August 23, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 11 HERE THREE MONTHS John G. Munro of 1119 Elmwood ave nue had as his guests for three months this summer his nieces, the Mis ses Lucille and 1a nice We st, who form erly lived at 811 Forest avenue, and are now living in California. They left Saturqay evening- to return to their home in San Gabriel. While in the East they spent some time visiting in New York, .·Bosto'll, and Wa shing ton, WINS SLOGAN Frances Ward's Entry Harry Davies Co. PRIZE Entertains in Honor Interpreter of Old Songs Returns From Arrowpoint of Former Residents Gi"'en $50 by }.f rs. E. R. Thompson, 512 Fifth stre<.:t. ent ertain ed on Tuesday of last \\' C ~k for th e Mi sses Lucille and Janice \ \' es.t, who ha ve been visiting in Wilmette. Urs. Thon1pson was hostess at a lunch eon at Shawnee Country club in honor of her cousins, who have been th e gue!' t s o f her father, John G. l\1 unro, thi s summer. The Wests \vere fo rm er res id ents o f \Vilmette and arc now li,·ing- in Sa n Gabriel, ~al. On .\\'cdn esdav uf thi s week Mr s. Thomp:-;o n ent ert ain ed at a bridge party for her sister. M iss P earl Munro. - " The F a br ic 'Shop of E va nston." S ubmittin g thi s sloga n in the con .t cst condu cted throug h \ \' 11, \ I C1vi'It Ln'E by t h e H a rr~· Da,·ies comp any, 1709- 11 Sherm an a \"C~ n ue, }· \ ·a n. ton, M iss F r a nc('s \ Var d. 1 600 Hi nma n an·nut·, Eva n st.t)n, \n ;n th e pri ze of :F. 10 off ered fo r th e bes t t:ntry. T he judg·es rcg·arcled th e sloga n as espcci; tll y appro p ri;-t te beca use t ire ~ h up is t Ill' l)n ly one here \rhi ch dea ls cx clu sicly in iah r ics. Only one prize \ras origina lly oA'<: r cd, hut Mr. Da\' ies was so \Ye ll please d with th e int ere st sho,,·n, t h<.: large r esponse a nd th e qu al ity nf the suggesti o ns that he add ed a ;-;ccon d a nd third. Scco nd pr ize \rL· n t t t) ~I iss E l\'y ·\·P eter son, 121 2 E ln lWl)O d avcnul', 1 ans ton, for he r . ugge:-; tio n, ":\ Store fo r th e Practica l \ Vo ma1 1.., Sl1e \ras give n silk m a teria l fo r a dr l'SS. \ \' . G. S tacey, \Vilme tte r ea ltor, \\' <~11 t he t hird prize , a bed spr ea d, \\' ith his slog·a n, " \\' he r e Uua lit y lL't' t s Eco n()) ny ." l ~ ntri es were subn titt cd. l>\. thL· scan·:-; irum tu·r th shore tt· \\'IJS. ·c)nl· ni t he 111 os t at t rac t i\·\.· \y-t)flncd entries was tl1at of 1\li:-.s F..\l a rg:t rd Farr;t r, i H lhom pto n :-.t r cct , l' liit·agtl, \r ho ~ n g gestt: d a pine trL'l' tr adt~na rk and illtt ~ tr a t ed he r sloga n, " \\ 'h ik I Li\'l.:, l'\1 Cr<J\r ," \Vith a .pai nti ng oi a pin r. · 1-l a ny of the k t tt rs spukc ui :-.ati siarti \l n for plt· ;tsan t :-.t·n-i cc gi v ·c n o n Yi si t s tu t he IJ ~n·il'-; :-;hop, and high!~ · rl'rom ll ll'tHlecl the pu lit' it·s t·i t he urgall iz;-t tin l\, ).f iss Ca roly n Freib erg, daughter of and Mr . . Etl\\'ard ]. Freiberg, 510 Lind en a ve nue, acco mpanied by Mis:-~ A m y \Vattman of Hogers Park, is spe ndin l.! her .vacation at Siste r Bay, \\' is., wh t: r <.: she will be for several \\'CC ks. ~ fr. Mrs. Paul T. Gilbert of 554 Brier street, Kenilworth, has returned from Arrowpoint farm, · the Holzworth estate in the Berkshires, where she has been spending the summer, and will resume het work as soloist at the Third Un.itarian church, Chicago, in September. For concert use she ha s added to her repertory of songs in cos- D. C. tume a group of rare old ballads· disDr. Alice B. Tuttle and her daug hter, covered in a forgotte11 song-book in the attic of a colonial house near New Durca s, 913 Centra l avenue, have re turned after a trip through the Black Preston, Cor)n. Hill s. They were al so jn Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Cruttenden, Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle has been at Sister Bay, Wi s., and return ed to Wilmette 531 Abbottsford road, have returned t o on Tuesdav. Kenilworth after a tour of the Min -onesota lakes and Canada where they visited their sons, Tom and Arth:tr, Dr. and Mrs. Geo rge D. Upson and at Camp Owakonze, Ontario. While their daughter, J ean, are at Sister Bay, at Lake Minnetonka they were th e Wis. They will be there about two guests of Mr. and Mrs. Justus F. Lowe. more weeks. This Store Closes at 1 P. M. on Saturdays During August ).{ rs. AnclrL·w :\. Lcai of 151-t \ Vashing ton :t \T illle has had as her g uest t h i :-. :-. nnllllL' r h l' r d aug h t L' r , ~I r s. U. , \ . Dt.: \ in<:, ui ll unu lul u. ).t rs. D n ·itle ; ki t un Tu t·:-.dar to ret urn home, t ak ing \\ it h h LT h n :-. i:-. t c r. ~ 1iss L iIia n L c a i , \\·hu \\ ill r i:-i t ll tr in J lonululu ftn· alHJttt t l iiTl' nwnt hs. In Photographs Only Can Yesterdays Live NOW EFFECTIVE- FINAL REDUCTIONS ON SUMMER FROCKS About 200 of our most attractive summertime models regrouped and repriced for instant clearance. /4 -Prints, Crepes, Georgettes -Sleeve and Sleeveless Styles -Women's and Misses' . Sizes Unrestricted choice of the entire collection assembled at the following three clearance prices: Frocks Originally All Children Smile for Bernie Frocks Originally up to $49.50 Frocks Originally up to $69.50 up to $39.50 Bernie's Special Three Beautiful 7xll Buff Etchings Regular Price $10 Appointments Should Be M aJe at Once NOW NOW NOW $lz.oo . $18·00 $23·00 Bernie Studio "Better Pictures--Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave. Evanston Such colorful, desirable and seasonable frocks will sell quickly at these extraordinarily low prices. Delay means probable disappointment so we advise early action if you wish to participate in this timelyt value.. gtvtng occaston. SALE ON THE SECOND FLOOR Tel. University 8998