Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 1

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WILME1'TE \ 'OL. · XVII., LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly l.Jy Lloyrl 11 ollist'e1· In c., 12 32-12 3 6 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter March 13, 19 24, ut the lJOst offic:e at Wilmette, Ill·i nois, uncl r.t the Act of Mnrch 3, 1879. Subscription price sz.oo a year. ·o. 4~ \VIL~II·:TTJ·:. ILLl~OLS, ALGUST 23, 1929 ATTENDANCE AT PLAY FIELDS TOTALS 30,797 Sununer Season at Playgrounds Attracts Record Nur.1ber of Children and Adults WILL MEET ON BEACH Wilmette Legionnaires Will Join With Others of Seventh District Service Club· Ball flayers to Clash Again Next Tuesday SUGGEST SHERIDAN ROAD BE MADE STATE HIGHWAY \\'ilmctte post of the APH:ricall lcg;i~Jll Emmerson's Committee Allots \\'ill join with the .other groups of the Undaunted in the face of a siege of $310,000 for Improvement, sc\·cnth di:"~trirt iur a meeting· this stiffened joint's and bruised muscles susPoint to Needs evening- at \\ ilmcttc beach. Marsh;. n tained i;1 a game of baseball last v\· edF .J rh post will pia\· host. ncsday on the occasion of \,Yilmette Sheridan road as a State maintained. Attendance records 1lf the :-,Ullttlln Ui)l)Cr \\'ill be served at 6:30 follow- Day, members of the \Vilmette Optimist playgruunds cundurtcd hy the \\' il - ing- a · S\\'im ior the kgionnaircs \\'ho and Rotary clubs are determined to re- highway, straightened, widened and im111ette' Playground :tnd 1\n-rcatiolt care to try the water.· A uusiness ses- sume their diamond feud Tuesday of proved from Calvary cemctl'ry in Ev!Joanl sl1u\\' that 5,.2SS nwrL· childnnt :"~ion \\·ill he held at X at some quarters next week. anston to the north limit s of Cook tuok part in tl,~.,· acti\·lti~..·s at thv thrl'c nt:ar bv. CHticcrs of the E\'anston p st The OJJtimists came out on top in a countv, loomed as a glistening po-;sipark · tltis yl'ar than last ~ l·ar and th· L urge a large turnout of their member- thrilling clash last week hut the Ro- hility- bef6re the eyes of the tr..l'fic a total ui 30,7Y7 cltildrvtt \\ trl' rL·acltcd shil). tarians have insisted upon a return ridden north shore this week as the during the S\11lll1H.' r cit hL:r at t h.l' pi~~~· Another imminent activity on the l'llgagemcnf to which their sinister ri- committee appointed by Gov. Louis L. Emmerson to make a survey of highgruunds l 1 r tltruugh the t rn: :"1\\' 11111111 ng 1 1 po:-;t's calendar is ilc lll~)llthly t?ilgrin~- Yals have readily agreed. ~ las:-;e:-; at thl' hl·ach. a.~·e to a veterans hospital, whtch th1s lf you haven't anything more im- way conditions in the metropolitan \' att 111 a 11 park kd t IH· ·l'layg r ~ Jllltth time. \\·ill he. made t? the p,sychopat~c portant to claim your attention next area completed its work and submitin attcndat1l'L', ha,·itlg' lJ,OX(J L·ltddren IH!~Pttal at .);orth )Ch Jr :tgo. ,1 ,hej tlate IS Tuesday evening-, just saunter over ted its report. dmitt" the -,uJllllH:r. ~I r:"l ... \lt;t IL l'ald - \\ cclttl':"~da\·, :\ug. -~· 1larry 1 · 0 1 lnson, to the Village Creen and behold a genThe committee tm:relv allotted some \\'l'll 7ra:"~ tit~.· i1btruct11r in rlt:trgl' 11l iunio~ ,·ice rommat 1 cl~· r, is in rhaq. !;l' uf uine show. H.cgular vaudeville patrons $310,000 of the $28,000,000 to he spent \rill find it to their advant:1ge to skip in highway improvement in the metrothe park. \ 'illagt· CrcL'll pl:tygrlltt1tc1. pla 1111111 ·1..!,' tit· Cl 1tl :·t;unlllL'Ilt. under the iu:,trurti tlll 11 f 1lr:;. (~n Thr lll'Xt regular meeting i:-; set iur a night at the theater and observe politan area to Sheridan road and trutk FatlrklwnL·r. \\';t:"l :"~ Cl'111Hl in the 1Thttr sdav, Sept. 12, at headquarters, some excellent clowning right on the made only the recommendation that attt:nda 11 rL· rart· \\ itlt <t tut;tl 11l H,31<J the important business of \vhich \\'ill hume grecn:-i\rard. The Rotarians are the Evanston and \Vilmette sections be childrl'll and tilL· atiL'tl<Ltm·L· at l't·IJtr;tr hl' the report of the nominating com- f1 .L('htin' mad and the Optimists si mply "widened and reconstructed." playgrm'uHI , " ·hid 1 \\a :-- under tltc k < td- tnittcc. Rob<.·rt P. Kaen is chairt~an, rxude oodles and lHHlles of confidence. Cite Conditions t·r:>ltip 1Jf ).( i:;:-; () 11 r\ ·tl1l:a ~I nlltuland, al -l' a~Hl the. t.n~mber~ are llaro~<! L. (,ar- '(:he spn:taclc bl.'gi11s pro111ptlv at 6:30 However, the attention of the State La sher, I om Bar- 1u clnck. . 1110 st equalled that ul tlt l· hra clt a11d \\oucl, l l.t~ ton S. _ Highway commission was directed to Laun:l tutal attl'i1d;utt"L· tlf la :-- t ~T ar. nard < tncl C.enrgl' \\. \Val sh. existing conditions and the opinion ex1b total \\'a s -l, 1X2. Make -~- --f Motorists Jump to Safety pressed that Sheridan road should be Busy Program Preoarations or · S ·k M h. taken over by the State, as a State as T rain tr1 es ac Ine road, that it should. be straightened .and .);in~: !talldicra!t ;tcti,itio, t ,, u ath Kindergarten Projects Occupants of a car driven by Miss in places \\'idened and that the various :~:tic league :"~, \l\ 1e tu urll<llllt: 1l1 . three 1 Til~.· slltllllll'l pl;t,·gri1111Hl ~ chon! lH.:ld rillttge - \\'ide Cl·l1t o h <111d lllllllL· rut~:> altllualh· at the Kenil\\·orth bl'ach un- Lillian Charman, 900 Sheridan road, 1 municipalities through v;hich it run s Ckncoe, narrmdv escaped death or shou ld be relieved of the cost of rnainlucal co1,te:>b rutllpri :"~ vd thl' prugram 1dn d:rccti<llt oi }.1 iss ).[arjurit; }.1itchcll scriou:-; injury last Friday afternoon tenance in view of the enormous perlor the ~lllllllll.'f, a11d rl'creatitl\1 author- i lJa ~ itht rlo :"~ t' d, and prep;.tration:-; arl' \Yhen they leaped from the machine centage of through traffic which uses it. itiL·s, \\'ith Director IJa11il'l :-.1. J);l\·i:"l at tll l\\ undn \\a\· ior thl' ju11ior Kinder just hdor.e it was :,~n~ck by a north~ 0 attempt was made hy the comrnittheir head, a11110lllll'l' that the p n1g ralll gar~l.'lt C <l ll<ll~l'tt· d ll\· }.Ji~ :-; ~.fit~h~ll ht~ttrHl tram. on the Cluca~o and North tee to suggest in detail to the Highway l1as hL'l'll IJ\ iar thl· 111 11 :-- t :"~llLTo :> iul u i dunng til L: \\J~ltl· r _ lll~ll1ths 111 the I·,p:s - \\ ester n ratlroad at the hlmwood ave- department engineers what program ai1Y playgr;1l111d se<t'>~JI1 hl·ld lltHkr tltL· ; I"<·Jlal rhttrrh IJ1 f..:: vnth\·orth. nuc c: n'ismg. should be foJtowed, either in the im]J 11anl\ juri~dirtiPII. I krr till· l·htldrc11 arc tau.!-'.ht huw t.'l 1tiss Channan \\'as driving \rest on provement to be projected under the ~lure than CJ,()(JO llf thl' t'· Ltl att~..· nd - p]a, t~:~dhcr <111~1 hll\:· to cln·clup p~()J l·:lm\\'Oocl avenue, according" to \Vil- $310.000 fund to be obtained from the :ttll't· rt'L'Prd rotlln ir 11111 th v hvat·lt 1 ~Tts . _I ltn~· ~lJ"ClJl' l'h.111Cluck _the lfnult!- mettc police who investigated the ac- State gasoline tax or in the event the . . . ' 111 .~· <II :t Jlllt11<1turv c1h·, ma .;-tn. L!,' urm 1 \\'h<:n· lrl·t..: ~\\ . 111111111 ~· t·l;t . . ,v :; \\t ·n· r 1111 - tllrl' :tnd l'CitliJ·piil.i-'.. a plavlwn~e. and rident. The crossing gate:; had not State should declare Sherid::tn road a lltll·ll'cl chtly lnr clttldn·n :ttHI ;t Celli the ~· 1111 d 111 · tiil~ 11 j a ( r )\' :"~tllr<.: and lH>St - IH:tn ln\\'cred as she approached the State higlnvay and assume the respon This, 11..- . . t it·r pt·iith rondtll·t,·cl i11r tdtk r 11flin· . t() ..,h\1\\' till' \'alne of motH·\·. tracks and she had star tnl acmss be- sibilit\· fur its maintenance. iore she saw the approaching train . · necessarily, must be worked out by ,·Jtildn·Jt \\ li1l ;tln·ad~· kill '\\' htl\\. to I IL!tlr ;lli-'. \\ill he <tdtkd this year. State engineers working in conjunction ..,,\·im. f11 llH· l:tttvr ch -, ti11T1 · ,,.1.r1· 'l'l.l· ~l' l't·lld term the children arc PREACHES HERE SUNDAY with officials of the towns involved. mort· tk111 17.~ childrl'n \\ · ! · 11 v:m1l'cl :11 I tau.g ht IH·~· inning n·ading \\'ith pirturl' The Rev. Julius l~0hrbarh will preach Particular emphasis was laid, howlra..;t :-;c\·vnt .\·- 11\'C poin t., dmitH.!. lltt' l l'hrtrt.,, tbi11.g· the 111ct!Jod t:-tllght IJ.,. '111111111'1' :IJlC) q·n·n \\·h,. \\ ' 1111 t hv rt· 1 \1 i,.., \Ltri11ril' llardr, lll·ad uf the at the \Vilmette Baptist church Sun- ever, on the conditions now existing in 1111in:d SOO pt,int..; fnr tltv ··t1 1d ll1t··la1. I prin1an ..,t-IH,,d oi thl' l'nivcr:"~it\· uf day morning, August 25, at the 11 Evanston where Sheridan road follows o'clock services. Mr. H.ohrbach is a a tortuous route over winding and The·,· \\'(Tt' : B11h \fcter. Jt llt'l P(' :lr · t11l. l l'hir;t.i..!'>. member of the church. narrow streets. The construction of a Dirk Pn· . . ttm ..'~u.rnc..; lT:t\'flvtl. \\';nni I ---- - - - - - - - · new forty-foot highway along the lake irl·d lLrn-. \fan· L;'l\1(..)", and 1:trl.; Women's Ball Teams Will front from Calvary cemetery to NorthTT o lm cs . Bt 1h \ f et e r. T11 11 11 P l' ;1r..: n 11 western univers.ity, thus eliminating all :1nd Dirk Prvstt111 ~b th~· first thrl'(' 10 Play Off Tie on Tuesday curves and providing the finest of lake win their p11ints \n·re ttin·n ;1 · cl 11 1;1'1' 'I\u1 \\ uJlll'll.:-i playground hall teams side drives, was mentioned in the comhet\\'ccn S\\·imtnin!.." suits and c,.t1ld arv til'd f(·r the league champinnship mittee's discussion as one of the most medals. ·· "" a~ rt . . ulh tlf tht: l{oughnecks ddl..'ating feas ible methods of abatement of the Attendance Figures the I ltlJ":"~l'ieathers ia:"~t Tur:-;clar n·epresent bad situation. The summer report as compared witl1 11111).!.'. Propose Sea Wall last year's reacts as folio,,·:-;: l·:;tc It \ ·f t ht: teatns has t\\'O clef cats In connection with the report of the Attendan<'f': . 1!12R lf12fl a .~aitht l\\·elrl' victoric~ to its credit. 11Ntch and LnurC"1 l'ac!J (If the I for:-;dtather clef eats ha\' committee, the State Highway departPlaygroundR . · · · ......... :i,7 · ·l in.~· he en administered by the l{ough/ ment has tfiade an investigation and Oentral Playgroun<l . . . . . . . . 4,1 ~~ 1 'J'J ll' t le · 'II 1 1 I rf , t preliminary surveys of the situation at Vattman Park Playgt·nuntl .. 7,:i!i:~ ' fl,OS(j 11\.' l' \."\, \\'1 >e pave< 01 lll X Village Grf'(·n Pla:·gToutHI .. --l)~s:: · S,:11 !l 'luv sda\· cn'lting at 7 o'c-l1>ck at the Calvary cemetery, where recent high Beach Activitif's-Swimming\ 'illagT c_:n'L'11. .,.,·aves cut nearly half way through the and boys' pmgT;tltl .. .. . . !l,S!iO road way. The question before the The Beach Artiviti<"s S\\·immillgState engineers was whether there is alone ................... . !'1,21 0 sufficient room for a forty foot highTotals ..·.·.·.·.·.··.. :!:J,Gt~ :~o. 7~1 1 way because the cemetery boundary i:' Pages so close to the west line of the paveAutomobiles ........... 31-34 Village Board Approves ment. £t was pointed out that a sea Book Comment ........... 28 wall built far enough out would prothe Tax Levy Ordinance -co mprising s~veral pages of vide ample room and permit the rec4)nBoy Scout Affairs ......... 18 The annual tax h-v,,' t>rclinath'e, \Vilmette realty and building struction of the bathing beaches beChurch Page ............... 8 through which funds arc provid ·d for news and views-wilt appear in yond. A tunnd, under the cemetery, the opdation of the Yarious municip :tl Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . 41-43 next week's issue. connecting with Sheridan road where departments, was pas!'cd 1)\· the \\' ilEditorial, Shore Lines ..... 24 it curves to round the cemeterv on the mette Village board at it s regular ntc<·tWATCII FOR IT Chicago side and. to the proposed outL~ Society News ............. 26 ing held last Tut:sday ni.ght at the \'ildrive along the Evanston lake front lage hall. The ordinance calls fur a Theaters .................. 40 (Continued on Page 4) total of $176,400. 1 1 1 II . . . In This Issue REALEST ATE SECTION

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