WILMETTE LIFE August 9, 1929 , Friday and Satu~clay August 9-10 All Talking a,~d Singing Operetta "The Desert Song" John Boles-Carlotta King Louise Fazenda Monday and Tuesday August 12-13 AU Talking Picture "Innocents of Pans · " with Maurice C· hevalier Wednesday and Thursday August 14-15 One of the m~st affecting scenes in "The Desert Song," \Varner Bros: Vitaphonr operetta, coming to the Alcyon theater on Wednesday,· is the leave-taking between the mysterious Red Shadow and his band of Riff followers, by whom he has been condemned to bani shment into the desert, with neither food nor water, and 110 arms except his own broken sword. There is a great bond of affection between the leader and his men, but he has refused to meet . the French Gen-. era) Birabeau in single combat-knowing him tp be. his father-and the law of the tribe is inexorable. The story of "The Desert Song'! is full of heart throbs, manv of which are based ou the love of the Red Shadow for Margot, the French girl w}lo is strangely attracted by the masked bandit chieftain, but has no eyes for his other self, Pierre Birabeau. John Boles and Carlotta King are seen as the Red Shadow and :Margot, respectively, and other important memhers of the all-star cast are Loui~e Fazenda. Myrna Loy and John Milja·1. Maurice Chevalier Novarro in "The Pagan" "The Desert Song" at Community House Makes ""Innocents Playing at Alcyon' Ramon Navarro in "The Pagan" is of Paris" Vibrant Theater Wednesday the Community House fare for the Friday program next week. Set amid gorgeous ,scenery of the South Seas, it weaves a delicately haunting' love romance between the island boy and girl. , vV. S. Van Dyke, wha directed th~ story, used the same deft artistry that marked his "White Shadows in the South Seas," and he had a notable cast to work with. Renee Adoree, in the role of Madge, a white adventuress, plays with a fiery Dorothy Janis, . the little intensity. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "find," who plays the native girl, Navarro's sweetheart, has a difficult and at the same time appealing role. Donald Crisp makes a dominant figure of the white trade r, nemesis and enemy of the haunting story. With "The Desert Song" as the current attraction, the Varsity theater lists "Innocents of Paris," with Maurice Chevalier, and "Dangerous Curves," featuring Clara Bow, on the coming week) program. In "The Desert Song" we have an all singing and talking operetta from the Warner Brothers' studio. John Boles, as the Red Shadow, gives :1n excellent vocal presentation while Carlotta King stars as Margot. Others seen ·in the film are Louise Fazenda, Myrna Loy and John Miljan. The Paramount · film "Innocents of Paris" is Maurice Chevalier's . fir~t screen appearance and because of his great popularity in Paris it was awaited with great interest. The critics' verdict is that he can stay as long as he likes. He sings with joy, plays with abandon and his personality goes across like a four-alarm fire. He renders half his songs in French and half in English but it's his personality as well as his voice and perfect pantomime th~t makes him a success. As for "Dangerous Curves"-well, Clara is Clara, curves are curves and Clara has 'em and "it." It's an all talkie. -- Marion Nixon Will Wed Hillman Heir August 14 Marion Nixon, film actress, and Edwa~d Hillman, Jr., son of a wealthy COMMUNITY HOUSE l' If I HA \ . CLARA BOW in "Dangerous Curves" All Talking Picture ~~-~ "ith Ht·flf'4' ···· lll\111 .. A.1lur····· Uuruthy ,Janis Chtcago merchant, will be married in Chicago on August 14. They announced the wedding date Tuesday shortly after they had obtained a ! marriage license at the county clerk's office. Hillman said he was 28 year! old and Miss Nixon gave her age as DOLORES VISITS HOOVER 24. Both have been divorced, HillWhile visiting Washington, Dolores man three year.; ago and his fiancee Del Rio, star of "Evangeline" and two years ago. other C nited Artists' films, ,·isited President Herbert Hoover and Vice GERTRUDE IN EUROPE President Charles Curtis. The star wa Having completed her first talking- $!Uest of honor at a number of soci:1l singing feature for Paramount tenta- functions given by repre sentatives of tively titled "The Gay Ladv," Gertru,ie the Pan-American union, the Mexican , Lawrence sails for Europe. · Miss Law- embassv, the Nicaraguian Legacion . renee begins rehearsals of "Bv Candle and foreign diplomats and their wives. Light," legitimate production 1n ,,,..hich she \\"ill be starred. under management DIX STARTS TALKIE of Gilbert Miller. She will appear in h.1chard Dix will do three super a I ,<))]don theater for a week, and then specials for them, announce s Radi o rr turu to star in the 1\ew York com- Pictures . His fir st of the three talk l~all\· , sailing for the L nited State s, ing picture s is vet to be announced ~ept c mher 4. and meanwhile, ·Dick ha s 'been va c=t ti oning in t\e\\' York. GLARES 'EM DOWN Lih·an Tashman plan a hard-boiled ~~ r a~d-of-n?-man t\ye of chorus giri 111 1\orma falmadge s fir st all-dialogu e :o~tarrinl! vehicle recentlv completed at the { nited Artists' studios under the direction of Lev.-is Milestone. tentati,·cly titled "Tin Pan Alley." ~l iss Virginia Burgess, 1534 l Iighland avenu e. left o n Thursda,· fo r two week s' vacation at Bangor, ~rich . , a s the gu es t of "\f iss "\f arj oric H ume nf \\T alnut avenue, \Vilmettc . - oMr. and Mrs Val Smith \Yith their sons. Douglas and Val, Jr .. have re turned from Oh :o. the home of Mr. Smith. and where the famil y holds a reunion every _year. RaYioia Opera and Concerts 8eTenteenth Season June 22 to September 2 Box Office open 9 :30 A. M. until 10 P. M. daily and Sunday -oMr. and "\Jrs. John B. Dix, formerly of 1325 \Vilmette avenue, moved on \\'ednesday to their new bungalow at 115 Sixteenth street. Telephone Highland Park !717 illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ I _ First Church of Christ, Scientist i Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. - - ....... - READING ROOM-r163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except W edntsday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 p. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The. a!'d of Mary Eddy and all other ChnstJan. Sctence Ltterature may Baku be rud. borrowed or purchased at the Rudtng Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH2 CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING· ROOM ?. ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ' - ~ible Wo~ks authoriZtd~= =~- =_t = IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIJJIIIIIIIIIIiTI