August 2, 1929 WILME"I:"TE LIFE 5 Magazines, Games, Clothing-Needs of Arden Shore Camp Wilmette Health Facts The annual picnic and pageant Eighteen cases or contagious diseases Ankn Shore camp was held on July 1<J. Luncheon , . as followed by open were active in \.\'ilmcttc at the close house, at whi clt everyone invited met of the WL'l'k ending ~I onday, July .2<J, the different north shore groups func- according to ·the report of' the \\'iltiPt1ing to capacity numbers. The mcttc Health department for this staff at camp gave an outline of th~ \\'eek. Of this _·11lumhcr, fifteen were Four new " ·or king s and need s of the different \\'h Oo ping cough cases. caSL'S of this <iiseasc \rerc reported, groups. The following is a list of nece ss ary \\'hile one " ·as released · during the articles asked for: Straw mats for \n:e k. Ther~: is no other cotitagion in kindergarten instead of chairs, 1)ails the \ 'illagc, " ·ith the exception of one <tnd slw.n·ls ft~r beach use, hats, halls, actin c:tsc of scarlet fever and twu iootballs (o r any athl tic equipment), t.)f chicken pnx. One case of scarlet hl'ds or cots. hatlting suits of all kinds , fe\'l·r and three ()f chicken pox were The \\·a ter at \\' ilmette bov's \\·agon ior dcliYen· service r l' lcasod. cat-np, dulls and doll ca-rriages. jack beac h rcmains in good condition, tile stnncs and games. bah\' games. chil-, ltL'ctlth department rcorpb. dren's hooks nf fairy - tal es, current magazines such as :\clveHturc, Pnpular ~.1 r. and ~r r::>. lh:n 1I. ~latthe\rs, .11~ ~I ec!.1anirs., ,S t. :\ich~1las, Good H(lusc- I Essex . rPad, Kt'nil\\'ort!l, .a rc lcavin ~ l~ecp111g. I he hnspttal , )tdd grcath· tnda,· t(lr a three \\'ecks trtp to Jaspc · appreciate a stt: rilizer. · vark. itt the Canadian Rockie s. \V on! :\ltlwugh these articles mentioned has been rL·ccin d 1)\· the ~fatthe\\'S that \Yerc particubrly needed, ~f .iss Fcrri :2r tJltir c}au).!'htcr . Certrudc \Y~l.o is i:11 .__.mpha~ized the tact that anything ~an~p ~ongadc\\· t~l 011 Lake\\ Illoughl>y ~.:ould he utilized at camp, and that tn \ ~'rm.nnt. has JUSt cot~lple~ed a three ~t ll articles that had been given in th e da\·s tnp up .Mount \\ aslnngton. past \\ 'trc gratciulh· rec<:ived. It is --- · n ·quc sted that thn~ e lta,·ing articlt·..; , pkase tclcplwnc ~Ir s. L. \\-. ~~ illar, i \\ ' ihn~·tte lf~-+1. Tlte things \\·i ll iH· ~.- alkd i\ ·r. Delight! You are sure to be delighted by the wide range of pure wholesome foods - the deliciously prepared dishes which tempt your appetite and add zest to your dining- the quiet, cheerful surroundings and the polite service. Come- bring the family. $1.00 Sttnday Dinner $1.00 L. B. Restaurant and· Sandwich Shop Jack Anderson Succumbs After Five Y·e ar Illness lark .\tldcr:-t·tl. I(J. :-.un ot \lr. and :\l .r:-. . J\·ltt1 C. .\ . . \ndrr~( .t l, X-t-t Park a' l ' 11 u v. \\ · iIt 11 c t t t', cl i \·d at hi:-. ltuttt e \ll·l td;t\·. luh· ~<J, aitl·r a11 illnes-.. 11f tin.: n·iu· ~.· l;tck. wlt11 i~ a l\1rt1lcr :\l'\\ 'I' r i~.· ;. -.. t u d l';1t . had I i \ l' rl i 11 \\ · iltt1l'l t ~.; tltirtvvtl .n· ar~. kt\ ittg· 111tln:d hnt· \\ith hi-.. parl'llts ir(ll11 l'ltiragtt. 111.--..icle:-. hi-.. J·arvtth lh· i:- :-.ur\·in·d hy l\\tl ~i-.,tns. \1 r:-.. \\ ·. K. Tr\lltt (IJ : \ l'\\ York l'it .,., a :\ L'\\. Trit.:r .L:radu ;tt t'. a 11 rl I )1 11· 1 't h ~ ·. I I. a 11 d 1 1Ill' h r n t !J e r. 1~ ()I> v rt . (). D (l r (l t h \· an d I~ ( d)n t ;t t t L'tH l lite ll 11\\·ard :-.('hl)(ll in \\'i lm l'tte. 'l'ltt· l~n. \\.illiatn 1·:. \lcl'unn:-t ck ()f t ltl' \\ · i lmL· t t e (' u 11 g r L' gat i u 11 a 1 r h ur d 1 ()rliciatl'd at the iunnal ~n,·irc:-.. which \\Trl' lt('lrl irnm thl' rltapd at 3-lPJ :\. ( Ia r k s t r l' ~· t. l' It i (· a g n, \ \ · l' d 11 c :; d a '· :t ill' rIll 11 ) II at I II \·1 \) c k. n11 ria 1 t ()() i..:: pia, L' at \1 cmnrial Park cvmctcry. SALE FLORSHEIM SHOES SURELY you'll want I 1 I SHOWER FOR . BRIDE-TO-BE \Ir s. J.·fl. [~a ril es , .?3H Pl)plar st n :l't. \\·ill l'nkrtait1 \\'ith a slto,,·a fnr ~I; ,·' ~;tlly (~ak daugl~tcr ()i \I r. ancl :\It·::;. Char IL' s . \. C. a 1c. li i 211 () L inc o In . t r c l't. l·: ,·;ulst(ln,' who \\·i ll he tli,trricd on ~ L' p t e 111 he r -l t n C!1 a r k ~ .-\ . Ih r nc s. son oi ~I r:-;. l~o sc 1·:. nartll'S , ni .?r)Sl 1\rtlacl\\a\·, Jo:yanston. Charles narnes is the lm ;t llL'r of I. fl. lhrnes and \\·a's formerly a ~L·s icknt oi \\ ' innetka. an extra pair while 1 all styles and leathers are. reduced to : 1 I I 1 I : 1 A DOZEN Also sharp reductions in broken lines of Women's summer and sports shoes, Men's Nunn Busch shoes and children's shoes dur .. ing the month of August. Leave your shoes here for Tee-Dee shoe repairing. Finest quality materials, workmanship. ~xpert ~[ r. and ~Irs. Elmer :\. Claar, 1301 I Chestnut street, and their children returned Sunday from ~I orocco. fn(l., ,,·here they had h<:cn Yisiting ~r r . Claar's father, ]. \'. Claar, for about four days. -0- KITCHEN APPLIANCES USE THE SAME ELECTRIC MOTOR · · ; Mrs. 1·.. B. Raub, Jr.. daughter nf 1f r. and 1frs. Arthur C. Hammon d. 500 Gregory street, of Indianapolis. returned after a thr'ee weeks' trip to Canada and the East, and is visiting her parents this week. ·-oMr. and Mrs. Lea J. Orr, 1022 Greenleaf avenue. have had as their guests their daughter, Mrs. F. S. Coleman and th eir little daughter, Mary Beth. of Smethsport, Pa., who have been making a visit of two weeks. -0- T TAYLOR'S The Satisfactory Store 112 3-2 5-:' 7 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 1914 HIS is KitchenAid ··· compact, handy equipment for mixing dough, mashing potatoes, beatins eggs, cutting shortening into Aour, creaming butter, whipping cream and mayonnaise, straining fruits, · sieving beans or peas for purees, chopping meats, grinding corfee, shredding cabbage, slicing fruits or vegetables, extracting orange juice, chipping ice, or freezing ice cream. At the snap of a switch KitchenAid does all these tedious, time-taking jobs for you automatically. Ask for a demonstration at the Public Service Store. A group of Kenihvorth friends of Mrs. Joseph Warner of Rogers Park are being entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Moraine hotel, Highland Park, Wednesday. Puauc SERVICE CoMPANY OP NORTHERN IWNOIS 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Managet" Ph. Wilmette 2899