Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 8

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8 , WILMETTE LIFE August 23. 1929 9o'~}.~k -:\t·w List·en! to Lecture f'miNf f() News. of Wilmette Churches St. John's Lutheran \\' ilnwttt> and 1 ·ark a Yenues, \\' ilnwtte. J Jt.rmnn \\". ~l t'yt· r , pastor. 40 6 Pmil'it' a \'t·nut:'. Tt>lt>)>hoJil 1 39G. <'h un.:h tl'l t>p hon e :n 11. publidy on the Lord's Day. gregation of belieyers and them n ext Sunday. wor ~ hip Jlnrl\ln~ Au~. 2;;tlt Join a conwith ·York ('nn!'it ('haln Thrnu~h I,uc-nl Stntlous W. C. F. L. andW. 0. R. D. "A H(·u:-:e of Won;hip" is th e slogan in s tone o\·er th e front e ntrance nf th e tlt:W <:hureh e difict'. Ha ,.e you :-.een it !'att'ly'? Th t> more it grows undt>r ·th e ~~·nit't·~ ha nel s "f sldllt><l workm en, the more b eauThirtt ·t> lllh ~nnday aftl'l' Trinity tift-11 it bt ·c"m ·s. \Vc hope t o dtdicat !.· ::W A. ~l. t-;unrl;~y schtHII and Hil>lt' ,it in ::\o\· ·m bt'l'. l' l:tsJ-:t·s. [) :46 1\ . ~1. F'ir~t sen·il't' . and s~·rmon. L'<H'Yt-d 11 .·\ . .:\1. ~l 'l' fln<l S(·J'\'icl' :tlld :-'l'l'lllUll. First Presbyterian n. minist e r. CLOTHES ABE ·M UCH CLEANER When Washed or Dry Cleaned .by .\t tilt· pn·:-:v ttt titne tht' vnt i re nwmlwr·s hip l'l't' lll'd:-: of ~t. .luhn' ;-; al'\' llt·ing- n ·\'it·\\' t·cl ;t tHl t'lll'l't·t'tt·d. Thi s :t l'ft·t ·t:-: Jl()t 1111] \ ' I Itt · l't·ll\11\':t 1 ;tlltl tllt· ;tdcl it i()Jl ()j' <':tl ' ~ls !Jill ;\ISII tht· l'III'J't·t·lillll 11f <tddl't'SSt 'S. ~twh nH ·nlht ·rs ;ts lia \·,. ('hang-··<1 tlwir· a<ldrt·ssvs. l1llt \\' l\11 h;t\t' 1\IJt re p o l'll' tl :-<twh (']1;tllg't·S :tl'l' l't·t_l\l t·Stt·tl lt· ll11 this at <!II ··:trlr clat· ·· :\!nth s tn·et nt Greenleaf :l.Y 1~ 1::' , .. l'lydt· l~atHlnlph \Yiw eland ·JHH" D., ~l "ming- \\'11rship at l 1 o'l'lr H' l.: . 11t·\·. :\l;trr ·us c ;rl'lh l'l', Assistant :\Iinisll'l' 11f tho · First l'n· ~h\·tt·l·ian ('liun·ll of O;tk J'ark, \\' ill supply t lw pulpit 11f thi!-= (' ]}Ut'c h ag·ain ~\ltHl:ty m(Jrning, ..\ trg·u:-<l :!:i. .\ ,. Jl'di:tl iiiYitatit~ll i :-: l':-..t··llti<-r1 tu :-<I \' ;l ll~- ,·· 1' :-< ;ttHl \'i:-<i [Ill'S (II ;~t tt-lld l lit· St'\'\it·o·~ td' toll)' ,·htil'('h. \ 'lltl ;tl't' :tl\\':t\'S \\'t·l(hl ' \\' ilmdtl' J'ro ·:-< l;~·tt·rian NELSON LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning System CENTRAL AT MAIN ST .. WILMETTE Phone 1800 Liberal Discount for Bring and Call ~---------------------------------------~ I: ·.., .. \ . Tht·t ll\l""n. I ' ot~t· ·I' I 'It· ·~ t llll I "ll't·t·l. \\ ' i llllo·l l;;';o 1.\l .. tin~s :tl ll ttr:tt't .\l :1JIIJ :-·lt····l. t'l t·:o-'lilt t ~l l't · ( · l.) :-11111 tl it.\. \Ill.!. II,, :! :1 1 I) . (; ., ' 1':.: II" lit" I' I . ]II' " r. s:- ·I' .tl ( ill it' ' I II. .\l· ·l'llill;..: \\' l t l~l ti p . ,, ...... r, .' :ttt l't li\··r:-t t .l ·. \\ill 1.. tit·· pt·· :wll· 1 .~ 1 Jl. 11. Y !tllll~ l' t·ltjll· ':- 11.1 1'1 ill~. lt-;ttlo !', lll·:-..1 :-:llitol:l.\ lli'ol'l !i l t~. llr·· . ll"ll i:--t· I' ' 1s :'\!t!'ll \:111 :'\, ·\:-··1 '1 :1 :o- Jt\o Jttlid " l)o ·,l l,, ·)', .tllo\ ;1l\ \\' ilo · l l:J \ I ' 7. 1.·, 11. Ill- I ;,:-Jl· ·i St ·l'\ j,·, .. lt· ·:trtl ltill t "It "tll· ·l' ,,. .,.,,,i, tt:- \\'ill \\'ish l:o ·\ T . . f . 1: ;11' 11. ll iJ 'o ·t· {t>J' l·f lli· :--;< ':11){tt l io';ll' It till ,1!.!:1 111. Til· · :o- t· r\ io·t· \\ill l11 · tl i I J:t \ i.lll .\II i:t l ll 't· .\1 i:--:- it ·II . I'- t I i ' . :- p. ·: l.;. 1 lt· ·ld :It 11 ',.,.,.,, .j :-:tlil!l ;t,\ ll lot l'll iii!!,. :tl j,. t) lt Ill" I II ill!!, :ttld ··\'·· II iII~ ..,, )'\ i< ··. Tlttii'·-<IH\. \ll!.!ll't :!!1 I '1'1 I· · p.t '· l to)' it: t ' l'o ·l iI I II· ·t\ I" \ ' 'tllll· . ·l l ,. \ 11. II - .\!td-\\t ···l\ ,:- t·l \ io·· · il l 1>,1"· I ll · lll , ,( lltt t'!tlll't·!t. .tll·l' :1 I 'plo,l":llt! \,to I':1{ :111!\ Ill' i:-< ~I I I i il l l" :I ll"'" I .I I 1.\' Jl .t "'{to II 11111. . ·;t] I'· I Il l ti 1':- 1 :-: IIIII 1.1 ,I \\ iII I". iII til I 111111 ·i ill :-: . l·t· ·!ltl )I·J'. .-, .. ;: ill etlzodist C lzurch I I . l'··,ld ~· St. Augustine's ~111111:1.'. ~· · J i l· tli Lt r '· i" tit· · "l'· · tlill~ ol: 1~· tt' lilt ' I 'lttll'o·lt '-<' 11""1. . \ ~plt-tttlid jll'· ·~ 1';1111 lt: t:-- 1,, ··It 1d :t ttl1t ·tl. :tll d :111 lll··JIIl ... r:-: ,f tit, . ~..:II llll:J ,\ :-<··It"' .J :t l't · II I'~· ·tl l " l1o · )II ··:- t·ltl toll 1lti :- !O]l o·Jtitq..: d: t,\', ~.-·. \\ill 1... tit·· Th!rt· ··ttl it :'ltlltl:l\· :t J't1 ·r Tt it 1i , . Tit· r1· \\·ill lot· ll·ol .\ ( ·.,llllilllltioo)J :tl ' . \ . ·.\1. ;111d .\1"1 11lllL'. l' t·:t .' ··t· \\'i tlt .\ddr .. s.._ :1t II ,.·,·l1wl\. :-:tltJol;t~· . . \m:tt "t MOTORS SERVICE Incorporated EVErl.VTHING AUTOMOOILi ~m~ Tit·· \\ '··llt:ttl·~ y, .<tl' J;, .. ,J\. wlltt ·ll ,,.: t:Jll·,·p:tt , .t] lo.\' ~II':-- . ( : . ~1 . t 'ul \ t · J', lt:t·.._ ~··ll·· l" jll' ~:-. It lll 't ·II ti:-· ·-- l" Ill' 111111 '-II; tll_\' tiltt ·. ! ... itt!.: pttt 1111 til<' int· ·ri"r .. r til. fir:--t ttttit .. r til· · 111 · \\· !tttilolit t:.: . :tilt! it~ l1, ·:1t tly ~~~ ···,~ rtll ·" 1\llll't· :tllJI:tl·ttl ,.,,.r ~· d :t ~ . Tlt1· :-. n i,., .. _ tlti:-< ~ t lttd:t' \1 ill l11 · t'otlldll· ·t·d 1·.,. tit·· 1~ ·. , .. . \u ... tin. l ':trdtt ~" . Tit· · fini~ f titt!..: t"w·lt· :-< :tt·· I Jlh,n· Fc1rest a\-cn~w. returned Tue . - -da,· aftt.: r t ha n ~ix "'l'tk:-; in the l ·:a:--t. ~h~· VISITS IN EAST :\Jj,=' :\li rl' C. \\ .alton. dau .l! l1t.t.: r 11i ~lr . and ~fr s. 1 ~. :\. \\ ' alttlll 11i ! fJ(I7 NEVE It CLOSED Tltt · !;irl ~~··Jut:-: ; 1r .. h· ·~ inning '" 111 ; 11\l· ' aten~IL'd ~he .A lpha Can~ma_ Dt·lta rtmpl:tns J'nr tw:-..t Y· ·:tr. . \ n~·rlllt· wisliin!.!· t" 1 't'11tlnn ttl ~\TaCtlSl', .\. \ . and th~· n .i .. itt "it·· '". l·tlr tr'2"Ps this ~· ~ ·:~r \\'ill }l,. spent so me time Yi siting iril'ncls and ,,·is.· _111 .Pttt,. 1~,., . lt:llllt' 1111 tll·· ,,.:t ititl!.: rclatin:s. :\iter iour ,,·n ·k:-- i n Ckn lt:-t :\tt\\. I hts 111:1\· l~t · dt~il· ' It~· t·:tllttl!..: · 1, }"l .· 1 '1' .. J.'J .. I' · ,. 1. til. · t litm ·h tdli, ., .. \\'ilnH·tt·· :!::1'. :--H · a .. " 11 1 ·: t~s · \,t \.<lllht:\, s 1l \\·as the ~uc:-;t (II her Qrandparenb. :\f r. 1~1 · : ~t·l:l·: TU 1~1·~~1 ·: 1~\-f ·~ ~l':'\1) . \Y IH' - and \frs . Cl1arll's X. \\ "a lton. at DtrTl 11:1·: 1: ti. · \\·ick, J"a. \fi ~:-; \\ 'a lton ab o :-iJICllt some Wilmette Raptis/ 1 ·,.nt,·r tim e in \\'ashin .~ton, D. C. \\"ilm !!, ., .. Ct anrl F11n·st :1nnu'·"· The Largest Motor Repair Wateh Year Batte17 Summer's hard on the power plant. Long, hard drivingovercharging--cells running dry --_general neglect. And only a mmute or two now and then would keep your battery in A-1 , shape. Drive in and let us check it up-today. No charge for that. has rc111 ,. Lciccst<.~r road. Kenihn)\th tip st·rdt;t·, tlw l~t ·\' . .lu\ills . tttrnl'd lrom a t\\'O " ·ee k: hou se part\· 1 )) .. a nH·Illllt'r 11f ,.ur 11\\'11 I at Ea~ll' l~i\·e r, \\' is .. \\·here she \\·as l' <ln~n·g-ati(Jn, will prl'st·nt tlw nJvs~:lgt·. the ~ut·-,t of ~1r. and ~frs. Halph Star( ·n ~tttHl:t 11 o'dt·l'k ,,.;, '~"hrh:ll'h. n . n .. \ll is"n. pa:-<t<lr. rnitl~ . . \ug· u~t :!~~. ::t 11 :.Ii ss Virginia \\'oodland. danghter <~i ~1r. and :.rrs. LcRo,· \Y oo clland. 33t) Shop . on the North Shore J)r . . \1\isnn . \\'ht l h:~s ht·t·n sp··llclin g his \':lt ·:ttitl\l ;If T't ·lir':tn L a l;;··. \\' is ., willl'l'!tn·n t11 \\'ilnwttP t11rl:'t~·. "TI1t' ret and their t\\'o sons. ] ohn Elli o t Lord is in · !li s IJ,ly Tt ·mp!, , - and Paul Starr<~ t. of Kenil\\'orth. ~f.iss Bettie Hardin.!.! of E\'anston accompanit·d :\1 iss \\·oodland. -o- ~t·t · k ~· ·· tilt · l.JJ)'(]." English Lutheran ~l ' Yt·nt h :--t l'l·t·t at (;, ·,···nit-a f MAIN STREET Wilmette :1: 11 I~· ..\. :\T. ~ :;:;unrlnY !';c!Jnn! llt ·tlr ~· I !t·pl.:t·, :1l'ting ~upcri ntt:ndt' llt .\. :\1. ~PI'IlHill: ~fnt 'n in~· \\'orsllip J. C.:~:: )\%neib~got · ·Ln\' p in ..\('linn" \1 is;-; ~I arion and :\1 i:';:-; Frances nluthardt. 415 Essex road, Kenil\\'orth ha,·c returned home after spending the stllnmer nwn t hs at Camp :\ C\\'ak \\'a, South HaHn. ~fich. 11iss ).fargarct · Bluthardt will not return to Kenih\'orth tilltil a itn Labor da ,. \\'hen the camp IS rinsed. 1Iiss Bluthardt has hcen a senior counselor for the season. A. B. VAN DousBN ,r -----~~------"----------------------------------------' Yr111 :ll'· · in\·itt ·tl t " \\'lll'~hip Corl with tts . \\·,. ht>lit·\·,. tht· Hihlt tn lw tlw \Ynrd ,f (~ocl. \\·,, Jll't>a<'h ··~:tl\·ntion by g-rnce tht'llllgh faith." \\" · :1l'k!lO\\"IPclg-t' .Jesus (~hrist :1s Lon1 ancl :;:;a\'iour. If this i s· ~· our hp\id, Y(J\l \\'ill fE't:'l nt home with us. "It i~ a g-oorl thing to g-in· than!':-. nnto tlw Lord." \Yorship God eYery day, -oGeorge \Voodland. mother .)f Le Ro\· \Yoodland, 336 Leicester roa.d, Kenihn)rth is entertaining a smJ.ll group of her old Chicago friends at the Club Yi sta del Lago on ThursdaY of this week. - ~r rs.

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