt' f'an va :-: ·d thro ug-h o ut. The kind of a IH·m<' ynu \voulrl build fnr yoursel( and 1 f\.111. !i6LT:i(J-ltr · ti"' FOU 1l E:ST-Y.TRX · .\ PT~. family to live in. B e autifully wooded F()l! rm~T H(l0::\l . -\XD GARAGE 1 gr(,unds covering- almost half an acre. DESIRE TO GET El\fPLOYI\fENT FOR ltl(l(·k ~(·rth \\" r~tvm Drpnt. 6:~~ Pnrk .\TTI! .\t'TIYE LO(' .-\TIOX . BEDF· ·1· quick sa le owner authorizes us to an e x ce ll <' nt young cn rp r nt e r for repair·, _.,,., .. 1'11 . \\'ilm e ltr ::::>GG. GtiJ.::iO-ltp 1' 1 ···1Il,... bath. l:trg-r~ liYing ro om. open n, rlu~ the price to $30 ,500. It is contir· ·Jtl :ll'r·. $':; p e r l111!llth. ('all \Vinr e m ocl ling or small building job. Pl ra s " w·nh·llt to SC'hoo ls anfl transportation. n..t l.::t :!~H . 6SL TN50ltc ca ll BtatC' 6204 or \Vilmettc J0!lG . I!< l( l ~l FUll llE:'\T, $:1. Fl"g:"\lTI"l~E Gl L.TG0-2tc fell ' ~:tlc ·. l'h . \Yilrnt·t te %:i \Y. GtiL:i0-1 t<· Fill: l~EXT-FGRXTSHI;:D APARTREALTORS LT C EKSED CIIAUFFEUH, HOUSEI 'h. \\'ilm e tt (· 2~!! !) or 33!i0. )Jl · · I I t ~ . 7:!0 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 254 m a n Rncl hutl <: r. Nnrth · hnr't' rd. K C' nXEATI. TI.E:"\T G~LT:\'50-tf 77LTN50-ltc wood 3GR7. GlLTX;}O-ltp l·TI!~ . l~(t()~f F CJTI ~··he",] :t iHl c·r·nY. till' ~c· h o1,1 t(·aC'ht·r. !'h . \\"iltll\'1 to · ::!1 1 ~~~~-----------G _~>_ ,r_ .:-_,n_ -_ l_ tc · Ft · 1~ l!EXT-Fl'RXT~TTBD 1 ROOl\I 62 ~IT. WTD.-1\[ J\J,f: & 1-'JDI.\J,J~ l;it··h· :IH· t tP. ('all Wilm e tt e 4397. l 'I.I·:A~.\:'\'r 1!0():\f \\' ITlf J'OR C' If. 68L50-lto CO MP. COL. COUPLE ·wo U LD LIKE rw:tt ' IlulJIJ:t nl \\'11o d ~ "(')111e·l and trnn~Rituatinn as mHid ancl C'hauiT. nt-:-:t of li H.00::\1 DUTCH COLON IAL OX TIL:\Ul u· r tati·tl l. T t· l. \\'innt· lka :;:~:-,f·. HGTn-ltc ll!l f'O H JtRNT-llOUSES n·f. ExC'l. <lriY r. Kenwood 14 :~ 4. tiful woorlC'Il lot. Prict:' d nt $li,Ooo for 61LTl'\50-1tp F<ll! lli-::\'T - 1 Ott ~ FURXJSHED qukk :-:alt-. C'all 1 n 11 , 111 ~. Pll . \\ ilnwtt (' 4251. G6L50-ltp XE\\' ~Inxr;LE, 7 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. 66 FOR RENT-ROOl\f~ :1ttai'I1Hl gar. Othe r rental $7i'i p ~ r ~lXGLE m··nth and up. B. H. Barn e tt, !>26 C' nl'I,J·: . \~.\~T ~:\L\LL HOO::\f, FOR RRNT-LARGE REDHOO:\T, \VTLL 66LS0-2tp tt'l' ~t .. \Vinnf'tka, Tim. 4. North Shon· lot'd . i~l loth St. accom modate 2. Four blocks from "L" RP.ALTOHS f·ffice, Glrn r". Bull: Ph. \Vinnetka 773. ·wilnwtt e 2n station. Hot water at all hourR. No 6 !tLT~50-1 t.1177 \Yilmette Ave. FOil HE:XT-:\1' . \UT:\IE~TS 77LT50-ltc lig-ht housekeeping pet·mittN1 . Pl1 . \Yil- 6i ltv <laY wvt·l\, all ~tt·:un. h1 ·at1 ·cl. IH·l :t 1111 TIOTI~J. . "~' fi~!l 1 )f.\ L . cn lcl tifiL4 ~ -tfc out~ i clf' ST. "F::~T I h . ' ' 11 fr·r tnfltrmattnn . 67LTX50-ltc :.!' ·!- · ·, 1 · , 1 I 1't l<1::\f .-\ l'T . P.-\ HTLY F'CRXTSHED I if d~ · ~irf·rl. "\1 ~~· furni~ht·<l n,r,m~. \Viim· lt <' 11:-. ::. l;iL:JO-!te · IHI CQ)l.}&(ID.]]l~@JTil n~ r e duction . 4 'l!cd:-m s .· 2 slp. pches., 2 til e ltath~. maid's rm. and bnth. Oil lturnH. Irot watf' r hat. B eautifully wcJo d ed ·half aer1~ plot. N(·ar schools, ~ h 011~ and tran~J1 . $:17,000. ~ cJJ®ITD.l1S.~ _@_ n n~ DISTIKC1'IVE H '1IE I HEIN-8EN REALtry CO. - rn e tte 3587. G6L50-ltc NIQE:J.,Y FURNISHED ROOM I~ ATtractive east side small hom e. Also h eated garage. Gentleman preferred. Tel. Winnetka 2519. 66L1'N50-ltc ----------~ ------- . FOil J~EXT, ~ AXD 4 ROO:\I KTT- ::\IODEltX RESIDENCE, 9 I{OOMS, 2 hatlls, ext('nsive groundR, ideal location. chen(·tte, apartmf>nts, brea.kfast .nook, X t: a r 1ak P and transp. Com p e lled to til t> bnth ann shower, electnc r fngerasacriticf:'. ThiR is an unusu:1l opportion. \Volff-Griffis Hardware Bldg-. 111!.'1 tunit~·. Ph. Glencoe 206. 69LTN50-ltc C'e ntral Ave ., Wilmette. 67LTXSO-ltc FOR SALE BY OWNER-CITAR~ITNG hse. in fine nghbrhood ., conv. to ~chis. and trans. 4 b edrrns. $14,500; terms. Glencoe 1330. 77LTN50-ltQ

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