Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 37

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August 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 37 Mrs. Harry E. Hughes and her RAVINIA OPERA NEARS daughters, Harriet and Margaret, returned ·on Sunday to their home . at ITS BRILLIANT CLOSE 414 Laurel avenue after spending seven weeks in California. (Continued from Page 3) Mr. 'and Mrs.' George E. Shipman, 432 Warwick .road, Kenilworth returned last week after ten weeks passed at their summer home at Sylvan Beach, ·~ - -o--oson. Mario Chamlee wilt have th e title Mr. and ~~ rs. J. C. Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Liska, of Auburnrole of the poet Hoffman, and Florence their daughter, Helen. 1421 Maple ave- dale, Fla., are in Wilmette visiting some ).[ acbeth will be cast as Olympia and nu e. have returned from th'eir vacatiot~ of their friends and attending the opera Antonia. Ina Bourskaya will be Nic! at DelaYan . \Vi s. at Ravinia. lause and Gladys Swarthout will he -~ -o-Gu iletta. Guiseppe Danise will he Dap~fr. and ~fr s. Arthur Cr utt enden of M r. and U rs . R. A. ~1ann of 1433 pert utto and Leon Rothier \\·ill have Ahhott sford road, Kenil\\'orth are visi t- Forest avenue. and their children r eE·tabliahecl 1881 the roles of Dr. Miracle and Coppelius. ing ::\lr. and Mrs. Ralph Terry of East turned on Friday from Post Lake, Wis., . Desire Defrere will be Spalanzani. Aurora. ~. Y .. this week-end. where they had been for tv.-o weeks . 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 -oOthers in the cast are \1r. D'Angelo. -0~1 r. and :\I rs. Gkn H. Pickard and \f r. Cehanovskv, Mr. Mojica, and ~fr. :\lr. and :\[rs. \\' illiam H. Scott, 917 Pa ltrini eri. M;. Hasselmans \\'~ll con- fami lY. -UO Eight h s treet. are on a Greenleaf avenue. rdurned thi s week motor trio east. Thev will return to from an l'Xtended motor tour through duct. \ \ 'isconsin and Minnesota. "La Campana Sommersa," ·one of the th eir hume the firs t ot Septembt·r. ,,u tstanding novelties of the pre~ent --------------------------------------~--------------------------:-t·aso n. " ·ill be brought to perfnrmancc a~-:" ain \f onday night; Augmt 26. "~th e:-;acth· the same cast that wa s heard in it ~n the occasion of its initial pcrit1rmancc. This means, of course. that :\!me. Ret h herg will he heard as Raut t·tHiclein. the cltin maid, while Gio,·anni \lartinclli will be Heinrich. the bell : raster. In the interpn:tatitlll ni tht·:;e lll t'ltlttlllCiltal· role s hoth .\f me. Rcth berg and .\fr. :\fartinelli ha,·c added tH'\\ laurel-; tn their alrl'ach· \\Til arl r ~rncd rro\\·n.s. Others in the r~:-.t 0i t lH' ultra 111\l<krn l~ l':-.pig-hi \\·ork ~trc .\I r. Ba:-inl;t. \!me . Clath .~tn. \lmc. \lnnti -C t,rst·,-. \li~s .\la:\\\Tll . .\!i ss ~,,· arthout, \l i~s Fa len . .\1 r. Paltrinini. :\I r. l)' :\n c.:clll. "\fr. f 8.7-Z:tri and "\fr. ()]i,·icr< l. .\!r . 1'api \\·il l conduct . "l,()ui,t·."' ;, rla:-,ic , ,j t!tL' tlltll]l'!'tl FrL·nrh repvrt(Jirt· ;tnd a \\·, ~rk "llid1 ha-, hn·tl l"drt lllL'h· Jl<lJHtbr itt l\ ;t· i n·~ t' \'t'l' si!lt't' it-. intrc,duc ti<lll into th e r<·p· ,·rtt,i rc a:- a :-pcria l \Thirlc i() r .\1!11\' . y,., ,nnt· Call. ,,·ill be tlH' ()tfnitll.!' "ll Tuesda~· ni~~· lJt. :\ugu:;t :!.7. \l tlll'.· C:tll \\'i ll hit\e tlH' nanlL' part. \\hich permit, hn tP inclul .l~ <: in that spkndicl actin!.! ,,i "lt it·h shL· is a pa:-t -mi:-.trL·-,:-. a nd likl' "i' e :.,.:i\·l', hvr tl1v OpJ Hlrtllllity tt l di~,lay the hl'auties ni hn ,.,,in·. \1 r, .ltdm:o-tln \\·ill appear tlppn:-ite hl'r ,, , lnlian. tht· \'Plttll! arti:-.t. ,,·hik \I ll lt' . { ·lau:-.:-.C'n itnc.l \lr·. 1\ r.tlJin ,,·ill hl' ra:-t i 11 t h l' i r i a Ill nth r o 1e ~ a:; t h l' p <H L' 111 ::: <' i l.Pui:-l'. ()tlJn , in the ca . . t arl' .\li-- :- · .\1 a:-;,,·cll. .\[ i:-:- ~wartlliHll, .\1 i':-. F;llro. :\I r. .\I ojira. \1 r. lY:\ngeiP and \I i. . ~ l'age. :\1 r . Ha:;q·lmans ,,·ill rnnduct. "La Bt)henH.' ... ouhtanding· amn!lg thl' \\'Orb oi Giacomn Puccini. ,,·ill lH: gin·11 again nn \\'eclnesday ni~ht. :\u gust .2X. ~1me. Bori \\'il( be ca:-t a:-:\Limi. one of the most pathetic f'1gUrL·..; in c."mera. but this time Cio,·a nni :\1 artinelli will come int o the role nf l~oclolio. a dramatic part \Yhich g·in~ this dramatic te nor e\·e ry opportunity . .\1 iss :\Llx,HII '"ill he heard as ~f u~et ta. 1 \\·h ile ~fr. I,azzari , ::\fr. Deirere and .-\n cstahlishcJ home co·nn1unity abounding in natural attractions, :\f r. llasiola \\'ill constitut e the trio of I sanJy beaches, deep wooded ravines and lofty bluffs where no hemi ans. ~1 r. Ananian \Yill sing the I unspoiled nature is at her best. t \YO cha ra ctar parts. Gennaro Pa_pi I '"ill co11duct. Mich. NORTH SHORE LOANS EVAISTOI aopt [I e. MORTiiA\11; Read the Want Ads 1 1 Veere Park ON THE NORTH SHORE THERE IS ONLY ONE DEERE PARK 1 :\fr. their ).[ain three and Mrs. E. L. Stafford and daughter. Ruth E llen, oi 1033 street. returned Sa turda,· fmm J \\·ce ks' trip in nort hern \\' i ~ 'tlll-0- I There are well-planned hon1es ready for occupancy- or there arc still a f~w favorable sites where you ntay build to your individual req uiretnents. Representative Ahvays on Property \Villiam Harridgc, 1-t-tO F orest an·nne. ,,·a . operated 0n Tucscla,· night at the St. Fran cis hospital. \\. or d ha ~ been recciYed that he is gcti ng on nicelr. -0- BAIRD. & WARNER Office: DEERE Mrs. \Vatter D. Laund er. 230 \\' no dstoc k avenue. KenihYorth, ha s gone to spe nd some time with her bro ther ::1 Oklahoma. She expects t o return about the first of September. 5~2% PAHK- Corner Sheridan Rd. and County Line Rd. HIGHLAND PARK Phones: Highland Park 3040- Briargate 1855 MONEY Have funds to loan on choice 1mproved North Shore Suburban residence property at 51h% interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. lt S. LaSalle St. Suite 7!8 Teleph.oae Franklin 77f0

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