Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE August 2. 1929 Betty Scheidler Marries Hospitals Grateful Leak in Gas Tank Kenneth Mason Saturday for Gifts of Flowers Causes Speed Boat , \lr. and \ Irs. ]. E. Scheid ler (){ I·:Jgin an ttntltlCt t he marriage of their . 11 1) I Itkr. n <aug ·ttty I ,cone. to l'-Cilnct "'· 'I l. \ 1 I \ 1 0 ·' a:---tlll. :--nil 11 · r. atH · rs. \\Til l' u. . ,,.I11c . I1 \\'1'II ta k I .\ 1aslln ol- r·. 1 g1n. ·l' pace 1 t I ft ) \ t t .~a nn ay a ·nHH n, : ugus -+. a t lt <· ~ llrcthr~· n chmrh. l·:lgin. \!iss ~~hcidlcr has ht'l' ll the art tcachn dunng the past yl':tr at the I 1, 1\\'ard srlw(ll. .\1 r. 1..' (CoJltinucd from Page 3) I Fire; . One Injured N OT GIFTED W E got to fee lin g pre tt y CH ESTY ove r the COMPLIM ENTS on ou r " I TT ERAR Y effu si on s" SO we went dow n to the O FFIC E of WI LMETTE LIFE to sec if Holl y WOULDN' T pa y us .1 li ttl e SOMETHING for ou r WE EKLY contribution to HIS pJper Jnd send us J CH ECK the first of eJch MONTH in steJd of J bill. THE less sJid of the INTERVIEW the bett-er. B u·r we w alk cd under J COUPL E of cats on the WAY bJck to the store WHERE we were JttJcked BY J ferocious house fl y AND bJrel y esc1ped with OUR life·. It took us FULLY si x Jnd a hJlf MINUTES to reco ver our SELF esteem . 1 -· c e we re callted to take u.; Cl\\'fl\' in thought:-; !rom the 1 \\" 11met t e fi lr 111 11 , . 1av · ' · · f I \\"! tt I a1·l)0r hst ~lltH n e:-.;sidl' tP 0 t'lL'r haunh ttl sctJtt·s n <·ur tme c 1 ' · '" . -~ l . . ' . . . or grand- ttngms . . I1 a Sll1<l . II Il lnzc Ill t 1 lC childhood and to our. mothers - . 'l'l SPl'C( . 0 I I IlOat. rncI'lflll l)c'rl l()lllrt!' . . nwthcr< ganlt"ts. F . or 11 nn·r :- - ~pea'· \. . llt'lt)J]<>'III :-. , ...,' to 1 Thl·,· ta lk tn us and eht·n us as \\'l' arl' Co~· 11 e . .240 _~ l dr osc an·;~uc.. , 1 '~ 1 ~ 1 1 ·ll tryil;g ttl n ·ga in nm health. . " ·orth . The l~rt· started. ~,. 1l'll \. s\\ l , .. \ . . II . . . 1, . . . 1 t I Corne. sc1n ot the n\\ lltt \~f tiH h(lat. 1 1 .\lastrlti :.a . ~trri atl'd\\'ith1.luyd1ltdii s-. : t1<~ .~< 1k"· : '\ . 1 11 . t. ~:"' ~tp<Lillll~i , !. :. <l ~l' the enginl' a ;-;pin alter he_had tt-r I I I(. I s,t' l~( t 1.111 ~ . clll( . clPI~~:~I~tHll~ .'() .finis heel Ill a king repairs to ()Ill' (l[ tIll' . . J· l.utld ot th<. Ltllllltl~ htl'll . fnr the .ttllllbJlhllc ·. _ . .- 1 f\y o <Yaso 1111e t.tn . . . , ,,·hich lnd ' ,,hJch r<·mcs l'ach 1·nc 1 ay anc 1 sta~s \\tt 1 , . 1 t . t·tl ·· Jn,·e ·1 tlltal . ,. . ENTERTAIN WOMAN SOLON 1 1 1l';t\111~-1-·~r · · ·--!I .. " ll' \\0 ,t,,:-. ' , ll-. , . - .L\(Itl ((l\S . I · f · t f' · · g"t}}I)JJ :---. ' 'I r:-. '1'1 1n111as I I . .\ I c l nncry, \ \' yn- · . e C;LJl:lCtly () SIX y- I\ l ' < ·' w d E Tha k 11 1 ar e n xpr sses n s \ . nun~ c·<·\.tH' \\tl:. .. . 1l t·itl',. 'l" ·ist<; < l_,. \\ _n l l:tllv. \\ ' innvtka. t·nkrtaincd \\ 'eel- : . ,.., · · :-. · lll'~d.ty at hn !Jtrntt· \\ith :t luncht'tl:J. : ~ · hat till' .l!l'llc~·os~t_,. Cli th _ c Jll: tl pk '" 1 llu~h \\ "hit~'. son 11i }.lr ;-;. l l als~· y,_H. \illllllg till' gut·-.~:. \\·a.., .\Irs. J."ICln'JhT : \ Ji~l:c:~ .tt-. and _ !....L·. 111 1:'. 1 _1 .1~th 1 ~ S ll ~Cl',rvl): C. \\' hitt· .. (JRl LiJtC illn .<l \Titttl> _ \\t: l1 H'tka . .\Iter the .~· :t.;_ tlltill' \\'111lh_,1cl<l 1\tdirt-r. fro111 1\l,llrTJJiJlgttlll, Ill.. \\IH' , ,lp]'ll<. J.ttlcl h:' th<._ o ii.J<t,~ls 01 th( l tr!l_k 1 i-. a ~t:ttt · ~ctt:tll·r . .\Irs. l~rdtrvr :s C'r1111tt\'. lw:.p1t:.tl. ~:-- 1.n~l1 ra tl'd hy th1s 1kakrd intn the ..;!tell tli the IH'; 1t tr<rlll ,· i-.itilt~ \lr:.. !'ern· 1:. l·:r kltart. in ll'ttn lr< rtlt. ~f!l'ltat· l Znnmcr, \\·: tr<kn : ; the dl'i<·L·ti,·c tan k 1 acl hl'l'll pt111l!lcrl l(t·nil""rth . .\Irs . 1 \1-:hart L 'lttntailtl'd ' "I am '~· ntiJH!, to tha!tk -" 11 u attd -" 1 ' 11 ~' ' out. Ctl\' 111' triL·d to start the Cll~llll', " ·ith ;t diJ JIH'l' part_,. ,,Ji Tuc~rlay l'\'t' - . m .~an _li'atl<lll and parttcul:trl~· the t\\·o and till'. lire r "-. ult< '<L \tithn <_,i the lliJtg. f(,JI,l\\'l·d I,. attt·ndi11g the "pt·ra · n-r. ' IIIJL' \\(lJl~~-.11 " ·ll<J l'lltl ll' \\'Jth · fl(,\\l'l'" t\\·,, ~;t:-1dine tank-. in tlte cratt t:\.:tt I~ a' i11i:t. . ! I<· u-. l'\'t·ry hHJ:t _,.. . . plPrk~l. a1td th<.~ priJ J cip:~l rla1:~al!· l' . ," :a~ "lhn\' tlo"<·r -. are dJstnhutl'd in tltt· \\'iring < ll tilL' tn .~IIH', hrt· l :11d 1 \lr . :lltd \lr~. _lnh11 \\'. Bm·ll (i\lr- tiJrntt . !..!l!lrtll Ill <' Tuhnculthi .-. ho~pital Zii,!Jic n ·JH1rts. tnnh· h\·hcc ~· a. \\_. hcl'ltll'k o~ Ke1 1i l- and tlll'y tr:t1~:---in rtll thL· a ppl'arallrl' oi nm· of Ct)\'ll e's ltancl-. \\·;1..., slig ht ly \\t~rtlll, Ito\\· ln·tl.t.L: 111 (_)lnal!a :\eh;a:.ka. ' till' \\l11dc plarl'. . hurnt'd. hut \\'hitc \\a:-. u 11 i11jurl'd. \u :tllJWlllli..'L' till' h1rth <ll a ~Pn. \\ arn·n I "! tlwught 1 \\·n ttld rlr11p a l111c to · . r., 11 .. ,, ..1 . ctrri<.·d 1111 tltt· -.pt·cd >x .. I ,>1' II , ., .. t Ill'tr . t Ilrt'l' Year 1t't \'<lit k . . II~:--- u " cL · .. , Illlrtl _ I u I.\ _,. · ntl\\' htl\\' lllttr I.l t I11-. h apprl' - l . ,,Jd <Ill. i:--- till' guot (li his grandpar- < ·iat .t·cl." H·.tt. . \\' . \\ '. \\'hl'l'l<rcl-:: . \ ' illa~n~ :trl' ill\·itl'rl 111 "l'IHl ll!l\\'l'r:< 'Jlb, \1 r. and ~ I r:.TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Pi 13.? ( lxitlrd ·rnad. ! c·r pl:t;tt~ t<l thl' \!l rtlt \\.<.·:-.IL'rn rail 1 -o· r< ·:t d -.t;ttion, C:tn ;tl and ~l;u]i.;()n \lr-. . ~t- . . :-. it· {~ralll. l.lD \\ 'a:.h ingt <· Jl \lr:-. . .1. Ear l \\ ':tdL·. 1~3 1 C('n.tral a\'t- ' :---trn·t~. ~ l'l'Pitcl t],,nr. ttl tlte Fln\\LT :t\Til\IC', ·\\':t:. takl'n to tht· Jl~~Tiwpatllit· 11 tl_l' , had as_ g ue:-.h tn,)~11 ;-,t. Paul. Cuild'~ hCl(lth. ncar (~ :tit' J(J, ht'l\\l'l' lt lw:--pital in Chicago Tm·-.day aitntHHlll \It tilt.. Iter "1:.tn . .\1 rs . l lt(lll1as l:an· 1 7 :30 nnd Jtl :30 ,,\·J(J ,· k. all\ cia,· c1f till' · "IH"rt· :---ltc "ill rctttai Jt "'l' \'l'!'al d : t~ s ;tlld :.<·11, latlll': . all\! abo her ntect. ' ,,.1TJ..:. t"\rt·!ll Saturcl:t,·..; ;;nd ~1111cla, · .... it~r 1 ,h~L·n· atintl. .\ 1~:---:--- l>llrnthy Schcner. I _ __ __ · ___ · j 1 1 l I :c. 1 I 1 J 1 1 I SAVE WITH SAFETY AT \Irs . l·: lllm:t Stc pka. J.;J(i Lake ;tn· llttl', hacl a:. her gtll"h \lr. and .\lr ~. If . , .. 0:-.tcrhntlt and childrl'll, nf Da\'id Cit _ :\ch .. and \lr:;. !lela ~aiarik. nf St·huiln. \'l'h. \1 r". ~tcql\.;:a':. daughtl'r, \Irs. Lc-.tn Hall, ldt \ I onday iur Camp ()"·akllllZ<', at ( >nt;tri(l, l'anacla, "hn t sill' \\·ill stay fnr i()11r \\'l'l'ks. E NR O LLS IN E AST E RN SC HOO L .\ l i:." ~arab \ ! i1 wr. daughttr 11i .\!:·. I ;111 cl .\.1rs. Lc H.u,· .\1 inur ~li <J.2 1J ~hni : dan road \\·ho Qraduatccl in thl' cia~:-. oi ·.z<J fr; 1m :\~\\' Trier Jligh ~L'ht);rl. is ~ 11 ing t 1) Driarc-liff \1 iillO!'. l~riarditT Pll ·-th<:~1 1 ucbun. :\. Y .. i()r t lti:-o next ,·car. ~he "i ll lean ~eptcmhtr 20. QuickSure Death for Flies Prompt Delivery hone Wilmette 634 t:loverbloom- Best Brick Butter, lb. 471/2C SPECIAL- Small Broilers Dressed While You Wait, Average, 2 lbs. . . Hen c; Dressed While You Wait, lb. Live Broilers Dressed While You Wait, lb. . ...... ...... . Round, Sirloin and Porterhouse Steaks, lb. 8 Ounces ~pray 35c 36c 38c Best Native Rib Roast, lb. Elkay's Fly-Kil MorJI : A shocmJker should If you sti ck to hi s b st. WJnt ' Jn yrhing in the drug line see us. but get Holly to write your obituJry . a round fly-in f l'St<.'d rooms and watch then1 fa ll t n the Huor in an in:---tant. FlyKit is h:mnk:.s t<.l humam, hut sure ckat h to f1 irs. S(l ld on ly at your I~<:xal l Drug Sture. 35c Rib Rolled Roast Beef, 38c lb. Boneless Native Rump 34c Roa.st, lb . . Fresh Hams , 28c lb. .. . ' .... The Rexall Store Ge nui ne Spring Legs of Lamb, lb. Loin Lamb Chops, lb. Rib Lamb Chops, lb. Whole Leg of Veal, lb. Bacoll , Armour's Star or Premium, sliced, 3 lhs. 35c SOc 45c 29c s_ Rib & Lo· ~ lb. Breast of Veal, lb. Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. Spare Ribs, lb. Rib Pork Roast, lb. Pork Loin Roast, lb. Wisconsin Yellow Cheese, lb. Fresh Ground Beef, lb. . .. ..... .. 45c Veal Chops, 35c 18c 2lc 15c 28c 32c JOe 25c 15c .. . Wl . ·f·t's. $1.10 IBrlbea.st . ·o·f·. L ' a .. m ..b.· Ceatral and Wilmette Avenues ' Plaonea Wilmette 28 and 29 Central and Wilmette Avenues Plaonea Wilmette 28 and 29 MAPLE GROCERY & MARKET 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston University 12-13

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