Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 4

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4 WIL~ETTE LIFE. Au~ust 23, 1929 John R. Kenneys Return From Three Weeks' Trip Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kenney of SUGGEST S"ERIDAN ROAD BE MADE STATE HIGHWAY (Continued from Page 1) 1709 \Vashington avenue and their t\\"0 MORE ON PEDDLERS . WE seem to have caused A stir by our article last WEEK on the Peddler's OVERHEAD and one of OUR customers asked why MANUFACTURERS CHOOSE _ that method of DISTRIBUTION if the . OVERHEAD is so much GREATER than that of THE retail merchant. WE put it this w.1y: THE manuf acturcr sends OUT his high -powered AGENT who cnries his SAMPLES into rhe home WHERE it is difficult to COMPARE them as to QUALITY and pr·ice with · COMPETITIVE merchan DISE. By avoiding comPARISON and forcing sales HE is often able to sell an INFERIOR article at a high PRICE and secure DISTRIBUTION which WOULD · be impossible FOR him in a more COMPETITIVE market. WE thought that Holly WOULD be around last WEEK to give our new FOUNTAIN the once over AND a column news item ON it. But then we LEARNED that he was THE proud father of a NEW daughter, so that WAS some excuse for not SHOWING up. WE have a new fountain ALRIGHT and can say IT is the most modern ONE we could buy. GRACE knows how to DRAW you the best soda THAT you ever tasted. IT will be ice cold. deli CIOUSLY flavored .with THE best flavors money CAN buy. As for cleanliness WE have always prided OURSELVES on keeping A clean fountain. If you HAVE any doubt about it ASK our efficient Health COMMISSIONER Dr. ·- HAWKINS. He can tell you ALL about the fountain in OUR village. Light Lunches- we are serving Sandwiches now, but by next week we hope to have our lunch counter running in full and will tell you more about it. \ras a l ~o sugges ted. It is understood that particular attention will be paid to the Calvary problem. In the \\.ilmctte area stress may conceivabh- he laid on the section of thc road at the Sanitary district canal \\·here sharp curYes and a bad section ()f pa ,·cment hamper the free movement of traffic. At all points throughout tlw cnnrsc through the \'illage, it Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dahncke. is pointed out, the high\\'ay shou ld -llR Maple aH'nue. and their sma ll he " -idencd to forty feet. and the daughter. Alice. spent la st 'reck-end sen.~ra l cmvcs, in so far as po sihle, as the guest of 0. S. Stephens. at l'l i Ill in at eel. Th e Hubbard hill section of the road Streator. Til. in. \\"innctka and Hubbard \Yood s -0.\I i:-;s Edna D<:n·isnn . daught er ni )-[ ~- . clainll'd a particular amount of ata11d ~I r-;_ 11. C. Davison. 1437 Furc~t tention. The peril unw attendant \vith a\TllliC. returned ~unda\· ni .~ht irtllll usc ni the ro.· d especially in the ,,·ini ng cr1urse, a three \\Tcks' ,·aration at \\.hitc Lab·. ter time. it . narrow \\-ill(l. all were discu ssc cl at length. Jt \\"as ~~ irh. -opointed out that the movement of traf Dr. and ~Irs . D. R. nrm\Tr. and their lie on·r thi s section of the road is cb ugh tl'r. Olin'. nf 720 Fi it h s t red. greatly ret ar<led under the I> est . of h ;l\·c l!lllh.' nn a two \\"teks' trip to Clmdition:; and that it ma\· ea . . J1,~turgt·nn nav, \\'i:-;consin. he recnn . . tructed to proYicle for ~afct\· -oand the rapid lllOHment of traffi·c Mr. and "\fr ·. C. n. nurtkc. ,)13 \\"itllOllt d;-unaging its scenic hL'atlt\'. ' _lu :-t \\·hat action maY he taken h\:the Linden an·1Jt1c. arc making ;p~~~ t\r< \\TL'h' mntM tnur Cli the Ea~t. Thn State High\\"a~· department relati~·e tn arc goinl! 1)\· waY ui the St. La\\TCnrr. taking on:r Sheridan roacl is at this -otimL' nf course mere !~ - conjecture. That ~fkrs . .ll)llll ~· lesnt1 · 2-lll \\.lHH1 - i~:-; attcntiPtl has been directed to tht: 1 1 -.tnc an·nlll'. f\.Clll 1 \\·ort 1 l<b l!lkme .t o ~crimts needs nf the route r<: J". tnt'\ Rnche:-.tcr. :\. Y_ . to spend a WL't'- \\"It 11 . · · hm,-e,·cr. \\·hat ts cnnsHlercd ,,:-. one I :\.1 r.:.. nurt Olm·. lli the mn-.t impnrta11t steps tn\\·arcl rclic,· itl~ present conditions taken in manY ,.L ' ar:-.. - ~r ;tj .· GcnrgL' :\. Quinlan oi \ \"i !met tc. 1\(lbnt 1--:ingery (lf \\"innctka and )-1 ayur ( ·harlcs H. Bartlett of 1.-,,.;mston \\"t:rL· a 111l)llg ~he f( 1rty~t \\.(1 mctllI h cr.., n 1 t lh· c(lll1lll1 tt L' c. children returned to \Vilm et tc Tuesday evening irom a three weeks' trip. Thev Yisitcd Ancaster, Canada, the birtl~Flace of ~{r. Kenney's mother, atHl then went to Ogden burg, r\. Y., the birth place of ~hs. Kenney· s mot her. Their trip then took them to Alcxant!J·ia and a boat trip thr ough the Thousand rslan ds. and thn· stopped at !\ iag-ara Falls to sec the · illumination at night. 0 I ; " \f r. and :..1 r:-;. \'hark:-. II. Lake . .2 17 l llu rcl_ :-.tred. arc 01~ a nwtor _tirp tl> , the La..;t, arc(llllJl<tillL"d 1)\· thetr :-.lllb, ·;-;tuart and Fd\\·ard. The\· are :-.pe nd 1itw a \\t't ·k a t Antas~a\\· amr~rk >-:eck. \1 attaptii-.cttc. \1 ass .. on 1\uzzards Ba,·. 1 - 0- \1 i-. . . \·in~·inia .\I ar . . hall. ~I i:-.:- France:-. Olc!--()11 . oi Kcnih,·orth. ~md \\"it lard Cartn. :-.pent three da,·s (li this \\Tck ,-j~itinl! \1 is..; .\I ildrtd Carter \\·iw j., _~- ~-twknt __at Trath\·h·ania rollc .t~e. I l.LXIIJ....t <J ll, h\. -o- \1 is _ -, Pauline Pcttihom· returned to IHT humc in \\'ilmettc this week from I ,-: urupc and is busy preparing for her tall _\\.l)rk in teaching and arcompanytng. -o- Coats of CERMANIA CHINCHILLA 1 to6. 7to14 ..$13.50 .$17.50 \\' an1c Blanksheim. S(i11 r,i \1 r. and )-f rs. \\ .illiam L Blankshcim. returned Saturda\· irom Minocqua. \\'i s .. after spending a four \\"eek Yacation at ~1 id\\"t: · t lodge. -0- :Vfarion ivfelh\'e, l.fis . Florence \felhYe, and l\fiss ~1innie E. Hughes. of \\' ilmctte. have been stopp ing at the Dodge hotel in \Va shington. -o-- ~fis . Moral: Compare his wares with 'those of your home merchant. It 1s up to us to make the companson favorable to our goods. The Rexall Store Colors- navy, deer, Cinnamon, green, rouge. claret. middy, French blue. These coats are very finely tailored and have a patented hem that is both unusual and practical. \f r. and ~{ r s. F. E. Davenport of 404 Gre .~orv a venue left SaturdaY, August 17. for a motor trip to Detroit anc.1 Pittsburgh. " I ~------------------------~ DECORATE During Vacation -~ A ,·old the Inconvenience of beingtorn up by having the Decorating and Painting done while you are on your Vacation. 1168 WILMETTE AVE., Ceatral aod Wilmette A·enuea Phoaee Wilm.tte 28 and 29 Central and Wibnette Avenuea Phonea Wilmette Z8 and 29 WILMETTE M. Portenhauser : Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf I I I Phone Wilmette 3 1 2 ~-------~---------···----~ Phone 2764 :

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