1.? WILMETTE AT WESTMORELAND LIFE August 30, 1929 .Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tuells, 900 Entertain Three Boys · Greenwood avenue, \Vinn. e tka. and · Prior to Trip Abroad · ~iven at \\'l'~tmorcland Country club their three daughters, Phoebe, Ruth and Helen, have motored cast to visit Steadman \Viilard, son of Mr. and .~aturday l'n·ning, :\ugust .31. Dinner \\·ill he ~t'rved at 7 :30 o'clock and ~tr. Tuclls' parents. Mr. and ~lrs. ~~ r s. Edgar Stevens. 330 Abbottsford Frank Tuclls. They expect to he gon~ road, Kenilworth will join Bruce Hul.\lonzo J. Coburn, 915 Linden ;:.tYe~pamer "ill prm·idc 111\btc ftH. the two weeks . h<'rt of Kenilworth, and Jack Hamilton nue, \Viln ette. observed his fiftieth .dancing-. of \\'innetka on their European tour. anniversary of active service with The three young men will sa il on the ~~ arshall Field and company Momlay steamer Alhcrtic of the \\'hite Star of this week. He entered the employ Line :\ .t.Kltst 31. They will spend Fri- nf Field, Leiter and company, pre·rla,· of thi s week in i\ew York as the decessor:- to the present firm. as a gu.est of one of lack Hamilton's school cash boy, and worked up to his pr·esent chum from the ·Cnin~ rsity of Pcnnsyl- position as head of the domestics de-. vania. Steadman \\.il.lard graduated partment. in the cla~s oi '29 from \\"iJtiams college. ~Jr. Coburn is chairman of the board On Monda\' nf this \reek. ~I r~. Rov of deacon~ of the First Congregational Hulbert, 3J6 Richmond road, Kenif- church of \Vilmette and superintendent worth gave a farewell dinner t'or the of the Congregational Sunday school. boys at her home. The g-uests in- He is a member of the \\'ilmette ~fa eluded \n~ re those \rho had been their sonic lodge. school chums for sr me time. The\· On Tuesday CYcning business aswere Bruce Hull>cr .. . Steadman \\'il- sociates nf ~fr.. Coburn tendered h ·m lard. Dick lolmstnn. ui Kenilworth: a rnngratulatl)ry dinner at the Cnion Tack Hamiltnn and Dick Burck l)f League club in Chicag-o. \\'innetka: and Arche l'ennedy, Fritz ~Iany years ago M .. Coburn won ·a Bruce. oi E,·alhtnn and Hu,· \\"l'lch oi law degree by night study. Among his 1168 WILMETTE AVENLJE \\'ilmettc. · acti,·ities outside of the business field --------,,·as the Prganization with Dr. DareWILME-TTE Jl2 RETURN FROM SOUTH tnus Scudder. oi the first course of ).fiss \"irginia .\1.\r:-;hal l. 1-W Kcnil- unin-r~it,· extension lectures in Chi\\·orth an?nuc. and ).!iss Frann' ~ nt ~ - cago. \ir. Coburn is conversant with :-.Pil, 2-lO \\"uudstock an·lntt·. Kt'lJ il- the Greek and Latin classics, and has \\·mth. and \\' illard T. l'artn \\·he· ha~ studied theology. been hen: :--ince the tir:--t oi :\tt).!tht ------Formal Garden on EstJte o( M . U. Rothschild. Glencoe l:rom llartiu:rl. Cilllll.. ha:·r n·tun~td New Tariff to Increase ! rom a \H·ek :-; ~tay at l.t·xJngtPll, J\, ,.. . t Q · \\·here the\· \\'ere .~t16b ()i \lr. l'artt·;·'.. u y on rtenta ugs :--i~tt·r . .\lildrl'd. \\· h11 j ... at tlw L'ni- ~ ··The nt\\. tariff hill which may pas~ n ·r-.,it'.,' 11i Kt'lJturh ~tllllmtr .. ch1 .. .J 1 'Uillt' time in September will increas~..· and \Yhc1 i..; abo, ~he :1---..i:- tant rt:~i~trar 1 the dut\· c Pll ~ome qric~ltal, rl!g s d~ at tht· rn llu!t: . I ht·\· rdurnt·rl 1111 ~at- , Jllltrh a:-. J() per cent. ~atd ~. K. J()rttrd;l\ 11l la~t \\·cck. 1 jorian. manager ni Lord\ Oriental rug clt·J·arttncnt. in l·:,·an ston, on his rc.\lr ... nl.' lltln· ).lcCitl\l(l and ltn littk I tun.\ irt)!ll an eastern buying trip. datt.l.dltcr. \ann·. 33X Kcnihn 1 rth a,· ,.~ ... I ht. chtaprr. and llledinm prict:d ~lllt' . ~<:nil \\· ~~rth . :n~..· ~pt:nding thi~ \\Tek I n.t· : " , :nil ..l:t· aff~·ct~d more than_ t!1t' 111 ( ) 11l a II a. \ t' h.. ;I ... t h l' L:' t 1<: .. t .. I I i .\ r r . . h 1t.: h (1 p r ll c d 0 1l t: :-, '. a:-. t h (.' .d ll t ,. \nil I ) l' .\ 1c l' l1 1t Hr.. I' a ·t· 1Jt... .\ 1r . a 11 d \1 r... . 1 ~ . 11. I kt . . (: d \Ill a :-.qua r c t not has 1s as \\' c 11 as () llll ~ t ~. · ~ cl. a cl n.J nr um . --1 "Domestic rtt).! and carpet manuiac ~ turl'~:-. ha':e made a ~trenu?_us effort t" (lhta111 tl11~ lllcrcasccl tanff 011 thL·..;·.· 1 ; lmn.~ r priced rugs. in orckr to compt I the co nsunH.·r to hu,· the product-. ,,j clPtlll'stic loom~. Cp to thi..; time the I_es:-; I 1 cx1 'cnsi_n: oriental ntg-~ ha \T ~ ~ 1ltl \Tf\' lttth: mort' than dnllll':--tic 1 11 r rtl).! . . ... :\n inform'al dinner dance is to be Alonzo J~ Coburn - .. Observes Fiftieth Y-ear With Field-.s CoLLEGE CLoTHEs? ScHooL CLoTHEs? JEUNESSE, I·Nc. LA L I D 1R __ I I :-________...,...._____ i EXPERTS tn the CARE of the HAIR WOMEN of fashion ARE in the habit of MAKING this establishment THEIR hairdressing HEADQUARTERS. THOROUGH satisfaction ON each visit to every PATRON is the basis UPON which our REPUTATION rests. PLAY LABOR DAY GAME The F(lur EJc,·cn Squad. a hasciJall 1 . o)ut ·i t .that ca\·n rts on the cliamon_cl ~~ 1 Draun s fitlcl, Lake a\·emtc and Illtthlh road. \\"ilmettc, announce s a g-ame with the Hl)ward Storage nine ni Chica).!u. Labor Da\· morning at 10 o'clock. Art (~cr:-.t(lrf is manager (lithe Fnur EJc,·etJ.-.. \\·hik II . B. ~ rcu:-;ch h captain. I ..... NOW FOR NEXT YEAR· I At this season of the year - when you are home from trips where you've seen world-famed gardens. home estates or nature's beauty spots- when summer's touch of beauty in your home grounds begins to hint of waning - plan for next year. Swain Nelson and Sons, through individuality of landscape design and richness in planting have made · many of the North Shore's noted homes the outstanding places · that they are . Su what change can be wrought about your grounds to bring new charm next Spring. I ~I r. :O..li~:- Louise Hcn_rcksot;. daughter oi and ~Irs . .-\It red h.. Henrekson. \\"ashington an:nuc. !cit JJ25 I ienrckson graduated I rom the Xa:iunal Kindergarten college from I whtch ~he won a scholarship entitling her to another year oi :'tttch· at the I college. · ).fr. and ~frs. Ro,· Padik. fil-l Tctn·)lc court. Kenih,·t)rth ha\·c return~:d ir;)lll a motor trip of . ten daYs to the north- · ern woods oi \Yi scons.in. I ~Its~ Tl~~trsclay tn teach in Hollan_rl. \[ich . on -o- "Gabri~leen" ......,.. Permanent Wave ASH'S DELICATESSEN Home Baking and Cooking Hot Biscuit- Cold Mut·s -Salads Large assortment of delicious foods S\1'AIIIElS0._£SO'NS CO. Jl,nd~cape C)artleneri,{)lenview!JIf. \ \ \ 1111 ll Phone Rogers Park 6620 or Glenview 87 or 88 l"l/11 Jj Mn. F. A. Buck 1 16 7 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette .f598 Open all day Sunday and Labor Day 736 12TH ST. WILMETTE 393 r