Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1929, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE August 9, 1929 Opera Clubs Are Organizing for Seasons A£;tivities lnsull Addresses Opera (lubs at Meeting Tuesday Married Kathryn Belnap to Marry Skokie Audience Charles Scallon Aug. 3 I Is Thrilled by ~1 rs. H. \\·. Belnap, R2() ~[onrne st:-eet. Miss Kathr\'11 Belnap. daughter of Gordon Quartet ' 'era Afcl)ern7id : ~amnrl ln sull ::;p,1 ke at the lun che0 n and hu~incs::; nH' cting- of nl'tlcl'f:; and director . 11i th e As~ociated Civic Opera club~ on Tnescla~· in the Red. Lacquer J~ on m of th e Palmer House. Mi ss Dema Har. hharger oi \Yilm ctte. prrside nt of 1hc Ci ,·ic Concert Se n ·icc, and \\·ho is rr-.pnnsihle for thi s mon'ment to popularize grand 0pera. presidcrl at the meeting. Earl Orner, president ni the \'illage 0f \Yilm ette, was a g ue:-.t of tht.· Central Cot1unittee, as was also the t..'xecutiYe hoard of the \\.ilmct tl' cluh. Mr . I llSll ll ga\'e a re su'lllc of the be ginnings of the opera company, of the financial condition, and of th e cultural advantages. "\\~e started ]n scn'n Y~>ars ago," said : Mr. I nsull, "\\'ith :tn L : ,lital. hut with a physical NJttipnH:nt presented h.\· Harold F. ~f cCormick and 1[ rs. Edith Rnrkefellcr ~fcC'or mirk." He explained that the new opera hou se has about thr same srating raparit~· as the Auditorium. The Opera Cl ub of \Vilm ettc. which has rcrentk hten organized, is at·racting to. its growing llll.'lllhership .wt 0nh· the music kH"crs hut al.;o those wi10 arr intert·sted in the practical m1rking~ and financial encl.; ni ).1 iss Beth· Scheidler, daughter of the Oprra Cnmpany. ~I r. and ).f rs. J. E. Srheidler of Elgin, The material on \\"hich the ~ra~11n\ "·as 111arricd ];~:--t Satunbr aftenwon programs arr ha~rd, \\"ill lw in the Ill 1-.:cllildll 1~ . ~I a~un, son oi ~lr. and hand s oi the program rnmtnit !t'l', \Ir s. \Irs. ()\\l"ll S . .\la:--tlll PI Ek:·in. at the Albert l"llrich. \fr ~. Charles .\ . 1~.-~~acl. Hrvthn·n rlltlrrh, Elgin. and ~~ r~. Fernanrl n \\·. Fuermann. 11i Till' itlrilll'l" \1 i:-.s Scheidler ha~ hel'll \\'ihn ttll.'. nt"d \\'ednc sda ,·. and th;tt till" art tcarlllT at the Jj,,,,ard srht1nl. might _,. t riun1p:d arL·hitcrt~tral beaut~· \\"iiillt'ltt· durin.~ till' pa~t \t·ar. \lr. will l'llllll' intc· cl1lSL'r contact \\'ith \la:-.()ll i . . a-.:-.(lL·i:ttl'd \\ith l.lll,·d JL,J thosr " h1> 111ade it a tin:ttll·ial 1i . . t n In L'. pos!"-i hilit y. \\"ith the mat~ \rhn crea1t'" the ekrtrir:II l'f'icrh. the Jll'"P~t- \\··llll Ruth Caldwell Marries reprod tt t'L' \ ' \.:trtl~· the peril\cl imnitttrl'. jcwelr_\' , -.h,w.;, and l'llSll\\lh"~ lli 111l· L. Cupples Saturday t imrs ""11 c n n pc r a \\"a.., b m n . ;111 d fin: til ' \ 1r. a 11 d .\ 1r . . . 11. \\ ·. c, tl d" t·ll. 1).) 1l with tht"'t wht) :tt ~rl.':tt t""-Jlt'Il-.e ;tnd l.illdt"I\ ;1\.t'll\\l', \\.iln · til'. han· ~'-· 11 t discritllin:rti1n1. find i11r lh in our 01111. ,, 111 :ti"IIl,·ttll l'l 'Pll"llh t\( tilt· 111 ; 1 rria~e t:i l'ir d:tlt!..:htn. 1\ut h. !tl \\'ilktill l,l'-,tl'l' as \n·ll :1-.. ltll'l'ign l:tnd .... thl.' .~natt·-.t 1!1 t'tti'I.Jl"., 111 l'i11t ktll.' \ \Ilk. 11 1.. 1111 ~at\·oin·-. in the \\orld. The :·n· !..! Lllll" :tr\· iurlli,lJt·d !11 tl 1 1 ' l'rd:t\· :tihrtll··lll .. \11 :..: . 3 :tt till' l; i1-.t Chira :...:,, <>;·n:t club tlll'lllhl'r"'. \\ith ll\tt t'··ItL!rt·t.::tti.nt;d chtln·h. \\"ihnel tt·. '1' .1L' chargl'. l1.\ till' l'i,·it· < l pna :t:-.:- llriatinil. 1\l'\·. Dr. \'t'It' l. t·pl'r ,>ftici ·t:L·d at thL· Tlw du, . . \'. hirh arl.· \"t'l'y :-.Illall. l'll\"l'l' l'l.'l'l·lli<·Il\', The hr:dt· \\:h :Jtfl'lldl'd 1)\· \l i-,s lora! t' \1'1'11,, .... -.urh :h JlllSI:l:...:l.·. t'tr. 'I'Jw l'htl,., t !·t·ct l1l lt :t\t' (und..; l'IltlltL:ll \\' ilktt:t ll ·t\\kt·. . 11i l.an-..in:...:. \li l·h .. to Jllii't' ~ l:l"l .r it·\\· ,~ 1 ~n:t 1id:l'tS i11r · :t.; Jq·jdL'"'!il:tid. \\ hik \\ ·. C. l'khnd ,,j tbe 11 ,t· 1ll. tilt' llll.'nlh 1 ·r-.. :tncl tht'\ \."lit·:t!-!11 -lT\t 'cl :t-, IH'-.t tn:til i11r \lr. " -ill .ti:--" :I r t ,t, :t ck:trint,! h,,ll . . l' \\ hnt· \.'uppk:- . .\ rt·,·t·t·ti,>tl ;till! \\t·ddiiiL! · cliillltT (,.]Jil\ \ t"d thl' t'tTt'llllll\\" at ~h:t \ 'IJH'rnh, ·r, nl.t_, h\1_\. 111' '<·II thl·ir tirkl.'t.; Ill'\ ' (. 'lllllll I'\ ell\ h. wht'Il h n :trt' llll:thk 111 lt-.l' tllt'tll. f1 i, !!1 .1\ 111 .r 1·,:-.:tn· t, 1 he ~uh:-.cril)l'r · l:~~t ll \1 r. :u1<l \1 r:-. C' ttpplt- . . ~trl' · t' a club nieinhrr. :-vi1 itlr . .; at t hl.· l.11 in: r~it \' u i I 1lin ·1 is. to tllv ··'1·vr:t !11 hl.'l' ·tlll nor rI" n11"lli IH · r... "' d it.:; Ilt' t IH' Il h l' h·c.; \\"lint· tilt' j,1rmn i:-.a t1H'n1her ni Bl'ta l·haptn 11t Si .t.:nla :\lpha Tnt a S1lrori! ·: to hu-. ~ ~ ~·~· l :t id.l"t'. l 'luh fl)lltll:- in :tnd tilt· latll.'r i:-- ;1 IIItml>n ni Pi Tau the llt'\\ 11 ;wr:t 11,'\l"'t', :tl-.. t· h·ckiT rl)lltlls Pi Si:..!m:t and ~cahh;trcl and nla<k iraIIl:n Ill· ,ll·t:ti nt· l h\· the club tm·tnher.;, !1-rnitil·s. 11 ' 'rc :t-- ),,. , tiit' lllhn~ \\"ill 1Je i11The hridl' and ~rnom \\"ill makt' th l'ir anci 11 llllllll' in l "rJ,ana after their gracluatil)l1 Yited 111 1..!·· k·h·111l tilL" ""l'il('"· A, a "'Pl't·i;tl ll lt'l'ting ,,j the twmi - m·xt Tunc. 11 ~ t i11)..! t'l lllllll i( : l" l" I l j ( h l' \ \" j 11\ l\'t t l' cl t1 h held (ll\ ~unrl ; " .. ltd_,. lK at Sh;t\\·~~ ·c Countn· rluJ, 'H' i·dl,l\\illL! ()nice r~ Engagement Announced ,,·ere cho-.("n: Dr. Fernancln \\'. ,.-,. \I r. :11·d ).] r.; . 'l'hl.'tlCl' ll'l' C. Kl·lkr. man. pn·!--ident; \\'. C. RuC"the, vtce J()tli Cn·e11 \\"t l\)d hllllll'Yard. l·:,·a thl nn. president : C. F . Tl1on1p..;i"ln, vice :lnnounrt· t llt' engagement nf their presidt'tl t: C. P. I )\\l'h"'. Yirc president: daughtrr. Jean. to }\'i nfield Ta,·l11r . Dr.\\' . \\' . lla\\\.: ith, "'t'lTttan: \fr s. Sllll 0f ).frs. n. L T .n ·ltlr. R..J9 \firhi M organ .f . ll alllilln-.. trrasme.r: ~fn . gan an'nUt'. \\'ilnwtt e: The wnlding John Clark Baker. chairman oi mL·m- \\"ill take place in October. Miss Keller hership; :\1 rs. Albert Cllrirh. program \\·a~ grad uat ed in June from the Carchairman: ~J rs . l'harlt-s \'. Brnad. bnd school. Bo. ton. ~f r. Tavlor at program chairman: and :\1 r~. C. P. tl'ndt·d Dartmouth cnlkg·e. whe·r<~ h" is Du bh .... publicity chairman. a nwmher (Ji .-\lpha Delta Phi fraternAt a meeting- of the Opna Chb of i t ~·. Winn<'tka held on \\'edne:;clay, June 19 the following nffice r s were L·lec tecl: Strl.'l't. Langd(lJ1 Pearse, and 1frs. Emon· Cohh Andrews, president: H or - Felix BL)rO\\·sky, Yice presidents; and ace Armstrong, Mrs. Frank R Fuller, Barret Comyay, secretary and trea sJohn \ViJiiam Macy, Mr s. Harry L. urer. w. 11i!--hop, tu Rnhnt Turkn Drak,t·, :--tlll oi .\lr. and ~lr~. l,nnan "\lank\· Drak t· oi \\'i lml't tl'. .\fi:-. ~ ~\\" ;111 . attendl'd :\orth\\t~tern unin'r~ih· \\"hl'rt ~Ill' was a llll'tnhl'r oi ])l'lta (,; tnnn a -.Prllrit,·. \lr . llrake grr~duakd la!'t .lttnl' irnm Dartmouth rnlkt.:l' and i ~ a memhn oi :\l pha J) ('lta Phi fratl'rtJ it,·. The wedding \\'ill t;-tke pl<tl'l' in th e iall. tn, ~lartha ]wan ston, will he married on Saturday. Rurheda L Pretzel Augu st 31 to Charles Echranl Scall on , Fnr eight years the Jacques <:onl~n son of ').fr. and \fr:;. John J. Scall on String- quartet has he en playmg 111 of 1'\ orwalk, Conn . Chicago and around the country, y~t The ceremon,· \\·ill takl' place at S there \\'l. re possibly man~· in the aucl!o'rl ork in the ~fternnon at the home encr Suncla,· afternoon. July 27. at the of the hricle\ brother and sister-in- ~kokic Cou;ttrv club \\·ho were hecomla "·· :\f r. and ~1 rs. ".\' uel D. Belnap, ing acquainted with the organiz~tion 1422 Ashun· an·nue, \\'innetka. Dr. for the first time. The cluh furntshes Horace C.· Smith of the \Yilmett c a n irkal . ttrrounding for a quartet ~fethocli s t church will read the service. playing chamber mu sic. and the day a reception for member:; of the im- seemed tn han· been made to order mediate famih· and intimate friends . for thr occas ion . ~[r. Gordon was will foliPw. · grcr ted h~· many old and n~w fri~.?nc~ s 11 i. ~ Belnap has chosen \f is . L oui~e in the manner due an arttst of hts Pax on of E,·;mston to be her maid of ~tanding. and hi s quart et rccei\'t..cl most honor and ).li s~ Mary Campbell of Er- flattering· applause. Here was mtt . ic anstnn as her bride smaid. The bride- :-ouch a . one hear~ too littlc. pla~·ed groom's brot her, ]ame ~ Scallon of \\·ith thL· most refined ar ti stic sense. Ko rwalk. i ~ to be ~ I r. Scallon's be st There \ras · a perfect ensemble. yet. man and HPhrrt Crumm ot E\'anston one tH?\·cr lost sight of the individual v.:ill usher. instrument s and their individual mel odi<·s t \rining and intertwining. The pr().~ram wa s one that was gqarFormer Kenilworth Girl anteed to please. The quartet beg an to Be Wed Tomorrow \\'itlt Hayden's Quartet in F ~1ajor. In ~I iss :\adinc Kellis. daughter of 11rs. all the varietv · of moods and mo,·cCertrude Post :\('IIi~. iormnlv oi ments there ·was balance and sheer Kenihnn·th, 110\\: re~irletlt ~ < i San Fran- beauty of tone. The voices \\'ere cisco. Cal., will married tomorrow brought out g racefully and with cxtl) llm,·a rd }{ichard sou alsn oi San qui~ite rharm. so that it kept up nne's Franci ~co at La\\·:;onia. Green Lah. intcn·:-t co ntinually. Chamber mu sic, \\·is. The CL'rL·mun,· \\"ill take p]are as played. hy many :-.tring quartet'i. at n oon, and \\'ill hL· PL'rit>rmed ])\· the seems a little dull and unintcre:-.ting, Hl'\·. Leland I fohart Danfnrth of the lfoh· Comiorter rhurrll, Kl'nihrorth. like the faded paintings of laclics lnng The brick and (!room will lea rc (·11 since dead. It arouses a mild curin-.ity Sunda\· irnm Chirago iur San Fran- hut le<n·es one cold. But the Jacqtws ri:-.rt 1, \\"hvrt..· t lln· \\·ill make their Cordon String quartet is made up of ~ki llinll musicians who \\"nrk undn a IItlllll'. \li :-~ \"l'lb attt'Illll.·d Xt\\. Tri,·r ma-.ter. and thry bring- tllll the mean1I i ~ h ~ r h1ll) I :t 11 cl . r h111 d i 11 Ca Ii i or 11 i a . ing 1i th mu sic. so that it h;~-. ~ur Shl' al~o :-.Pl'llt a H·ar 11i -.tuch· abr(la·l. pa:-.:-.in~ beauty. The alle~ro 11l1)(l rato :\ 111 o 11 g· t h t ·:; l' who " i 11 at t l' n d t he \\'<ts ,·i!.iurons and forcdul. \\'hile the \\ l.·ddin~· \\ill he \1 r. and \I r~. fra Calef lll('lltH'ttn held lus ciot~:-.. -.thtaint·d t11tlv .... Dar! in~ and their dattL:"htn. "\1 r -.. Lc- The me!t1ch· of the andante had the hnd Da itiPrth, oi Kcnil\\"1lrth. :tnd \i r. JHlrl' !ll!H' ·ior \\ hich ).Jr. Cordt)n i..; and \1 r..;. l .l'l'tl\" \Ynodland :tnd thl·ir not('d, \\"hilt- the finall' CI·Jitr:t--tvd \\·itli d:tu~htt'r. ).1 i~s \ ·in.;inia. -.pirit. ]f \\":ts an l'XCCpti()tl;t)]y pJt·(t.;--------in:_:· renditi1Jl\ nf ll;n·dn. ancl e\·t·n·nnv in flw r.1n111 ~cvn;ed t11 h:t\'t· he:·n Give Bon Voyage Parties t1·1H·hl"rl h.' it-, beaut_\·. .\mn1 1g th e partit·., gin ·11 in llllllllr r1f \itn :Itt· lllli('t i< · "\.111' tll lh"r:tk'.; \l i:-.:-. l.llltise Clabaugh. dau .~htn <·i "\1". atid \fr·.; _ Tlint1111 (:. Cl:thaugll. 1.1.?-f ".\wl:tnll'." tl;e quartet pla\·t·d l.alo\ ~C11tt a\"l"llll(', \\ 'illllt'tk:t. \\lJ11 kit this ruloiul "~nenadl'." ( lnc'-. tllind mar!L' pictme-, oi a Sp:·ni~h ~tn ·ct. \\·ith \ ,.t T k i 1 1 r E 11 r n p c. '\ :t ~ 1h a t 1 1 f \ I i . ; 1\uth l(in g. \\"hn tntntailll'd \\"ith <· glitnP"l'S tli datll'er..; :..:i,·in .~· the1n--eln·~ rlit1tH·r hdorc tlw cbtJCl' at Sknkie tu the ahanrbn oi the dann·. 'l'll en (',Htilt:·,· rlul> la ~t ~atmrJa,· . "\fi..;s c;1!11l' t·lw ,L! r l' y tt> 1ll' .; 1·f \I o u " -. n r .t.:·~ k i·s ki11g i~ tllt· daughtn ut .\ Jr ..a11d "\frs. ".\n ()Jd Lt-,tk." thrnu~h \\ hich 'lll<' \ \ ·. _I . 1-.: i 11 g. < ' i r .] 1 F 1 1r n t ;1n·ntL'. Illtt-.cd tJ\ cr a11civ111 rla,·-.. Till' llPJ'-ir \li~.., In n: \\ 'ch:-.tn. d:tltL:"hkr ni ).fr. \\ a."' !..! (' 11 l Jt. ;[ tl rJ ., ;I ( J. \ l'l . llll t t I J I l t r; It!' i L' · a11d \1 r:--. :\lh crt S. \\'l'h'-tl't', 3l.f lt wa . . :t~ ii tht· 11lrl \\;tll~ \\"nc l·l·O:d,)rd l'll:td. Kl.·uihrPrt h. \\as hoste·.s com ing Cl·\·nl"d \\·iih in·. a11cl :--n \\·t"rt' :11 a hllll'ht·on <111 \funda\· :tt ~kllkic in lt)Sing·. in a -.c·,l~L·. th~·ir :-.tark. de :-.lwnPr ni ~I i~s Clabaugk \I i:--.; Cla- pairin .~· ruin~. The pr11gT:tlll clo~crl \rith baugh. ,,.1!1 1 is a stttdt'Ilt at Smith col- the lin·ly Craing·er C<lll\p().;ition, ".\l111ly lege, " ·ill !--Jll.'lld a year :--t udying :d>l'll:ul. 1ln the ~h(Jr(' ... in \\"hirl1 the 111eloch· i~ ~\rung to till' ditfnent in-.trtmH. ' n t.:" in the ..,anw gil_\· gllodieiiii\Vship in Troth Announced \rhirh (Jill.' :'\\ ings (Jil("s partner in the .lame~ Dclu~ S\\·an oi \\'iJnH:ttc .111old dance-.. .-\ . , a tribute to tlte \'Cry tHHIIl res the {·ng;-tgttlll'Ill ()i hi . ; dau. ·..;-h- be · · · - - - --- ---- Out of Town Guest Feted ).fr. and ).Irs. Ra,·moncl C. 1-.:im k·ll. 422 For<:!:>t a renue, had as their g ul'.' ~ inr ten dan ).f i~s Grac W. Ells\\·o rtll. ~up~rintr:Hlent of Dramatic Expressinn tn ::\c\Y \ nrk schoo ls. Miss Ells\\'ort.ll spe nt a few days. at th e Dun es thic; \\·ee k, and th en returned to the Kimben·~ hom e. She will spen d som e time at Ephraim, Wis., r eturn to Wilmette a .~ain, and then motor bark t o New York. Among those who entertainecl for her wer e Mrs. Harrv Mons 157 \ Voodstock avenue, Kentlworth 'whc~ ga,·e a dinner for her Tuesday ~£ la .; t we ek and Mrs. BurtT . vVheeler, of Evanston, who gave a luncheon in h er ho nor on Thursday of last week Mrs. Kin1bel1 will entertain with a luncheon for her guest on Friday, August 16: To Be Married Tomorrow Th e marriage of },f rs. 1folla s Gilbert. of EYanston. to ~fil es I\eyberrv oi Farmington, l\fo., t ook place- on Tucscla,· afternoon at the Librarv Plaza Hotel at two o'clock. It - was a Yery informal wedding. ~1rs. Gilbert. who formerlv taught at the Central School in 'Vilmette, will leave to make her home in Michigan City.

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