Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 47

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August 30, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE lJRt:~SJ[ AKI:\'G 47 GENERAL REPAIRS ' CLASSIFJ.ED ADVERTISEMENTS I Genetal Notice--Classified advertiserrumts will be charged only to residents of the dlstr1ct from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory or who ar~ re«Ular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. ' .JEWELRY REPAIRING AND RETHE FRENCH SHOP modeling hy a craft::;man of rare 505 CHESTNUT ST., WI~NETK.\ ability and ori~inality. Designs created Start your fall sewing now, before the for individualH. Paul Davey, Jeweler, fall rush. Drl'~smaker~ of for e ign e x1165 Wilmette A\·e. Ph. W 'ilmette 6. perience. Copies and original designs. 50L35-tfc Ensembles, coat!<, aft e rnoon and evening· gowns. Pri ct< ~ m od (: ra t e. Phone \\~inn e t!Ht a::40. l7LT~ -19 - lt c :;;, JA)S'l' A~U l'OUND' :!0 Rates--15 cents a line In one· paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINUIUM CHARGE oO C!ent8 Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 123% Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. advertisements wlll be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · GAUDENING (G~~® & JJ·©Ir©l~illl LOST - !\JO~DAY B l\10. OLD FEMALE J)Oliee dog. Black with brown feet. Childre n' s pe t. Reward. Ph. Wilmette :~:~ 5 0. 55L49-ltc Deadline fot I nsettions-Classitled cepted up Landsca.pe Planners and Contractors 2016 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 2930 (Nursery at D eerfield, Ill.) 20LTN27-tfc LOST- :\TALE Bull. R e ward. ReP.BEH BOSTO~ BRINDLE Ph. Wilmett e 1827. · 55L49-ltc hoot~ lo~t ..\PRO~ A="'D RCBBER Tuesday A. ::\1. between Hill Roa d and Elm St. on C h t> Htnut. Finder plea!<e call Winnetka 1838. 55LTN49-ltp lU~LP :,6 t WA:S'fED-l'E-'IALE FOit SAJ,l:-A l'TOS Fo u s 'L E- . rros LANDSCAPING PLAXTI~G . TRAXSPLA~TING , ROCK ~ard t· ns by exp(' rt. F. Koebe rl, Northbrook 241-J. 20LT~48-tfc VlTD .-WHITE (;IRL FOR GE~ERAL hswk . Small family. Ph. Winnetka 1051. ~6LT~49-ltc CHR'r' SLEH (G(Q)TJJlilcdl Co }D)~ wn~9 lliiD~o \\ · I~~ TJIE tn:E~ ETK .\ JO<JO (';\RS LT!-I'I'ED BELOW IL\\'1~ t'AREFl ' LLY T:'\SPE('TI·:D .:\~D THElH PRl<'ES <:RADED .-\<TOR.P 1:'-:<; 'I'O <.'0~ I> l'I'J< 1~--YE.\R-.:\ITLE - <; E, f<:'J'( ·. t 'H H Y~LEH road:-:lt-r·-Th i:-: 1:12 g mo<lt-1 · ha :-: a nt·\\' car a)IJH·aran(' f> . Tlw motor has ju~t IH ·en rt> t·onditiorwd, dutt'l1 cl\·e rhaull-d , and lll <:'(' hani<-al details c·h t> <"IH·d . .' \ .\!-IH rumble :-:t<at coupc ·- This I :·2 S ca r ha s all tlw adqlntng <· :-: of \ht preSt' nt ~ t· r·i e :-: hut will be ~old at a pric ·t· far h ('lo\\' rf'Jllat·t·nwnt Yaluto. 1 'JlHYSLER rumb1t· :-:t·at c·oupc ·-Thi :-: <· a r · i :-: prit·t·d way lwlow t ht· ma rkd a:-: Wt · \\'t·r· · fortunat· · in lwing_ a bit · t11 purl'ha :-:t· it right. ~ :\SH 4 door ~ t-dan - An £- xc ·dlt·rtt ··ar f(l r a :-:t·cond < ·ar for tht· famil\' . :\J (·(' h a n i,·al c· onditicm i:-: \'l'I'Y good and 'tlw ·· ar ha:-: an a ppto aranl'c · of ht·ing almo:-: t nt·\\' th.,u g lt t ht· 1lrict· b low . I·'<lRJ) rnodt· l .A r11ad:-:tt-r-- J l· ·rf· i:-: o nt· nf tlH · new Ford~ . 1:-: a~ nit-c· a lJU\' from a ll :-:t:tndpoint :-: a:-: \\' t' h a Yc · offt·r'·c·d t'or >-l ·lllt' I inH·. .-\11 :..1 a kes of Cars I~oug-ht-So1d-l·:xchat1g· e<l 4LTX 1·:\-.\~STU~ l~t - 1 tt · BHAXC'H 1ILTJ)SO:\ ?\lO'J'()R CO. oF 1 LLI ~ors . \ n ·. t; n i wr:-: i ty 07 ~0 1:·:!!1 Ponti:u · ('O<t('h, whkh ap]wan·d to ha\' t' }J('(·n driH·n \'t>l'Y ('ardull~· fm· tlw fe w thousand mile s IJY tlw ori~ inal ownc· r. For tho~e inten·:-:ted in a <"Urrent mod(·} whi<'h offt·rs th· · appt·nranc·p of brand rH·w this is a rar· · opportunit.r at the pri('t' of $fl00 llud:-:on 4 door ~ ' dan, ll:'l27, roomy , vomfort~lllt· and powt>rful automohil e , offNing- tl1ou~ands of mih·s r,f :-:ati:-:factnr:·· transportation . <'arrie~ our Ust:>d <'ar guaranteP $:i:JII 1 lud~on coach, 1fJ27, smart ap)waring car, good tir··:-:, uphol~tery and p< tint. :\l('(:hankal t·ondition guarantP('d l·y u~. hargnin at . . . . . ... $47 :1 < 'aclillae spdan 61-Z in excellt'nt 111£ ·chani<.'al (.'Ondition. fnteri\11' Wit]HIUt a hi mi~h. ideal <"ar for one dt>:-:irir. ~ l'Omfort and n ·liability for a ~mall inYt>~tmt>nt . Demonstration will eonYince you of the excPptional ':alue at ..... .... ... ... $~00 1~ :?n R ich~t · :\lALD FOR CiENI~RAL HPUSEWORK, !'mall family , good wa g es . Ph . WilF.X PEHT THEE SERYIC'E mette 2641. 56LT~49-ltc PRCXI~C:. TREATIX~}, HPRAYING. Thornhill Bro:-:. Phone \Yilmette 2295 \\'t' art · offt ·ring- for a 1\·w day~ a limit20LTN36-tfc EXPERil<";KCED ·w HITE GIRL FOR e d numlw r <d' I ·:-:t>d c ars at ~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~ cooking- and downstair:-; work. Good wa~!; t> :-:. R<' ferences rt<quired. C'all Glen PHICl~S I:S~TU l'CTIOS cc,e iH 1 ::\Tonday, Septe mber 9th, or .\<h·. :'-\a:--h Yidl·l'ia ( ' lo UJH · <lftt'r that dale. 56LT~49-1tc PIAXO, G EXT L E)[ A X PlJ PIL OF L:ttt· mocld \\' ill .\ ·:-:- Knight s port (;raing e r and Raah. Yi~its :-.J'orth YOl'~<; <;IRL AS l\JOTHER'S HEJLPER $ 1011 r· oad~tt· r Shore honH"~ . Ft·(·:-: moderate. Ph. :,; 'jpll Will :-: -St. < '!:1 in· :-: pol'l road:-:tt· r mor·ning:-;, Ph. \Vilmette 2117. llollyeourt 0756. 25L4!l-4tp Latt· :\!rod · I :'-\ : t~h Ach . 7- J>a:-::-:. 56L49-ltp S t> d:tn , li \\'irc · \\'. Lt w k $:tOO $ :~ ;) 11 :10 ~a:-:h .\d\·. Hoad :-: tt> r LOA:SS W AXTbD, A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL 1!12~ Xash 4 llr. St ·dan wishing good honw to a~sist with hswk $:i7G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:t:?S ~ : 1:-:h t 'oll\'f' l'tilll·.' t 'oupc · $ti :Hl Ph . Winne tlm 1588. 56LTX49-ltp . $:WO l'ontiat· Honcl:-:t··r Ht2ti \\'illy!-- Knight !-lt·da n . $:\ ~:i \VAXTED-('01\lPETE:-.;T 2~D )[AlD Charles H. Brethold I !t2S <'hn·~ Jtor C'r,a('h $filii .\Vhitt·. a in family. ~·innetka 2449. ('adilliH· 'ys:~ Cou 1)(· 56LTN49-ltc . $·150 1st and 2nd mortgages $;i~;-; 1!127 .t\(1\- . 4 dr . SPtla 11 $47:1 1!·26 .\rl\' . 4 dr. St·dn n \VA~TED AT O~CE - RELIABLE GIRL Insurance \\- t· · h :t \ ' f' :-: .. ,·,· r:tl ' 't lwr <·ar:-: Yan·ing for gent-ral hou~t> work. Family of 2. Tel. 65 54a l\lain St., Wilm ette in prkt:· f r n m -.' 70 up. Tt· l. Winne tka l7~:l. 56LT~49-ltc 30L17-tfc EXl'ER \YitrTE 2~0 MAID. FLORIDA 1~\· .\~STOX \\'intt·r-.:. C!t·rH'Of' sumnH'I'~. ForeigT 1 i :l:i BEXS(JX .-\\'E . pr('f. ii-40 ,~·a~hington A\·e., Glencoe WA'l'CilES ! 1 :: BJ~~~ · I{:-: :'\11r· · th ··r Oa\'i s "L" Station :n T 0l. ( :h·Il<'O<' 52. ~oLT~49-ltc HA!l - lt <' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATCH REPAIHIXG DO:\E DY EXp('rt. ·w atches <:leaned and adju~t e d . \\'TD. --<:11-tL. WHITE, FOR GEN. HSWK -t in family. ~o laundry. Ph. Wil H a H! your old mo\'t>men t put in a modnwttl' :;~1~1 :1. 56L49-ltc ern case. Paul Da \'ey, J < ' Weler. l1 65 Wilm e tte Ave. Ph. \Vrlnwtte 6. 34L35-tfc \\'TI>. --<'<l\11'. WJ;ITE ~fAIO FOR C:EN . :!~ 1 - .) Pa:-::-: . < '(IU Ill' h:-n\'lc Ht'l'. Ph . 'Yinnt:'tka 1748. · ~ .li-~ I lfJor !-ieda n :\1 · ~ ; $ 2'i 5GLTX49-ltc WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER ' :?1<--1 I >o11r !-11·dan ~ - fi $i2:i $ ~ 0cl · ~i - Bruu~ham Stodan WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF "'Hl'I'E ~I.\ rn. < :ENER.\L HOUSE $i\2:i ' :?l -:1 Pa ~· st·ll~\ ' 1' ( 'ou]w pocket watches and wrist watches. V\7 e \\·or!\, t in family. "rag-t-:-: $13. No $fi0() ':?li-j l'assl· ngt·r St'dan specialize in clock and watch repairwa:-:hing. Tc·l. '\Yimwtka 1205. $-1;)(1 ' :.?ti -·· Pas:-: . ::\la!'tt·r f) !-lt> dan ing. All work guaranteed. Mail orders :>6LTX4!>l-1tc . · ~fi Hr1 ·ugham St·dn n $:> 75 receive prompt attention. Dr. S. Rosen, $:)(\\) ·~;; j Pa f; ~('ng·~:·r Sl·dan optometrist, seen by appt. WTD.--Pn.\<'TI<'AL NURSE TO C'ARE $1;j() ' :?:i -Tt~uring· Standard li for in\'alid. Ph. '\Vilmette 1477. $12:) ·:~1 Tourin~ :\laster ti 56L49-ltc Ph. Wilmette 4516 'I'El:c\1 S : TIL\ I> I ·~ 1139 Greenleaf Ave. ( >P 1 :: :--: E\'E:'-\IXC:S .-\X ll S r·:'\ D.\ YS 34LTN38-tfc WA~TEI> EXP. WH[TE GIRL FOR -----------------g·t·Jwral hou~t>\\' Ork, no laun clry, near ('LOCK.' ALL )JAKES AND SIZES f~Jt.,·:rtc d . Rt' f. ;:i~O Laurel .\\'t' , Ph ~orth rPpaired hy exp<·rt. . ., locks called for "'ilnwtte :!:t7:!. ii6TA9-ltc \\' ilnwtte :l7i"ill and d e li\'<'l'Cd. PrieN; reasonable. Paul HA~-1tc Dawy, Jew ele r. 1165 \Vilmette AVl' . WHITE <ilHL 1·'<11{ c;E~. HSWK.; NO Ph . .Tennef:;!:' Phone Wilmettt' 6. :~ ·11..~6-tft· wa~hin~. 1 hlcwk to "L. 5oLT~49-ltc \'\'ilntdtf' HO:::!. (),ying- to the Reduction 111 Our XC\\· Cars H.EDL"CED X.\Slf CC). HL"ICl\:S I-I. GREENBAUM Shore Buick Co. :w >'landard 2 dr. :-:t·dan I !t:?R .A<hann·<l 2 dr. sc·dan, Tto~ ·< tl Pquiprnt·llt, !i win· whc·t: b I 'adillat' :-:t'llan \'ti:~ . f<l m ily 1':11' l:t27 ~:t :-: h ~a~h $::1:i $Sflll :li27~ FOR SALB UNTSPALLY PRT~TTY \\;-elsh pony ~uitable for child 10 to l 2, n· r~· n a~. 1 'h . Wilmette 4:~3 :t :~9LTN49-1tc \\'IHTI·: <iTHL Fill'!. <:E~ERAL HOOSE work, g·nod wagef;. Ph. Kenilwort1 20:i I . t;fJU. 5ta.. TX 49-HJ FOil <iEXERAL ll<WSEWORK § L_Llllb lill Iflb C811ID r~ ca1~ nn §~ll®~ 5·1!1 Unt ·tdn :\\·, .. \\' i 11 net k a ------"------------t·xp. ne~t rwt·t·s!'an·. 5 in family, nurse employed. Ph . K e nilworth 3671. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WHITE 56LT49-1tc Spitz dog, perfectly house trained, playful with children. Ph. Glencoe H50. 39LTN49-ltc :;; 11 EJ. P W .\X'l'ED-JlALF. 27117 PONY l<'OR SALE AT 1328 WIL!\lETTE AYe., Wilmette. 39LTN49-ltc 4LT~I!l - ltc 40 PROFESSIONAL STENOGRAPHY <'ht·\Tolet ~f'dl:w, 1927. .A-1 condition throughout, including 5 very good tir('!'. E:Xcell nt mechanically $265 OPE~ F.VE~T~Gf; A~D Sl'~D.AYS 4LT~49-lte I ~ake Shore ~1otor Sales 10.17 Chicago Ave. Old:-:mohile landau st>dan landau ~edan ...... . ':!S Oakland (·oach '26 Ponti::.<· <·ou1w :\IANY OTHERS FRO:\I '2R Oaldand ·~~~ - Rua your Waat Ad Ia Evaastoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. FOR SA LE-1!1:!!1 <'HEVHOLE'l' 2 DOOH ~ <~ dan . Thn·e month~ old . Only 2.~00 SECRET A RIAL, S T E N 0 GRAPH J C, Typewriting Services. Dictation in .iR IIEI~Jl W'J'U.-)lALF. & FEJL\LE milf·~. Prir(· $500. $2SO ca:-:11, halrur('e Shorthand or on Typewriter. Correct - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t(·rms. Ludwig- S<"lli'O<'dPr, 1154 SprUC'P, English and Punctuation. Fine PenW"inn<:'t!Ht. 4LT~4!l-1tp \~.\0J'rED manship. Manuscript edited. Services from 9 to 3 o'clock, by day or week: g't·nt>ra I rna id~. 2nd maids, cooks and PACKAHD- LAST SIX. :3 PASSI<:~CEH <"haufft· ur~ to place> at onct> . \Vhite or at your home or office, if preferrt>d. f;edan. PraetiC'all~· ne\'er used a<·eounf t·olot·ed . Woman of mature years, good social 1T~IYEHSiTY 9~4 of ~ieknN.;s. 5500 milt>s. Low pril'l· to <:;tanding, seventh generation AmermoYe. .:\fotors St' l'\'it·t·, Tnt·. Ph. WilGREJ<JNLEAF 61~0 ican ; business experience ; college XORTH SHORE EM~ AGEXC'Y nwtit' 2600. 4LT="'4H-ltc training. r.eferences. Telt>phone Win161li Sherman An~ . . Evanston, TIL netka 837. 40LTN48-3tp 58LTN49-1tC' FOR SALE PHESIDEXT STUDESF.RVICE BUREAU bakl'r 1n2!l modf:'l. Only run 14,000 mile:-:. H BUSINESS OPI>ORTUNITIES Ph. \Vilmt>tt(' 3971. 4IA!I-1lc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A l..L KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK, GOOD LOCATION, ESTABLISHED 2 repairing and remodeling done by reyrs. ; sell cheap. Cake Box, 825 Rldgt> ltable man reasonably, Call after 6 Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2327. 59L49-ltcP. M. 1\Ir. Rutar. Winn. 2480. 44LTN48-3te Y(W:"\t; ~f.-\ X 't\1 ASSIST AT SODA fountain in drug- store. Steady posi t ion. < ~ood hour~. Experience no nc ·<'('!":-:ary . .\dams Pharma<'Y, phon~ ·w inn(' tka 2. 57LTN49-ltc - -------·----------60 :-ll'l'F ,\ TIOX WTD.--FEJL\IJ E N orshore Catnera Shop "Home of quality printR" DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGn~·G EXPERlENCED PARTY ·w lLL CUT and make ~lip covers, reasonable. Ph. University 7055. 60IA9-ltp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilm~tte 3509. 60LTN43-tfp Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - 1145 Greenleaf Ave. \Vilmette 1676 44L49-ltc

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