WILMETTE LIFE August 30, 1929 A Serious Choice Within recent years the funeral director has taken upon his shoulders many duties which were form~rly left to the family and friends of the one who had passed on. He acts as a con· fiJential advisor, giving expert advice on matters of great delicacy and importance . ... rea!ii on tl: e "t:> lcl'tion of a funeral director should be considered as seriou ·Jy as the choice of a physician or law\ t-r. He ~l:oulJ h e a man of thorou~h training and long e:xp~rience in his chosen wo:-k; most important of all, he must be a man of hi~h moral character and proven integrity. In thi s or~anization we have no light opinion of the work do. We regard it as a sacred trust, and t-ry to keep our service up to the high ideals of our profession in every respect. we For tl.i~; CU),rt. j .. g{cf¢1: ~Personal Serl)ice" uNDERTAKER J Our Mortuary Is Equipped with a NeLV Pipe Organ Superior Ambulance Service The Olde:lt Established Undertakers on the /mmed;ate North Shore Licensed Lady Assistant "lfhe Jtouseof I I 09 CENTRAL AVL WILMEr1L l ) } WINNETKA ~0 -} =54 CENTER ST. u A Correct Grade for Each Burner" Two Bulk Plants-Eleven Trucks operated on the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE T ·l1phon11: Winntth 3020 - 1.1 - 1.1; Highland Pult ·p90 - 91 W hole~alt Distributors SUPERIOR NAVY 8 HI-TEST GASOLINES - QUAKE~\ STATE 8 MOBILOIL MOTOR OILS KEROSENE ALCOHOL - GREASES BRA UN BROS. OIL C:O. uFor Fuel-Use Oil" I I. I p an N w! Plan now to get yout· full share of ctijoymcnt out of .-\utUtnn. Plan to answer its tempting call to outdoot·s - to do the many things Autun1n inspires . . There is one da~ a week that cari he yout·s to do \\hat you please- go where you please. It IS an extra day the SI~lPLE~ Ironer adds to your week. \Vith the SI~IPLEX in your .horne you save only an hour for ironing . . . Once the burdenson1e task that took a day to do- now a pleasant pastime that starts the day off right. It is so easy to use . . . Gives such per.fcct t·csults . . . Is such a tirne and energy saver, vvon1en now sing while they iron. )-ou can have the SI.\1 PLEX on. easy tern1s. SIMPLEX RONE THI. lEST IRONE R I DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214