36 W I L ME T T E' L IF E Augu~t 9. 1929 NORTHEAST CORNER HINMAN AND GROVE NOW READY Evanston 's Finest .. 6-7-8 Room Apartments You are cordially invited to inspect the model suite furnished by JOHN A. COLBY t1 SONS. . .. Hinman Avenue Entrance EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 51 3 Dauis Street Euanston Greenleaf I 6 I 7 H ollycourt I 6 I 7 .F ft0~~2~ Jt~~~ -==-' ---:A-2-~ ___,--~----~) . --. . . . _. ......,_:""'1 7-r~ ~rth dliore :Yr:opecties - - REAL ESTATE-Management - Insurance - Loans 746 Elm Street \Vinnetka Telephone \Vinnetka 16I7 .F