AU{YUSt 9, 1929 WILMETTE PREACHES FOR CLASSMATE LIFE N. S. Qhildr~n to Enter Planes in Modeling Contest Members of the Wilmette English Lutheran church will hear a sermon Sundav morning, ·August 11, b:v the Rev. Paul W. Hanshew of Monroeville, The airplane modeling contest spon- Ind. Mr. Hanshew is visiting the Rev. sored by officials at Sky Harbor air- Carl I. Empson, pastor. of the church, ;)ort, located on Dundee road west uf ~ho was a classmate at college. Glencoe, was launched on Augus~ 1 and many north shore boys and gtrls have announced their intention to ent~r plane models, it was reported. The contest will continue throughout Au$1 gust and September. ~o entrance restriction other than those of age limits are placed upon the prospectiv.e contestants. Every ~oy and g irl is invtted and urged to begm work a t once on a model plane. Rules governing the contest have hecn outlined as follows: THE INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOPS OF CHICAGO Lingerie, Negligees, Maids' Aprons and Uniforms Smocks, Woven Rugs and Baby Blankets All Articles ·Made by the Handicapped and Not Sold for Profit Summer Display Room: MARION I. CALKINS SHOP 724 Elm Street, Winnetka Wilmette is to have a oo,ooo Thrift Club. 1. For . rubber powered airplane:-;, moti Ye powe r carried in plane itself, tra ct,Jr o r pu~her, c·ompeting for duration of flight. 2. For power-the dil-itan cE:' from thE:' innE:'r fa<'e of the propeller to the oppo!"ite hook where power will be :-otored must bt· l w t ween 20 and 36 inch es. 3. All planel-i must be hand launcht> d .wd launching mu:-;t be not above 6 f et' t. 4. Plane:-; mu~t nQt be over 48 inc· h e:-; o \·e r all dimensions. fi. Fusf:lage mode ls rh:ing off grou11d must haV t> landing <.: ha:-;:;is with two r·r mt~n' whef'ls in front and wh ee l or t ai l sk id be hind. · 6. Eal'h contestant may han· thr" (' flight:-; in (·aeh eve nt. Ea<·h laum·hing " ·ill l'ount as a flight r ega rdlt'ss of tim· · ,Jf flig-ht or di:..;tan cf' attaitwd. ,\n~· !lights aC'C'id~·ntn 1Jy intf't'ft·red with hy judgt-~ will he given another c·hance. I. All plan eH mu~t b t- mad e and flown J,,. ('!llltt-sta nt. 'Jn lnunc·hing- all thrt-t' ]Hoint~ must h,. ··ll tht· floor and ('annot ht· pu~ht·ll. ~lcltt· rial ~ to h e ust·d - WIJI·d-pin· ·. , prun·. IJa~~: pro<·urahl(· at 1<11';11 htmbt ·r ·'· a reb: nH·tai - Jdano win·. wa :-- l wt·~. tub I n~. prtt l· urahl(· at loc·a l l1 :1 rdw:tr·· stort·!': i' a hril'- 1·hin:t sill\, \ ·· lh-t · l'. ti ~~ Ut' , .\1 r: tldt · at ]o('al PLENTY of CAPABLE HELP for your HOME LAUNDRY The automatic stor.. age type water heater supplies hot water for every /~ I ':! ; ' !-.__) :' \. '.. ) ~ . ... . ' '- I \-~ Plenty of hot wa· ter as soon as you turn the faueet when you have a storag e water heater -f I I I \ : hami11H1 ~ ·t pt · l·. Jl<I JI <' I' ))<l]h ' l', ruhht· J' thn·ad, Jll'll- p a p er hnu st·. nH·Ih·l part:-: may bt> hough! at :\lodf'l companr, 421 ~out h 1 'l:t rk c- ll't't'l, C hit-ag o. or at loca l dep<~rlmt · nt .\II .\ .. ro .. >; i I .~\~ I ) ~·iJ··~1\;v 11 I \ $62.00 ,l lll't ·S. ,~ . 1 r-.,.r household need. The heater is efficient, and the well, built storage tank keeps the water hot for a long period. Hotpoint-6lb. '--) ~- --- J j: I $6~ -" .. 1-. '...j ' ··,I 1 ....._.y' Aid of Firemen Sought by Three Motorists in Week The \\' ilmette Fire department ha s bee n called upon to extinguish thr ee automobile fires within the la st \\'e ek. ( )n Saturday m o rning, Augtist J, abnut 11 :30 o'clock an aut on,obile caug-ht fire at 419 Eighth s treet "·hen the engine backfired. Slight damage re sulted. :-;unday night at 9:30 o'clock th e tl rt~ men were called. to the Braun Scnice :--ta tion on Hidgc avenue. The gasoline tank of a car belonging to Joe Paletti, of Glencoe, which had been filled to overflowing, ignited when Faletti attempted to start the engine. The \\' ilmette firemen extinguished the blaze. A third car standing in front of the First National bank caught fire ~ron day afternoon about 2 :30 o'clock. causing slight damage to the wiring in the engine. The Wilmette firemen al so a nswered a prairie fire call at Third street and Linden avenue at noon Thursday, August 1. Pittsburg- Diam<>nd 24.gallon tank - Gas 40-gallon tank-$140~00 Inatallation Extra Sunbeam Iron with Fireproof Steel Case HOT WATER Electric or Gas $850 . - $142~ ..S.,inner Type" Table Type No wrinldn· necessary--water Ia wlt.l:.:led out of dotha while the next batc:b la wa1bio1 $17 5 $79~ / f ' .) 1fr. and Mrs . Richard \\'olfc, 414 E ssex road, Kenilworth. and their tw0 children, Susan and Dodo, have gone on a two \reeks' fishing trip up in ::\o rthern \Visconsin. Thev are making the trip by motor. -0- This type attaches to Thor Washer io place of wringer $49~ Fedelc:o-$125 ~f r. and Mrs. Theo . E. }f oritz 226 \Yarwick Road, Kenilworth, whose daughter, ~f rs. Morris A. Bell, and family hare hecn their guests have returned to their home in O shkosh, \\'i s. 0- The ELECTRIC VENTILATOR TAKES OUT THE HEAT The Airmaster draws cooking odors and heat out of the kitchen and orings in cle~n, fresh air. 75 Thew hole house benefits - You may purchase appliances at your Public Service Store the convenient "Little by Little" way, for a small additional charge. ~fr. and Mrs. John O'Conner, 149 Kenilworth avenue, and ~f r. and Mrs . PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Ceorge Ric bards of 530 E .. ex road, have left on a two \\'erks' motor trip throu.~h Canada. . ~fi ss Bettie Nelegar, $29 -o- 322 Krnih\·<1r+ 1 avenue, is entertaining on SaturdJy at the Exmoor Country CluJ) with a bridge-luncheon. She is the daughter of ).lfs. Ceo. Coale. Easily Installed in Standard Site Wi~w Ph. Wil. 2899