Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 37

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August 30, 1929 WILMETTE · Temporary route-north over village streets. Illinois-1-Sht)rt detour at Western avenue and 75th street in Chicago around railway track elevation. lllinois-2- Therc is a 4-milc , detour in Dixon . Traftic <ktours east Oil Illinois-(> for 2. miles and then south 2 111ilc~ l'll an earth road to lllinois-2. I lllin ois-3 ( LS-2.0)-Detour in :\f elros~ P~ar.k. folio\\' 2.Sth ave~me ... south tn: t. Cll~tr~l·s :oad, \vest Oil St. Charl~s ro~d }< 1 llhnnts--l(), then north to lllt1 nots-J. lllinnis --l2- Detour in Fort Sheridan. Follm~· ma~ked_ detour O\'er Highwood and l·ort Shcndan streets. LIFE 3'7 I '-----------------.!I Hoa{l conditions in Illinois as reported hy. the Chicago Motor rltth iolln w: Cicero avenue is open hct\n'c n 159th :u id 183rd streets. ~Dixie highway is close<~, ht:t \\"ec 11 lJ<Jth and 183rd streets. Lempora ry ro ute-eas t on !59th to Halsted s trcd, :--o uth on Halsted to 1~B rd. \rest 1lll HUrd to Dixie highway. Dixie highway is closed het\\· e~:n jl>e ( )rr road and 11-lth s trel't. Temporan· Road Tips llf otor B riefs ·-----------------· There arc 17,000 people to everv car in China as compared to n,980 in .Russia, according to the Chicago M otvr Cluh. , Motorists of U. S. Spend Big Sum in Canada in Year United States automobile tourists spent $167,000,000 in visiting Canada last year, the Dominion statistician reported. This is $33,000,000 in excess of the amount thus spent in 1927. BIG HIGH WAY P ROJECT President Irigoyen, of Buenos Aires, o.t the total htghway funds, and coun- through the minister of public works, ttes expend 53 percent. is expected to recommend to Congress a gigantic nation-wide .road building Special motor vehicle taxes pay for program involving expenditure of ap36 percent of the annual highway bill proximately $400,0000,000 over a period of ' $1.500,000. ·of fifteen years. I . State autho!ities expend' 47 percent ... .. ..... rtl ttte-cast on Joe Orr r<>a<l t11 stc d street. south on Halsted tu 1 Hth . . trcet. '"' ~st on 114th to l~ixic high\\'a\·. Dixie high\\·ay is closed bet,n·cn thc :-=.outh,,·est high\\"ay and 79th street. 'l'cmporan· route- southwest 011 thl· :-=.outhwest hi.L.dm·a _ , . to 79th ~trn:t. ea~t ( 111 79th tn Dixie highwa~·. Con.· rnor's higll\\·a\· is under ron-.trurtiull het\n.~c n Richton Park and 1X3rd street. One hundred cightr-third ~treet i~ l' losc d hetwe~:n Ked~ie aH-mH.: and Dixie higll\\·a _ , .. 'l'e111porar~· rot .tc -:--llllth on Dixie high\\"ay to [llinni s -.trcd. east on lllinoi s to Dixit: high\ra r. north on Dixie high ,,·ay tn 183rJ :--treet. l{icgk mad i:, closed h<.:t\\·ecn Jloml',,·uod-Laltsing and Joe Orr road s. Tempuran· routc-~:a : t on Homnvoodl.ansing ruacl to Halsted street, south ("' llalsted to joe Orr road, west ' )II I o e Orr road to I<iegle road. Dund~e r oad is clo~ed bl't \\Tl' tl ~ton·r road and Dundee. Tempora:·,· ro ute-s 1t1t h on Bartlett road t<J H i. Lit.:ins road, north\\T:-.t on Higg·in:-- rPad t(l Dundee . l:: lgm - E,·atbton road i~ closed be- , !~' l'<:n Barrington road and El.g-in. l vmporan· route -~outll <.Ill Barrmg- 1 tun road to Schaumberg road. "est t ·ll Schaumberg road to Elgin. 1\ivcr road is clo sed bct\\"l'l'll Rand and Dundee roads. Temporary route !l()rtlml'st on Rand road tt) .ElJnhur~t road. north nn Elmhurst road to Dundec road, l'ast on Dundc~ road tl· l~in: r road . ~1il\\"attkcc avenue 1s under con"tr u'r tion but open to traffic hct\\"een Cl<:m·ie\\· and River roads. J Liggins road is closed hetm.'Cll l'um J,er land avenue and River road . Tl.' mpn ran· route-north 011 Cumberland to Devon avcnnl>, \\"Cst on Den.))) to II iggins road. Lake - Cook road is closed het\\"ccn \\"aukcgan and Huehl roads. Temporary route - south on \\'aukegan r(lad to Dundee road, west on Dundee road to Huehl road, north 011 II uehl road to Dundee road. La\\"renre a\·cnuc is dost·d hct\n: ~..·tl J{i,·er and :\f annhcim roads. Tcmporan· route-north O\'cr village streets. Dempster and Church strecb are closed east of ·M cCormick boulevard. Temporan· route - south on ~lcCor mick to ~fa in street, cast on ~fa in, then north over village strcd~ in Dempster and Church streets. · Lake a venue is closed between 25th a Yenue and :\1annhcim road. Tem. porarv rc~1te-south on 25th avenue to St. Charles road. west on St. C'h~rlcs to :\1 annheim road, north on ~1 annh~· im road to Lake a \·e nue . St. Charles road is closed het\rcL·n 10th and 5th avenues. MaY\\·oocl. Tcmporan: route - south ~wer Yillage 'I Ha~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ let us get your mr read.yforyour holiday trip· AR~ YOUR tires in good condition? Let us I check air pressure, wheel alignment, bruises, cuts-or anything which might cawe tire damage. Our service is thorough. Our men are efficientfactory trained. Our equipment is up-to-date. Put the responsibility of taking care of your tire needs up t9 us. We'll save you money and serve you better. When you need new tires we will supply the greatest of them all-the sturdy, reliable Firestones that hold all world records for safety, endurance and mileage-the finest tires ever built, and the most economical. For they deliver Most Miles.Per Dollar. SPECIAL PRICES 30x3% Extra 32x429x4,.4C 3Ux4,. 50 31x5.25 32x6.00 33x6.00 Other s:ze . .. .. ..... $ 5.00 .. $ 9.05 .$ 5.65 . . $ 6..30 $ 9.85 .. $11 .95 $12.20 pro porti 011ately low. 011r ~tn.·ets. Madison street is under C'llll~trurtiqJl hut open to traftic between Harlem and First avenues. First aYcnuc is closed bet ween H.on~ n ·elt road and Madison street. Temporary route-west over village streets. Harrison street is closed hetwc.:>n ~f annheim and Roosevelt roads. Temporarv route - south over Mannheim road to Roosevelt road, west on Roosevelt road to Harrison street. Washington street is closed between Thatcher and Des P laines avenues. Serviee_ lueludeB Tires ~nd Tire Repairing, Electrical Service, Car Washing · Batteries, Greasing, Gas & Oil Wilmette Batter~ 6. Electrie Serviee 140 Twelltb Street WUmette 691

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