August 23, 1929 A. D. 1929, as is by law required, whlch proceeding is now p ending. The total ,cost of said improvem ent as shown by the estimate of the Pre~i<lent of the Board of Local Improvements of :-:aid Village of Wilmette and by the report and asf;eS~<nwnt roll Of sa id comm issioners is the sum of one million, eight hundred and fourt een thom;;and, nine hundred and twen ty one dollars ($1,814,921.00). ~ow unle ss you the l'aid d fendants and the said d e fendant~ d escribed· and -designated as "all 'Yhom it ~ay co ncern" shall be and appear before t he sa id County Court of Cook County, Illinois at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook ani::l State of Illinoi s, on the 23rd day of SeptPmher, A. D. 1929, and plead , answer or de mur to the petitioner's petition or obkc.:t to the report and assessment roll of th e commissioners aforesaid, the same and the matters and things therein ch arged and stated will be tak Pn as confesse d and a judgment entered . a('cordance with the said r epon and the prayer of said petition. 'fhe following is a desc ription of the I· ·ts, blocks, trac ts, pieces or parcels of land sought to be taken or damaged for tlw !'>a id improvem en t: The west two hundred and thirty (2:10) fee t of the south one hundred and fifty (150) feet of Section Twentyfi\·e (25), Township Forty-two (42) !'\'orth, Range Twelve (12) Ea!"t of the Third Principal Meridian, lying east and adjoining the tract of land owne d by the Forest Presen-e District of Cook County and co nveyed by "-arranty Deed r corded in the Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, on January 14, 1920, as Documt>nt Ko. 6715849 and situated in tlw County of Cook and State of WILMETTE mc·tt e-Lat:amie Subdivision," to 'VIlmettc :\ \'t:' IIU t:·. ln ('ent~al .An·nue from Hibhar·d Road to Laramtt:· A Yenue. Tn L<wk<·rllie Strn:·t from C'entra l .:\ w :'ltll· to < :I~.·nYiPw Hoad. 1 n <:l l:'ll \'ie w, from Loekt:·rhit~tr~· t·t ~ o rth of <; l<.·IIYit'W Road to Loel<" 1. bte Strl't't to the Southwt:·st of Glen\ 'lt-W LIFE 39 ments of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. · L48-2tc Sl'Jo~CL\L ],uad . ... I In L<H·kerhie Stn:d from Glenview NOTICE is h e r eby given tc all persons Road to l'entral Str et. int t>n·~ t e d that the President ancl Board In Ct·ntra l Street, from th e East lin e of Tnll'tees of th e Village of Wilmette, .. tn of. ··K~ngs Court Subdivision," to the tlw County of ook and State of Illinois, \\ <'~t lm e of .Raid subdivision . ha,·in'g ordert·d that '\Vasllington Ave nue, . In Glt:·nview Road, from Lockerbie ft·om the west t·dge of thf' concrete paveStreet to the 'outhwest of said Glenview m ent n ow in place in Ridge Road to a t:oad to a point three hundred (300) feet lin e thirty (:10) fe t west of and para11el ::3outlwa::;terly of the Southeasterly line with the west line of Twe nty-first Str·eet, of !>aid Lo<:kerbie Street. in "Pin Crest" Subdivision, a suhdiviHion· In GlenYiew Road on the South side of the north one-half ( N 1h) of the southof the ce nter lin e, from Lockerbie Str eet ea:-:t one-quarter (SE 14) of the northwest ="orth of ~aid .Glenview Road, to th~ one-quarter (NW 14) of Seetinn 33, TownWest limits of the Yillage of Wilmette. ship 42 North, Rang-e 13 East of the In 011'11\'iew Road on the Korth s id Third Prin<:ipal Me ridian, produced north of the <"ent r lim· , from Lock erbie Street, ncros:-; said \Vashington Avenue, exceptr.orth of :-;a id Glenview Road to the '\Vest · ing thert:'from that part lying north of limits of the Village of vVi'lmette. tht> center line of said \Vashington AveIn '!'hay r A ,·enu e from Lockerbie nue and w st of the Wt>St line of the StrN·t, north of Glenview Road to twenty-nine (29) foot alley along the' La verg-nc A Yenue. \\'('st line of "Seger's Subdivision," in In (in·gory A venue, from L ock erlJie the northeast one-quar·ter (NE1,4) of the ·'treet to La \·ergn e A venue. northwest one-quarter (NW%) o{ said In La ver·gne A venue, from on hunSection 33, together with Highlnncl Avedred and forty-fiye · (145) feet north of SPE('JAL ASSESSliENT NO'riCE nue and Central Avenue between the the north line of Thayer Avenue to one west edge of the concrete pavement now hundred and forty.- five (145) f·et south YUJ,A.GE OF 'VILl\IETTE in place in Ridge Road and a line thirty of the :;.;outh lin e of '\Vilmette Avenue. .Sl'EeL\L ASSESS::\IEN'l' NO. !60 (30) feet west of and parallel w:th the In \~lilm e tte Avenue o n the :-;outh side of the cent r line, from tt:·n (10) feet NOTICE i!'; hereby given to all persons east line of Twenty-fir:-;t Street, together west of the w est line of La Yergn Ave- intere::-:t d that the Pre~ident and Board with Twenty-first Street from Washingnut> to the w est limits of the Village of of Tru~tees of the Village of Wilmette ton Avenue to Central Avenue and toWilme tte. I in the County of Cook and State of Illi~ gether with Twentieth Street from WashIn \\.ilmette A v nue, on tht:· north !-iide 1 no is, having ordt>red that a supplemental ingtnn Avenue to Central Avenue and of th(' cente r line , frvm tt·n <1 0) feet asst-ssment il(· made to pay the deficiency tog·ether with all street and alley interwe~t of th e west line of LaYergne Ave- in SJwdal As!o;e~~<ment No. 227 for the ~t,<'tinn~ to the outer lines of said herein nue to twenty-fi\·e (25) fed t:'ast of the : improYement of the roadway. between th e mentioned streets, b e improved by grad(.'a:-:t lin e of Laramie A venue. g·uttPr flags nf Fifteenth Street and of Ing. paving with reinforced concrete paveIn Laramie Avenu e from fifty (i';O) feet intt:·rse<: ting Rtrf'ets to the outer lines of ment, ennstructing integral curb, adjustIllinoi~. n~Jrth of the north line of \Vilmette AveFift(·enth Strt..' e t, excepting the intersec- Ing manhole cover:-;, building catch basins The lots, block::;, tra c t~. pieces or par- nue to the north lin e of "Fir:-;t .:\rldition tion of Lake A\'enue, from the south line ttnd connecting same to the storm sewer ce ls of land whi ch will not bfl taken but to · ·wilnwttt.·-Larami e Subdivision:· of Spt:-n(·er Avenue to a line seven (7) in said streets, anrl otherwise improving which will be damage d by th e :-:aid' imIn L eam ington Avenu t> · from one , hun- feet n orth , " the south line of the first the said !';treets, the ordinance for the pr<J\·enwnt, as reported in and by tl e !'aid dn·d and forty-fi,·e (145) feet north of alley north of Elmwood Avenue to th<' :-;ame being on file in the office of the <'(·m mi ss iotlers' report and asse~sment th e north lin e of \Vilme tte AYenue to w e~t of Fiftee nth Street, by paving with Village Clerk of said Village and said roll, are desc ribed as follows: the north line of "First Addition to \Vii- :sheet asphalt and otherwise improving Yillage having applied to the County nwttt·-Laramie ~ubdi\'i~ion." tht> S<lme, whic:h improvement was pr·o- Court of Cook County, Illinois for an (exce pt th e west two hundred and In L .. daire Avenue from one hundr 'd vided for by an ordinance pas!';ed th l't'- assessment of the cost of said improvethirty (230) fe e t of th e south one an d forty-fin ( U 5) r~.~e t north of th·~ f9r on th e 20th day of ~farch, A. D. 1928, ment, according tn b e nefits, and an ashundred an_d fifty (1:i0) fe e t) . Lot north lin e of vVilme tte Asenul?, to the the ordinance for the same being on file St'~Sment therefor ha,·ing been made and Thirty two (32), in County Clerk's u orth line of "First Addition to Wilm ette - in the office of the Village Clerk of said returned to sairl Court, (Docket No. 264), lJiYi:-:ion, in Section Twenty fiv e (25) Larnmi(' Suhdi\'ision." Village, and said Village having applied Tmvnship Forty two (42) North: In Loeke rhi e Street from C'entral Ave- to the County Court of Cook County, the final hearing thereon will he hnd on Hange twelve (12), east of the Third nue to the north lin e of "First Addition lllinoi!o; for a su· ,plemental assessment to the 9th day of Se ptember, A. D. 1929, at Principal Meridian lying east of the to \\' ilmf,' tte-Laramie Suhdi\"ision." pay the deficieucy in Wilmette Special ten o'clock A. M .. or as snon thereafter t raet of land owned by the Forest In LaYer~ne AY('nue fr r, m one hundred A~sel'!o;ment Ko. 227 aforesaid, aceording as the bul'ine!JS of the Court will permit. All perso ns fl e~ iring may file objection~ Presen·· · District of Cook County and and forty-fiYe (]45) feet north of the to benefit::;, and an assessment therefor <·onn·yed by Warranty Deed rec.orded north line of 'Vilme tte .-\ ,·en u e, to the having been made and returned to said in said court before said day and may in the Recorde r's office of Cook Counnorth line of "First Addition to vYil- Court (Doeket ~o. 260), the final hearing appear on the hearing and make their ty, Jllinois on January 14, 1920 as nwtte-Larami e SubdiYision." thereon will be had on the 9th day of defen~e. Said Ordinance provides .or the colDocument No. 6715849, ~ituated in In LaPorte AYenue from f'entral AYe- September, A. D. 1929, at t n o'cock the County of Cook and State of nu e to th e north line of "Third .\(lditi o n A. :\f., or a~ soon thereafter as the busi- lection of said assessment in ten (10) lllinoi~. annual installments with annual interest to \\'ilnwttt--Laramit' Subdi\'isinn." nt·H ~ of the Court will permit. Koticr is also hereby gin·n to all perIn Lamon A\'t>nue from <,t>ntral An' All Jlt'rson~ df'~iring may file objections thereon at the rate of Rix per · centum son:-: interest d that the President and . nue to the north line of "Third ..\ddition in r-ai(l' eourt before said day and may per annum as pt·o\·ided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinoifi, August 23, Bnard of Trustees of the Village of '\Vil- to \YilmNt E>- Laramie Suhdidsinn ." .t))J>t'ar on the hl'aring and make their A. D. 1929. mette, in the County of Cook and State In LaC'ro::;s A\' t> nut· from ('.-ntral A\"e- defeuHe. CHARLES N. EVANS Said ordinanee pro\"idef; for the collecof lllinois haYing orrlered that the im- nut> tn thP north lin e of "Third Addition Person appointed by the President tion of :-;aid a~:-;es::-:ment in ten (10) anpro~·ement above described be made, th e t0 'YilnwttP-Laramie Suhdh·ision ." of the Board of Loeal ImproveIn t 'l'ntral A ,·en u c fr11m Hill hard Road nual in:-;tal!m('nts with annual interest ordmance f or the same be ing on filf· in thereo n at the rah· of l'iX per centum ments of the Viljage of Wilmette, the office of the Vi.llage Clerk of sahl tn Romona Rond. Cook County, Illinois to make In ~kokil' Houle\·ard fr o m ('pntral An·- per annum a:- proYided by law. Villag e, and said Village haYing applied natPd, Wilmette, Illinois, Augus t 2:1, !>n id as!';essmen t. LO the County Court of Cook County for nu(· to a lin <' ten (10) f··t·t north of and L48-2tc an assessment of the cost of said im- parallt·l with th e north lilw of \Vihnette A. D. 1!12f· . C'HARLES 'X. EVA:-.;S . proYement according to .benefit:-:, and an .:\\·· nue. In Hollv A \'f'nUP from Sl\.nkif' BoulePPrson appointed by the Pn·st.:. SJ·t:('JAL ASSESSJIEX'l' XO'l' ICE a:-;sessment therefor having bet- n made dt·nt of the Bo~trd of Loeal Tma;1d returned to said Court, General YHrd to ten (10) fed \H'Ht of tlw w st lint· of Knox A \'e uu e. pro\'em nts of the Villagt· of \Vi lVILLAGE OF WILl\lETTE Num~er 62,257, the final hearing thereIn Knox Avf'nue from C'entt·al .\Yt' nUP nwttt·, Cook C'ounty, Jllinob to SPl~CL\1, ASSJ<:SSJIEN'l' NO. !62 on wtll be had on the 23rd day of Sepmalt · ~>'aid al-'se:-:sment. tember, A. D. 1929, or as soon thereafter to t\n·ntv (20) feflt ~nuth of the north L4R-2tc NOTICF. is hereby given to all persons of \Vilnwtte Avt>nue. as the business of the court will permit. lint: In Romona Road from f'('ntral ..-\\·enu(' 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - intt>re:-:t('d that the PreHident and Board ~ll persons desiring may file objections to one hundrPd and forty-An' (145) f,,f'l Sl'ECIAL ASSESS~IENT NOTICJ~ (,f 'l'ru~tecs of th<· Village of Wilmette, 1n l'aid Court before said <lay and may in tht· County of Cook and State of Illiappear on the hearing and make their north of th e north lin e of "\\'ilmett An)YII,J,.\GF. OF WJI,)IETTE noi~, having ordered that a C'Onnected nut> . defense. SI'J:('L\L ASSl:SSJft::X'l' ~(). 2;.9 ~y:-;km of cast iron main wn ter supplY' In \\'ilm tt(' A Yt·nue from h ' n (1 0) ft>('t Said ordi!1ance provides for the pay- we:-:t of tht' wrst litH' of Rnmona Road to l)ipts with all · nect:-ssary fit ings and ment of. satd as~essment in twe nty (20) on(· NOTlC'l~ is hereby giv t>n to all person~-; conn('dions shnll be. constructed and laid hundn·d and fifty (1:00) feet w es t of annual mstallments, with annual interest thf' Wt·~ t linr· of Knox .·\ \·e nut>. intere~te<l that the President and Board in Romona Hoad from Lake A venue to thereon at the rate of six per cent per In HollY A Yenu(' from Hibbard Rnatl nf Tr11stN'H of the Village of Wilnwtte, in the :-:outh lin e of United R ealty Comannum. to a li1w ·u ·n (10) ft·Pt wt·st of thP we!'t the Cr1untv of Cook and State of Illinois, pan,\· ·~ Fit·st Apdition to Skokie BouleDated at the City of Chic:1go, County line prodUC't'd north of llw f;eC'ond a He :.' ha\·ing or(lflred that the first alley north v:ud Addition to Wilmette, and in other of Cook and State of Jllinoi. · thi s 23rd c-rt~1 of Hibhard Rnarl on the south :o;ide of Highland Avenue, from the west curh street!-., a venues and roads in the Vilday of August, A. D. 1929. line of Fifteenth Stree t to the east curb lage or \Vilmette, Cook County, Illinois; of ~aid Holl~· Av nue. ROBERT M. SWEITZER. In \Vilmett e A v<'nue from TTihhard line of Sixt(·('nth Street, be improved hy the ordinance for th<' same being on file Clerk of the County Court Road to four huhdn·d and fift~· (15fl) grading- t~nd paYing with reinfot'CNl Port- in the offi<'e of the Village Clerk of said Village, and ~aid Village having applied CHARLES H . ·.fl(~~~~{ounty, Illinois. f('(·f (':1'-t of the east lin e of ITihbard land cement con<"rete and otherwise im- to tht· C'ounty Court of Cook Count -. Rn;"td, prnYed; thl (ll'clinance for th{' same being Attorney for Petitioner In Skolde P.oule,·a rd from '\Y< on filt· in the (lt1iCl' of the Village Clerk of Illin6i:-; for ari asses~ment of the cost of :\ Yenue to the ~outh line nf "l...'nited :-;aiel Yilhtge, and sn id Village having said impro\'<'ment, according to benefits, Rt·alt~· C'ompany's Fir~t Addition to applied to the C'nunty Court of Cook and an nss~.·~:-;ment ,therefor having been SP.ECL\1, ASSJ-~S~·DH:~'l' ·::SOTICE Sk1,kifl BouiHn.rd Aclditinn to 'Wilmf'tte." County, lllitloiR for an as~essnwnt of made and return(>d to said Court (Docket In Pinr StrE>f't from "\~la~hing-ton :\ Yf'- tht· ('o:o;t of saicl imJWO\'e nwnt, ae<.:orcling- ~o. 262), the final h· aring thereon will \" JI,J,A G I~ Ol' WIL.\fE'l"J'E n w to the !'outh lint of "1 nited RNtlty to hent·fit~, and an assessment therefor ue had on the flth day of September, SPECIAl~ Ai'iSJ-~SSJlE::S'l' :SO. 263 A. D. 1n9, at ten o'clock A. l\1., or ns f'nmp:t ny·~ Fir~t Add it inn to Skoki !raYing b~·en mad(· nnd returnNl t 0 snicl soon thereafter a:-; the business of the . XOTT<'E is hereby giYen to all per~on~ Doulf'\":lrd i\ddition to \\-ilmettf·." <'ourt. (Do<"kt>t Xo. 25!1), the final hear- Court will permit. In JTiJ.?:hland A Yenuf' from Pint" StrN't ing· tht' I'Non will be had on the 9th day mtere~ted that the President and Bnnrd A II persn!!,s <lesiri ng may filt> objec~~f Tru~tet·s of the Village of '\.\-'ilmett<', t0 a point OJ;lfl hundrPd ancl ~fty (1fi0) nf ~eptpmhPt', A. n. 1fl:!!l, at ten o'clod' ff·Pt wPst ()f th(' wef;t lint- of PmP St rPPt. A. :\L or as !';oon thE>reaftE>r a~ the busi- tion:-: in !:-:aid court b<'fore said d:1v anrl Ill the County of Cook and State of Jlli1 ma:v ap)war on the hearing and· make In Knox A venue from \\ rtl'hingtoTJ nes~ of th!:' C'ourl will ]Wrmit. noi~, ha. \'ing ord~.·rl>d that ·a conned d ~hc, ir defE'nse. ~amtary sewer ~ystem with hou:-: :-:erv- A\·c·nuf' tn th<' !'nuth line of "PnitNl All pcr~ons dt:·~ iring may file objt:>ctions S~tid ordi nanc·e r>roYides for the colleclCe!oi ail of vitrified tile pipe, with bri ·k · Reali.\' f'ompan~··:-: First "\dclition to in :-:a i<l c·cntrt before said day ancl may manhole!'\, be constructed and laid in the SkokiP Boulevard Addition to WilmettC'." appl'at· on the hc·aring and make their de- tior. of ~aid a~sessment in t('n ( 10) annual installment~ with annual interest In Knox AvPnUf' from '\\'nshington following streets, avenue~. and road~ in tht>reon at the rate of six per C'l'ntu·11 thP Vill:lg·~:: of Wilmette Count v of cbok AvE-nue to a linP tf'n (10) fP<'t south of fense. Said ordinance proYides for the cullecand State of Illinois and conne.cted to a~ and p~rallf'l with tlw south line of Birch- tion of said :1!-;sessment in ten (HI) annual per :-tnnum as provided by law. Dated, ·wilmette, Illinois, Augu~t 23, outlet sewer in Lake A venue : woocl A Yf'nut-. In Bir<"hwond A ,·enu<' from Rom on a in~tallments ""~th annual intrrN-it thereon A. D. 1!129. In Homor.a Road from Lake A yenue at the rat(' of six per centum per annum C'HAfU. F.S N. EVAXS to the South lin of "Unitt>d RNtltv Com- Road to tht· west lin(· of "Lal<t·ntnn Sub- as providNl by law. Person a ppoi n tt?d by tlw Presi)lany'H First Addition to Skokie· Boult'- diYi:-:inn ." Dated. \VilmNle, lllinois, Augu~t 23. dent of the Board of Local ImIn Sehill<'r A \'(·nue from Rnmona Rmul mrd Addition to Wilmette." · provement:- of the Yillnge of 'VilIn Washington Avenue from Romona to thP wfl~t line of "L.tkenton Sub- A. D. 1929. CHARLES N. EVANS mf'tte, C'ook County, Illinoi::; to 'Road to Hibbard Road. di\·ision." Person appointed by the Pn> sident make said assf'ssment . In Lakf' Avenue from Romona Rond I:o Hibbard Road from the ~orth line L48-2tc of the Board of Local lmproveextended of "Third Addition to 'Vil- to the we~t line of "Lakenton Sub- m cliYi:-:ion," the ordilJnnee for the Rame ·b eing on file in th e office of th e Village Cieri{ of said Yillagt.·, and snid Village haYing apJlliecl tn the County Court of l'oc·k County, llliJHtis , fc·r an .asst:-ssment nf the <:o~t (Jf said impmYement, aceonling to lwtwfit:-:, nnd an assessm nt the refor haYing· ht>en made and r e turn ed to· Cnlll·t, (Doc~et :r-.:n. 263), the final h earing tlwreou will be had on the 9th' day of September. A. D. 1929. at t e n o'c lock A. M. (Daylight Saving Tim e) or as soon thereafter as the business of the Co urt will permit. All pe rsons d esiring may fil e objection:-: in l'aid court be!ore :;;ai_d day and may appear on the h earing and make their defense. Sn.,id Orrlinance provides for the collection of said ass ssment in ten (10) annual installments with ::tnnual intere!'t thereon at the rate of :;.;ix per centum per annum a~ proYided by law. Date1l Wilm ette, Illinois, Augu!'lt 23rcl, A. D. 1929. CHARLES N. EVANS Pet-;son appointed by the Pre id ent of the Board of Local Improvements of th.!: Village of vVilme tte , < ook County, Illinois to make said assesr-ment. L48-2tc ASSl;SSlliENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF 'VIL::UET'l'F. SP E('I ,\I~ ,\SSESSJIEX'l' NO. 28-l I