AUJ.!USt 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE. }'OR SALE-AUTOS LOST AND FOUND 41 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otice--f~as:!:fd~nt:dv~;-u~h~enJ~str~~n fr~~ c~~~;s~onont~ Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are replar subscribers . to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE . NEWS. REDDISH RRO,VN FUR EXCELLENT CON- LOST-A neck -piece, at the Wilmette Library or dition, low mileage. Ph. Wilmette 659. in the vicinity, on Monday afternoon. 4LTN48-ltp Finder please . return to 324 Cum nor Rd., Kenilworth and re,c eive reward. !0 GARDENING 55L48-ltc PACKARDSEDA~ ca~~® & JJ ©lfcdl&illl . .eS 15 cents a ltne in one paper. 25 cents a line In any two papers. Rat --30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 60 eents. Average ot five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements · when brought to our office at 123Z Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be &c· to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 5 o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for t~e GLENCOE .N EWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000~2001. Landscape Planners and Contractors 2016 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 2930 (Nursery at Deerfield, Ill.) 20LTN27-tfc LOST--A BEAUTIFUL POLICE DOG answering to name of "\Volf."" Reward. Friend Choate, 1125 Sheridan road, Wilnwtte. 55L48-1 tc 56 HF.J,p WXXT}:D-FF::UAI,}: . f Ot I nsett IOnS--cepted · Classified Deadl tne up EXP. V.'HITE GIRL, GEX. JIS\VK.; :-;mall family. Ph . \Vilm e tte 1129. 56LTN48-1tp .M ..-\lD, WIIITE, NOT OYER 40 YEARS, EXPERT TREE SERVICE g e tw ral hoUS P)\'ork. 2 adult~. 2 childret PRUNING, TREATING, SPRAYING. unrl er 6. Prh·att· rnf,m rtnd bath. Near Thornhill Bros. Phone Wilmette 2295 · trnn .~ ; Hirtation. A-1 rt>ft'rt' ll t>t>S r equired 20LTN36-tfc ::7!1 l~idg-e AYe., Tel. \\'inn e tka 1379. 56 LT~4 8- ltc 30 LOANS }'()U SA 1,1-:-.\ t 'T OS l'OR SALE-AUTOS Charles H. Brethold WAXTED- RELIAnLE ~JAID FOR g"l·nrral hou~t·\\'O l'l< . Sma II hou !';e, 4 bloeks wt·st K e nilworth station, home nights. Ph. Wilmette Hn. 56L48-ltc CO:\JPETEXT NCRSE \\~A XTED TO t'Hl'P for babv and as:-i:-:t with 2 old r c hildren. R e fe r·ences r equired. Phont,' \\' i nu e tka 2:386. 56LTX 48-lt<' CHRYSLER GOULD DAVIS, Inc. WINNETKA 3090 1 :·:? 7 Landau ~t·ctnn-Thi:" ('a r w;!s (1\\' JH ·d IJy a pr()min(:·nt <'hi<'ag-" :tt torrh'Y. ::\likag(· i:- only R,OOO, and tlw c:11· is in tlw fint·st pos:-ihlt' conditifJn. ! 'II It Y:-iLEH l f.:('()); DITTO~ El > 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance 545 Main St., 'Yilmette T el. 65 30L17-tfc LATE ~IOJ)EL C lL \ RA XTE 1 ·:1> C'A TIS l!1t:1 F'nur vassf'ngl·l' Lint·oln Tuwn ~vd;111, run 2,100 mill's. <'a nnot I a· disting-uislwrl from a rww <'ar. Con:-idl·rahlt· sa\'ing. 'l'wu vn~ . ·· ng(·r LitH·oln .ludkin <'oupt· U:-<l'd Yt·ry li t tit· ~~~· prornirwnt X (lrth ~ht,rp fa mil~-. Pt>rft·l't in P\'(·r.l· r· ·spL·t ·t. $:?,7:> 11:? OPE~ ~~·~n . \ Y~ TER~I~ ~\~P EYI;:~rxcs H·~ W .-\XTED- CJTIL FOR f'OOKIXC: A~l downstair~. City or Xorth Shore refl'!' ~ rw e s r e quired. 5 in family. Start with $18 or $20. Winnetka 42~l . 56LTX48-1tc ON FIRST OR SECOXD MORTGAGES at rea so nable rates, quick, courteous, confidential senice. \\".:\~TED I~VANSHORE REALTY FINANCE CO. CO ~TPETEXT WIIITE :\T.\JD. COOKTXG Suite 403-S tate Bank & Trust Bing. and down~tairs work. Xo h ea q · clP:tn Orrington Ave. at Davis St. Univ. 8383 ing-. ()wn room and bath 2nd floor. 30LTN16-tfc High wag-es. :\Just have r l"fe r e n c <=. \\'innptka ::24. 56LTX48-ltc l\10NEY TO LOAN T\Lt\.ID ('HI:n-iLER ju:-t t·Yt ·t·h;IU it ·d ancl put in the tint·st ('undit it·n. Thb i:- one nf th< · mo:-t pnpul:tr l't·<)dsters th:1t ('hry:-lt·r has madt·. 112 no:ubtl'r-~lotor WATCIIES (>I~ TR.\l C II EX EY & 1\:I ~I I L \ RI--: I :-;- c ·· ( 'HP.Y~LEr: TI·Uring- ~\ Yt' I'Y smart litt! v car at an (·xtn· md~· low prkt·. Yt ·n· L·t·,no ll~il'al 11, run and ju :.. t the t·ar f··r :t \' ;lt': ttifJn trip. \\- I I , L \'~ KX rr; I IT ~t·dan - Thi s t·XI'l: lktlt car t·ost *:?,::no nt·\\' and \\'ill ht· :-<11ld for· a. mt· I't · frndion nf its purvh :t :-<t· prit ·t. .\ r "I'll oJ: rI.J·:n IS:?:? T:iclgl· A\·f'. 1·~\· anston, Ll:\!'tiL:- l>E.\LE!t~ \\' ..-\'1'<'11 1!1·: 1' .\liUXG DOXJ;; TIY EXpert. \\'atdw :- e lt·;UWil aJHl acljust(·cl. ll:t\'t' yt~ur old llJ(J\'t 'lllvlll put in a J11(1tl vrn t':ISl' . P ;tul r ,(\'t·Y . .l t' W\'lt:>r. 1 J(i ;) \\'il nwtll· AYe. l'l \\'i lnwtte II . :l4L:15-tfc WATCJDJAKER AXD .JEWELER WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE .LINE OF pocket wat<'hes an d wri s t watches. We specialize in c lock and watch repairing. All w ork guarantef'd. Mail ord r s r e<'e iYe prompt attent ion . Dr. S. Rosen, op tom e tris t, !';Ct'n by nppt. \\' . liTE :\lAID OR :\I OTHER'S HELPER ~linisl t> r's family, mu:-t h e fond o( chil drt·n . \\'HTTI·~ Ph . \\. ilm e tte 2174. 511LTX48-ltc <:TRL FOR CE~ERAL w n rk. Un honw nig·ht:-. Sunday, \Yinn ·t ka ~ns. HOL'SEf'a ll after III. 56LT X48-ltc <:T ,< L FOR <~E~EH.\L HOr:-:EWORK . <;oofl l'llOk. C:nod r e ft' rt·rwi' :-. ~i c room and hnth . C'nll <:lencot> ~IG 1. :>li LT:'\ 48-1 tc < '( 1~1 \\'inn<'tka 1,70 4LT~4R - 1tC' ()\\·in g· to the Reduct ion 111 Our XC\\. Cars \Y · arl' ()ffrring r(lr a ft ·\\' d<t~ · :- n 1 Ft~l:D I!C L\li~TI ·:I: :\fnlh: l \ - 0\\'lll 'tl limit('(l num!J(·r of l'st ·d ear:- at 1· .\· n 11 r11min1'!1l ],:tnl-:t·r and ·(·nl~· nltl ::.:it lit milt-'<. .\ n 1-:xcellt·llt :-<t·con~l car f f·!' .-\(1 , .. X as h Yit-toria C'oupt· .. $77:i ' :?fi \\'ills -~·it. ('lair .\lode! T Sport !-I 111)1 ·( Jilt:. n()aclstt·r· ...... . .. $700 LatP ~lodt·l X a:-: h .\d\·. 7-l'a:-:-. X.\:-:H ('()nn·rtild C'-Thi::-: latt · modt:'l <·a r St:"dan, G \\'ire \Yh <·t> l:-; $i-::iO is in tine ll1l·(·h anit'a l <:onditic·n ancl ,\·ill I !;2~t Xa~h "440" ~eri(·S, ·I 1)r. ~t · d:t 11 $1 ~~0~l ::\'ash .Ad\'. Ruadstt>r $.,:,.) l·t' ::-:olcl for a frat lion of its purc ha~e 1!t:;S X ash . , Dr. Sf·dan .... $;)IS I :t~S X ash ( 'onn' rtihlp C'oupe $fi:)ll 1:t26 :'\ash .\d·:. 6-1 Ur. ~t· dnn .... $·1:t:; . . J-'(mtia(· Roadstt ·r ..... $::oo .'\'.\~II ~~ · d:u1 -Th (· nH·('h:tlli('Hl t·ondriH·n ·1!126 \\iillys-Knig-ht Rt·dan . . . . $:~2:) t·t' this (':tr i:- ]ll·l'fe('t. Tt on!.'· nN·ds to 1!J28 ('hry~ler ('oavh $67:> J,l' dri\'t>ll to IJE' appn·dated. ' 're han· se\'eral other l'<trs \· ar~· ing· in price from $75 up. lf. <'LO<'K~ GREE:\11~'\Ul\1 Ph. Wilm ett e 4516 34LTN38-tfc H. cduccd Prices 1139 Greenleaf A \'e. PETE X'!' "\\·11 TTE L.\ l'~DRERS for ~londays Hnd Tu :-dnys. li7S :\Taple ;\\'l· .. \Vinn e tk:t. 36LT~48-ltp - .\LL ~L\1-.:1·~~ .: \XD SIZES l'l·]lail't·(l ~~~· t-X]JPI't. ('lllt'l,;s (';tlJt·tl fi JI' ;ttH l clt ·lh·t·lt·ll. l'ritT S rP:Jsr·nahh· . Paul J >;t \' t·~·. .ll·\\'f' l .. r· . 1111:) \\'i lmdl· · .\ \'t ·. 1 'hotiP \\'i hllf'ltl· li . :\-t L:1G -tf(' l'ET~ \\' :\ :'\TI·~I>-Y()l'~( I \\' 1 -lfTF: ( :JRL FOR gt·rwrnl hou!';t' Work. :\lust ht· l:' XPt.' ri~·nl·t·d l'tJok ~nd ahh· ·to sp~·ak g-ood Eng·!i:-11 . Thn· t.> in fnmil~· . Otw c hilfl. !'le<tning- woman and \\';t :- h woman empJr,~·t>d. *20. Call \Yinndl-:n 10:12. ;) liT TX4S-ltp :w n ~a l ,', 1-:XPE'P-TEX<'ED 'YJ-HTE <:TRL FOR g·~· n· · r:ll hc.u sl' wor·k. Pr n t..-stant. R ef·'re n t.:t>~ r l'q uir·ed. Phone \\~i nn l:'t l.;a :340R. ~ . \LI ·: - FTXE J'()I.f('E lHH:. 36L T:\' 48-1 tp 4 m o nth s . n(' il!'. l'h. \\'ilmvth· :l!lL-IS - 1 tc STE:XO , ~H . \t·Jiy ?!l:'i:i. 44l I'IWFESSI0"" .\1, C HRYSLER 7;)'::-:- 0n<' n(·w t·~u· and a d ~ monstrator n r e offered for· salt>. Thesv (ars will bl' sold at a :-ubstantial :-a\'ing-. 4LT~ -IR-1 E\rA.NS1'0N ~ :\SJf CO. 17~;, TIEXSOX AYE. 1% Blocks Xorth of lht\·is "L" Station 41A8-1lt· tc tl c s s 11 0 1 !t~S 1!12S $7:?5 1!t27 '2S Old~mohile Landau S eda n 1!127 ~;;.1) ':?~ .\II Anwrican Oakland Landau $650 1!r27 '28 Oldsmobile Roadster . . . .. . $fi25 1928 '~'\ All American Oakland Coach ':?S Pontiac Cabriolet $::7;, 1!t24 1!t25 ~IA~Y OTHERS FRO~T *2:; l'P 4 J...TX 48-lt(' Lake Shore ~I otor Sales 1017 Chicago .t\.Yc. l IERE 'l'I fEY /\ RE /\LL TH. :\DED ON 1930 BUICKS Stand. 6, 2 dr. sedan ..... .. . $G75 Stand. 4 dr. sedan . ........... $875 :\last('r 6 4 dr. :-;edan ... $750 ~last~:· r (i 4 dr. brougham ...... $850 2 dr. ~Tastt'r 6 1-;edan .. $600 Stand. 6, rumbl e seat coupe .... $700 ::\laster 6 touring ...... .. .. $150 Stand. 6, Wi ntt·r sides . . $125 North Shore Buick Co. 1027 DAVIS ST. r r r t WTJ...,.:\1 ETTE :mifl 4JA8-1tc Et:?'i \VILLY~ K~IC:HT S E D A ~. XASH '26, STAXHARn COAC'H, IX P~:·ppy engine, a)))waranee aml rubher c-ood condition. Will take car in trad· ·. 'nnw paynwnt if desir<>d. Phone Wing-ood. Bargain at $425. Only $170 cash. \-\'ilmet te 3753. 4L TX 48-ltc ne·t!w 165. ~I r. Burget. 4LT);48-lt<' FOR SALE-ER~KIXE 1928 SPORT \VJLL SACRIFICE JEWETT SI·~DA)J', good running- ordf'r and g-o(J(l ruhhet·. rnadstl"r, good as nl"w. LotH of speed. $95 ca!'h. Earl Woodruff, 550 Custl·r ~Tu!=;t !';ell. Small payment. Hig-hland A\'e., Evanston. 4L4R-lte Park 3252. 4LTX48-ltl': FOR SALE ~ Run ,.ou Want Ad In Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run an THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. - SE<'RIO:TAP.L\L, S T 1·, X 0 (;RAP HI f', Dictation in E T.\'JH::'writ ing St·n·ic·f's. ~ 'wrt hand or on Tr1wwrit e r . ( 'orrt·f't:, __ -; _ _ _ H_E_,_L_P_,_v_A_:S_T_E_D __ ::\_I_A_L _ _ __ English .md Pun e tualitm . Fin E> P P IImanship . .\TanU!'('l'it>t ··dilt'd. SPrviC'e s 01L TICRXER SALES::\JEX FOR X . S . towns Evanston to Highland Park fnlfn ~~ tn :1 o'l'!od\, h\· ,Ia \' or WP t> k : \\·Jwre priee nffers no resist:1nce and :·I \'OUI' honw or om;·p, ii' prf' ft·rr-t·d . , , ·c· J· 500 satisfi~d installations for refer\Vornan of maturt' yt>ar~. g-ood soc·ial P il(' PS . Lin e covers full price rang-e and <ilanrling, ::-:<'\'~nth gt>nt·ration Anwrmnd e ls for any requirem e r1ts . . Prefer· kan: hu ~ in 0 :-~ t>XJwriPn<·t · : <·olll'i-;'t> nwn ablP tn sell appliances to WPalthy training. RdPr c·JH'e:-. T e h·nhr,n e Wintwtka R:n . 40L'I'i'\·IR-:1tp homes. Living on north sid~ with car. 1 nr 2 sales pc·r w ee k. net salesman $7a u Si':H\'J{'E nr·tn:.\r tn $175. Call University 9500. 1616 -----------------('hica~n AvP.. Evan!'ton. Ka11sal Utilitit-s Corp. \Yilliams Oil-o-matic. . 57L-t8-ltp "ll··m f' nf quality nrints" DEVELOP IX(~ EXPEIUI·~;'{f'En D R Y CLEANING PRIXTIXC: rout!' man, write \Yilmt'tte Lif(l B-19S. EXLAHf:I~C: 57LT48-ltc 114:) Greenleaf .A\·e. \Vilm e tte 1G7G 44L40-tfc WAXTED-EXPERIE~C'ED GA RDEXer. Phone Northbrook 241-.T. ,\LL KIXDS OF C'ARPE~TER WORK, 5iLTX-18-1tc> r e pairing nnd remodeling- don e hy r e liahlP man rt>a~ on~hl .\· . f'all after 6 :i~ 111-:J,p WTB.-)1.\LE & 'F IOL\l. F. P. :\T. :\fr. Rutar. Winn. 2480. 44LTN4S-:He W.AXTED-WHITE :\1.\X ..\XD \\'IFR permanent position for X. S . hnme, wifp (;EXEU .\1. Ut:J·.\lUS :i() a~ "ook and maid, n~an ns gardent>r ------------------and house man, ma~· driVt' car 0<'<'a.JF.WF:LllY ltEI'AilUX(} A~D HE~ionally. Only eXt)erienced C'nupll:' with liiOt'!Piillg- hy a craftsman f·f ran· hf>st refE>rences need anpl~· . 2 in famil~·. ahility anrt orig-inality. Dt-signs ('rNlted no washing-. Cive refer~nct>s, ag-e a11d for lndi\'lduals. Paul Da\'t>y, Jeweler, previouR experi "e. \Vrite "~ilnwtft' 1165 \\'ilnwtte Aw. Ph. Wilmf'tte 6. Lift> A-:L 5RLTX-tS-1tf' W .\XTED-FHCnT Al'<:L·sT - :10 TO ~l' Jit. 14 an <'XJWJ"ienced whit,.. malrl, \\' ith n·ft· n' ll <'l'~. for g~:·ner a l housP\\'ork. f'all Winnetka S60. iitiLT~·IS-1tc K or shore Catnera Shop !)0L~!'i-tfc· :,:, LOST AXD FOL"XD EXTTIA Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - LOST- LAST WED. flETWEE~ 3 ANJJI 4 o'clock, from truck, while moving, a pan·Pl containing pPncils, pens, k<>yK 2 gold eardrops anrl other small arti ·Ies, finder please bring ~ame to 511 Park Ave. 55L48-ltp MO~EY RP.\RE TT.\JE OX tPl~uhone can\'a~s from your own hnnH' during day or PVt>nin~s . Rt·quirt>s an hour or two daily. l'\o selling lH:·cau~e our trainl"d men close tlw )pads Ynu dt>velim. Liberal commi~f;inn to rou on l ead~ we clm~f'. Le:1ding- ·~·lpliallct' <'nmn::~nv of Evnnston. C'all T'ni,· t>r~it,· 9500. 5SLTN48-1t(.