Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 21

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A ugust 30, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE. 21 THRIFT .HOUSE CLOSED Follow Historic Trails in Jaunt But It Will Open Again' Sept. 3 for Through Kentucky Visiting Nurse Sales (Contributed) Benjamin A. Polzin 'and his son, Frank, of 1027 Central avenue, \Vilmette, have just returned from a 900mile. trip into Kentucky and adjoining· states where they visited the principal points · of historic interest. Thcv entered Kentucky hy way of Cincit1nati going directly to Boonesborough, site of the fort built by Daniel Boone and his companions. From thence they journeyed to Frankfort, state capital, last resting place of the great frontiersman and rich in relics of the early days of the common,,·ealth. At Lexington, center of the blue grass country, they Yisitcd the scenes associated with the life of Henry Clay. An opportunity was also afforded. to see Man 0' \Var. the wonder horse. Southward to High Bridge for a few hours, then westward ho. At Hodg-enville the party, accompanied by Judge Otis ~r. ~1 ather, an authorit\· on the early life of Lincoln, visited the log cabin in \Yhich the great emancipator was horn, and \rhich is now enclosed hv a magnificent memorial. Perhaps 1;0 other -.pot makes such a powerful appeal to the imagination as this. That nig-ht ,,·as spent in ~f ammoth Cave, colossal . uhterran<_;an chasm, which has inspired ,·isitors with awe for more than a century. After a day's rest at Louls\·ille, pause wa s made at Lincoln Citv Incl .. where Lincoln's mother lies hu;i~d. A great edifice is soon to be erected there by the Indiana Lincoln association. ~ew Harmony on the Indiana side of the \\'abash river was a rcvelat:on in \\·hat may be accomplished hy cooperation and good will. This communit,· \\'as originally founded by the folk)\\~e rs of George Rapp as an experiment in communism. After the decline of the l~appites it \\·as taken over h\' Hobert Dale Owen and his associates. Today it is an attractive little place, intellectually alert and functioning- on the basis of indi ,·idual initiati,·e and enterprise for the comlll.L1n \Yelfare. Trail's end is reachl'd at Spring'f1eld. One ah,·a vs gds a thrill in g·azing ahnut the. r<llllllS oi the old Lincnln homestead and to JH)te the many marker:-; about the city rccurding the ~trugglc oi the )'lHlng Illinois la\\·yer tll u1Hh·ing fame. :\ pilgritnage tt1 the t0mh <~i t:inCllln completes the jt1ttrnl'y and r<.:lllinds m again th<.tt tt) he cn:--hrincd foreH'r in the hl'art-> and mind:; tli men is true immortal ity. Shelves of Thrift house at Evanston, quite "·ell cleared during the recent sale, arc now undergoing a thorough cleaning which is their due annua!ly, and the doors wilt open again to customers Tuesday morning, September 3. · It is open all this week while the house cleaning is in progress to receive contributions of all its friends in order that the stock may be built up again by the time of the reopening. Every department is in need of new articles, though the most depleted of all is the household goods section for which furniture of all kind.s is askedall kinds with the exception of dining room tables since there are several in stock. There is now in this department a piano which, the management says, will be a good buy for the right customer. The Visiting- X urse association especially asks its friends to turn in what goods ·they have to Thrift house since Se-ptember is to be its bonus month. ' Mrs. J. P. Grier, Yice president, is heading the Thrift house organization since the resignation of Mrs. Theodore C. Keller, and will remain in charge until October when the annual meeting will be held. The housecleaning is progressing under direction of Mrs. F. Lippens, general manager; Mrs. Reed, head of the millinery section; Mrs. I~ice of the clothing; Mrs. A. E. Phillips of the gift and Louise Grey of the shoes. Have You Heard SCOTT WORLD ~ s RECOR.D CUSTOM-BUILT RADIO This laboratory product is so many years ahead of ma ss-production, factory-built radio there is no standard by which judgment can be made. You must see it hear it, tune it, to realize that which words cannot describe. Demonstrations by appointment- at your leisure- in private, and you will not be asked to buy. The telep hone number is Greenleaf 221 o . -· SCOTT RADIO SALON 636 CHURCH ST.· EVANSTON · CARLSON BUILDING The fine things · a \~~ ~~ 1j(i- are hand made l;~o 1 'W 1. W INS DONKEY AT FAIR :\f r. and ~{ rs. Arthur E. Ruff with th1:ir two children, Gordon and Carol, ha\'C n:t urncd to their home at 13.20 :\I apk a \Tnu<.: irom an extcnsi,·e motor trip to northern :\lichi~an and back I>\· \\'a,. oi Toledo. Cincinnati. and th<; :\iamn~nth Cav<.:s, Ky. Their t\\'O small boYs, Hmrard and \ Varrcn. wilt return nc~t \\'cek irom Stoney Lake camp in :\1 ichigan. The former attended a . rnuntn· fair near Shelby, ~I ich., and <.:lltLTctl a "grcasc<l pole." contest. which h<.: \\'on and receiHd a live dunkcy. Thco B. Robertson. with his son Thco ~~~: .f'~~ y;;' , Priced from $400 to $8000 ... B. Hobert son, ] r., of 215 Fourth street arc ~pending s~\·cral \reeks in Toronto, Canada. :\1 r. Hohertson's former home. His daughtL·r, Henrietta, with ~Irs. ]. B. nerndt and :\f iss· Dorothy Berndt df 1501 Central avenue left Sunday for \ iagara Fall~ to be gone about a week. -0- Glf'iS OF' ENGLiSH CHiNA· .\ngus and Ian Steven. ·ons of l\.1 r. and :\lrs. I. :\ngus Steven, 1.2-l Broad:\lr. and ~Irs. Hubert E. Holdo\\'ay \\'a'; an:n~. ha,·c returned from Camp and their daughter, ':\fiss Ruth, 72.3 llighlands, Plum Lake. Sayner, \\'is., FMest avenue, returned on Sunday \\·here they ha\·c been since the middle of July. from a three mcmths' trip abroad. ROCK CRYSTAL.ORART LAMPSNOVELTIES ... SILE DTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BUI\NEI' By actual comparisons, SILENT AUTOMATIC will do what no other oil burner can do. Make us prove it! See a demonstration- Ask our users Evanston Show Room 162o 625 N MICHIGAN AVE Chica~ 17 DAVIS STREET Evanston Hubbard Woods Show Room SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf .of 821 goo LINDEN AVE. Winnetka 650 Greenleaf 700 TATMAN A Recognized Authority on Cor,rect Table Setting·

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