August 23, 1929 42 6! :-41'1'. WTD.-JIALE k WILMETTE FJ~)lAJ,J-: LIFE l"'OR RENT-APAR'l'JIEXTS 17 i7 ~ orth Shore Etn}) . .L\gency 1616 ~HEfDL\X AYE. bl"lwral :\taids 2nd :\Taid~ Chaufft url" {_'noks "1 liTE OR COLORED Two J)}1 0 IW~: l"ni\·. ()H; Gr<'t>nlf'af 61:l0 a~J:r·. -t~-H COL.PLE WO:MA~ EXPERTEXCEP c·ook. :\Inn eompl:'tent butler and ehnuf-: feur. ::\Iichigan 13!)8. · 62LT~-18-1tp 'LINDEN CREST i\PTS. WIL.11ETTE 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, .you will find well-arranged apartments. All . apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of lig-ht and :-tir. Ample clos t c;pace. Schools. churches, and shopping- fRcilities within immediate ::~ccess. See these apartments today . A g-ent on premisef;. §(QW1l11:@ JE <BJJ~ tc no A Rn Asn nooJ£ GEXTLE~L-\X. WniiDIID®tt1k& lE ~If~~nilll \\'hitP ('Japbnanl n·~idt·nc . L:u·p;e niry !iYing· 1·oo m, :3 llt'dl'lloms, f'l eeplllg- porc h, tile lJ:tth . Hot watt-r h ea t , oil hurn e r. Garag·t·. X ea 1· Sc ho(JI ~ and Tran:-=p nrtat\t ltl. 1·rin· for quit-k !-i:llt.: $1S,OOO.OO. Ea~Y tt ·nns . · ~\XD BOARD FOR · ltoO:\£ T1 ·l. ·w innetka. 2:\i'l. 6:H.. TX-1S-1 tc 60 SIT. WA ~'I'EH-FEJL\LE fl6 }'OU RE~T-HOO)IS EX I' E 1: I E :-\ ~' E P hou~e\\' nrk, :!~;,;j _ 1; \ H 1I> wa ~ lting-. GOLTX ·18-1tp -------------------W .\:'\'1'1·:11 \L\~Jif:\;1;, 11!\l:'\IXI; . -\XP dt ·:u.tng· by tlw day, by a Swedi~h ""man. 1'h. \\' ilnwtt e 1H~7. t.iOLTX~S-1tp no ('OOK FOH. l'h. c :n'P illt·a f J.. ,\ R<:E RED ROO:\[ FOR REXT, S[ TTal,h· fnr marri ed <:oupiP, kitcht·I1 Jll'i\'il<'g, ·:-=, n f·a r tran:-=p. Ph. \Vilnwttf' 221 ~ 66LTt8-1tc Fl'11X . R\L FOH RE~'I'. ALSO FTR:'\. for :--:t 1(·. Ph. \Vi hnl't te !HiG- \¥. 66L4S-1te L\W:E QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden REALTORS Av e . Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfc IHI@1k ca\Iffi~@ Iffi & JJ ®Illilk~ \'EHY ('.\1' ,\ni.E l"XDEH<iH.\IHL \TE !lUt":-:<' wi:-=lw:::: ('art' of ' invalid; eompanlo n, ur hou~t· hold man:tg"l·mt·nt. .Ahlt·, al~o. to ti· S··· ·rt'larinl work . Fr··l' to tr:tYt·l. l':lll driYP ca .-. Address P. 0 . H<·X :!li, \\'ilnwtt,·. Ill. 60I..TX~S-ltp Cl"l~T.\1~~. non.\r F<IH ket' JJing-, near tranf'. LTI'HI'I' JIOt ":·n·> Ph. \Vilnwttr· 1 ~11 :~. 66LT~ 48-ltp L\ nn1;; rnn~ER :;:TORR building, Ridge and Schiller :1 rn11m apartnl('nt. 1st floor. Po~s vs::- 1on ~. · pt . 1, I~~~~ $::ii.OII. ~ ronm, 2nd floor ::tpartnwnt, heat, wnt <' r, g-a!-', <'lectrir, garag<'. Possession Sept. (.-, . 1 ~1:!!1 . $ ·Iii. 00. lll·lh ... FOR REX'l' a~.. .. :-- t ' lu gcn1U "' ' I~ ll 1l:ltlt. 1 . DH.\l'ES A~D T>RESSma king-, <lone' h~· t·X IH'ri<·llct·d woman, w11l g-o out or st·w at honw. H easo nahlt· ra tt·:-:. Ph. \\.11tnl' tt e 2212. 1 8-ltc llOLT - .\'I'TILH'TIYF. HOO::\f IX EA."I' ~TnE honw. nathroom faciliti es unuf'ually good . 1 'on\·f>nient all transp. c iara~, . ~·ption:tl. l!d. Ph. \\'ilmett · 20~ . 6GT AS - ltl' lllodo; to ~t:-ttion. \VI I~ ~\.1 E'l'T·E \" 1 HHH:JIT PLJ':,\SAXT TIOO~TS. :1 Phone \YinnPikn .n:-;. 66LTN48-1 tr' T. H. SCH.\EFER & CO. 803 Ridge Ave., W. of Ridge 671/L':-\ -IS-1 t 1· \\ril. :Hl·l ·rv attral'ih't· S room hous (· in dwic: lo~·ati(·IJ <111 <·ast si1le, with 4 lH.' cll'<·om~. 2 h:tths, ~.·xtra Ia Ya tlli'Y, :tl~c· !'··wing room, PI' d1.·n, larg e lwate d sleepin? pon·h and sun ro<111l. Jlut wat:r <Ill h eat. 2 car lwat ed gantg-t-. \\ CI0<1t-tl lot. J'ril'e $:12,000. Fn' n<'h hrit'\;; honw with ;, bedi'P(·n1~ 3 IHI ths, 1Jrpakfast rc·r·m. llot w:l ll·l ltil lwat. 2 car :ltt:tt'IH·<l g-ar:q.!,t·. L <· '-::? ltv ltiii ft. :Xl·ar tr:UI S]lurtatic·n ancl :-: dw;,~:-; _ Tlti~ is a ,. ry g-u1·d lillY [111 $:\:{,0(1(). CO::\fPF.TE);T WII11'E \\"0:\L\X WANTS hou:-:t·work (11' laundr~· Thur~day:-; only. Call \\"ilmettt· :ISO·l. ~iOL-lS-1tp EXPEHIEX<'I':D WIITTE WU.\lAX want~ <·Iw launrlry. \\"ill c·all ftJr and dt: lin·r. 'I'd. l "ttin·rsitY :!'j74. . 60LTX4S-1tp EXPERIEXCEU . LAUXDRESS WANTS work t o take h ome, will eall for and d eliver. l'h. \Vilm ette 3509. GOLT~43-tfp EXI'EHlE:-\f'ED :'\f<'ELY Ft·RXfSTIED TIOO~f FOR g-t'ntl .. m:ul. (·onn·nit>nt hath. Al::;o v e ry l:1r~!· room with ~un parlor and privat v hath . Xt·ar tran~p. R~4 Foxdale avt-nut>. T<·l. \Yinnetka 2010. 66LTX 48- 1 tr THE BRONX NILES CEN'T'ER 1-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large light. moilern. Near DPmpster "L' tPrminal ~tattoo And North Shore elec· trlc. 2<1 minntP!': tn lnnn. KENIL\VOR'fl-I :-\1'\\' I'E~'T'IL\L HnCims room~ watt·r. 62!1 ~!:\TN ~1' . dav nr Wl't' k. all out~idP ::-t'(' am ·heated, hot and cofd 66L4S-tfc T101'8L, hv M. J. FAHER'fY hnnw~ ~l't· <·Ur phot.t ·~ raphi c Dempster Street at Bronx Ave Phone Nile\: Center ~~ 67LTN36-tfc F'OR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE t t t h t J·anit,Jr service. apar men · ~' earn ea · nPnr trnnsportation. Call \Vilmettf· 1800. 67LTN39-tfc· ~l(ill ~p:tlli~h fil es. l"XDERstancl::; all " .lf'hing maehi1w::; and mang-1(·!" . Call \Ventworth fi4'j~. 60LTX4i-2tp LAPXDRE~~. FOH lm~'T' HOO~T. AL~O ~PACF. I:-.." g-arag-P. \\"ill nrrang"t' for some lig-ht hou:·wl;;t·t·}ling- if dt·sirt·d. J>h. \VilnwttP , 1 "·f'·f·.·' ." -tf<· :.:.~s. t't. \Vi lnwttt> :: 'j -1 0 7iLTX4~-l t1 '" · '·' WAXTfo:f) , T.-\l':-\Dl:Y WUHK TO no at honlt · hj t' XIWrit·ll<:t' d laundl't' ss, first <' Ia ~s work. all t' lot ht· s t1 rit:>tl ou tsillt·. \\"ill l'all for and dt.>li\'t.'l'. <:ood rt·f. tST OF OCT. APAHTME.NTS AVAIL~;; able h1 ~mith Bldg., \Vinnetka. $65. Ph . -------------------Winnetka 112 . 67LTN43-tfc F'OR UEX"T-APAUT!\IF.NTS FOR S:\LT~ I:!·:.-\ l " I' HTL :"E\\' HI 101. BHWK COL l'h . \\"ihm·t lt' 2ti2,3. tiOI.T.J'j -:.!tt· SITF A TIO~ WA 'STED-)f AI,l~ JIOl ' ~E !\IAN, ft·urin~. all IE w&rm~\t©Iffi AIP> &rr~IITffice IITl1c~ < ' .- FOR YAnD MAN OR CIIAUFor pal't tinw. \nil l'Xchang-e part. time for living- quarters for couplt' If available. C'an do cooking and butlet· work. ,\.ilmette references. 'Yrite \Vilmette Life B-190. 61L~-l6-3tc \\'OHK BY TilE IIUt·n OH. D.-\ Y C: EXt' r:tl houset:leaning-, washing- window:-: a n<l wood W!_ lrk. <; .. nlt·n :1 n1l l:l ndsl':\ pt· wurk a ~peeialty. l'h. \\'inllt't lct ;qz7. 61LT47-2tp .11 '1-::-\~ED I 'I 1.-\l"FFEl'll, I!Ot'SE:\L\X. \YlLL BP. CLAD TO ~HOW Tlll·~'l ·t·n Yol· BY .-\PPOTXT:\lEXT. ~11 ~ ~l11·rma 11 .\ \'t '. , 1 rm .. frt·t · g-a~ :tn<'l lig-ht $ 1:~~ 0 t'hi· ·:tgl· .-\,-, .. , 2 rm~. & innrlr. ~1-1:1 ('hi(':u..:·n .-\ \' t-., ~ rms. S.: inadr. ~.:?~ 1., .,. ~t .. ·) rrn~ . 8.: in<l<lr. 1::11 0;11< ~\n' .. :l nn~ .. inadr. ,. ··!· · ~· . n·f. Stl~l ~imp:-:nn ::::t ., :: rm:-:. & :-:unpr. :!:~11~ Slwrma n .-\ \"t '., :l rm:-:. S.:. inadr .. 1·1. rt· f. 111 -1 ~!;~pitI ·1 )'I' f. YOl" OCH <'<1~1 PLJ.:TE LTS'I' <IF .-\l'T::::. & fiO{'~ES. \VE LL .-\ :"D 11.\ YE l'~ S EXJ) REXT, ~ A~D 4 ROO~t J{ITapartnwnt:-=. hi"t· :~kt'i t:-:t nook. tile bath and !-ihowf'r, elE'rtric rE'frig-f'rat ion. \\·olff-Griffis HardwarP Bldg. 111 :) l't ·ntral "\Y·'. \\"ilnwttt·. 67LTN48-1 te dH · nl'tt~> \\ IL1IET1'E RE;\I ~1'Y CC) REALTOHS ~~1~ onial, on 2':! acres. nttraeti\'c·ly land sl'ilJit·<l, nr. trnn~ . in full~· clt·n·lcl)kl l'lfl111llllllity, ~;; milt·!' fr<·m th t- li·I·Jl \\'ill Lal\c· Xorth Sh(IJ'e l'l'fi\Wrty i1 trade. Fourth Rt. \\' i I md lf' 1!1· 'jj'L-i~-lt t 6~ FOH HEXT-1-' I"HX . .\P . \UT~fEXTS FOR RENT-2 ROOM FUR~TSHED apartment, with kitc:h(·neltC' and hn t h . l'h. \\'ilnwttt> :\OS2. fixL'T':-\~~-1 t t· :JO.OO .-.;;.1111 no .no 6!1 ------------------- !)0 . 0() FOI~ fli'i .llfl IU ·~:-\T 01~ SALE: SOlTTII-E.-\~T \\"innt>tk:t. attradiH· S roo111 hnt1~1 ·. ~ hnth::;, 2 firt:'-plnres; porche::;. Call Winnt>tka R51. 6f!LTX-l -ltp ti anrl butlt'r, with north short' rt·fl'l't'l1l't'S. 'Tt·l. Kt·m\·uod 35~i. tilLT:'\·IS-ltp EXl'EIUEXl'E]) ::\L\X \\'I~IIE~ JIOl"~E\\'(Irk. ~ardt' n work. wa~hing- ear:-:, takt> down t l't't!l-' an<l St'l'cl Ia wns. l'h. \\"inJwtka 1~13. 6lfAS-ltp ~\\'Eili~H CIIHI~TL\X .\ n~ .. 1 rm:-: . & innclr .. fi:>.no r.:l no 70. 0() -------- ----------------ROO~l COTTAGE, :'\'EWLY r:ttt ·(l. P<·uhlt· g·ar:tg·t· . l'h onP \\"intwtka 13:n. ·------------------------------------------------------ 'j:'!t ~··ward ~t.. -t !'Ill:-:., inacl!·. & ··!. rt· f . :i:\0 ~lwrnw n .·\ \'t'., -t rm~ . 8.: ~unpr. 6~L'I'X 4R-ltc H~>:t~nnahl·· DECO- T>ukh <'olonial home nntl ~u1 llll W()Od!·<l ('OI'IH:r Jot. :\lu!'t lJt :-:r·l<l at onrtc·. 0\\'nl'r lt·aYing t(l\\'11 ha ~ mat1·rially n·duc·t' Cl the pric e tr $17,0fl0.00. l'lllllll !'1>1111\, IHI@ ~(81lffi~@lffi 'j~6 Elm St. & JJ ceiDl1k~ \\"innetka. lftl 1 7iLTN4 -lt C' :l TIOO~f TTOl."~E. XE:\ H Tr!A X~f'Ol!T .·\ · )1.-\X DESlllES positic1n a:-= housl' lll:tll anrl g-al'lll:'tlt'r. ExJH-rit-nc·t'cl, conseit,ntinll!'. Bt>st n·f. \\"rit· · .-\ron Johan:-<nn, HHl Uasd1er .AYe., Chl<':lg-o. lilLT ·IS-ltp :?:?:i I Hidg·,. .-\ \'<' .. ·1 rms. & t·lt·c . rd. ~t).Of) Rn.on SOl ~imp:-:nn ::::t. . 4 rm~ . & :-:unpr. 1:~1'j (lak An' ., -t rml' ., inador . & :,lS Lt·· · ~t .. ~ rm~ . & inadt·. l'~lii O:tk .\n· .. 4 rms. & ··lt't ', rt>f. s:·:1 Elm\,·r·r1d :\ "'"·· -t rms . -::..oo ~n.r.n t i1·11 and ~t'h1·ol. $'j0 a month with , . ........,. 1',.:-: -· ,.s~i··" -.: .. nt· ·nlll"" 1. :ill Birch a,·e .. phnn f' \YinnPtka R73. G!lL'T':-\48-1 tv \\"IXXE'.I'KA SOBEl!, HI·.LTADLF: <'I L\l"FFEl"H PEf;it't>~ pri\·ate p o~itinn. Ht' :l~onahlt· sal:u · ~· l!t->f. Swt·dish . Sing-It' . l':tll \\'in lll-tka :!sG. G1LT~4S-Itp '(IL. ~2 . .-.11 ··lt·l'. l 'l'f. '\fi.IHl 11)1f) :\L1 in ~~ .. 1 rm~. S.· t·lt·l'. rd. :?lOS ~herman AYt'. . ~ rms., (2 (10.011 hp(]l"lllS .) IIi:! I Hirlt:·· A\'<' .. 4 nn:-: .. l-'U11J11'. & 11')~. I'IJ..\l'FFI·Tlt " ".\);T:4 l'OS. lX pl ·i\·at .· f;tmil~." · ~~ yr~ . t·XJl. high-gTatlt· t":tr:-:. Ht'fs . - north ~hort·, Hng-t·rs !'ark. <'all Lt-m, l'nivl'l·:-:ity 3il9-\\·. til LTX4S-1tp .:XJ>EHT <~.-\RDE:'\ER DESIRES POSIt inn fill pri ,.a tt· t·~taat· . "\ -1 Xnrt h ~h11r · rdt·rl:'nt't'S , also lkt' ll~t'd e hauff, · ur. Ph. \\'ilml'ltt· 4ti:i5. 61LTX~S-1tp Y< IT'.'\(; ~L\ X \\' 1~II E~ Hl >!"~ t-:1 'LE.-\Xill1! arHl windlt\\' wa~hing. Ph. \\'ilmt"ttt· :H%. ti!LT:-\4~-ltp F< tH :--t·n·k·· EI·'FT<'IE:'\T H<HJE lllt· n. ··all tlw Hit-hard!-=on l"nh·. ~~i~·ti. 1 l. \\". Hkhard :--on, ::\igr. ti1LTX~S-ltt' ·\~· · w · \·. HELl.\ HLE \Y .\ XTI·:ll ah11ut ('.:\ H I'EXTH Y, .JOBHTXC: hf·U:o-~', ganl1'11 c·r grounds. Plwnl· J. \\~. T;t~·Jor. \\'ill llt'tka :c:lti. For rt·ft·I't'l1ct· phorw :;o~lli. 6I LT~~ S- lt11 I ·.\:\I)~ C:\I> f :\ ( ~ >L.\ XTJ .'\C :, ~ard« · ll~ TH:\ :'\SI'L.:\XTTX< ;, TIOCT' I·Y t·Xpl·rl. F h:llt'ht·rl. ):orth· lJr<·Ok :?41-J. lilLT:-\48-tft· Y<H' :-\(; c:EJ ~TAX , ~1.\HHI EI>-<.'fL\ l'Ffeur, gardt:ner, or hou~t·man . Stt·ad~· pf,:-:. Bf'St r efs. Co hum· nig-ht~ . Tt·l. Highland Park 3i7~1. 61LTX~S-1tp !\0. 00 l·'<.ll~ l~I·:~T;; 1~00-:\f :\10DE!t:-\ H(T:"fi.\!'-10 .00 1 rm~ . S.: t ·lt·t '. r··f. l~·w. l't' nt $i;) prr month. 96~ ~nrtlf'f> ~t .. ~2.50 \Yinnt>tka . li!H .. T4 ~-~t(' ~:? 10 ~lwnn:tn .\,·t' .. ~ rm:-: .. l'h'l'. r··f. so.on ·~n:>o Slwrmn n .\ Yt' .. ii rm:-:. REALTORS R:i .Oft Flmwnnd .-\\·1' . . ;; rm:-:. 7!C FOH RF.~T-STORES & OFFICF.S \Yilmctte 6S-H4 ~I() . ()(I ~h; · rnw n .\ Y·· .. ;, rm:-: .. t·l~·· ·· n·f. 77L48-1te lO;i .fl() ' ,;, Hich~t' .-\ Y<' .. fi i·m~ . & sunpr. F'nl' rrtht--1' hnme>s f'N' nur photog-raphic 1(1'!': l"'t·mp~lt·r ~t .. ;; rm~ .. t·lt-t·. r<>f. 11 ()(I() tn \Ynnhnwth :l and 10. Suitnhlt- for 1":1 ()I) 1:·::s n,tl, An· .. !I rms. haht>r<la~lwr. ho~·R' anrt young- mpn·~ SECTIO~ l:W_nn ·)()110 II a nbon ~t.. ii nn:-: .. ~ hath~ Wt · arim~· a ppa n ' l. or j ewt> lry ::;tore. 7 ll00:\1 ST(.C('O 1 I Ol.·.~E· .. ,· · BED 1Sf1fi ~ht·rnwn An· ., 6 nn:-:., t·h ·l'. rpf. !(lO.Oft \\·~·Iff -n ri llb 11 a rd w:tl'l' mclg., 111 !I 't !\0.0(1 11111 ( :t·nn' ~t.. fi l'nlS . l't·ntral .·\\' ('., \Yilnwtt f'. 'j3LTX-IS-1tc roums, :! baths, abo bath in baf'enwnt hot walt:-r heat, 1 car heated g-aragf· 1R1 ~ ~lt··rma n .\ \ "l' .. tl rms .. ~ hath~ 125 .00 ~\ \'(' .. ti rm~ . . !.? baths. ~I'! n idg-t· GO ft . front, ROUthern expos ure, bes 1-l :i.OP FOH HEXT. ~'T'Or!E OX TUDCE nn. .... 1wig-h hor·hnod, qui t't :-:t J'Pt--t, con Yenient to ~- p \Yilnwttt' . liYing {]\1[1 rt~>r~ in ha ck. Tn1(1()'1 Hid~t' .\n·. , H rm :-: .. ·) hath:-:. schoc,ls n n<l trans))(lrt:t t ion. Priced at quh··· :1t ~~2 Hidet> Hcl. 1:H .. 1'-t~-1tn 1 :10.0(1 ~ P. $1 !1,000. Ownt>r mo\'ing from city mu~t ·?;,tli I 'J·;li ri,, .·\ Yt·., fi rm~ .. ·~ bath:-:. ~t·ll. 1nquirt' of Y<·UI' bn·l~er or OW11PI' 11)1 (lp lli·'~K ~1'.-\C'I·: FOI~ HE:'\T. 'T'F.LE~ . P. at t) ;}i) C:nrland · A\'t.'., ur T el. \Yin phon<' ~erYiet.". ('ongt>nin l ::;utTillliHling·:-: . 11i:i.011 11:1-; r~icll!l' ,\,·1' .. II ··m~. & ~11 '1 Jir. Itt-·tl(a 26~ , . 7iLTX 48-Hc 1 ~t ·a:-:' ·n:t hh·. f'hotw \Yinn etka ~?:i . ·?:>t!l ~·~·ntr:1l .-\Yt' .. G rm:-:. ( rluph·x) 'j:lJ.. TX-lR-tfl' 171 0" 'l·'tl O ' ·i t·;lPt'\ <:LEXCOE EAST SlDF: NE\Y 10 ROO:\ 17:! .01) 1~.7·t Hi<h:t' ~·\ ,.<' .. ti nn:-=. hr·U:--t·, Eng-lbh t:nw hrid~. ::;tone trim 1:-J WINN"ETKA. 1 NEW COR. STORE f'tllcL·o and timher gable:-;. Attaclwd ~ 44x24. 1 new store 44x16. Both h:lVP l':lr g-arag-t:', 6 he<lronms, 4 tile hath:-= basements. Reas. rent. Ph. Winn . 11~ 73LTN43-tfr lav. lst fl. Larg-e lh·ing an1.l <lining l."niYPr~if\· ?S:i 1.-,f.-t ~)wrm<l 11 .-\ Yt·OUl' rooms, tile 1\itch t' n, 112 ft. frontag(· liiL'T':-\~~-1 t<" beaut. trt>es, well land!-icnped on high, }'OR S .\J.. F.-HOrSF.S wt·ll drain ed g-round. ConY. tran s. TIIHEE .\ TTR.\ C"T'TYE r:-.:FrnxT::::HED :-=vhool~ an<l bathin~ heaeh. 24S Haw S TIOO:\f BnTCK HO:\JE \YTTH TTLlo. I'IH11ll~ third t1nor. priYalt' hnnH. Stl'fllll thonw A ,·e . Ph. Glenco~> 561 or Ran roof on large wn(1(1 f· d lot in Bannoc·khC'at. n ll nt' Wly dt>t11ratt>d. Ph. ""il<lolph 03~:?. A. ll. Gntt·s or vour brok~:>l burn, north of Deerfield. Garagt' atnH·t tt' fl~t:i. (ij'TAR-lte 77LTX4S-1tc tarhNl, P'uclio Jh·ing room. ~ h: ths, nil hurner, t.:"lC'. Don't mi!'s sel'ing- this: it I~T FL00R APT. 5 TIOO~TS AXD may be your opp0rtunity. Owner mo\'- FOH SALE: HOUSE AT !lS9 WILLO\V h:1th. hot '"at t' r h f'n t, lnr~<' norf'h ::tnd Hoad, Winnetka. T el. 1829. ing ast. Phone Deerfield 39!'1. vnrd. f:aragp_ F.::tf't rt·ntra l hwatinn . 77LTX48-1tp liLT X 48-1 tp Phnnt> \Yilm e tt e 385. 6j'L48-1tr 1' : 1\·i~ ~t.. ------------ ·- Bl ~XC:.\ LO\\" FOil llF.X'T'. Fl"RXISHED r··· ,,.,rnrlli'-'lH·cl . nll·tll1>~1··1'11 \'I)Jl\'l'ni· ·l'l't·:-= . On ' "innf'tkn A Y<'., 1 hlnck Past of \\":t uk~·g·:t n Hcl. Tnquin·, F. \Y. Coutrl:'. 69LT48-1tp ·- - .\ TT'L\< 'T I YE 6 H00:\1 110:\[E \VI TilT X :l hlnl'l-;:s 11f dt·JH·t. ll. \Y. heat, oil bur ner: \\'()ndt·d l!yt, 42xl60 ft. Garage. Ex (·t~lh·nt L·on<litir·n. l!nrgain at $11,000 ,. ,,, INDIAN I-IILL