Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE Au~ust 23. 1929 Comment on-Current Books PRIZE FOR IDENTIFICATION. of Juanita Tanner, Author. What with the hot weather and all, speculation has been rife (speculation never being anything but rife) over the i-rlentitv of the author of "The Intelli.~etit Man's Guide to Marriage and Celibacy," published by Bobbs-Merrill. The author of the hook was announced as "Juanita Tanner" and Miss Tanner stoutly maintains that she is the "granddaughter" of George Eernard Shaw, who married his heroine, Ann \Vhitefield. to his hero. John Tanner, in a play called "Man and Superman," circa 1903. Reviewers of the book have flatly refused to "take that Juanita Tanner stuff." as one literary editor skeptically put it. A number of well-known writers have been accused of writing the hook, including- the se: G. K. Che. terton, Hilaire Belloc, \\'arncr Fabian, Beatrice Fairfax. Harvey \Vickham, John Broadus \Vat snn. John Erskine and \renrge Bernard Shaw himself. One literar.v rl'\·iewcr stated: "Some philoso phy, some science. some ps_,·c)Jl)logy are here. blended. " ·ith an ease of writing that is suggestive of Han·e_,. \Vickham. John \Vatson and John l·:rskine. In fact, this mig-ht be the joint \\·or k of t hcse three and still nnt be different in one word or phrase." \Vhcrea 3, speculation in this case seems to he rifer than usual, the Bobhs.\-1errill Company will present to each person guessing- the right name of the author. a sp~cially hound, autographed col)Y of the hook_:...,"The Intelligent ~I an's Guide to ~f arriage and Celibacy." It must be however. a bona fide guess and not knowledge received from one who just happens to know. Bohbs-Merrill will tell the winner truthfullv if he has picked the right name, at1d will rely on his integrity to tell no one else. · CNNWN .SQVAR[, · - LV~ Wilmette 3700 Books By Soochow Waters Louise Jordan Milne Stokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 The Dark Journey Julian Green - Harper Prize Novel Harper 8 Brothers ...... $ 2. 5o Parnassus en Route Kenneth Horan Macmillan ............. $2.50 Homeplace Maristan Chapman (Author of The Happy Mountain) Viking Press . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 FRUIT GATHERING. By Rabind.ranath Tagore. :M acmillan. Rabindranath Tagore, Hindu, mystic, and poet. has produced, in this volume, "Fruit Gathering," a collection of haunting and beautiful poems. They are prose poems, many of them short narratives, and all filled with the inexplicable philosophy of his ancient race. Beautifully chiseled and exquisite in form, they have deep mean ing behind their surface loveliness. Here i one of the most beautiful: "The night is dark and your slumber is deep in the hush of my being. "\\Take. 0 Pain c)£ Love, for I know not ho,,· to open the door. and I stand outside. "The hour s wait, the sta rs \\·atch, the \rind is still, th e silence is heavy in my heart. "\\'a ke. Lm·e, \Yake! brim mv empty cup. and with a breath of :-:. OJ;g ruffle the night." The gorg-eous imagery and f111e penetration shO\\·n in all these poems are typified in this equally exquisite one: "\\'·hen the wearines s of the road is upon me. and the thirst of the sultry day: " ·hen the ghostly hours of the dusk thro\\· their shadov\ s across my life. then I cry not fur your voice only, my friend. hut for your touch . "There is an anguish in my h ea rt ·for tile burden of it ; riche :-; tH;t given to ~ ·o u. . .of Dannemora not once~b~t twtce first by deliberate and. ~ehcate planning, and again by prodtgtous fortttude summoned to meet an unexpected chance· of Clarence Adams, who got bevond' the ¥-;alls of Windsor by selfinduced hypnosis v;hich gave htm the ghastly appearance of a corpse, and led the prison officials to cor~duct . th;, usua,~ funeral sen·ice, and shtp Ius body home. Mr. Smith has written a thrillingbook-.fantastic. almost incredible, . and yet, strangely enough, true. LIFE OF SAM HOUS'TON By Marquis Jame s. Bol> bs-:Me rrill. The Bohbs-~ferrill company hope;-; to announ ~e within the next fortnight the publication elate of Marquis James' life of Sam Hou sto n, \\·hich the publishers beliere wilt !Je a permanent contribution to American biography and letters. The sm iles and tears of four women were responsible ior nlllch that ~am Houst on did to\\'ard remaking the map of a continent. .-\ s the gifted ~·o~111g (~O\Trnor of Tennes see. Ho uston wooed Eliza · Allen. \\'ith difficulty, he won h er. Eleven weeks later, he re signed his office. changed his nam~. and vanished from ciYilization. :\othing, whate\·er the occasion. \rhakver the cost, rnul<l induce him to tell ,,·hv he did it. He died belieYing that the. secret \ras l>ttrie.d \\'ith him. In exile among the Indians, the c·xgovernor met Tiana , the head chief's niece, and dreamed of a H. eel Empire. But ~Iexico beckoned and A11na Raguet tied hi s sword-knot and sent him tn fight. "Halt of the laurels of San jacinto are yours," he wrote her. .\nna c luclecl the conqueror, ho\\·evc r. and he lost control of hi Texas Republic . At a trawbern· iestiYal on the lawn of a stately man-or near ~Iobile, Ala., Sam Houston met ~1argaret Lea. (her family protests. she married the adYenturer and refo rmed his habits. A new Hou~t o n regained the helm in Texas and reshaped history, bringing into the l·nion a domain larger than the thirteen Colonie s. Mr. Jame s' enthralling story of these romances is the product of years of serious research. \Vithout over-emphasis or "popularization" he weaves them into a balanced narrative of the historical epoch of which they are a Yital part. Th e bl)ok is thuroughly documented. FEEDING THE FAMILY. Dy S\\'artz Rose. ~facmillan. Tl~is famous book on the diet and health of the iamily is now presented in a ne\\' edition for the housewife. The text has been re\·isecl sn as to make the material absolutely up to date, and the attractiveness of the hook has been enhanced by the addition of eight fullpage illustrations in color hy Clara E. Peck. as well as other decorations . The book in its original form elicited such comments as these: "A standard book by a recognized authority. extensively used by nutrition teachers and home makers as a clear, reliable discussion of · nutrition practically applicable to ordinary food materials and dietary habits."-Journal of Home Economics. ~ian· ' The Woman of It Clare Ogden Davis Sears ····:············$2.50 Family Group Diana Patrick Dutton · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 "Put out your hand thr ough the night, let me hold it and fill it and. keep it; let me feel its to uch along the lengthe n.ing- stretc h of my loneline ss." E. C. D. The Face in the Night Edgar Wall ace The Crime Club, Inc . . . . . $2.00 Lanes Lead to Cities Georgina Garry Durton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 The Northing Tramp Edgar Wallace · Sooth lnl to Swimming, motoring and other outdoor activitiea often cause even the strongest eyes to burn and become bloodshot. When this occura, apply a few drops of 1 o o t h i n g, cooling MURINE. Almost instantly the burning sensation will disappear, and before lon~ 'your eyes will be clear and bright again. Millions of bottles of MURINE are used each year to soothe and beautify eyes. Many persona make a practice · ·of cleansing their eyes with it daily. A month's supply coats but GOc. Learn ita benefita! The Crime Club. Inc. . ... $2.00 Partners in Crime Agatha Christie Dodd, Mead . . . . . · . . . . . $2.00 e Ye S YOU CAN ESCAPE. By Edward H . Smith. ~{acmillan. Anwng- the com·icts behind our supposedly impassable prison walls there are men oi mettle. imag-ination, ancl infinite patience. The s c nineteen ..;to.r ics uf con\'icts \Yho ha\'e escaped from American prison s form an extraordinary record of daring and ingenuitY Here i the stnrY of "Shoe Box ~[ il ler' ' who made h(s escape nailed in a packing box. half smothered by the "hoes packed around him; of the eight men \rhn squirmed. their way through a sewer two hundred and fifteen feet 1 lnng and tweh·e feet underg-round, and pl:mged into the rirer at its e.nct: of the pnsoncr who spent years wtnnutg the trust of the guards. so that. when the tim~ cam~, he could po~son them wit_h comparatl\·e ease; ot the debonatr young- Irishman \dlO broke the bonds Hide in · the Dark Frances Noyes Hart Doub1eday, Doran ·..... $2.00 Fitted Ove·aight Cases Special at $15.00 $17.50 $22.50 and $25.00 The Coat Without Scam A Novel of Intellectual Europe Before the War Maurice Baring Cont·aeting ct·mf'nt work of any kind. Our modern ('QUipment and many years of experience assures you of the best service and workmanship. Allow us to 11ubmlt our estimate on CEMENT Alfred A. Knopf ........ $2.50 LORD'S-BOOKS Ju&t Imide the West Davis Street ~~Aw~ -.Ew YVIIK Door 2~~ EST U~Se CHIC~GO Paul Reschke & Co. Cement Contractor 522 Center St., Winnetka Phonea Winnetka 1378-1362

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