August 9, 1929 WILMETTE Billv Wilson and Aikin, both graduates of Evanston High school, whom Tom r~gards as ready for the fast pace of h1s teams. Wilson will be available for the relay, 100, 220 or 440-yard free style events, and Aikin will be used for the rclav, 40 and 100-yard races, it is expected. . In t~e back stroke a new 6 foot, 4 mch g1apt, Boyer, wifl step up from th.e freshman ranks as a teammate for Dick Hinch, and in the breast stroke, Tom says he has a boy, Howlett, who should be as good as Peterson, which means champion caliber. Loss of Miller and Callopy hit th~ water polo team, conference champions. LIF~· 25 Northwestern's Tank Team Will Again Bid for the National Title " In swimming at Northwestern university it will be the same story the coming year. That i's, Tom's team will again be one of the foremost aggregations of college aces in the world. Taking stock of his material this week, Tom Robinson, who will guide the destinies of Purple swimming for the 21st successive year, estimated that the 1929-30 galaxy will be "as good as if not better than last year's." And last year Northwestern won the national collegiate championship for the fourth time while he has been its mentor. With another powerful team assured, arrangements are being made for one · of the greatest campaigns ever undertaken by a Purple team. Tom states that he has asked Kenneth L. Wilson, athletic director, to schedule dual meets with every conference school, but the bookings will not be definitely decided until December. An eastern invasion is talked of, so that the team may stake its reputation in that direction as well as in the west, where last season no competition was good enough to beat it. The invasion will extend as far . . Iiarvard, Tom says, and will include the national championships to be held . in the east. Four schools, already under contract to visit Evanston to engage the Purple, are Oregon, Stanford, \Vashington and Michigan State. Though he lost Capt. \Vally Colbath. national diving champion; Omar Miller, back stroker, an~ Callopy, free :,tyle swimmer, by graduation, Tom states that he has eight good men coming up from the freshmen ranks who should fit in capably. · And the stars that he has left from last year's squad include AI Schwartz. the new captain, holder of national records in the 40, 100, and 440-yard free sty le events; Dick Hinch, conference champion in the 160-yard back stroke; Peterson, conference title holder in the 220-yard breast stroke. The world's champion medley relay team of Schwartz, · Peterson and Hinch remains intact, and this same trio, with Covode as the fourth man, holds the world's record in the 160-yard relay . It is only in the fancy diving that Tom has not vet found a performer to take Colbath's place. He has O'Keefe from last vear's team and Stafford and Baily from the frosh as candidates. Two new crawl artists are HOME FROM ISLE ROYAL Mr. and Mrs. ]. K. Farley, 300 Abbottsford road, and their daughter, Estelle Josephine, have returned to Kenilworth, from a two weeks' sojourn at Isle Royal, ~·lichigan, on Lake Superior. -oMrs. Frank Barrett, 55 Essex road, Kenilworth, has had her sister, Mrs. \\'illiams of Indianapolis, ,·isiting her. hard. but at least one of the t.Jlaces will be capably filled by O'Keefe. So Tom is optimistic. PLACE FOR · u N L MID- SUMMER SALE OF LUGGAGE OVER-NIGHT AND WEEK- END CASES c H E 0 N The Provencal Room is just a bit of old Normandy. You'll enjoy its coolness these warm days its quaint. truly authentic touches . . . the quiet charm Miss Megowen has put into the whole atmosphere! It is at 514 Main Street . . . away from the crowded shopping centers . . . and a refreshing. totally enchanting spot for luncheon, a cool drink in the afternoon, or a delicious dinner. . Miss Megowen will be happy to arrange special luncheon parties for you . . . at any time. for any number, whether it be at the French Provencal Room on Main Street or the Early American Room on Davis. AMPLE PARKING SPACE .... ·12·'5 and up This roomy Over-night Case comes in popular colors and extra good quality of Leathers. Sizes, 14 inches to 24 inches in length. ·· STAMDARDLUGGAGECO. "44 Years in the Business" 612 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON GREENLEAF 822 AT THIS PRICE ··· Sunday Dinners Dinner - Luncbeo11 Fountain Breakfast in Provencal Room BUY TWO $8~ Formerly up to $IJ.oo PAIRS SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE WOMEN'S DRESS LINE SHOES During the summer months, we will remain open on Saturday and Sunday evenings until 9 o'clock. ~ Ties. Strap Effects and Pumps. T ·he season's popular colors. Plain and contrasting leathers. Complete range of widths and sizes. VERA MEGOWEN'S TEA SHOPS 514 MAIN ST. EVANSTON French Provencal Room 1~3 5 GROUND GRIPPER SHOES SHERMAN 50 I DAVIS ST. EVANSTON AVENUE, EVANSTON . Open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evenings GREENLEAF 6181 ---~' Early American Room