Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 9

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August 30, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 9 IN NEW · STORE SOON Chandler's Expects to First Floor Sept. 20 Take Over Announce Conference Dates for N. T. Girls Direct from Europe Comes the Conferences r elative to their work Stone and brick work on the may be arranged by girls of New Sherman avenue unit of Chandler's Trier High school with Miss E li zane\v store building in Evanston is well beth E. Packer, dean of girls, for any o\·er _ the first floor, and both the stairtime during the day Tuesday and way to the balcony and to the baseWednesday, Sept em b~r 3 and 4, or ment are finished. Carpenter work on the afternoons of Friday and Satthe first floor; which \ovill include the urday, September 6 and 7, it " :as bui lding of the show window platannounced this \\'eek. Those seeking conferences are advised to make iorms and casings, was started Tue.;day. appointments in advance bv telephoning the main office -of the According to Thomas F. Airth, school. manager of Chandler's, the first floor ui the Sherman avenue unit will be. ready for occupancy on or about Srpt. 20. If it is readv bv this time M r Mr. and Mrs. \ V. Symon~ of \ Va . hAirth said, it wili he-lp to reliev~ th~ ington avenue and 1fr. and :\· f rs. \V. extremely crowded condition of the Woodbury oi Park avenue spent the '-tore during th e college rush for text past week-end at South Bend, lnd. hooks the latter part of the month. 1\frs. Lena \Veber stayed with the 1t is ·not planned to install permanent Symons children during their parents' lixtures at this time, but the store will absence. he arranged to serve the needs of the -as!udents and other patrons during this Albert X. \'an Dcu sc n of Ea:t t nne. Orange, N. J., is visiting his aunt, ).Irs. Tt i::; planned to keep both the Davis 0. E. Thalcg. 617 Crecn lca f avenue, "treet an<J the present Sherman a Yen ite this week. He is en route to Purdue stores open until the first unit of th e ne\\. building is completed, according to university \rhcrc he \\·ill enter his sophOI!10re yc.:ar. ~[r. Airth , and it is hoped that the entire wing will be ready fo r occupancy about the fi r st of November. At thi s time the store will again be unified and all brought under one roof as the floor space afforded bv the five stories and ha~e1~1ent ?f this- first unit of the !lC\\' I hmldmg wtll exceed the total space now ' occupied by the two stores. Carlsbad · Realistic Wave Tlte original method as given In the leading European 8alons 18 now nl·aiJn ble to those who admire na· tural curly hnlr. Our Renllstlc re· CJUirl' S ~0 finger waving or combs. SPEC/A L OFFER R egrllar $20 Value We Also Give the Genuine Eugene Wave . HOLIDAY SPECIALS: Jlurcels Tltnt Last ...... . ....... .. . F:x(JUisite ~lunlcorlng ... .. .............. . .... . .. . Contour Hnlr Cutting ............... . ..... . ... .......... . Srulp Toning Shampoo ... ... .. . .. . . . .. .. ... ... . ........ . 75c Suite 222 Carlson Bldg. Univ. 9700 A ::\Ianelous Rest Faeial .... .. ..... . ..... fl.SO Expert Hair Tinting . . . . . ...... $5.00 up Pierre Dt~mont's powders at~d rouge blended here. 636 Church St. Evanston I SCHOOL DAYS AGA1N! Just a few more days of grace, until the thoughts of thirty million youngsters turn with more or less reluctance to the pursuit of knowledge. Why not help them get a good start by not only beginning with a clean slate but a clean wardrobe as well? Many of last season's garments can again be put into service, by our modern scientific methods of dry -cleaning. Then, too, the use of our dyeing department may prove advantageous. A phone call will bring our courteous service man to your door, who will gladly furnish estimates. \\'on! has brcn received. of the death I on August 20 of ~vfr .. Kathleen Tn\·in I Hrinz of Brighton. Colo .. wife of I·.rn- 1 est Heinz . ).f r s.· Heinz before hc·r 1 marriage \\'as Kathleeq rnrin. daugh- I tcr of Mrs. Eliza D. Irwin. She . pl'nt 1 !nuch of her life in \V.innetka, attendmg the elementary schools, and Xew i Trier High school. She is surrivcd h~· her mnthcr. husband. a small ; daughter, Helen, two aunb, ).fi;.; Kate D\ryer and ).I iss Emn1a Dwver ot \\' innetka. and a sister. Hden, o-f \\' innttka. 1 Mrs. Kathleen I. Heinz Dies in Brighton, Colo. I l 1 1 II I NO FIRES SINCE AUG. 5 \\' ilme1te 11remcn have been clljo\·ing a rest for the last few wel'ks. Cp to \\'edn('scJay of this \\'eek no fire calls had beet~ rt.·ctiYed since ).I on day, :\u gust 5. Marjorie Mitchell's KINDERGARTEN Ladies' Plain Silk Dresses Dry-Cleaned and Pressed.... ..... $l · SO " up ~ur. Members Master Cleaners and Dyers Association of the North Shore 1£rmiut Q.tlraurrn, Esrablished 192 1 OTTO F. FISHER, President In .1Jditton to ha summer work, Mi ss Mitch el l conducts .1 j unior kindag .ut ,·n Juring th e winter m o nth~ in the Epi scopal church at Kenilworth . llcrc chiidrm are t.lUght to play tog,·thrr and ·r.:> rlcv~lop projects. which include building ('f mini.llurc citil'S. making furniture .1nd equippinf! a pl.lyhou~c. the value of money, etc. DanciPg will be added thi s year . The seco nd t ctm, children arc t aught beginning rcaJing with picture charts, using the methoci t augh t by Mi s M.ujorie Hardy. hc01d of the Primary School of the U . of C. Members National Association of Dyers and Cleaners 1'elephone Kenilworth l:J29 or UogHs Park st:;s 1150 Central Avenue Phones Wilmette 704·7 48 57 8 Lincoln Avenue Phone Winnetka 638 706 Ver.n on Avenue Phone Glencoe 865

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