Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1929, p. 35

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August 9, 1929 WILMETTE 1 LIFE 35 ... M ot10n. . "TI1e or chestra began the pro- , Miss Ruth K inne, daughter of Mr. g ram 'vith Deems Tay lor's bit from and Mrs. Ha rry .C. Ki nne, 1324 E lm"Through the Looking Glass," ca lled "J abber\\"ocky," which might have heen wood ave nue. has as her gues t t h is k M iss F loren ce' McConochie, fro m intcre ting except for the fact that Mr. wee $1 Rock Island. Miss Kinne re turn ed The "Circu~ Caper." presented for DeLamartcr cut it into small pieces Saturday from a week's visit v.-i th Miss the children on the last half of the " ·ith numerous stops and explanat ions McConochie. and brought her friend program Thursday afternoon. August of the storv. Since his voice does not hack to· be her guest. 1, at Ra \·inia park, g-ave the children carry, unly. a few childcrn we~e :-tble plenty of opportunity to let out all to hc:-tr. The Tador number was fattheir bottled up cffern· . ccncc and lo\\' cd hy a mile! .composition hv Felix spmt. They shri('kcd and cheered nonl\\.: s ki ~ "',l'o a You1tg Cid': and \\'hen the dog. and pOll)' went through 11.11 e ol }·,co Sn:n-rhy:S earlier composithcir . tunt s. finding delight in the tlons. l he Tnsh \\ ashcrwoman." All smallest bit of buffoonery. I thr~·c composers arc contemporaries. At lir..;t the pony and d(·g-s \\'ere in Tt the .attendance continues to inrostume. with little orang'c coats and crea~c \n.th the al111ost. alarming proridiculous false faces. aod there wa portmn~ tt ha:-. ~ho\\· n 1n the la st few cnn a diminuti\'e monkey drc ssc<l up \rc~ k :-;, th~ :-tdult s wil.l he !n danger ?f like the dog-s . The\· did all (1f the lo ~ lllg tlrc1r t\\'o scc ttnn s 111 the panttricks expected of circus animab- h op- ions. I.a :;t 'l.'hu~schty it \\·~t. ncccsping on the pony's hack. sitting up at s~try for halt (lt. each sectiOn to he attention \\'llile riding around the !.!1\·e~l tn the ~I~IIdrcn. :\II the sc:tts ·circle, ancl jumping O\'er poles held by oub1rle thc·panlt?n \HTC crowded w1t.h an attendant. Some of the chi ldren in ad~tlts. \\'ho -arc Jlt:.t a~ eager as thc1r the front rows played ball with a dog, cluldren to hear the program. Regular Price $7.50 using a green balloon. which tl1e dog Thur:-;da~· . :\ug-ust 8, the orchestra bounced hack to them on his no~e . will pia~· ".\farch" from "Tannhauser," And thrre was a g r eat deal of shriek- hy \ \ ' agner . : "Scotti sh ).f arch." by Deing and some consternation \\·hen the hussy: ").[arch of the Little Fa uns," by attendant opened a box and a skunk Pi erne: and "~Ia,· \f arch·· bY '1\chai·walkcd out. Ho\\·cver. it pron' d to be kn\\' sky. perfectly harm less ancl on ly added to ------the merriment, after all. ).f r. and ).f r:; . Rox R . ~farquardt , of The orchestra's part oi the program 21R \\.oodhin r aenue. had as their ,..,·as disting-uished hy the fir. t moYe- guc:-;ts for a te\\' days ~ ~ r. and ).f rs. ment of ~1ozart's Concerto in B Flat, Andrew Hamming. of Ridge \\·ood, Our Photographs Live Forever played hy 1f iss Janet Gunn and the ~. J. ).fr:;. ).farquardt and her daughChicago Symphony orchestra. 1fiss tcr, Edith. at:Cl)mpanicd h~· the HamUniv. 518 Davis St., Evanston (~unn's iather. Glen Dillard Gunn, con- ming:;, are leaving- for \Yhite Lake, ducted thr orche . tra for the !-.1ozart, ~fie h .. at the l..'ncl nf this \\'CCk. They ;1 nd en.·rything went well. ).I iss Gunn ,,·ill :-lay there fur t\ro or threl..' \n·eks. is 13 years, old, but she has cJe,·clopecl -na co111mand of technique and poi se Franris \f ourc . \\·ho lives at the beyond her years. The 1[ oz:\ rt was l'cnnih,·mtll fn11, on Cumnor road, and played \\'ith clean technique, and the \rho tea · hc s Organ to many people ou melodic line \\·as \\'ell def1ned . Her in- the :\nrth Shore. has left on a t\\'O terprctation \\'as conventional, and she \\'l't' k trip to \taint\ stopping· off at seemed to plav \\'ith ease. For an en- fktn ·it and Cknland, \rherc he will core she pla~·ecl Poulcn's "Perpetual .L:i n.~ runccrts. I "Circus · Capers" Enthrall Youthful Guests at Ravinia Wilmette is to have a oo,ooo Thrift Club. Midsummer Special 3 Five by Seven Portraits $5 JosEph D. Toloff 2178 I li OUR AUGUST SALE II ol Sporting Goods ~ Oilers Many Timely Savings Golf Steel Shafted Clubs, were $8, now ...... $4.95 Kro-Flite Balls, factory seconds, each ... . 47c Golf Bags, were $6, now .............. $3.95 Shoes, regular price $7, only ......... . $5.45 RADIO LA SACRIFICE SALE Entire stock of latest RADIOLAS to be sold at cost. Sale starts Thursday, August 8th. Latest Micro -Synch ronous Model 46 RADIOLA'S Jatesc se nsa tional offer. Dynamic SCREEN GRID set. Re gular selling price $199 ·00 NOW Ten lS · SI7S··· RADIOLA NO. 46 COMPLETE LIST R~DIOLA 5palding ·R ackets. An $8 value, now . ... $5.75 Lee Rackets, were $8 to $10, only .. .. .. $5.95 P~nnsylvania Balls .. ......... .. .. 3 for $1.10 SALE Swimming $6 Spalding Swimming Suits. Specially pri~ed .............. . . . $4.95 --------------------~----------------- ,, H " " No. No. No. No. No. $410.00 62 Complete ,, 41 $244.00 18 $157.00 " 46 $199.00 " 28 " $299.00 $167.50 $119.00 $175.00 $ 50 .00 - Second Floor CONVENIENT TERMS 1565 Sherman Ave., Evanston-Just South of Davis St. Chicago-1952 Irving Park Blvd. Wilmette 724 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. j Univ. 990 Open Tues., Thurs., and Sat. Evenings Graceland 4950 630 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Chandler's PATTERSON BROTHERS

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