\VILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 There is only One DOUBLE EAGLE ---and only Goodyear builds it The finest, strongest tire ever conceived - built without ' thought of cost, by the world's largest rubber company. No imitation is like it-it remains "the tire of tires," unap!lroached by any oversize, extra-ply, "de luxe" -or heavj duty kind. Ask about our liberal change-over proposition. We warn you in advance that Double Eagles will probably last as long as you drive your car. WILMETTE. BATTERY *ELECTRIC SERVICE 740 Twelfth St. Wilmette 691 HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR COAL? This is midsummer. ThousJnds of our thrifty cust_ omers have alreadv bought thrir fuel for next winter. At our present low prices on coJI and coke. it will mc.1n J big saving to you. too. to let us fill your coJI bin now . BUY YOUR COAL ON .APPROVAL! EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phones Lniv. 4500 and \\'i1. 1300 VA~OS GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 ALL OVf!q SHO~E 015TRtCT It · · · II ~--·--------------------------------------------------------~-------------···--·---------------------------~ ----- ~---------------------------------------------------------- . I This LATEST SUPER-HETERODYNE The RCA RADIOLA 66 nc\Y·day refincn1ents. J3uiJt-in RC:~<\ elcctrodynarnic speaker. l~in . r tnusical range. Beautiful nC\Y console cabine~. l 1 nusual pricc- $225.00. (~on1e in and hear this superb instrument. ~lany $225 WM. G. BEYRER Electric and Radio Shop 1131 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 81 ~-----------------------------------------------------------·-········--·······---------~-----------------·