Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMET T E ·. L I FE , l August 30, 1929 Highest Grade UPBOLSTBRING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Mattresses ·and Springs Macfe to Order In Cleveland, 0., an effort is being 11ade 1<l, e\·oh·e a plan for a si ~~ room ho\1~(· nf brick . anci tile which ..:a 11 be. built · for not more than $6.000. Kot that thi~ house can Haunt many furbelows. but that it can he well IHJilt. durable and ·attracti\'l·, \\·ith walls l)f burned clav pn'ldttcts i~ the t~pin iot1- of the Cfay league official.:;. and they have architects \\·ho al!rct· "ith them. Screen:- ,,·hich fl)ll are adaptable to almost all ~tdc:-. of ,,·inclm,· trim. AI\ plaster or , t~me jamb~, solid \\'POd or s'e mi-wood and plaster, and any uthcr, :t stem:-~. may bt so screened '\\'ith case :tnd sa ti ~iac tion. ------- Plan Brick and Tile House K retsinger Home on That'll Cost Only $6,000 Forest Avenue Sold. to Gibson of McCall's Hokanson & Jenks, Inc., have announced scyeral recent sales of propcrt ies in Evanston or w L r:lll s tonian~. Among th m . is the sale of the residence of ~-Irs. Frederick S. Kretsingcr at 1000 Forest a \·en'ue to Hamilton Cihson. This brick and stone residence uf iourtecti rooms and three baths was built bv the late Frederi ck S. Kretsinger. -one of Evanston's \\'ell known cit(zens, se \·cral year. ago. Tallmad.ge and \\.a tson were the architects. ~Irs. Krd singt:r will soon move to the Orrinoton hotel to Ii,·e f(lr twn months until :, he lea\·es for \\'inter Park, Fla. Ha111ilton Gibson. ,,·estern manager of McCall's magazine, ha s been a residt:.lt of I+\·anston since 1903 and for the la st' sixteen years ha · r(:si ded at -l25 Hamilton street. He expects to occupy the 1000 forest avenue l10use the first week in September. The attorneys in the transaction '"ere \\'illiam S. Oppenheim of Chicago, representing- ..Mrs. Kretsingrr, and Samuel Topliff for Gib~on. Hokan. on and Jenks also report the sale of the Clarence D. 1Iemph~ll property at 2202 Central Park avenue to Joseph 11. Larimer, formerly of 320 Lee street. Thi s re sidence is of eight rooms and t\\'o baths on a ~lo t 70 hv 150. Another sale of north ]·.vans- · ton pro;Jerty is the six ro om residence at 3016 Hartzell street from H. C. Crausnick to Harvey E. Larsen. The six r oom shingh: r esiden ce at .2748 Carrison street l1as be n con,·e ycd bv the Citv :\ati onal Rank and Tr-llst c~m1pany t-o \\'illiam F. ~~ oan. 1-f nkanson and Jenks were the brok l'fS in thi s . ale, and al~.() for the :- ixty · ioot \·acant lot at 2-l21 .\ta rn· an-InJe, \\'hich has been so ld 1)\· lfar rv S. l'hurrhill tn Joseph\\'. if uuld in~. Jr. Tn \\' inn ctka Hokanson and ] tnks report the sale of the se\·en-room :--hingle re:-~idence at 659 l.inc nln avenue bv Charles E. Law to 1\alph J. Foley · <·i ~30 Elm\\.Ol)d :tHnuc, Evanst<Pll. .\ Ck!ll'l)L' !-ale during th e last month j, till· nint-ruom briL·k rcsiclellce at <JlS Um pla re from ll o\\'ard H. 1-Iamm<;nd . .1r .. tn I .uther Dear hum, former!}· of 704 Hinman annttL', Evanston. H. G. LINDW ALL -----------------------------------808 Oak. Street Highest Grade (! pholstering Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 J U U W \ n -. I $ SKOKIE RIDGE 2 2 c::: c::= ~ 2 c::: c: ;;;; ~ c::: c::::: c::: c:::: = c::: c::: 2 :§ c=: c::: c:::: ~ .::::: 2 -=:: c::: c::: c:::: i c::: c::: ~ c::: i s - The carefully planned hon1e ts an interesting con1bii1ation of the practical and artistic den1ands of the individual. Atnple closet space, built-in incinerators, and exposures to give' the n1aximun1 in fresh ' air and sun light are a fe"v details that n1ake the French and Colonial hon1es well \\·or th your inspection. :§ c::: ~ c::::: c:::: c::::: .\ lt>t:t! ui only thirteen ln1ilding perI mit:-. ltll' imprl)\Tmcnh costing $111,300 i\':t:- th e p(lur showing iur the past thirty day:-. in \\.innctka. L':-pecially wlH.:n taki11g into cunsidcratinn that 01 ~ e ni thL· t\\'(l ne\r building ~ authorized, al11llc i-; !P rn:--t S75.000. The uther is 1?. D. Gordon Builds X75,000 Residence on Winnetka Site ~ .:::: 2 c:::: c:::: c:::: c:::: c::::: ~ c::::::: ~)(1,000. -== c:::: c::::: c::: :§ I ~ ~ c:::::: BAIRD 1071 & WARNER :2 c:::::: c::: c:: c::::::: c:::: c:::: SKOKIE RID<;E l)RI\'E, (;LE:'\COE There \\·ere f1rc permih inr altcra.$18.<,00 and six for pri~ \':ttl' garages costing $1,700. ThL· ~75.000 residence is being ncctcd In· Robert 1>. Cordon at 1345 Pri\·ate r~)ad. It is uf masonrv constrttctioJt. comprising lr> ronm~, two heated p(lrches and a garag~.·. The pt:nnit for the ~1 (>,O!HJ residence \\'as is-;nl'<l to C. Christiansen, \\'ho is building a t \\'0 ston· ira me and brick \·e nter hou~e, ,,·ith- heated porch and attached garage, at 1325 Scntt avenue. tioll!-> <'L sting . ..- ~ c::: a::: Phones: Glencoe 1554- Bt·iargate 1855 Sheridan Hoad to Park ..\,enue. Glencoe. West to Bluff Street. ~orth to Dundee Road and \\'est to Entrance. I ln ~an .'\ntonill, Tex .. it is now the custom to giH· a solid gold key to each buyn of a residence ('rected. hy the Equitable Building- company. :\(lt only is the lasting quality of tile a major rea son for its enduring popularity but its ease of cleaning is a strong point indeed which contributes to its wide favor. BUY HOME; GET GOLD KEY IIIUIIIiUUUUUUUIIIIIiUIIUUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IIillll\lliiiiiUUIIVUUUUVIIIMIIlUUIAIUUWUINUIIWIJIMIWWWVUINIIIMIVWWWII

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