12 WILMETTE LIFE August '23, 1929 . _ · GOES TO WATERY GRAVE I L-------------~------~ "Jolly Roger" at Mast Head as Flames Send Old Schooner to Bottom of · Lake \:Vith the "Jolly Roger" whipping in he soft ~un1mer hreezc ·and her gaudy · .upcrstructure gleaming in the sun, t gav old privateer sailed proudly out >f \Vilm~ttt harbor last Friday for the ·Port of Missing \h·u," long noted in tn inscripti on at its stern as "home )Qrt." Todav a charred and blackened. hulk ies at -the bottom of Lake Michigan, ;ust off ~1ontrosc avenue - all that ·emains of the old lumber schooner, Petrel, that, reconverted. for more than ~vc vears was the flagship and cluh·lOusc of the Buccaneers' club. Her high poop all(l forecastle, ra ze d to the \\·ater's edge hy the flames that licked 'rrcedilv even at the skull and cross·~ones her mast head, the old vessel )lunp-ed to a sad but still use ful end in the .Chicago Municipal fill. At the turn of the centur\·, the old "chooner wa s plying tht Gr.eat Lakes \\·ith cargoes of lumber. It was the last of a fleet of lumber schooners and \\'hen Julian Armstrong. president of _ he Fihopak colllpauy and chairman of the yachting- stet ion oi the Chicago Athletic association, org-anized the Bucra nens tu fo ster sailing along the ·wrth slwre, hc :-.ecurl:'d it as a clubhou se. Cndfr .,. Atkins oi \Vinnetka became ;ec retan: of the club and for scvtral ;ears n.1emb ership and interest in it boomed. Gradually. hO\\'t' Hr, the goli ..: lub ~ and like organizations cut in 011 ts JH1pttlarity and then the Sheridan Shore club was formed and the organization waned. The ship was offered to the Sea Scouh hut they had. no tuncls for maintcna11ce :o;o it was decided to sink the old ve~ s el. lt JW\\' forms part of the fill for thc new outer drive. Prize Winner BUCCANEERS' CLUB SHIP PL·A N FOR THIS NOWWh.u could be more restful than .1 quiet hour at sunset in a nook like· this. somewhere In the grounds .1bout your home? Whf'rcver the landscape development is designed by Swain Nelson. no possibilities for such charmiu g den' lopmcnts are overlooked. Su.'ain Nelson . artists and land:;capc artisans hat·c transformed many an unintere:;ting lot peal. into lawt;s and gardens of unusual beauty and apThey can make your wish for beauty such as this. come true . at Sigmund \ \ ·. Da,·id. 167 .\I apk Hill 'road. Glenwe. i:-i the \\·inner ui une oi the prizes in the natiun -widc amateur photography contest conrlllded recently under the auspirl's oi the Eastman Kodak CU!Hpany. }.lr. Darid's picture, compl't ing again ..;t t hrcc-quart crs of a million others. \\·nn a place anwng the a ..,·a rd s in thc il:immal portraiture c b ssi fi c a t i 'n o f t h l' c ~ ,11 t e s t. T h e pic tun~ is tl1at of :\llan l.ippett Darid. 11he :-on oi \I r. and .\1 r.. ;. ~ig111und \\·. 1 Da\·i d, ui Clcncoe. < Driver Fined When Cab Parked Without Lights Cap:-.t·r Schmidt, dri\'Cr ior the \\'ilmette Hauer Cab compall\·, \\'as fined s.z.; and co~ts iulln\\'in.~· hi~ arrest at ah()ut midni.l.!'ht Frida\· iur lca\·inJ..:· !tis lllarhille parked \\'itlw ut lights in thl' aile\· at tht· rear Pi l).2lJ Sheridan ruad. The arrt·~t \\·a:-. made IJ,· Capt . :\!bert lJorre and ()ftirer J 1\t' ~rhmidt 11i tiH \ \ 'i lnH"t t e p ,1lice drpa rt nH:ll t . , .· S\,'AIN l[lS0~£SOWS CO. JimdJcape f)ardener:~,(/lenview,9/l. North Shore Real Estate Board Has Splendid Meeting \ \\11,1 II Phone Ro~crs ~.uk 66 20 or Glcn\'JCW 8 7 or 88 l"l/1 I 1~ C. D. MACPHERSON \\'hat is conceded to be one of the ).Irs. 1\a \'Ill\ ·nd Kikt·1 l, 13~ 1 :\:-.ldand an·nm·. ;uul her t\\"<> daughter s. Shirley most interesting meetings of the entire ;tnd \lerihn. n:turnrd ()Jl ~unda,· to season was held by the North Shore t l~t· ir ht~ntt· i 11 \ \ ' ilmtt tl' a it n a \·aca- l~e~tl E:-.tatl' board at the Crcen Tea Pot l11n in Highland Park Mt)nday ti11n trip. cn:ning, August 20. ~!an\· <,f the membcrs just back from their \:acations ex pressed a noticeable spirit of optimism and. relH.'\\·ed interest in the activities of the Real Estate hoard. C. L. .Pcrkim. publisher of Sky Lines. delivered a highly instructive talk on real estate advertising and An Unusual Collectwn of Carl A. ( ~urshin of the Quinlan and Tyson company and ~1iss Isabella V. Harkness of Harkness and Byrn, real estate firm. reported the high light s of the International Real Estate convention held recentlv at Boston. Is now on !i:lle at our I 52 2 Sh~r The chairman o( the membership "nmmittee. Robert \\'yatt. presented man Avenue Store - Pre -Civil the .application for membership of AlWar - The Early Sixties . General bcrt Eckart of the Crosby Realty Grant Days. 2nmpany. who \\'as accordingly voted into membership. The members voted Bonnet Chest tn hold the next regular meeting of the \:orth Shore Real Estate bo!rd at the Chest ot Drawers Cn·l'n Tea Pot Jntl. ANTIQUE WALNUT FURNITURE ------~- ..,/ Antique WJinul SofJ. $120 .0 0 Bureaus with Swivel Mirrors Oval Picture Frames Many Other Interesting Pieces Discount Sale for August 1522 SHERMAN A VENUE EVANSTON, ILL. Mr. a11d Mrs. \V. Harlan Catti11, 132 Central' park avenue, have had as their guests Mr. Catti11's parents, Mr. and ~ rs. \V. J. Cattin, of Omaha, Neb. Thev left tn return to their home on Monday. -oMr. and Mrs. E. G. A. Walter, 525 Forest avenue, entertained eiRhteen Y ttests at a birthday party given for !heir son, Edward, Friqay, August 16. . ....... I