Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 Ravinia Opera ud·Concerts June 22 to September 2 Box Office open 9:30 A. M. until 10 P . M. daily and Sunday Telephone Highland Park 1717 A Big Moment for the Youngsters of Our Wilmetie SeTenteenth Season COMMUNITY HOUSE }'rlclny, August :to Monte Blue and May McAvoy In "NO DEFENSE" . . -nlsoYnrlt·t)·-J ,aun·l & Jlunly ( ' onH·tlY Motor to DANCE .... with the Discriminating A TONIGHT A Ill No Man's Land Sheridan Road ·· the Lake Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Reeenatloua 1Vlblleue 4636 Read the Want Ads and distinguished t hem:-;e lv es in the Sl a. on's acti,·itics nf tl1e Playground and Recreatinn Board. is the reason for the se picturl'S . They . ho\\· sm iling f acl'S, ample e,·idcncc ni ' '1e worth -whik.ncss ni the efforts of the Board, " ·hicll nycrl o0ks nn nppnr tu nity tn kt cp the yo un gsters actin? in l'H'nh " ·hi ch atTorcl pkasurr . The ln\Hr pict urt· -, IH)\\·s a q uartct of ,,·innns . Th e .. _ ,·nunc: man" Pll the ldt i:; D11U gla-; Huck. a juni11r f1r::;t prize " ·inner. Then from left to right come Durllth~· Dari :-> . al~ll a junior fir~t priu \rinnn: \ ' irginia Cr~·t· n. -.tnior lirst pri:te \\·innn. an<l nruck l<lliSt'r, ull l_\" Sl'\"l'll ye ar~ ,l]d, ' "11 '1 \\'< )11 a thircl prize ml'da\. Tlll' prizL·-, \\TrL' prv-;t·11tcrl at Park. {i' hui<~S hu , R~S E:K T AT lO~ of cups P n:<:!dals to the childr en who 'ir ,ol l' h"t" <lt<lflh,·r) Deerfield Legion Holds Huge Festival August 24 H un<lretl s of nnrt h . hMe resid ent -s arl' looking fnn,·ard in keen anticipation to tht annual Dc nfie lcl Legi on DCI.y w 11 iclt is tn lw held in Jewctt park at Deerfield Saturday, August 24. An ontstandinh* fea ture of the festivih· will bl' a parachute jumn to he executcrl hr a stunt Hyer '"h o 1s to drop f ron1 a plane at a height of 2.000 i crt. Acti,·itit·s " ·ill begin at nnnn ancl rnntinue until midni ght. Th e prnfYr:lm include s a children's mardi gras . picnic luncheon. field n ·e nts inr children. a ba se ball ·game. musical attractions and a boxin g exhibition. 11 r. and ~~ rs. Ht·c tor Dodd s and th eir '· qnih·. 7.?0 Prairi e a,·cnue. return ed Thursda,· o f la st week frnm a th ree wrcks' motor trip through Canada. Thev snent the fir st week -end in Hol1: nd. \Iich .. \rent to the Canadian ~oo, and stwnt the last \\"tt·k-end at Bat r ha wana f1av. on Lake Superior. -o~fi ss ~far ga ret Staff1,rd ,)f <)3() C:,hcri'lan roa d. accumP <P li ·· d ll\· \1 iss Fthel ·nae ~turQ·t· t ' 11 and jJ i-. s ~f ;1.rv Crnm :tackc>r of Oak Park C~re ..:ncndiqg their ,·arati nn at Cahot Lodge, Sturgeon Bav. \\·is . -o]~,,1Jnt lo . ; lin. 2-lO Es se x road . Ken'il\\'Orth ha s n ·turned fn m the M ilitan· TrainitH! camn at Fnrt Sheridan. where he has bern for the past two weeks. ~f r. and ~f r s. Thomas Mathieson. Friday, Saturday August 23, 24 "Movietone Follies of 1929" With a Cast of Musical Comedy Stars Monday, Tuesday August 26, 27 "Mysterious Dr·. Fu Manchu" with Warner Oland, Jean Arthur Neil Hamilton Wednesday, Thursday August 28, 29 VICTOR McLAGLEN m "The Black Watch" --o- 5-tS Temnle court. Kenilworth and their -,on. Juni o r. have m otored to Wisconsin to spend two weeks. ON VACATION JAUNTS Wilmette Youth Attends \fr. ancl Mrs. A. E. Klund er and U. of I. Y. Conference the ir daugh ter. Dnr o th ~·. 909 Chestnut an~ nnc. spen t la=-t \reek-end as th e Carh· k (; . Duncan Clark. 228 \\' oocl 11.1 r . anc 1 ~r and Farrington G. house J,!tt cs t (.) f .\ .\ rs. r. 1',. 1,. :-.t r cet." \\'ilm cttc, Carlson at Hoc kfnrd. Ttl. ~fr . and ~1r s. ~rhacffcn. 1087 Elm strel't, \\'in n etkn. Carlson formcrh· li\·ccl in \\' ilm ctte. \\"ill he a member of one nf th e t wo niversity of On ~londa\· of this "" eek, ~fr s. Klt;nd er g-ro up s of more th an 150 l T ·tnd Doroth\· left for Kan sas Cit,·. \I o.. Illinoi s fre shmen each wh o \\·ill attend to stH' tHI t\Y o week s as the gue sts of camps ~ ponsored by th e Cniversity ~f r. and \1 r s. A. L. ~a il e \'. !\fiss Y. \f. C. A .. for th e purpose of perKlundcr will rrtum the fir:t part nf 1mitting th e incoming st udent t o mak e Sept _· mhcr t o enter her ~nphonll)re himself acquainted with the difference vcar at ]alllc s \ltlll kin l'nin·r:-.i h ·, . be twee n universitY and hi (rh sc hoo lliic. at Dt:l·a tur . Illinoi s. Th e conference~ which ~rc scheclulccl for September () to 9 and () to 12 inMr . and ~fr s. R. L. Fo\\·ler, and Genr- clu siv e, feature talk s bv m embers of l!ianna Fowler. In \\'an,·ick road. \\.in- the facult\·, among th em. Thoma s Arklc net ka ldt o n \\' edn esda v of thi s w eek Clark. dean of men. and older students for Grand Hav e n. ~fich.. fo r a t\n) and informal di sc ussion s of the various week s' stav. ~fiss F owle r \\'ill return ·problem s with whi ch the freshman Och,her 2. to the Ogontz sc hool in the find . him . elf confronted. Thev are to East . Miss D orothv Darling and \fiss he held at Camp Sevmour. ne:lr DecaTane Darling \Yill also r eturn at that tur. Ill. time. -()~rs . E. F. Sll\·dacker, 1340 Chestnut Mrs. Pauline Ha"·ll'\·, 5-ll T empl e a\'Cnue. who ha s been in Europe as ~·ourt. Kenilw orth ha s hall as her l!Ut'st Pnc of the delegate s of the Interna1or the past we ek. ~fr s. H. l·,. Ouin- tional Flower convention. will sail for livan . of Pittsburgh. Pa .. and also-~fiss the C. S. on the Homeric, September Katherine Railsback nf Orland o. Fla .. '5. ~he " ·ill spend two weeks with her "·ho has been \\'ith Mr s. Hawle,· fnr daughter. Mis s Clara Snvdacker, at the summer. ~li ss Railsback will re- her home in New '{ ork. before return+nrn to Florida about the · middle oi ing to Kenilworth . ~eptemher. -o_..._ ~1 rs. S. P. \\'atkins. R2o Chestnut ~fiss Harriet Dauber. <laughter nf stree t. accompanied hv Mrs. Rov A. \fr. and Mr~ . Chas. F . Dauber. JH Hopkins and her daughter, of 1322 f'rntral avenue. is snending tm.) ,,·ee ks Greenwood avenue. returned Saturdav ,,·ith hrr broth er and sistcr-in-la""· Mr . from t\\' (~ months in northern Wiscoti1nd I.e. tcr Dauber at ~fillin .~ton. Ill. sin. -o-----~fis" Doris Kim hall. 333 Leic ~s ter Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gordon. 722 rnad. Kenilworth has had as her vuest, Greenleaf. and their daughter, Mar\fi .;s Eleanor Kickerman of ~fadison, guerite. are on a motor trip to NorthWis .. for a week ern Michigan for over Labor day. I

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