Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE I August 30. 1929 CLOTHES ARE MUCH. CLEANER When Washed or Dry Cleaned by Two Games Tap . Octogenarian for Wilmette Nine I !....----------'· D,ur~ng N . e xt Week By AI Schaefer \ y iJml't t c fan~ will \' ic\\· annt her sect ion,al ~t rugglc at the \~illagl' Green ~tlJHI;t' aftemoon at 3 o'clnrk ·\rhcn the ia:-t ~;epping Chamber nf Commerce on . nine hat ties Higln\'OO<L The home outfit will he after their fourteenth win of the sea ~ <'l1. Phillips ,,·ill preside on the mnund and Robin ~on \rill catch. NELSON LAUNDRY and Dr~ Cleaning SJ'stem Phone 1800 CENTRAL AT MAIN ST. , WILMETTE Liberal Discount for Bring and Call \\'ilmettc will cngagl' tll ll' of the l{'ading semi-pro aggrcgatil)Jl:' oi 't he Chicago area ~fnnday ~aftenHit~n :YIH'11 theY rla-;h \\'ith the 1·,\'anst )Jl . :\cwsrn<icx team (~fa son Park l at 3 <)'clock at the 1·:\'anst.on High srhn<)l 1ielcl. located just west of Dodgl a H'lll1{'. to the immediate south of Church street. " L e f t " ·' ~ en n c dy. 'Y it h s l' \"l' n s u ccessin' ·\'ictnrics to his credit. will hnrl iM \\'ilmctte. The locab arc out to a \-en gl' a defeat suff ercd hy 1hl' ~am~ team at the same spot on .luh· 4. ( Photl) by Staff Photogrnplwr) !1oth crews ha,·c imprcssin· rl'rnrds. \Yith ~f rs. Henrietta Panush ka, \\'ilmette has lost only four times in pioneer rt"sidcnt oi \\'ilmi.',ttl·. as sh~ ..;eveuteen starts and the EYan:>tnnians celebrated her eightieth birthday ta~t han· worked their way into the finals Monday, were ~c..:n:n sons ancl daugh- fnr the S\\Titzer cup. ters. t\.\'O nf whom came from ~ ehra;o;ka WINS CERTIFICATE ABROAD especia ll y to be with thl'ir nwthl'r n·..!. ).!iss Myrtle Lundquist retumed to this occasion. ~f rs. Panushka iws re her home at 511 Linden a\·l·twe Friday sided in \Yilm cttc for fifty-se\"cn year~ of last \Yeek from a trip ahrnad. Durand is the only living charter member ing- her stay she took the thrn: nwnths' of the \\'ilmcttc ~fctlwdist church. course at the T;Ecole du T.ottHe, for The abO\'C..: photo, taken when the COII\\'hich she won a certificate. an hntwr grcgation oi t-hat church .n}o\'l'd into its new home recentlv, shmn. \f rs. not often conferred. Panushka turning the key in the door C . (~. CnuHer and ~fi:-.5 Hden Couf of the old edifice as a part n"i the rne mony which mar keel the n:n1m·al 1t) t hc ier of Pittsburgh were dli.' guests of their brother and sister. Clint Couffer new . building. - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - . - and ~Jiss Pearl CoulTer, <)f the Linden School Books New and Second Hand We have the official school lists of . the requirements for each grade, and a complete stock of e v e r y t h i n g and anything needed. B11y now and avoid . the I as t mtnute crowds. PART TIME Jj \\'oul<l vou likt· to make $1 ;;,0(1 to $2;).0(1 t·xtra ·t·ach \H' t' k ·: Xu st·lling·. Xot n·<ll e~tatt·. \\'11l't h il1\"t·stig-ating-. 1 'all at 1\111 ('larl\ ~l.. or Ph(lt)t· Ct't+lllt·ilf );,J:!, f(lr furlht · t· informatil·ll. )lt·n or " 'u m4;11: Crest apartment:; on \ \' crlnl':'clay ,)i last \\"ec k. -o~1 r. and )..f rs. Lorl'llZt) C. ~trl'cter and their son, of 1213 F<>re!'ot aHnue, returned b:r · motor last ~aturday from S3Yner, \\'is., where the,· hacl been vacationing for three \\' C~k:'. ...... Vol. 1 Publr5ht'd rn No. 32 the irJtcrest (; luf'~· Pn st f' o f \\'dmctt t' pco pll' nnJ th e Ridge R oad v ic rn1ty by the RIDGE /\ n :. PIIAR\L·\ CY CARL Sa11fortl's Ink· PNtholtlHs anti P··ns Pt·nc>iil noxl's P4·JI('il Tah)('ts-'\x:tf) C. R E :'\:'\I::CK .'\"P . [diror. anti 5%x!l 0 llllt ' t' llll·l't'. Tht· _-\ m··rican lall··J ·ing- mt· U - \ \' 1' t:tl\t· "fl' our hat~ to you, t·h·· ~alt (If tht· t·arth. · st()ry, Wilmette Stationery & Gift ShoP 1155 Wilmette Avenue Shop ull the· Hi1l~t· that .Junt·~ .r. 11 tlt.'l'ter A nwriean LPg-inn r,·g-u-. la 1· !llllt b :1 criminal m<'etin~· Tut·:-:clay Ia WYl'l'. Yt.·s, hut \\"t·'n· 1wn·r hPt'll ;tldt· to pi'O\'l' it on him. l·\·~· nin~. St'Pt. ~nl . Ht>- of · ·,.n,in;ttill~ Committee. ~<:hO(·l i:-- about start ag-ain and will ~oon be in to WP the harness. We are glad "A man is only as old as he' .feel s." RIDGE A VENUE PHARMACY Opposite St . Joseph's Schoor Phone Wilmette 316

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