Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE August 30. 1929 Fire Chief Zibble Returns From Trip Through Six States Fire Chief \\' alter Zibhlt- and hjs . l)Jl lll)ward returned on Tue . dav night irom a motor trip through six statesIllin ois. Inwa. \1 issouri. Kansas, Ne1 hra . ka. and (\)ll rado. ~lr. Zihhk· drove to Dem·a, Colo .. h_ , . ,,·a~· oi Kan sas Cit,· and Smith l'l·ntrr. Kas . His mother. . \lan· E. Crabtree. ancl hi:-; ~i:- ter.~frs ~1 r:-. I I. Fishn. (lj Clencoe. I WINS SENIOR SINGLES M. Stockton Downs . F. W. Holter in Last Match of N. T. T~nnis Tournament ~f. Stockton defeated F. W. Holter (1-2, (>-3. {,-2, Sunday, August 25 in the last match of the . tennis tournament that has been under way for several weeks at the ~ew Trier High school · · f G l-1 courts under the directton o J, · Flaningam. Stockton thereby wo n the and ht.' r so n. arcompanil'<l him as hr scninr singles championship. as the l<.ttcr place. ~Jrs . Crabtree had \\'inners in tiH· other sections oi th e nnt been tt) Smith Center. ,,·hich is tournament v.·ere: hn ~) ld iamih· lwmc. ior fort ,·-one Junior :-inglcs-C. I.. Darling, Jr., of \"l'ars . \\ "i lml'ttl'. In the tina! match of the After lea,·in_g Smith {'l'nh·r \1 r. Zih- juni~)r singles tuumament, Darling won hll· and his ~on continued hl· automo- thL· hardest hattie oi the t:·ntirc med bile into Colorado. where tht.· _ , . spent irom · \lar:-.hall lhtdle,-. of Kenilworth, t"·" daYs ,·isiting sct:nir Jll)ints ncar in tin· uphill . c· s. 1-f>: 2-f,, (1-2, 7-5. and Dl·nn·r. On the n:turn trip to Chi-· 13 - 11. ca(!:n the\· picked up the remaindn c1i Bu_ \ s' :-illgks- \"l'd Levison, of \\'illtheir partY at Smith Center. Kas. lll"ll,a. \\"Oil in thre~: straight sds, (>-2, 7 1 1 'I r. z·11 .\ .1 > l I c te II s a t a I e (I ,- IW\\ . tl l~' r>-.1, 1 1-,,, over 11. ~,.. ~....,ttc II ow. a Iso o t. \\'" 111tt·mpnatttrl· rt·arhl·d I-tO whilt' he \\"a~ netka. driYin .~ o,·er tht ht)t Kansas plains. I unior doubles - C. L. I>arling. Jr., IlL· ~ tate~ that hl· l'IIC(llllltered good an-d Bill (~ibsun. both l)i \\'ilmette, \\"Oil · .. I ea\'lng · \:u·1 . lmal - . 1\l,ltlh . . trom · 1 rna< l s (lll mo:-t ol· t 1J(' tnp ' VI- th<. ~~ - 1 ~us.. sc·II . \· .\ " 1mt:tte Monday nwrning, August 1(). mctte, and .\1. Dudley. "l'llil\\'orth alH)llt -t o'tlork the part,· \\"as in Kan ' _ . sa~ Cit\·, f'a" ·· the L'\Tning of tltc ()-2··. <J-i. _(,- !. . . :1llll' daY at ') tt\·lnck. ha\'ing cn,·en:d ~txt} -lin· dtdlar:-. worth t!l pn~es a di:-tancc oi nwrl· than fin· hundred ha\·L· _hL't'l1 ;twar_ckd tu tilL· ranous \\"111milt'~. ~ 1 r. Zihhle':-. total mileage inr llL'rs 111 thL· tl'!llll~ t o unl:tlllc~lt. Racqu~b tilt· trip wa:- rlo~l· tu thrn· tlwu~<tlld and racqud lralllo \HTl· gtn·n. to """·1·1 1 m·rs and rtllllll'r-up~ . respel'tl\"l'h· !il 1 - - - - - -1111 C:i. I l . . I . . . I l I · -thl·. HI-'":" ~~ng t.> Jtlllll?r ~tng t·~. an( H sefeathers Win Title 1 American Travelers ee ~tllgk~. l·.arh PI th<..· t \\"l) hoy'\ or . . . . " . " Th e en · .at ews e t u~n I ~l'll!(ll' \\lw 111ade up thl· ""inning- d~nthk" .; tn Playground Games Eruption of Crater Htlo From Canadtan Rocky Trtp I team n-cei,·L"d a_ racquet _iramL· . \\.it~ - 1 The llorseieather won1e!1's At.hlettc I .:\li~s. Helen Fraser, daugh~er oi .:\lr ~tr. and ~Irs. Ben H. ~lathew :-. 319 llLT:o. \\t.'fL' pnmtttL·d to PKk uut thL'I:· te:.tl\1 added the sixth stratght Ytctory and ).{_r ~. George Fraser, 64:> Ahhutt . . 1-::-:-l'X .rl)a<l. KL·nil\\"o~th. spe~lt three O\\ II racquet~ and irames . .., in ..kag-ue competition sponsored b~· ~he iord road, _ 1-.:t.: nil\\"orth returned <Ill weeks 111 Aug-ust maktng a tnp to the \\ tlml'llt.' Playground and Rcrn·attcm .\l o.nda,· ot thts \\"eek from a t\\·o t "anadian H ()r kie~ . Tht\' \\"t'llt ((l r a:-- Kenilworth Residents hoard Tue~da,· (.'\"Ciling \\"llCll they an- month s' trip to Honolulu. .:\1 i~ ... !'l'r Park. :tnd n~any 1\thn )1~:\l'l.; tlf E . . f nexed . the. \\~tlllll'll's playground. ball Fra ser_ an~! h.er aunt. ~1r s. E. C. Rap ~ 11\ll'rl':-t tl!nt" . ~ l'lllll that Jllllnt tlt~·~ nterta1010g or ISJtOrS rhamptunsl11p. ]Jal, lt:tt l-.:en1hrorth about the fir:-t () I .\1 r. and \1 rs. E. J o hn Hirb, 2-tl The \\· inner~ ddcatl'd ·the st r nng July; going llr st to Banff and LakL· " ·e11t !11 .\Ja . . ka. taking- a ))(lat tr~p frntll \ · a_nrt~ll\"l'r ior ail'_"" ~_lay:- up i_nto \l~~~~(h·~- ..~t\L'Il~le~ ~~·~Jih~- ~~~t-h ha\l' as 1 Huughnerk tl'am hy one run after the !~<mise, \'a11~om:e r~ \ ' ictoria: . -~tattle .-\b ~ka ctnd thl'll to l:Ltnlt and l..tke th(:tl g ~t . . tot tht~ "~:k . .\1 r . and 1~am was ready to be called hecatt'il"' J c1ncl then on t_o San Frat~Ct!'CO. On I.uut:o.L'. They retur11ed home :\ug-ttst .\lr~. ()d l) <h\"L'II ot \\ 111ter H< l\:en. ni darknes" . The \'ictnn· upholds the · July 13, they satlcd. on the S. S. .\lalt \22. Tl!l·ir t\\'ll children. Cl'rtru<k and Fla. ).Jr . and ~Lr:-;. 0\\'l'll "ne tor - I rernrd ior thl' Hnr sdea.ther~ of ha\'- l to ior Honolulu. \\·here they · werl· tlw Ben. \\ "h(\ h~H· been at camp thl' t·n- Jllerly iru111 Kenil\\"orth. ~t'\" L'ral twr - : in~ \\"()IJ en'n· ch;unpimhhip aYail- ! huu~e g-tH :-ts ui Lieut. and ~lr~. John tirt.· -,unltnn. will return thl' end ~pns, fril·nd_:-; oi .\.I~ . and \l~~· thH'll, 1ah,k to \\"Omen. in the hi:,tnn· oi the i Spiller. ().Irs. ~piller is the inrn1t·r thl· \\Tt'k. The iormcr has ht'l'll tP are cntertatning th1s \\Tl'k t( 1r tlE·n1. . Pb\""T()lltHI and Recreation h~)arcl . I Ha.z.rl Fraser). \\' hile ~rr~ . Rapped Camp Snll~:tdc\\"in, nn Lake \\'illough - On ).1unda\· ).1 r. and .\1 r =-. (~l't.)rgc ~ ·.,..., er,. I and ).1 iss Fraser were in Honolulu 1 1 1 11 bY, \ ' t., ~\"hilc the latter has ht'L'tl _l o11es ui 1-.:~·nilworth entertained at a ,tnL:lll'S or t_H)~· glat el\\ ~ · ( ' ) ! thn· \Yitnt's~ed the crll11tiun oi the · . , .. 'l · . . · '[ I 'I 0 ~ Htii'St'lt ·atllt·r!-1 (' ~(1\lg lllt·l'ns ., · . .. l :-PL'll<lln .~ th~· ~lllllllll'r at· Duke l 11ld ~ <1 1111\tr t·>a rty lor ·' r . an< ·' rs . . \\"til. Hildut· \)ttst· l.l!naint· .Jann··s crater "Htlo. On Augu~t 16. t 1L'Y ramp in (' a nada . \lr. and ~1r:-. . Tue~day l'\"t.'nin).!". \lr. and \frs. Harry 1 Eil~·~·n S<·hmidt .\n11a Fit·gnn :--tarted ior home on the sa me :-t<:amn, \lathe\\' haH' :-pl'llt thl' pnil)(l he- \"!:-- . . ering- had a dinner party also in I Pt·g·g-y g, .·ts :\aonJ i ~·t:i<'· : :tnd after a iour day vi~it in San Fran. . Ilt:· nnrt I1\\l'l':--t I t I1_~· 1.r 1WIHlr. \\' ecI no< Iay. ., 'f _.- ~. 1' r I111 J.'lsil' Patl' l'SOll llorutll\" ~lllilh . . I ,ns .>n~ck~. \ tw<..l'l'lll t 1 .J\·Ir return_ 1 r,t tll\ t :.. .o :(:ttr Hy··r~on J:uby · a,·tmann rl--rt_, <li_HI 111 thn· n:tllrtlvd 11 1 1 atH t lL' rl'turn ul \.rl'rtruc1 l' atH 1 ·l'll 1 1tl' .:s \\a~ 1 10stess at a 1lrt( gc 1tlllC 1 1- 1<;Ja<h·s F.·hh-n t·: lt ·:tnor Phillips to 1\.cnth\·orth. irom camp. at their farm \\hirh i~ lo - l etHl in lwnm l)l ).Irs. 0\\"en at the . Ht·tt\· :\t·lson \"··ra .l·tllllsiln ---l·:ttl·d at Pithtield. Ill. ~ti~s Certrude I ~knkiL' Countr\" club. while nn that l l·:~t-aiJtll' l:;tdt ·liff,. MOTHER DIES . . \f \\ " · \\' innifn·ll:-'\'lntbt·rt Kl··i tt 1.· · \1 r s. ..v '1 am1 \\til l'lltl·r hn _~t.'CPIH) yl·ar at l~()~'Cl' - l'Yentng-, . .\I r. · and .v~r:o;. L'tS~ . a1 so 1 .\ugusta r rtL'IlC 1 ~ o f ·' e 'f ·' L"a l' 1 1atn . had a dllllll'r party h)r till· ,· t:-tt(lr~ . (~a:-que. ionnerlr of KcnihH>rth. llli'.'. llllll'l' ~rhtll d thts fall. ()n l"rd:l\· \lr . and \lt ... Frank . . . ,. . (I -· ·. rc~idin~ in Lon(lot_l. England. "_ill ;,L. Drayer Named Manager of I ('I.L'l'"-lllil :_~ .- ~~ i 1·: ,· an~tl \II , l'll t l'rt:t ined \II ~·~ H l k II lulll.... ~)II (I rL ~II\\ ood 1 1-!.'rtt\"ed to h:arn ol the ckath (ll ~~ j ' ..... an·nue. \\.innetka. \\·i ll return the mid- Casque\ mothn . .\Irs. \·irgini:-. \ 'anB I"ll s, nc., on Nor th Shore <d a l'lllllr tt~r -thl'lll. - - -- - - I dk l)i ~eptt.'tllbl'r l(l Carll't<ill C~llleg\ :-.ant oi Seattle, \\'a ·h., formerh · ui Chi TO BE I~ WEDDING PARTY in .:\linnesnta . ).Ji~~ .:\lary ),)\\" an< L<l,l.!"\.). ).!'rs. Gasque is in Se;tttlt and l'larl'lll'l" Drayer. oi \\'ilnll'ttL', \ "in· Prt·:--idl'nt oi .Bilb Rt·;dty. Inc. ha · \li~~ Jkkn ~~~utl!\\· ard. daughtl" til \li~~ Phot.'he Tuell s \\ill al-.o retu :-n. \\·ill he in Kl'nihr o rth in September bchn·n appt1i111l"d lll<tll:tgn lli it..; north ! \lr . and \lr:--. Charle s F. ~l)lfth\\ : trd. -oiorc her rtturn tc) Londo n. Hell·n ).[r :;. . ('~h~1rL· art·a. arrt,rding- tt) :llliHittlll'l'lllt.'ll! · 30tJ <hillrd rt)ad. Krnih,·Prth. \dl t' h;t~ . }.Ji~s . Cates. daughter (lf \\'il). f r. and ).I r s. L e ~ t e r F. na 11. I 1t<J . 1· 1>_, · i> .-~.· . . )( · 1~· 11 1 J' · 1ll'l'll ~p~· 1H 1111g 'l am- 1.. 1 ·. ,.ul'~. 723 Eighth street. .. . I Ll,l( t.: · . \\. . 1'11"11 ~tIL' ~ummt-r at ·' . Central a\·cnue, will return tC~nwrro ,,. ) "1)1 acJng · 'I )) · t · · ,. mdte. w1 11 entl:r 1 1er sop 1 wmore 'ear 1 ~t" 'll' 1 ;ut.;. , .\r . r:tnr 111 .~en ·: ra. ·ltth I.Pd~l· 111 tl'l\1\\ . II 1 t · t 1 irom Camp 0\\'aukanze, Ontario Cana · IP \nll · rl'turn· 1 · 1H'r ,). , \I h:-. at. ~\\art llliL)rC co ege ' t 1 lt.' at cr par r l 1argl' PI· t 1Jt· lltn·t 11 ·I :- Jpn· :trl'<.l !:' lllllll' ~eptl'lll . · 1 da, where ~f r. Dall has been as:-i:-ting hl'lp rarl' 11ll 1 rl· ackqu:tll' ly ior our ~~~utlt,,ard i . . returning a littk ahrad PI :--L'p!L"Ill 1>er. )..!l"ll\\ in~ ll\J - illl"~ .... " . . ;tid \1 r . nilk "\\'c l lli tillll' Ill he l)ll~' tli thl· hrilk~lll:tids 'L l -:,._ll(·'.. 1 ~11 .:\Jr. Childs. · .\ r · 'illH · .:\[r" · -o:1rc c-,t;tll]i,'till!..! :t l.!l' lhr;il rr :d e . . ta L' at tiH· \\"L'ddill:!. lli Olll' ui hn "'l'htll)l. I Thlllll\l:'(lll, I · I'll ,) .\1 r. and ).1 rs·. John C. Carpenter and 1 an·nuL·. "·1t 1 t 1e1r c 11 < ren 11 aiH · ·. · · "1 and tll\"c~tlllL'llt hu:-tno~ 1.111 the north : natL·~ . \IJ:-. . . llazl·l ~tn·L'II'\, ul· l·.· 1m - 1 · · , '('I · - tl 'l'l . · " l·' lllrst, 111 .. wIll 1 b · tt > 1>e tnarrtl'( · 1 to i {' <llH 1 10111J>SL)l\ . 1 (1· ~ Iwrr UlH Il'r l"tl t~r< IJIJ:ttL'( ll'l'Ctll)ll. Tl·' 1r. · S · 1a ter. k i lH1la~ 1 iamily, 2.N Essex road, Kenilworth, Tlte Hijl--. lm·~.. ~>liirl' h at 164<) 1 laml'" Danlt', a · graduatl' 11i ~(1rth·k WlllJl~lHI._ 1 cit t 1 liS ~'·,<.: c · ntr t ll' \\·110 ha ,.e been spending the ~utnmer 11 in \'irginia. will return to their home ·1 Jt'rH · 1an n ·ac J . \ · t'. ·' 'I :ur., · Land. 111 · t1 . unt· ,·er:-tt · y. , 'l'l ll' 111arnag~· · ut nPrt 1 1ern ·' tnnc:-o a. :--ll' 1\\ l :-.tern wt·11 a · l· t'l'"Hlll _...=::::....::::.=:::::::::.::.....:=-:::::::= ~C!HC'lnhc-r 5. ' .\li l <tl.u.~·~ li 11 ilthq..!. I hl' Pll ~t.'pll' lllht'r i. \li:-~ ~Lltttll\\"ilrd r -o\\iii rt ·tur n to :\urtll\\"l'~tem this n· ;tr ECONOMY SHOP ).1 i;-;s Yirginia Belt, 202 Abingdon .\Jr . . . l· d\\ill l:luth:m 1 t. -tL' l·: ...... l"\ tll entn hn St'tlitll' \"l'<tr in thL· ~r-IJOol j Ec()nomy ~lwp. a charity and weiroad. Kenihrorth has gone to ~tone rP:td. l~l· nih' t rt h. l"lltl."rt<tilll'd at a I ()i ~pcl'rh. . Lake. \\'i s. , to be the house guest for tare t:nterprise spon~ored hy the - - -J,.-i,:l'l' lul t l h t · <~Jt 1111 .\londa,· Pi tl1i . . l O\'er Labor cia,- nf ~Iiss Pauline Ro,·\\'oman's C'Iuh uf \\'ilmettl'. sends in \\~tk .~t ~ 1 ;t\\tl~l." l'totlntry ·l'luh. ~Jr., . J-:ch,ard 1.. l'oenig. l·:lni\Yo ~) d rom uf Chicago. a pka ior mMc arl!cle~. It read~: - P an lltll', L'ntertainl'd at three tables oi -oPlea:-,c send us something to sell. .\1 ;11· _, Fl.~rt·t J n· 1-.:lll." lli!..! h;h rdurtll·d l1ridg-e un \\'ednes(lay in honor nf her Ciycle P. Ross has returned tn his Our stock is getting \-cry low anJ irollJ a 11\t· llltlllth·-' ~tay in Detrdit. .,i~tL'I, ~Irs. Fd,,·ard H. Toepc!L)f Dehome in Kenil\\'orth from Canada \\ e need everything. Just send us ~!i rh. ,tt tl!t· LtlllJl· t'i hn aunt. ~tr::rPit. \lirh. where he went to visit his son, Carleall\·thing for which you ha,·e no hh' ani T tll"!JL·l. -0ton, \\"ho is at \Yilfred C. (Duke) iurther use. \\'e will call for the - 0~lr:-.. Jlarry ~- 1\.lein L'nt-.-rtained Child's ca111p. articks if it is not convenient fo:.\lr. . :\ul'u ~ t Flia~ oi Crl'gury ;t\t.'llllt' this week \\·it h a bridgt' luncheon in -0yott to bring them to the shop. Te Itclltertaincd i(lr \I r .... Ed\\·ard T ol'pl'l ni hPnur tli .\1 rs. lluckestt.'ttl'r of C'olum~fiss ).latilda Spak of 1-WO Isabella phone \\' ilmette 1 5-t-t. Dt'troit \\ith J. !>ridge luncheon at ht~:-., 0., and ).{ r:-.. Edward Tot.' pel of street left Thursday for a vacation a~. l\· 1rs. Jesse B. Denman, chairman. \\'ilmettt Coli duh on Tm·~day. Detroit, Mich. Elkhart, ~'is. · ":Jw 1 . Xorth shore residents have a habit of going to northern \\ is~~nsin ~shing Robert Blasdell is the new village grounds, and every ambttlous fisherchampion horseshoe pitcher. He won man look s forward to the day when his title last Tucsdav c\'cning when hd, shall bring in his first "muskie." he turned in a score of 476 point s for Rece.ntly Dr. George A. Allison, of the ~~e season. just six points more than \\'ilmette Baptist church, ventured out " 1 · · '1 Tom I hur shy. ast years runnerup. 011 Pelican Lake in company wtth ., r. was able to pile up. . and ).frs. 11. E. Reid, north shore real'fJ1 ,"' tottrnament was 11la_ , ·cd on a tors. Thev were not looking for lots, J basis of 85 games. for each · conte~tant I but were intent vn catching the proand the winner' s final score represented ,·erhial first "muskie." the total points made in all the games \\' hile casting leisurely Dr. Allison he played !luring the tournament. di~corered that his line had suddenly 1 john Schmidt finished in thir_d P.lace Jll~ecomc tangled. H~. t~1_£ast~n.c~ t\1~ 1 ~ 1111 mg lC cou with -tri8 points and was followed by rel'l from_ the poe, Emil Salzman and Rollin Simonds ,.,.·ith untaugle tt m ore ~ll~tckly, and handed 451 point s and 446 points respecti,·ely. thL V?le to .\Jr. Retd. Rollin Simonds ,...-as last year's cbam:\ ltttle tug on the ta~1glc and the pion. · I line became taut. A ~c,,. on:rha11d The scores ni the ot her contestant:- llntllls and ta lifishhctame into the picture. 1 fi ncL · 1 roun< J· - · t Dr. >egan g · the fish a:-. ht.:st h<.: ~1ua J"fi 1 ec1 f or ~1e :- ctre. Allison 1>la,·ed l·.d Cramer, . QS, Fred Prochno,,·, 3-t9. . I r M p ·l p 1 1 Kl'1 1 P7 ~lark Simonds If could with the loose me. · r. \.CI< -~rno ! :1g~~liei>e: 251·. ;lid cl:nrg: I grabbed the oars at!Hl "Pl:1 111ed }oDr :-h,olrl~· '"]' hur:-. _ . ?Jl . .\:-. tht party IS anu r. -' !1 )), I. tl . r!ltarc<. I caran the boat madt.: 'l r:.mt'I ~ l I \ 11 K r I I ~Oil gut lC 1:-. 1 11 ' · ' ·a _zman an~ : rno < at<.' )l', lungL· ior it. and iaskned his fingers members ot the men s_gym class .s<:con_ .t it gills. Jumpin!! I d I)L'llt·1 ~ int > the 1u tram. _w01_1 the dou . s. ch~mpwns 11p lake, he struggled to shore \\'ith the ll\· dcteat111g the ~cht.J_eHier s Rootery "nnbkie," splashing and dripping, but tram cnmpo:-;ed ot \\til and Herbert triumphant. The fish measured forty~rarqq:trdt. une inches. Robert Blasdell Is Horse.s hoe Champion; Tom Thursby Second Wilmette Minister Spears a "Muskie" in Wisconsin Lake ... . . · I ° 2s's.p I _,.. s B H M h R I I v· . 1 ,,i 1 1 1 1 1 --· 1 J 1 I I 1 I ,· I 1 : : : . __ _ .. 1

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