Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 23

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A ug ulit .30. 1929 WILMETTE quartet wi ll be strengthened hy several promising looking ophomores who are expected to ·make a strong bid for. a regular p(1sition. Frank Baker was a regular flankman last season which was his first year. Other ends who \\:on letter: we-re Larry OI:phant. Ted Egbert and Don ~[assie. · .-\mon~ the snphomorl'S who shculd make a ercclitahk siHm·ing on the end squad arc Bob (~onya. Ralph Eylar, Ju h n J( r u it a n d Fred \\ · it z c 1. 0 f t hi s group Gonya app ears to · he ready to step into varsity en·ice. Hn\\'CYer. the loss of Tum \ ' erdell. one of the leading ends in the cnnier nee la st year, is certain to .be felt as he hac!. fc"· equals as a dciensi,·e player. The kicldleld situation rescd,·es itseli intn f1nding a successor to Holmer at fullback and Ln·is(m ai quarter. Lee Hanley. a soplwmore Ja:-;t seasnn. looks like the lng-ical successor to Lc\'ison because (lf his ddensiH~ ahilitv and . . plendid ionyard pas:-ing. · nu lh·rg-hcrm. a :--cniur ktterman. " ·ill prnhably :-.ttp into Hultner\ shuc. altlwu . !. !·h he cl 1l tS npt possess the triple threat ahilitv of the ).[oline youth. A t ~fuMe. a so.plw111orc '"h1) :-h~l\rccl con:-idl'raldr ahilit,· to smack tlll' line as a in·.;man. \\·ill ~tndouhtahh· :-<:l' :'t·n-ice at the i~11lhack po:-;ition a·lso. .-\ number ()i halihacks \\'ill he a\·ailahlc for first ~tring duty this fa ll. This group i:-; headed by Hank Bruder, ntH: o f thl' leading hacks in the coninl'ttn· la~t H·ar . Bill Caldrr\\'ood and Bill Griffin. ~eg-nlar halfbacks from last iall, \rill ag-ain l>e on the job. Among the out:-tanding tH:wcomers ior these pos itions arc 0:-~ Baxter. Bob Hails, J ame:-~ ()'~I ara and Sid Bernstein. Ilarn· \\" . ~fons oi 157 \\'ooclstock an·nur. Kenilworth bas r<.:turned irom Camp 0\\·aukanzc. Ontarin. Canada where he :-;pent t\ro 1reeks \rith his sun. Elml c)(l. The1· both \Ycnt out from ramp un a fin· da~· fishing trip. LIFE. 23 Replacing Holmer, Seven Other Stars, Dick Hanley's Job ~c,·entccn lettermen. seven of whom can he re g arded as reg-ulars. are amongthe sixt~· prospccti,·e cantliclate:-; of \'prth\\T:-;t rn ' uni\Trsit,·\ foot b a 11 team " ·Jw han· l)C.'Cn im·ited ll\· Coarh · Dick H;111ky to report fo r th.v upcnittl!· practice. September 16. Regul:trs. arllttllcl \\'h om Coach Hanky plan :; to C!l ii Struct hi s 19.2(} team, are Capt. Henr~· Anders o n. ~ltarcl: II enn- Bruder. \\'illiatn Caldn\\·c,od all(] .Bill (~ri!'tin, ktcks; Lee Hank,·. quarter: ~~ ilton Erick so n, center , at;d h·ank llakt:r. encl. l~eplarin .~· \\' alt Hnlmer. al l- \\·estern i1tllhack la st year. together \\'ith se ,·cn 11ther lettermen who are lnst through g racluatinn. ~:- causing con siderai>le rnnccrn on the part of the cnaching . . taff. \\'ith Holmer gone. the \\'ild cat t·k n·n \rill he dcprincl of one oi the :...:rvate:-;t kickers and pas se rs den·lnped i 11 t 11 L' c n 11 i cr e n c e i 11 n : c c n t Y car s. ( lther regulars gone arc "Yatz" ·J. L ·\·i:-oll, quarter; J n:>tin Dart. guard: 'l'l l ll1 \ 'nclt-11. L'tHl. and Frank ~inkier, Ilarn· ;-,: ~.·11 t a 11 d .I n h 11 H a z c n, tack k ~. · The:--t player:-. iur the 111\ht p;trt, tnu t he replaced by · :-oplwmore :natl'rial. the ahilit\· ni \rhich is still t1l he tote'd . ~L' \'l'r~d c1i tht:-c IlL'\\' men . . 111 1\\· promise hut their inexpL·rience is \\orryin .L! the st;d'f. (apt. Henry :\nc!LT:-'< 1 11 i . . the only rv:...:ular guard hack " ·hile all nf the first :-- t ring tack ks \\'tre cra~ed through <rrad uatinn. \\.a de \ \"tlOd worth. an end last year. is tn ht: mo,·e d mTr to tarkk and stands a tine chance of l:tncling a rr . t!,ular assignment. ~~,·ynal sophomore tack 1e ;tspiranb will tnake a strong hid fnr a fob . Thev i11rlucle !'au! J lutchinsnn. Paul Eng~ hrit:-en. Jack l~ilt:~·. Dallis ~fan· il and ClifT r-.:inder. Tbe first threl· oi this gr(n1p \\·ill an·ragc close tn t<>3 puuncls. \\"ith :\ndersnn holding do\\'n one , L!ttard position. the remaining po:--itions \\·ill resoiH· intn a determined fight anltmg a number oi candidates. Franci-, SulliY;Ill, a snphnmure last year. \\'ill he a strong contt'tHler whik severa l :-oplwnwres in JanH. ·s 1\\·an . . Art ~tnith. Jolin ~pivcy. Hit! ph Sherherg and \ ~<:urge Schoettle "·i ll he out ior a Do you know that ··· - are espec iall y equi pped to supply th e school equi pment as sugges t ed belo\\-. \\'l' Yuu " ·ill be pleased with the \\·ide assortmenb. hig-h qua lity atl<l reasonable pnres. Theme Fillers Notebooks Pencils Erasers Paste Rulers Paint Boxes Crayolas Compasses Ch~lk School Bags Penholders Ink and Pens Drawing Paper Slat~s .YOU NEED THIS SCHOOL ESSENTIAL t. ' .' ~ - $5 FOUNTAIN PENS, $2.39 Start uut tht· s1'110ul yc·ar uith ont· of tht· :oi t' aroml ltwkinar. t·a ~ )- writin ~ IWII S· Greenleaf 7200 630 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON · rs Wilmette 724 ... jill.) . The center pusit it)tl appears wl'l l fnrtificd \rith ~1 ickn· Erick--on. \'t:te ran (li two years' play: on hand. He stands out as unc of the s t ron .~ pi,·ot men in the conferenre t h is vear. Bub Clar k, a sophomo r e last yea r, is deve lopi ng rapid ly and "·i ll ma ke a ,-aluab lc uncler::.tudy. Sophomo re candidates include O ll ie l.nwn·. bro t ht:r of Tim Lowry, captain a n(l all -\\'t:Stc rn cen t er ~c\·cra l years ago. and Harnld \ Ycldin. Fou r Yarsit\' en ds, one of whnm was a reg ul ar last yea r , wilt r eturn. Th is So popular w~ve doubled the 1allings! And we've · added 4 new porta ··· with all the usual placet. All expenses, 73 daya, from $900. Sallinga, from New York, Empre$! of Scotland, Feb. 3, Bmpreu of France, Feb. 13. Round the .. Fitted Ove·nigbt Cases Special at $15.00 $17.50 $22.50 WU~L()· Cruise Jewelled eventa round the &lobe · ··Madeira' I fairyland Ball, Chrlttmu ln Bethlehem, Cairo' 1gay NewYear' a J!ve, and 10 on. 'lbl1 year, 3 new 'Ianda, maldn1 81 o... 10rgeout place1. "DreamManqeo thlp" Emprea of AUitrcdfa s~ from New Yofk Dee. 1. Slaort 13' daya, u little u $2000. Coftltdc ~r localqnt. ., and $25.00 R. S. EL WORTHY, Steamship General Agent, 71 }~ . Jack son Blvd., Wabash 11.0-1, Chicago, Illinois. ·~iAw!-1. l5T t8Se 2~~ CHICAGO Canadian ~··~ ::=rc~O ·&C::

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