38 WILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 BouleYard to th e first alley east of Hibbard Road. In SKOKIE BOULEVAHD from HollY, Avenu to -n·ilm e tte Avenue. In HO:\IO~A ROAD from \Vilme tte An·mlt· tn Cent rnl A\'enue. In 1!0)1 0 :\'A 1!0 ..\D from Lake AveniH' t 11 \\ "; 1 ~hing-ton A venue. . ) 'l(.) :\' \ J!OAD from \Vash1n~ton I 11 l " ·l.. · ' · · · of "Umted \ n ' n\\l' to the :oou th l!n e . . t J{(··tltv C<·mpany's First Add;_twn ~ <..:J,;,Jd~· nnull'Yanl Ad!lition to W tlmette. In S:::CUlLLF.H AV8~1UE from nomona Ho:td to th w e~t lin e of "Lak e nton Subdil"i'-'ion." ' · . , 1 · PIp "'HWOOD AVE!\'U8 from Romo:~:t i{o~tll to the we::;t line of "Lakenton Subdi\·ision." .. R Jn \\'A S HIXGTO)J' AVE~Ub from om ona 1 o::1.d to Skolde Boul vard. In SKOKLE BOULEVAHD from _\Vashingto n · A ,·enue to the sol!th lm e.. of "Fnitcd P.t:alty Co mpany's I· tr~t Addltt<;>n to Skold Boulevard Addition to Wilm ette." , ... r 1 · t In PIXE STH.EET from rv as 11!1~ on Avenue to th e south lin e of "Umt d Hcaltv Company's First Addition to Sl,~kie l3ouJeyard Addition to Wilmette." In HIGHLAXD AVENUE from Pine Street t o the first alley east of Sk~1kie Boule Yard on the north s id e of lllghlan<l A venu . In KXOX AVENUE from ·was hington A n : nue to the so uth · line of "United H t>a lty 'ompany's First Addition to !;kokie B!HIICYard Additi on to Wilmette." In K~OX AVEXUE from Washington Avenue to Birchwood AY .nu . In LOCCST P.OAD from Wilmette AYenue to f o urtee n hundr ed thn·e (1403) feet rwrth of the ct:n t e r lin e of Wilm ·t t · Avenu e. In DfRCHWOOD AYEXUE from L::tr[tmie Avenue to Lnvt> rg-Jw A Yenm' . In LEA:\llNGTO~ AVE::\L'E from Birdnvood .A\'{mue t o L:ll.;e A,·.... nu e. Jn LAKE AYEX UE, sout h ~i d t·, "rom Leaming-ton Avenue to Laramie A\·enu,·. Jn LAKE.: AYE~UE, !-oiouth ~idf', from I . . earning-ton ~\ \' ·nue to Lv('lairt· .A \'rnue . In LE~LAlHE AYE::\l.l ·~ fn,m Birchwnr,cl A\·t·l1tlL" to :,;out h lint· l,ot 1, HltJt:k 3, " \\'ilnwtt P-Lake AvL"nU·! Additillll," prudttN·d cast. I n LOCKEHDfE STJ~I·;ET from Birchwo·,ll ~\n · nue to Lnkt· ..:\n·niJ· ·. In L.-\KE ,\\'E:\' GE. ~(lltth ~icl·' from Ll,l'kcrbit· Stn·!'t u, Lt·<'lain· .:\\'I 'll lie. In L:\KJ·: .\\' E:\'l) E, :-;outh side, from L(l(·].;,·rlJi<.· Stn···t tt, La \'t ·rgn·· .:\ \'1'11\IP. In L:\YEHC..::\E A\'E:\'l'l·: fr om Hin·h" ·nod A \'l·J1Ufo to the suuth lin<' of Lot 1, Hlucl< 1, "\\"ilnwtte-Lal\1· .:\vt ·nu ' Addition," produced c.:ast. ln CEXTIL\L A \'E::\T.E fmm llibl>n rd n~·ad to La \' ~·rgne A \'t ·lllt! ·. In L ~\ C HO:-iS A \'E:\'l' E frr·m C:t·ntral .\ \'Vllllt' tiJ th· · nnrt h 1i 111 · of tlw "Th Inl Additi(ln t!l \\. ilmettP-Larami·· Subdivision." In L.-\:\H I:\' AVEXl'P. FIH>:\1 (\>ntr:-tl A,.;.lllH' to tht · north litH' I·[ til·· "Third ,\dditi (Jn tu \\'ilm ·ttc-Lar:tmit· SuhdiYisic,n." In L.:\J' >nTE AYExt·r:; fr11m Ct ·ntral Av!'nue tn Llw north lint · r1f the "Third Additi on t() \\'ilmcttc-Lnrami.· SuiHii,·i:- itot J," :11111 :tl~o tc1 t'!ll1~l rtwt :tlHl ··n ·t·t a JllllliJiillg ~t:t t i·il\ \\·ith t h· · :t PPlll'lt · l1:lll< ·i·~. t II llt' 1.1:-ot·d :11111 ll]lt ·r:t lt ·tl iII t"llllll< 't'l i1111 \\·i tlt :tnd :t~ :t p: 1rt t1f ~:till ~y:-;tt·m (·f '-'lo rn1 wat· ·r :-t·\\'t·rs lllJ!II1 a lr·t. ])it-t·,. lor p:l rl'!'l 111' l:t111l wilil'h s h :ll l JJ,. ac·quir·t ·!l ,,,. l'! ·ll!l vmna t ion as :tncl in tlw ma ml!·r r;·quirt·d l1y law, and whi ch is (}(·sc rib ctl :1~ (!,]]!1\\ '~ : line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," ( 480' ) fee t southeasterly of the sewer In Ke nilworth A venue. to the west line of ~-;a id subdivision. In RIDGE ' ROAD from Chestnut In EL)1WOOD A VEXUE from the east Iilli' of "Lakewood :\fanor Subdivision,·· Av nu e to a. pnint three hundre d ( 300) .. .... TJI'-', ( '··t · " . ···1 · \ · ( ' Ot ' UT t'l' COOF 1 -~ feet southeasterly of th e sewer in Chestn;·, - ~\· y, JLLI.:\Ol1'1, · to the west lin e of said ::;ubdivision. In THOHl'\VOOD AVENUE from the nut A v1·nue. In Rin\;E ROAD from Thornwood AveGeneral XtunlJt·r G:?,:?;;i t·a~t lint- of "Lakewood :\lanor Subdivl~ion," to the we!>t line of said s ubdivi- nue to a point two hundre d fifty ( 250) ::"()'1 :··F pf prtwt ·t ,lin).!':- f··r a I l(;al :-ion. fl ·(·t southeasterly of the sewer in Thornimprn\·t·lltt ·nt t'PIISi~t ing- of t·un:-;t ructiug In ASHLAND A VEKPE fr om the cast \\·oo(l Ave nu e. · and lay inJ.: a connectl·d :-:r::< t <'m of ::<torm In HIDGE ROAD from Elmwood Av e water ~~·w('rs of Yitrilh·d tilC' pipt:' and line o f "Lnk(' \\'OOd 1\lnnor Suhdh·ision," nm: t o a. point three hundre d ( !lOO) feet of , ·itrilit·d 1 ·Jn~· :-:q~nwnt hlod;: with the to the w e:-;t lin e of said 'S ubdivblon. 'W<"t·s:-:ny l1rid< m:tnhult ·s and hrid;: catch In LA Kg\\'OOL) A VB~UE from Lake north ·rly of Ul c sewer in Elmwood Aveha:-;ins in l't·rtain .::<trt·t ·t:-, rCia(b, aYcnucs AYenue to Beech Avt>nue. '1Ue. and l:tlWI-' and on an\1 in a. t'··r t ain lo·t . In S IJlLLEn AVEXUE from LakC'In RIDGE HOAD from Elmwood AvePitT·' nr pan·d uf land to be ncquired wot1d Avenue to the cast line of "Arthur nttt· to a. point senm hundred· tw e nty l·y l'!ltHil'll1ll:ttion :ts JH'tiYidNl llr law , for Uunas antl Company'::) Rapid Transit ( 720) f c· ' t n orth of the center line of a f'ilE> fl·r a purllpi11g· :-ta ti on, nil as here- !:;uhdivisinn." L:tl.:t· .\ \ ' L'nLH'. inaft,·r dt ·st'l'ilwd :tnd all :-;it u n t ed in th<· In BIH.CIHVOOD AVEXUE fr om Lake111 J{IDCE HOAD from Lake A\· ·nu e tn Yillage of \\'ilml'ttt·, Cu unt~· uf Cook and wood Avenue to the east line of "Arthur a. point seven hundre d twe nty (720) feet !-'tall' "f Tllirwb. Duna !'i and · Company's Rapid Transit north of the center line of Lake Avenue. :-;TATE ( W 1 LL£.:-:01~ 1"s .'uhdivi::;ion." l'llUNTY <IF l'liUK I ... ~UE f L"ke In Il10Ql OIS ROAD at 23rd Stre t, 1:\' TJJE nH ' :\'TY COUnT OF COOK In LAHAMIE AVE. ' rom .... for con nection to "Indian Hill Estates l 'O I ' .:-:TY. lLLI~OT~. Avt:nue 1o Wilmette Avenue. Unit No. 2," Storm Sewer. t~ 1· 111, ral ~umber 62,257 In \.YlLMET'l'E AVB~UE from Lar. In CORNELL STREET from Lake y 1 LLA(~, ~ < lF WIL)l ETTE, ) amie A v pnu e to Romona Road. In WIL:\lETTE A YE.:-.I UB from Ro- Avenue to th north line of "North Shore a 111\ Hcipal ('tlflH,ra ti ou ) uwna Hoad to Locu st Road. Cn·st:' Subdivision No. 2. n. ) In WILI\TIO::TTE AVEN UB (rom Locust In 22ND STH.EEJT from Lake Avenue \'1!:\HLES X. STE\YE:\'S, ) noad to fiv e hundred (500) feet w es t or to the north lin e of "North Shore Crest," a:- trustt' t' Un(it-r provisions of) tht' sewe r in Illinois Road. Subdivision No. 2. a tru!-t ag-rel ·nwnt datt·d J\ug-u ~t) In LCH'KEfiBIE STfiEET from WalIn YALJ·~ STH.EI0T from Lake Avenue to :!i th, 1n2 and rt ·(·ordt·d St·Jl-} ml'ttt· An·nue t o Glenvi1' W R ad and In th e north lin e of "North Shore Crest," tPtnlwr 1\th. 1:~~:! as 1 ltlt·unH·nl) I; T.E~VJE\V HOAD fr om Lock~>rbte Subdivision No. 2. ::\o. 'if. ·llll O and Jwuwn :t~) Strt>l't, n o rth of GlenYiew Road to LockIn 21ST STH.EET from Lake Avenue Tru:-;t :\n. 1· ) Pr id e ~trl'l · f, s11uthwest of Glt>nvit>w Road tn the north lin e of "~orth Shore Crest," (; .. 1fm 1 '~'~' L:tlttl <'"mpany, an ) and in LOCKERBIE STREET from Subdivision No. 2. . lllin ois ('pt·por:·ti"n, ) \\' ilm....ttt- · 1 ; 11 Jf l 'luh, :tn ) (;)l·nvi.·w Hoad t o ('<·ntml .'trect. In HAll\~AHD STREET from Lake 1 ilinoi~ l·., 1 ) In CF:XTlL\ L STREET from the east Avt>nuc to the n orth line of "North Shoro . 111 1r:t t i11 n :t ncl .\11 wlHIIll it nw~· c<, JWl'l'n. ) lirw of "King's Co urt ~uhdivision," to ('n·~t." Suhdi\'ision No. 2. In ::oTH STRltJET fr om Lake Avenue, "'!'Ill·~ \.l .\'l"l' l··. 1,. liF 'I' IIE PETfTIO~ tlw wc ·::-; t lin ~ of sai d subdivision . ·' ln Hl )::\lOX A ROAD at Lnke Avenue to the n orth Jim· of "Xorth Shore Crest," 1 W Til~-:_ \ · 1 . Lt .. \( ;I·: 1 W \\' 1 L~ll.':·rn.; to for conn(·ctic·n to "Indian Hill E ~ tate~." Sub<liyi~ion Xo. 1. I· ·\ y a . :-;p 1·,· t:t l · ' :" ~· · ~~m··nt to 1 :tl::<~· ~Ill' :-itllrtn Sf'wf'r. 1n COLl'~tm·s STREET fr om Lake ····:- ! (I( a l~ ·t·;t] llll)ll'tl\'t:lllt'llt ('(lllSIStlltg' In LO('(TST noAn nt Lake A\f·nuf' for 11f vPnstrul'llrtg antl l:l~· lrtg· a , . 1 ' 11 .11 e~·~t · !f t ('111\llt·etion to "Indian IJill Estates/' A Yl·nu to th E:· north lin e of "~orth S~wre C'rc·:-;t," Subdivision Nt'. 1. ~:\:o-1t·ll_l pf. t··rlll w:ttl'!'. ~~· wt · r::-; of Yltrt!u·d Stornt S('\\'f·r. In RTI>GE llOAD fr nm Lake Avenue In SE~E<'A TIO ,\n at . LakC' .AvPnUC' tll· · JliJlt ·. :tltd r.t Yltl'l!lt·(l ~:l:ty st ·g-nH-nt ldtwl.:, With tlw n·:··· ·ssarY. l ll'ld\ manholt·s for conrwr- tion to "Indian Hill E~tates" to !-'chilkr .A\'('nue. ln JL\1{\'AHfl STHEI ·~T from Lake :tlHI c:1tc h b:t:--111 ~ . 111 t·t·rt:tlll strt·t·.t:-;, roads, Stnrm SP\\·er. ' a'·.t·nll(·:-; an_tl l:t n· ·s :tlt<l 1' 11 .a nd 111 :L ~'~·rIn T,OC'FST RO.\D from Lake AvC'nue .-\v Pn Ut · to ~<'hillf·r AV!·nuc.·. fn ~1ST ~THEET c1 r tht· a ll t·Y west o f 1:~111 lot, 111 .1 ' 1' 1' r·r p:.rn ·l " 1 . 1 .1111 !1 l~ert · ll1- tn twt'l\'C' hurHln·l l six (120f;) fePt .south :-it·t·g··r·a SuhdiYisiiJn from Lake A \'t·nuc ;.t lt·r dt·)'(' l'lh· ·1 1. t<· lw :tt '!Jllll t d II\ conr tl 11' c·<·n t l·r 1tnc . f T I \ . . . . . . I . I I . I· . f : ··t' " (I ,a \1' -· \'<·nue . 1 ·lllllc\lWII , .t~ 111<·\llt\ ·~ .til, Il l a !-il t tt I \~ITT \:--\1> \YF:\'l ' i·' d JfiT to \\"a ~hin).!'tf·ll An·nut· . f,r a pumpi11!.:' :-t;tlil·ll. :tn<l t·rn ·tinJ.!: n . n, ~ · . ' 1 · · : ·· , . · an · ' · In ~('flfLLER A \'I·:)J't·B from 21st J·llll1Jiing- :-t:ttit~n lllt ·!'t 'l·ll, :til :-itu:ttt·d in ~I . ITS TIOA!> f1om Lo< u~t Ti on d to a ~trl'd to th~: Wt ·S t lin · of "Braun 's Subtht· \' iiJagt · 10 f \\'i llll<'l\t'. ('oUJtt~· 11 f (' 111 ,].; ptllllt Ot;._J)Mntc. tl,;" .. sou~.hHl~t~·rly,· _co r~1e~ dh·isinn." :tlltl !-'t:ttt· (If li linlli:-', :ttlll to ast 't·rt:lh of Lot ,,,, nlrH k ~. Tn~lt.tn Jrlll L!'tatU-l. rn SC'lfTLLEH. A n·:xr·~-: from 21st · 1 1J, . ju~t 1 . 1 , 111 p 1 · n~ :t ti<·n 1 ,, ht· lll:t<lt · fur: In JT,Ll:\'0!~ HO .-\J_) from lrllql!c·l~ :-itr~... t to all··Y wt·!'t of Hid g-p Hoad. pri \:1 tt' Jtl' \ll't ' l'l~· It~ J,, . . [;t ~\· · II !II' 1l:t ltHl).!'t'tl ],;.n ;~d to : JlOIIlt rO\)j)O!'I,t; C)th~~ SO~lthf'a s.t In BIH<'fi\\' Cltlll A\.E:'\1'1·~ from 21st f,11· tht· purpnst · 1tt ~:l td 1111 pr 1111 . 11 wnt. ·.I~ ror.~1r Lid J.,, Hl11tl~ -· Indtan lJlll :-itrt ··· t t1· till- wt ·::-:t lin t· (If "Braun's SubTil·· c.:'tit1 t 'ount,· t',.urt ,,r <'.,nk <'Punt,·. i ·. ~tatl'::< . di\·i!--'ion ." l.llin 1d:-. · ]1 ,· ··r 1J, .' r dul" ,.11 tt-r· t1 in tJ), . In LOC'P~T l!(l _.\n frnm "\ ~ hlancl An'In 1: Jilt' II \\'ll( l]) ..-\'\' I ·~ Xl'E from !?1st :tl""" 'f·nt.itl· ·d prt wt· ··ilinL: :-, ila 1·inJ.!: di · tll.t.·· to thC' noJ·th lint o f tilt· \ ' ill a g-n f·f :-itr· ·d t11 l{itlg-!· (! Pad . r· ··It'd th:11 :t'-' 111 :-t 1· ·il d· ·f· ·tul:tnt:-: wil ·1 \\ llnwlft ·. 111 Il:\l:\·_.\1:1) ~TI:I·:t-:T fn·m !-'\'hill e r ;tr· · n··tl·I·, ·:-idtnt:- ,.r till' ~t:tt· · ,,f l llinni~. ln . f:l!. \XT STI~EI·.'T' from .\1-'hbnrl :\n·JJU<' t" l!in ·h\\·,, .. d .-\ \ "t'l1llt ·. : 1:- :tl't' Shll\\ll 1,~· tht· :tl!i!l;t\it filt ·(} in .\ \"t·ll\lt· tn tlH' IH IJ'{h litH· flf tltt' \'if]a~t · ln l~lll(;l ·: 1!< 1.\U frf·ll1 J:in·lt\','llf·<l .: \\ v:-:1t d ]II'· ·t ·t... d in . l!:-, '·I' wh ··:-·· rt·::<idt ·llc··~ tof \\. ilnwttl' . :tr·· :-h""·n J,,· :-o:ti tl :t fli·l: t\'it !11 J,, . unln 1{1-::\'IL\\' Ol~Tif .\YE:\'1 .1·~ fr om llll ·· \II ~··lti llt·l' .\ \'t ·llll··. l!l I!IIH;I·: [UI .\}) fr.,lll l!irvll\\.( ·011 .:\ \'el.:ll··\'.11. :tn!l .th·· dt·f· ·ttd :tl lt:- d. ·~ i!..:ll:tlt·<l l;r:tnt !-'tt·····t 1ll L rl\'\l~t 1~<· :1<1. : t~ " .\11 Willllll it ll l:t\' ,.,'ill't'l'll,·· th:tt n r,. In .·\:-;IIL .-\XD :\YE:\'l.l ·: fr11m lllincd s 1, ·! ·· t" \\ ':tshill~t"l1 "\ ,.,·ltllt·. l11 11.\ I tY .-\ I!T> · 'THEET from B!rchti···· ht · gi\'t 'll :-:titl d· ·f,·Jtd:tnt:- :tnd tn ":111 I~n:tll 1n ~:l1·d :-;trP· ·t. \\ lt111ll it nt:t\' ,.,,JII ···r n" 1,,. 'lllldi1·:tt inn :ts ln :2!iTII :-;TI: i·:I ·~T fr··m . \~hl:ulll .-\n· - 1\'"" '1 . \ \ "· · 1111·· [!1 \\': 1'-'lli ll~lt 1\ . \\"t'llllt ·. i ll 11.1.1:\(1(~ J!(l .\11 rr .. lll !.:tl\ ·' ,., ,.,,_ ' '·' l:t\\' r,·qui.rt ·d. i11 \\ ' 11.~·11-:'I'TI·: 1. 11.' 1 ·:. :t 11111· to thl' 11Cirlh liJW 1·f lhP \'ill.t~t' of ~~·· ·ul:lr lit ·\\ . p:tJ·· ·r ,,f g· ·n· ·r:d t·in·ul:tti"ll \\'iltllt ·lt <'. · ntl· t·· \\' i!mt·!tt · .-\Y· ·ntt". l it \\ ' IL:\Tt-:TTI·~ \\'1 ·:.\.'l.l·~ f rt>t ll lllinfli~ ptilltt·tl :lll<l pui,Ji :-lt··d ' in th· · Yill:tL:· · nf ln KI ·::\' IT.\\.l)l~TTT .\\ . I·:Xl'E frnm ~t;th l~· · .td tn fin h t·n tlr, d t . -,111·) 1· ·· l W· ·s t of \\ 'illll ..ttt·. ,., ,,.(, ('··lltll~·. lll i Jtt·i ~ . t·f tltt ' ~tl'· ··· l to t; 1 ·- 111 t !-'tr····t . 1, 1 C'LJ·:\ · I·:L.-\:'\1> STHEI·:T fn·m A~h- 1] I·. :'I , ,. , · )' i 11 II; i II· I i-: I; ·.: I" . !11: 1tt· r:- h· r. in;lft, ·r :-· t f··rtlt: i ;J \\ ' 11.:\li·:TTI·: .-\ \ ·1·~~~ 1·: frn111 lllin rd:="··ti1 "' i-. 1~<-r· · l·~· gi\· ·11 t·· :111 ,,f ti t.- 1:1n1l _.\,···ntJ·· t·· tlw n .. rth li1w (If tilt· Yill! ":t tl tn I :lt·ll\'it·\\' l: P;·d. ~':tid d· ·ft·tld:tltt . a11d '" ":t il " h<~lll it lll:t\· ~at:·' ,,f \\' iltn.·tt. ·. 111 \\'IL:\11-:TTE _ \\ '10::"\t ' l·~ fr·1111 (;Jt·ll"'~IITI'It" th :t t til· · \'ill:l " ·· .. r \\' illlll'!lt·, In KI·::\'JJ,\\.<InTH :\YE:\'t ·E from ·.·i, ·w l!. ·:t d to llidg(· l~ <~:Hl. lllllllit ·i p:tl 1, ·I' I" ·r:t t i· ·It , h· ·r· ·l ··~"··r·· tikd it ~ ('J, ·Yt·ln nil St n · · d to :!tith ~tn· d. Jlt·t it inn ill 1"11o- 1·,>II 111.' <'··II rt <·f < ·, "'1\ 111 ltll lt;l-: l:u .\ll rr .. m \\ ' iln~t · tle .·\ Yf'('t~llllty. l llitttd~. pr:t~ ill!.! tli;tl a :-Jh Ti.tl ln ~:.Til STH.EI·:T frnm :\shl:tlll, AvP- ttll t · t II t ' 1·ll t 1·: tl ~\ \' t ·It II t ·. J 1.. r:ti:-·· tilt · I'Pst 1 .r· ntlt' to Ollt' hutHlrt>ll thirty-tltrt' t' (1:13) . 1... :-,·'-':-oll1l'llt J, ,. ].. 1 j, 1 111 l!JII(;I-~ I!O .\Il fr.,m \\'ilmc-ttc .\ vr:t l·w:tl illl]'l'l l\·,·nt; ·ltt t'llll::<i:-:tilq.:· or th. · (t ·l't !'n uth pf Kt' llilworth .-\\"I'TI\11'. llllt' t11 :-iouth Li!llit~ ,,[ tll· · Yillag' of 'r· n:-t rue! iorJ :t rltl l:t' i ttl.: t .t' :t ··cntnt ·Ctt·tl fn C'OLt; .-\ TE ~THF:ET from ..-\~hlnnrl \\' ilm..t tt ·. ":<t..rn , ,f '-l··rtll \\;.tt ·r :-t ·\\·t·rs 11 f Yitri- An·ntll' tn Kt · nilwnrt~l A\'t '1111' anrl in i11 (;(.1·:::\YII·: \\y 110 .\J) fn1111 ".ilm C'ttP fi·,.,l tilt· Jlip t· :l lttl .. r , it ri ti· ·tl 1· ]; 1:-· ~~·g- K 1 ·: :\'r L'Y< >11TH A YE:\'1 ' 1 ·: from r"l!T:1 t· .\\' (·11\lt' tr· fir!'l Yill :tgt· Limits lin e ('XJll· ·nt hl1 wk. \\·itlt til· · Jt· ···t· .-.:-:t JT hril'k ~lrt·t·t to C'lC'Yt'land ~tl't'l t. t· ·nlling- ~~·uth from the cente r of GlennJ :t nhnlt·)' :tn d hrit-1.; ,·: ttt·h l·:t~in~: in tllt' ln ~1111 STI~EET fr, 111 ..\sltl:ttlll . \ \ ' 1'- \'1··\\' Hon(l. f,.]lllwin~ :-tr, ... t.. 1'11:td~. :t\t·n u. ·s and 11\tt' to Pllt' ~ltltlllr, ·tl 11 irty-tltr· ··· ( 1:::-:) in L E.-nr I XGT0X .-\ YEXFP, frnm \Yil Jant·~ an d toll :tltd ill tilt' lot, pit ·ce or ft·t·t sout h nf Kt ·ni lwort ll .-\\'t ' lllll ·. nH·t tl' :\ n ·ll\1(' to tlH' nc,rt h linr (J( "Firl-'t p;t rt ·l·l of l:ttHl t 11 h,· :wquirt ·d lly nuIn ]l .-\!{T:\fO{'TH S'l'iti·:I·:T from :\~h .-\(]cliti o n tn ·\Yilmc-ttt·-Larami Subdivid..rllnation :t~ pr .. \·itlt ·d J,~· l:t\1' f11r a . ite lan<l "\\' (·ll ll l' tn oiw hli1Hln·1l thirty.-three :-;iCin." f··r a JHII11J ,jllt: :-t:ttit·ll llt'J't ·in:Jfll·r d t>- (1:1:1) ft'P t so uth of Kt ·nilwnrth A\'t' JHI ('. ln LEt L:\TTIE .:\YEXlTE from Wil :-··ri ht ·<l :tP <l r· ·ft ·JTI'Il to :1~ " till· llllmplng In ~:1nn ~TH.EET from Lake A\'ei1UC' mdtP An·nue to tht· north !inC' of "Fir:"t ~tati<·n grP\IIIds " :tll :-it u :t!t·!l in tlw Yil- t o Ht' t'f' hwo o1l Ave! U<'. to -n·ilm t:tte-Laramie SubdiYil:tt..:t· flf \\'i lnH·t It-, l 'tHJnty (If <'w·k and In J(8~TL"i0h TH AY.R :\'T I·': fr0m ~3rd A<l<litiun :::iP n." Statr· nf Jllin coi~: ~tr t· t to Colg-ntf' Strel't. In LOC'KP.RBIE STREET from WilIn Lak e AYt ·n u t· frnm fhp C':l!':t kmk of In TIF~ECH\Y0011 AYP.Xl'P. from ~~rd nwttf' Avenue to th r nnrth lin e of "First tltt· Chicag-o Hi\·t·r t n tlw \\'t·s t line of !-'trt'Pt to onP hundrt>(l (100) fl' t so uth"\d<li.~i on to '\Yilnwtl ('- Larnmi c Subdh:itlw fullowinJ; <lv~crih d t1·al't of land wt · ~l<'rly of Hidg-f· Rnad . SIItl1. ~itu:t t P d in til· · Y illa.gt' of ·wilmettE>, Tn KEXIL\\'ORTH .A\T.:Xl'B from rn L\ \ T IHiXF. .A YEXUE from 'Vil(· ., II Itt~· or ( ·,,.1, and !-'t:tlt· II[ Tllinnis , 2~nl ~trt' l't to Tiidgt" no:tcl. nwttt· :\Y· 1 UP to tht· nc·rth lin e of "First tl,-wit : Tn C'lH~~T:'-H'T A YI·:Xt:E from :!~rd :\rllliti n n · o \\' ilm e ttt ·-Larnmic SubdiviThp W(·~t twn lJUn<ln·c1 and thirtv ~ . n · d tn Hiclgt Hoad. I :2::01 f., ·\ ,,f th· · :-!·lit h t·llt' hu1i[n 'rJTOHX\\.0 ()]) :\\TEXl ' I·; fr·1m :!3rrl :-ion." In L.-\YI ·: Wi:\'f·~ . -\YF:Xl"E from \Vil1ln·d and fift\' (150\ ft·d ut' S('f'~tl't't't to H.idg-f' Hond . In TITOTIXWOOP .\\'E:\'1.1·~ from :!1rd nwth' :\\'\'11\lt' to Than·r AY('tl\Je. t inn T\\· t · nt~·-·fh· t· C~5l, T o wn s hip ln <:LE:\'YTE\Y HO.:\D, 1111 th e ~01 Til Forty-two . (4~1 Xort!1. Hang-, !-'trt·Pt to nartm nll th ~trtt't. !-'I DE frnm LoC'lH ·rhie . 't !'1 Pt to the \Vest TwP]n· ( 1 ~) ··:t !--'t (If the Third In ASHL:\XO A \'E:\'l'l·: from :!:lrd Prin c·ipa l ::'llt·ricli an, lying E :u:: t nf StreC't to ont' hundrt·cl twt·nty-fr\'t' (12G) Yillng-t' Limits line . l n <';LE:\'YlE\Y HO.-\ n on th e KORTH and ndjoinin~ tht · tral't of lanrl fppt ::;outh\vestt·rl~· of Tiidg!' Rnn 1 L ~IT l'E: fr11m Lock e rbi Stn·et to the W est rlW IH-d h\' tlw Fnrt · ~t Prf' l-'f' r\·t' ni~trict r:f (' 11 r,k ('(·tmtv and conIn · EL)l\\·non AYEX£.1·; from ~~rd Yillagt' Limit~ IinC'. \ t:'\'f'O ltv \\'arr:tlll\' l)t·~ d ucurdPO :-;tf't't't to thirlt·l' n huntln·d tWt' nty (1:!~0) ln TTL\YI<;TI AY8Xl'E from LaVergne in· th f' ·n .. c·or dPr ·~· offil"f' of rook ft' t· t WP~t . . \ H'lltll' t n Lnek(·rbit· Street. c·ount~-, Illinoi~. o n January 14 . In EL~l\YOOO AYI-~~TE from 23rd ln Ll1B11ATID ROAD from \Vilm ett e B~O a!' nocunwnt ':\'o. G715 4!1 and Stn·Pt to Ridg-<' Hond. A Yt·TH\e to the north line of "Third Add i:-:ituat(·d in tlw rounty or Cook In !!1ST RTREI~T from Beechwood t inn to "·nmette-L~ramif' Subdivi~ion." and statf· of Tllinois . .\Yt' llll f' tn Lindt·n An-' 11Ul', and in LIXDE~ In HOLLY AYE!\'UE from Hibbard In LA. KF: AYEXL'E from th' pumping A \'F:XI'E from 21~t Strt'Pt to llidge Road, Hoacl to Knox AYenuP. ~<tation ~rouncl ~ to Tiidi!P P.ond . and in lliOGE TIOAD from Lindf'n Ave1n KXOX AVEXlTE from Holly AveIn LAKE\\·nnn .\ YF:~l'l~ fr o m I,ake nut· to a ])nint ont.' ~1\lndrcd ~ewnty (170) nue · to f'<·ntrnl Ave nue. .11 ue. A\··n uP tc, A!'hlam1 .A,·1 r.·l't ~outhcastt>rly of a line three (3) In CEXTRAL AVE~UE from Knox In BLA("KlJA,SK ROAD frnm Lnke- fl'd north uf tlw Ct·ntN line of Linden AYentH' to first all ·y east of Skokie BouleYarrl. wc1r,d A\' nuf' to tltf' (·a~t lin e of "Lake- An' nu<'. wr,r1d J\htttr 1 r Sul 1 In HIDGI·~ ROAD from T.indC'n AvE'nue <1ivil-'inn ." In K~OX AVENUE from Holly AveIn 'VALXt'T AVEXUE from thE' ea~t to the north line of the Yillage of Wit- nue to alley north of Wilmette Avenue. linE- of "Lak £> wood Manor Suhdi\'i::;ion," nwtt e. In SKOKIE BOULEYARD from Holly to the W(·l¥t line of ::;aid subdivision. In RIDGE ROAD from Kenilworth A venue- to Central A venue . .In IROQUOIS ROAD from thE' east Avenue to a point four hundred eighty In CENTRAL A VENUE from Skokie " '. n The \Vl' St two hundred and thirty f t-et o( tlw S(J llth one hundr N1 and fifty (150) f e<·t of Sc·ction Tw~nty frn; (25), 'I'lJ\\'nship Forty-two (42) north, Hang · Twd\'e (1~) Ea~t of th Third Principal :\leridian, lying East and adjoining- the trn.ct of Ja.nd owned by th e Forest Preserve District of Cook Co unty and cnn\'l'Yed by Warranty Jh·e d r ·co rd e d in th R eco rd er's Office of Co<k County, Illin o is,' on J:wuary U, l!J:lO·, as Document No. 6715 49 and situated in th8 County of l'<·(lk antl !-'t:tt ' (1f lllin oi~, :ttHl ftll' tlw a~ct·rL1 innwnt of the ju~t t·o nqH ·ns:tliilll to hL· ma<lt· ~o r privatt' propt ·n~· to lJt: ta)\(·11 or dnmag-cd for said pumping- sl:ttiun )' it e hc·n·inb(·fon · tlt · ~(·ril~t·tl, :tiH1 for th e nsccrt~tinment o f Wh<tt Jll't~IWJ'Iy will lH' b 01Wfi1 C' <l l1y tilt' maldng- (If ~aid improvenwnt and tJw :t11111unt <d' sul'h ht·n c nts; that . commissintH: rs W(·r(' duly appoint d h~· ~'<aid CIIUtt to inn·stig-atc and report th e just compen~ation to be made for pri\·:ttt · JH'tlJH·rty to be tal,cn or damnged fOI' sni,cl impron·m e nt, and al::;o what n ·:tl l':-ta t(' will h , b e n ·fited by such im]H'O\'em<·Jtt, and the amount of :;;uch b enefits, to <':ld\ parcel of land be nefited thereby, and that said commissiont:>rs. duly made a special assessrn nt to raise the C'ost. of ::;aid improvement nnd duly filed lht·Jr rt·port and asst:ssme nt roll in the otnee of the Cieri< of said Ccntrt on th0 Hlth day of August, A. D. Ul29. Thl'l't:'UTWn a summ(lns issued out of snirl <"ourt ng-ain~t th defendants above named n nd the defendants described as ~ nd mad I~ arty to this proceeding as all whom 1t may concern" returnable at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of lllinob on the 23rd day of September, (~30) 1