Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 50

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50 NOTICE , . II.LHa; ()}' WILllETTE I~ WILMETTE line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the west line of said subdivision. In ELMWOOD AVENUE from the east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the west line of said subdivision. In THORNWOOD A VENUE from the Past line of "Lal{ewood Manor Subdivi:-;ion," to the west line of 'said subdivision. In ASHLAND AVENUE from the east lin e of "Lakewood l\Tanor Suhdivil:iion," to th , west line of ~aid subdivi.'ion. In LAKEWOOD AVE~UE from Lake A venue to B eech A venue. In SCJIILLF.R AVE~UE !rom Lakewood Avenue t o th e f'ast line of "Arthur 1)unas and Company's Rapid Transit Subdivi:-;ion." In BIH HWOOD A VENUE from Lakewood .Avenue to th e east line o! ' 'Arthur nunas and Company's Rapid Transit LIFE August 30, 1929 Boulevard , to the first alley east of Hibbard Road. In SKOKIE BOULEVARD from Holly Avenue to Wilmette Avenue. In RO:MONA ROAD from Wilmette Avenue to Central Avenue. In ROMONA ROAD from Lake . Avenue to washington Ave nue. ~ . In n.Ol\lONA ROAD fr.om 'W as.~m~ton A venue to the south. lme of .. Umted Hea ltv Company's Ftrst Add1t10n to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." In SCHILLER A VENUE from Romona H.oad to the west line of "La.kenton Subclivisiou." In BIRCHWOOD A VENUE from Romona Road to the west line of "Lakenton In WASHINGTON AVENUE from Romona Road to Skokie Boulevard. In SKOKIE BOULEVARD from .Washington Avenue to the south hne of "United n ealty Company's First Additi<;m to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wll.mette." In PINE STREET from Washin~ton Avenue to · the south line of "Umted R altv Company's First Addition to Skolde Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." In HIGHLAND AVENUE from Pine Street to the first alley east of Sk?kie Boulevard on the north side of Highland A venue. In KNOX AVENUE from \Vashington Avenue to the south lin~ of "United Rt-alty Compnny's First Addition to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." In KNOX A VENUE from Washington A \'enue to Birchwood A venue. In LOCUST ROAD from Wilmette Avenue to fourteen hundred three (1403) feet north of the center line of ·wilmette Avenue. In BIRCHWOOD AVENUE from Laramie . Avenue to LaYer~n~ Avenue. In LEAMINGTON A VENUE from Birchwood Avenue to Lake Avenue. In LAKE A VENUE, south side, from Leamington Avenue to Laramie Avenue. In LAKE A VENUE, south side, from Leamington A venue to LeClaire ;\.venue. In LECLAIHE A VENUE from Birchwood Avenu e to south line Lot 1, Block 3, "Wilmette-Lake Avenue Addition," produced east. In LOCKERBIE STREET from Birchwood Avenue to Lake Avenue. In .LAKE AVENUE, south side, from Lockerbie Street to LeClaire Avenue. In LAKE A VENUE, ~outh side, from Lockerbie Street to LaVergne Avenue. ' In LAVERGNE AVENUE from Birchwood Avenue to the south line of Lot 1, Block 1, "Wilmette-Lake A venue Addition," produced east. In CENTRAL A VENUE from Hibbard Road to LaVergne Avenue. In LACROSS AVENUE from Central A venue to the north line of the "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LAMON AVENUE FROM Central Avenue to the north line of the "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LAPORTE A VENUE from CPntral Avenue to the north line of the "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdlvl~ion," and also to construct and erect a pumping station with the appurtenance~. to be ufied and operated in connection with and as a part of said system o! ~torm water !"ewers upon a lot, piec<' or parcel of land which shall be acquired by condemnation as and in the manner required by law, and which is described as follows: The west two hundred and thirty (330) feet of the south one hundred and fifty (150) feet of" Section T~nty five (25), Tt>wnship Forty-two (42) north, Range Twelve (12) EaHt of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East and adjoining the tract of la.nu owned by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County and conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of Cook County, Illinois, on January 14, 1920, as Document No. 6715849 and situated in the County of Cook and State of lliinois, and for the ascertainment of the just eompensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for said pumping station site hereinbefore described, and for the ascertainment of what nroperty will be benefited by the making of said improvement and the amount of such benefits; that commissioners were duly appointed by said court to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and also what real estate will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefits, to e~ch parcel of land benefited thereby, and that said commissioners duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement and duly filed their report and assessment roll in the office of the Clerk or said Court on the 19th day of August, A. D. 1929. Thereupon a summons issued out of said court against the defendants above named and the defendants described as and made .party to this proceeding as "all whom it may concern" returnable at the County Court Hom~e In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois on the 23rd day of September ~ubdivision." Tlll: f'()l"~T\. ('OI"~Tl", l 'OI ' Jl'l' Of' (;00I{ ILLI~OJS General ~OTil.'E impron·nll'nt co nsi~tingand la\"in~ a co ntw · t~-d ~~·~t m of ~;torrn 1\·ater ·:-<t'\H' r ::; o[ vitritit>d til e pi)"1 and (If Yitrifit·d da \' :-<t·gnll:nt l.llock with the 'l· · ( ' l'!"!-':t n · brick. manhok:; and l.lri ck catl'h ha:-<itHi ii1 ct·rtain ~tn · l't:-<, road~, aYenucs and lam · ~ and on and in a. certain lot, pit·ce or pan·el of land to be acquired l ·v t·ondC'mnatiun a:;; provided by law, for a· ~it<' f11r a llUtnping ~tation, all as hereinaftt·r dt>R<'rilll'd and all F:ituated in the \"illagt.· of Wilmdtl', County of Cook and ~ta tt· pf llli nni:-;. ~TATE ~IF 1LLI~OIS t:-<s. Sulidi ·>i~.·· t'(llJ~·:·y uF COOK I In LA HAMIE AVE~UE from Lak~ 1:'\ TilE COl'~TY COl'H'l' OF COOK A venue to \Vilmette A venue. COl ~TY, ILLINOIS. In WILME'l'TE AVENUE from LarGetH·rnl Number 62,257 amie Avenue to Romona Road. YIT.LAUE OF WJL.\1ETTE, ) In WILMETTE AVE~UE from Ro;, muni<·ipal corporation ) mona Road to Locu!'t Road. \'~ ) In WILMETTl~ AVEKUE from Locu~t l ·II,\ R LES :"\ ~··)· EVEN_S: I Hoad to five hundred (500) feet west of a~ t rul'tN' und<·r pron~1on~ o[) the se"\wer in Illinois Road. a tru:-t agT ·t.·nwnt uatt·d Aug-u~t) In LOCKERBIE STREET from Wll:.!ith, 1!12~ and rl:'cordt·d St'l>-) mt>tte Avf'nue to GlPnYiew Road and In tt>ml·er 8th, ]!I~~ a:- Ut wunH·nt) G LENVIE'V ROA lJ from Lockerbte ~o. 7C.4i710 and known :t~) Street. north of Glc·nvi ew Road to LockTru~t ~o . 1, ) ,.rbie Strer-t, :;;nuthw~'st of Glenview Road t:ulfmon· Lat11l Company, an ) nnd in LOCKBRBlV.: STREET from 111 i noi f.~ Corpor;Lt iou , ) (;]enviPW noad to C'f'ntral Street. \\"ilnwttt· <:Plf <'luh, an ) In C'ENTRAL STREET from the east Illinui~ l 'orporation and ) lin e of "King's Court Suhdivi~ion," to . \II whom it may cntH't ·rn. ) thf' Wf'~t line of :;;aid subdivi~ion. . 1~ TilE ~IATTEH PF TH 10: l'ETlTIO~ In ROl\fONA ROAD at Lake Avenue OF TilE \'TLL:\Ut.; (I!<' \VIL:\IETTE to for ronnection to "Indian Hill Estate:::," lt·v;.· a ~fW('ial A~:-;~-~ ~ ment to rai!"~ ~J.H~ Storm SPwer. ,·o:-<t of a lo('a I illl}.)l'(l\'t'llll'll t con~1st 1ng In LOCUST ROAD at Lake Avenue for 11f COfl!-'II'Udill~ and laying- a t'Oiln<'Ctl'U connection to "Indian Hill Estates," !-'Y:-<tt·m (If ~torm wat PI' ~e\\·e rs o( Yitrified Storm Sewer. tll<· pipt· nnd of vitt·ifi<'d c:Jay Ht'g"nwnt In SENF.:C' A ROAn at L:lke AvPnue blo('k, with tlH' Jlt't't·sHary l!rH·\) manhole~ for connection to "Indian Hill Estate~,' ~ and catch ba:-;in~. in cE-rtain ~treetH, roads, Storm Sewer. aw·nue:-; and lanl's and on and in a c~r Tn LOCUST ROAD from Lake Avenue taln lot, piN't> or pan·pl of .land hen·lnafter dt'l'CrihNl, to he acqu1rt'd by Cl~n tn twelve hundred six (1206) feet south rlf'mnation, a~ pro,·ich·u lly law, for .a s1tc of the center line of Lake Avenue . In ASHLAND A VE~UE and ILLI· for a pumping !'tat ion, and l:rect1ng . a pumpin~ station tlwreon, all l'ttuated 111 NOIS ROAn from Locust Road to a 1 h 1> Yilla~t · of \ 11lilml'lte, County of C'o<~k point opposite the southeafitE>rly corner and ~tate of Illinoi~. and to ascertam. of Lot 15, Block 2, "Indian Hill Estates. ·· In ILLINOIS ROAD from Iroquoifl t ht· just <'OmJH'IlSH tion to lJ<· mad . for J)rivatc protwrty to ht>. ta~t·n 01· damaged Road to a point opposite the southea~t erly corner Lot 15, Block 2, "Indian Hill for tht' purpose nf ~:ud unpro\·c ml'nt. Th(· !'aid ('ounty ('ourt nf l.'(Jok County. E~tateR." In LOCUST ROAD from Ashland AveIllinoi:o, by ordt·r dul~· t·nlt·rt'd In the abon· (·ntitlt-d IJI'O('('Pding-~. haYing- di · nue to the north line of the VillagP of n·c·tPd that as to :-<Ut'h cldl'ndants who Wilmette. ··re non-rel'idt' nt~ of th<' ~tate of lllinois, In GnANT STREET from ARhland ;.~ art' shown hy tlw affidaYit filNl in Avflnue to the north line o! the VIllage :-aid procf't:·ding!-', or whnst' rt>s idl.'nc es of ·wilmette. an· ~huwn hY !'aid afndaYit to he unIn KEN1L"\VORTH A VENUE from known :wd "thP clt.'f,·JHlants d< ·~ ig-nated nmnt Street to Locust Road . ag " Al·l whorn it may c·oJH' t'rn." that noTn ASHLAND A VENUE from llllnoi:;; til'<> h t> g-in·n :;aid dl·fe11dants and to "all Road to 23rd StreC>t. whom it may c0nt>1·rn" h~· tmhliration as In 26TH STREET from Ashland A \'P hy l:l w n·quirt' d, in \\'IL:.\IETTh. LIFE: a nufl to the north line of the Village of :-;(>(·ular nt>w~paper of gl'nt·t·al ctrculatiOll WllmPtte. prlntt·d and puhli:-<hc·d in the Villagt.· of In KEN LWORTH A YENlJE from 26th \\.ilnwttc>. Cool< County, Illinois, of th~.: Strt·et to ( :1 ant ~trret. mattt · r~ hl'rt inaftC'r ~d forth: h1 CLEVELAND STREET from A!'1hNotii-P is h<·rt>hy gi\"en to all of th.· lnnrl AYenu e to the north line of the Vil!;ah1 rlt·fc·ndant!" anrl to "all whom it may la~(.' of \Vilmt'ttC'. t·on('(·rn" that tlw Yillag,· of \Vilmettl', a In KENIL\\-'ORTH AVENUE from rnunkipal corporal ion, heretofor filed its Street to 26toh Rtreet. JWtitinn in thC' Count~· Court of Co.ok ('lC>veland In 25TH STREET from Ashland AveCount~· . lllill(·il', prayin~ that a sp<'et.11 nu e to one hundrerl thirty-three (13~) as!'f's~nwllt bl' 11·\·ied to rai:-<e th t> cost of a lo<'al improvf'nwnt I'Oil~il;ting- of th,, fC't't south of Kenilworth Avenue. fn COLGATE STREET from Ashland c·c.nstt·uC'tion n nd Ia yin~ of a connected q·stf'lll of storm w~tt·r !'('Wt rs of vitri- A v· 1ue to Kenilwortoh A venue and in fi.f'd tilf' pip<· n11d of vitrifiPd clay seg- KENTLWOTITH AVENUE from Colgate m<'nt blnd;;, with thr ne<"e!'!sary hrkk Street to Cleveland Street. ln 24th STR~~ET from A~hland Avem:tnholes and hril'k c·atrh baHins, in the following- streC't~. road!', aYentH'S and ·nue to one hundred thirty-three ( 13 3) Jan<'!' and on and in the lot, pi ece or feet south of Kenilworth A Yenue. Tn DARTMOUTH STRJ<.. Jo.T from A:;;hparl't·l of land to lh> acquir d by condemnation n~ pro\'itlrd by law for a site land Axenue to one hundred thirty-three for :1 pumping Htation lwr ·lnafter dt'- (l:l3) feet south of Kenilworth Avenue. :-<l'riht·d a t·d rdf'rr~ · d to aH "the pump! ng In 23TID STREET from Lake Avenue l'tatinn !-!rounds" all l'ituated in the Vll- to Be<'chwood Avenue. lagf' of \\"ilnwtt(>, County nf Cook and In KF.NILW'OHTH AVENGE from 23rd Sta tc· nf JllinoiH; Street to Colgate Street. In Lake A \'(· nue from the N\Rt bank of In BEECH"\YOOD A VENUE from 23rd the Chlra~o niver to tlw west line of Streot to one hundred (100) feet southth(' following d<·F-crihed tract of land we~terly of Ridge Road. ~ituat<·d in the Village of Wilmette, In KENIL\VORTH A VENUE from <'ount\' of Cook nnd ~tat<' of Illinoll', 23rd Street to Ridge Road. to-wit ·: In CHESTNUT AVENUE from 23rd The wefit two hundr('d and thirty Street to Ridge Road. (~ :tO~ fo ·(·t of thP south ont> hunIn THORNWOOD AVENUE from 23rd dr d and fifty (150) feet of SecStreet to Ridge Road. ti on Tw<'ntv-five (25), Township In THORNWOOD AVI~~UE from 23rd Fortv-two · ( 42) North. Range Street to Dartmouth Street. Twf'ive (12) east of the Thlr<l In ASHLAND A VBNUE from 23rd Prinl'Jpal Meridian, lying East of Street to one hundred twenty-five (125) and adjoining the tract of land t eet southwesterly of Ridge Road. ownf'd bv th<' Forest PreRerve In ELM"\VOOD A VENUE from 23rd lli:-;trict o·r C'ook County and conStreet to thirteen hundred twenty (1320) \'E')'f'd by 'Varranty Deed recorded feet west. in thP Recorder's office of Cook In ELM\-\.OOD AVENUE from 23rd f'ounty, Illinois, on January H. Street to Ridge Road. 1!120 a~ Document No. 6715849 and In 21ST Sfl'RBET from Beechwood situatf'd In the County of Cook Avenue to Linden Avenue, and in LINDEN and !'tat<> of Illinois. In LAKE AVENUE from the pumping AVENUE from 21st Street to Ridge Road, and in RIDGE ROAD from Linden Avestati(·n ground~ to Ridge Road. In LAKEWOOD AVENUE from Lake nue to a point one ohundred seventy ( 170) feet southeasterly of a line three ( 3) Aw·nue t o Aflhland Avenue. In BLACKIIA WK ROAD from Lake- feet north of the center line of Linden wood A venue to the £>ast line of "Lake- Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Linden Avenue wood Manor Subdivision." In WALNUT A VENUE from the east to the north line of the Village of Willine of "Lakewood Manor "' Subdivision," mette. In RIDGE ROAD from Kenilworth to thf' Wf-F:t line of said subdlviRion. In IROQUOIS ROAD from the east Avenue to a point four hundred eighty of· 1-1roccedingl; Number 62,257 for a lo~al of co nstructmg ( 48 0) feet southeasterly of the sewer in Kenilworth A ,·e nue. In RIDGE ROAD from ' Chestnut Avenue to a point three hundr~d ( 300) feet southeasterly of the sewer m Chestnut Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Thornwood Avenue to a point two hundred fi~ty (250) feet southeasterly of the sewer m Thornwood Avenue. I~ RIDGE H.OAD from Elmwood Avenue to a point three, hundred ( 300) feet northerly of tohe sewer in Elmwood Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Elmwood Avenue to a point seven hundred twenty ( 720) feet north of the center line of Lal\e A Yenue. In IUDGE ROAD from Lake AYen ue to a point seven hundred twenty ( 7 20) feet north of the center line of Lake Avenue. In IROQUOlS ROAD at 23rd Street, for connection to "Indian Hill Estates Unit No. 2," Storm Sewer. In CORNELL STREET rrom Lake Avenue to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In Z2ND STREEJT from Lake Avenue to the n o rth line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In YALE STREET from Lake Avenue to the north line of "N h Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In 21S'r STREET from Lake Avenu~ to the north line of "North Shore Crest, Subdivision No. 2. In HARVARD STREET from Lake Ave nue to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2 . In ::oTH STREET from Lake A venu~~ to the north line of "North Shore Crest, Subdivision No. 1. In COLUMBUS STREET from Lake Avenue to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 1. In RIDGE ROAD from Lake Avenue to Schiller A venue. In HARVARD STREET from J..,ake Avenue to Schiller Avenue. In 21ST STREET or the alley west of .Seeger' · Subdivision from Lake Avenue to \Vashington Avenue. In SCHILLER A VENUE · from 21st Street to the west line of "Braun's Subdivision." In SCHILLER A VENUE from 21st Street to alley west of Ridge Road. In BIRCHWOOD A VENUE from 21st Street to the west lin e of "Braun's Subdivision." In Bl RCHWOOD A VENUE from 21st Street to Ridge Road. In HARVARD STREET from Schiller A venue to. Birchwood A ve:nue. . ln IUDGE ROAD trom .tllrchwood A\entH' to RchillPr Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Birchwood AYenue to Washington A venue. 1n JIA RV ARD STREET from Birchwood Avenue to \Va!"hington AvenuP. In ILLTNOIS ROAD fn11n Lake AY\nuf' to Wilmette Awnue. In WILMETTE A VENT:E from Illinois· Road to five hundred (500) feet west of th<.' ~ewflr in Il iinDis Hoacl. In WILMET'f..8 AVG~(Jg from Illinol~ Road to Glenview Rnr>tl. In WILMETTE A \"f~~UE from Glenview Road to Ridge Road.· In RIDGE ROAD from \Vilmette AYenue to Central A venue. In RIDGE ROAD from Wilm<'tte Avenue to South Limits of the Village of Wilmette. In GLENVIE"\V ROAD from Wilmette A V<'nue to first Village Limits line extending south from the center of Glenview Road. In LEAMINGTON A VENUE from · wilmette Avenue to the north line of "First Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LECLAIRE A VENUE from Wilmette Avenue to the north line of "First Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivis ion." In LOCKERBIE STREET from Wilmette Avenue to the north line of "First Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." · In LAVERGNE AVENUE from Wtl· mette A venue to the north line of "First Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LAVERGNE AVENUE from Wilmette AvPnue to Thayer Avenue. In GLENVIEW ROAD, on the SOUTH SIDE from Lockerbie Street to the West Villag-e Limits line. In GLENVIEW ROAD on the NORTH SIDE from Lockerbie Street to the West VIllag-e Limits line. In THAYER AVENUE from LaVergne Avenue to Locl{erbie Street. In HIBBARD ROAD from Wilmette A venue to the north line of "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In HOLLY A VENUE from Hibbard Road to Knox Avenue. In KNOX A VENUE from Holly Avenue to Central Avenue. In CENTRAL A VENUE from .Knox Avenue to first alley east of Skokie Boulevard. In KNOX A VENUE from Holly Avenue to alley north of Wilmette A venue. In SKOKIE BOULEVARD from Holly Avenue to Central Avenue. In CENTRAL A VENUE from Skokie ··

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