August 9, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE for Summer when skirts are extra-brief, you'll want Telephone Ord rs to Wiln11 tt· French Handkerchiefs newly imported Which means th~t they're up-to- the-minute smart. Block-prints of a new kind-with here and there, as part of the design, a bit of finely -done hand-embroidery, frequent ly in contrast. Rose, red, green, ·blue, and combinations of tan-and-brown. Beautiful and unusual handkerchiefs at SOc each. ,, ,-... -- I I 1- <lear Glassware and Luncheons and at 25c there are fine Irish linen handkerchiefs with solid bands of color at the edges, and with hand-rolled and handwhipped hems. A complete assortment of colors . Lord's- First Floor fJ1R~ ff>MIJ~C>ft ...:!.J Sheer and fine and chiffon - style-assured by Gordon-in Cymbeline, Fairtan, Noon, Moonlight, Gunmetal, Meteor. And only $2 -just imagine! Lord's-First Ffoor A seven-pcece set with straight, narrow-paneled glasses, is special at $ r. 6o because we have it only in green . New Soleil · Hats jttst off the train from New York $7.50 the most remarkable glassware spe cials we've ever off~red. f, ace SIZe .35 Fdt of <;himmcring fur - lik~ softness--with the rich luster of fine French fabric. and rz.en . lear of ( !a- ··,.£·- First Fl oor t."d Glass Fruit Botvls- in a flat corru gated effect; crystal clear, at $1.5 0, with the little fruit dishes at $3.6S a dozen. Green, in a medium size . $1.40: with the matching fruit dishes at $4.45 a dozen. ._ 4 In the fall colors : Smoke, Sapphire. Emerald. Black, Chocolate. Brandywine . Violet, and Patou Green. tiny tucks and folds and stitching manage to gi \'e them t lut sm.ut F rcnch tJ ilorcd -on -the- head look - nun y h.1\'c brims in the newer manner. And they still insi'\t upon the good tylc of simplicity- with ll',llhcr straps , grosgrain bands, and effective buckles . ~rhcir The · most attractive little lace-trimmed sets we've ever had are here now at $4.95 and $5.95. Tailored models, too, with bits of dainty embroidery. or with hemstitching . In green, pink, peach and pale blue. Lord's- Sccond Floor e \Wool Robes $10 ivc l ·· in massed stripes; such effective com1 F rene h blue and beige, broken by a ns as 1 red b nd; brandywine, rose and gray; beige. and urquoise; blue and tawny sumachShawl collar-one breast pocket, two cts, tie of the same material as the robe. 1 Lord's-First Floor New Linen Blouses boLtgltt to sell specially at fflt1f fliO\WliR CCUIR .f!A ({:,If $3.50 Soft. loosely -woven sports linen- in two good models. Onc-Jll in white-has a rounded collar and a double pleated fril!. Another-in green, petal pink, yellow, white or blue-has big double petals, outlined with picoting. Not all sizes in each color-but a complete assortment of sizes. Lord's-Second Floor I .... I A new kind made of wood pulp is the most natural in texture we've s e e n yet. Brilliant, autumnal colorings dis.tinguish flat' . manyp e t a 1 l e d gardenias: beige, brown, yellow and sumach red being posed against one another with rich colorful effect. 9 Sc . Lord's-First Flqor