Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 1

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L WILMETTE V ( J L. \ \. I f.. ~ 0. Publishe<L weekly by Lloyd Jlolliste1· Inc., 1232-1236 Central Ave., Wibnctt(', llli11ois. E.ntet·ed as second class matter March 13, 1924, at the pdst office at Wilmette, Illinois, und e1· the Act of JIJm·ch J, 1879'. Subscription price $l.OO a year. LIFE PRlCE .Fl V E, Lc~ 1,::, 46 \YlL11 ETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 2, 1929 SKY HARBOR WELCOMES ROME FLYERS SUNDAY Ce·r emonies in Chicago, and at Airport; Air Fleet to Take Part The gre<t!t·:-.t itir 'tlt·t·t t11 IlH'tll!lri;tlizc a Chica.L:"l 1 l'\ vnt- "blimps," Zeppelins and airplanl·~ Pi crl'ry model. po\\Tr and pa:-.:-.t·ngt·r rarrying capaci'ty- is to ;1articipa t e in the uproar inn:-. \\'dcumt· that Chicaw1 is planning thi~ Sunday fur tht· intrepid 1\omc tlyer s1\(lgl'!" U. \\'illianb and Lc\\·i;-; Yam·e\· - wht·n tilt·,· arri\T from Kew York. :\c c11rding t11 \rurd rect·iycd irnm Snll t f'il·ld. it-, rnmrn;uHkr, Cnlnnel Pacgl<l\\·, i:-. tu :-.rherlnlc the flight to Chirag<l < . J i a "blimp" :-.q uadron of pr(1 pnrti<ltb . \\'ltirh \\·ill join the escort < 1i 11 H n· l · t It an I i it y pI ant: s r o 111 j 11 g i rom all sec t il )ll S < 1i tl1e Chicago area to g-rn·t tllt' "Pathfinder" arHI aCCtllllpany the di:-tingui:-ohql. piltlb "hl'll the~· dl' part thl· l<lllJl di:-.trirt ior Sky Jlarh<lr u11 1)undl'L' rnad \\'C..·st oi GlenCl)l' . I 11 additi1111 tn thi s "blimp" fleet. a . rnc ~:-a g l' i r u 111 Cn rn c Iius \ a 11 d n b i It. Jr .. J!l'l' . .,lltlal r~.·prt·sl·ntatin~ 'li the llyn :-. r ~.· n· a k d a t t h l' sa llle t im c t h at t he ( : u 1 HI r it' h I~ ul >1 n· r L' nn1 Jl any.. at :\kr on. ()bin. plar1:-. tn detail a mockrn l.eppclitl t(l partirip;tte in Chicagn's "ck<lll1ing pr< 1gran1. Helen Spillane Is Tennis Champion; Beats E. Paterson lckn Spillane. 7.?~ :hhland a\'enuc. ,,.<.J1 the \\'i lmette tennis sing-10s for ~iri s irom I·:Isil' Patl'r snn . 172-l Central a n·nue. ~aturday hy taking t\\·o :-I raig-llt :-ds, (l - 3 and (1 - -L ).I is:-; ~pillanv qualified inr tht finals Lt st \\'l'l' :.;: 1rhen :-.he ddea ted Dorntln· lh·r:-ch. r, -2 and (,_.), ;ttld ).fiss Pat<.-rsn;l \lltl her ,,.a,· itllll tllv finals In· ddeat ing HvttY (:an·y in t\\'o lm·e - sets . .-\ siiHT m~· dal a-,- CllthPlatinn prize \\·ill lw a\\·;t rded \li:-.s l'aterson, \\'hih.· the ,·ict<ll-':-. g\llcl medal \\'ill he pre~ented tn ).fi s-, ;-:,pillat1e at the ..,uni .. ;:·ltlltal hanqul't and llll't'ting < f the t 1 layl!:rtll l11d ;l!ld l~nTt'i ttillll hoard ::tthL.:tic l'tHtncil in tlw i:lll . Till' time inr thv ri()St' oi the men's tnurtla111tnt has i>l.'l'll l'Xtendcrl a ie\\' day . .;, ~incc sn-eral of the matclte..; :1a'T not been played. 11u\\'l'\·er. the gam . .·s must he pla~· erl hy nt·xt \\Tl': : 1 r the l'lllllj!ctitor s \\'hfl ha,e nnt played at ka:-t t\\·n gamt·s ll\- tl1at :1111e \\ill he d r n p p (.' d j r ()Ill t 11 (.' -(' () 11 t t' s : n t1 d lc y c. ~tnne. rt·crt·atitlll :-tall mt.>ml><T i!l c h a r g e ., 1 i t It t' t n u r 1 1a 111 e 11 t . a nn n \Ill c e :-. 0 Triumphs in Paris PLAN WATER CARNIVAL; ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY Annual Event to Be Held on August 8 This Year at Wilmette Beach ~I onday aitcrrwon. August 5, at 5 o'clock is the dcadlint· for receiving entries in the \\·ater carnival, which the \\'ilmctte beach and \Vilmettc Playground and l~ecrcat ion board cooperate in staging each year and which will he held this year for the third time on August 8 at !. :30 o'clock. Entries han been slO\v in coming in, according to playground authorities, but since no registrations will be made the day of tht meet or after Monday c\·cning, the entry list is expected to s\\·ell rapir!JOr during the remttining days of registration. Contestants may register \\·ith the beach swimming instructors or at the recreation office. Beach ).laster James \\ renshaw and Director of Recreation Daniel M. Da\'is will be directors of the meet and ,,·ill he assisted by the life guard · force and recreation staff members. The outstanding event of the day will he the 880 vard swim for the north . hore chat;1pionship, open to men and women and to boys and girls m·cr 12 years of age. Bill Holmes, a life guard at the beach and present holder of the championship, will defend his title thi. year. Robert ~1etcr, the first competitor to V'>in a S\ovimming suit for collecting 500 points in the B cac h Da~r contests, \\·ill also l;e a cnntestant. "Bob" McDaniel lnju.-ed in Auto Accident on Monday "B(lh" \lrDatliel. manager 11 i t!Jc nc\\'s ~ tand and cigar ~tore at rdi .\1 ain strcd. \\'i lml'ttc. :-; ufTered a n-ry s<.· ,·e n· ittjury tu his ldt knee ;tnd a bruken rih \londa,· aftcrtHHI11 about 3 0 'rl 1lck \\·hen his ·car cra:-hed int11 an anrlwr \rire that suppmts a tck phlllle pole near tht' rornn nf ).fcl n1:-ot· an·nue and RirhmPnd road. ]._:en itl\\'<lrth . ).fr . \lcDaniel "·as delivning papers in h~enit,,· nrth at the time. F o II o \\'in g- t h c a cc ide 11 t he \\'a:-; t a k c n tn the j.:,-anstun · h!lspital. \\·here hi:-. injmics \\'Cre treatl'd . Thl· fro11t of his autornnhik "as damaged in the crash. \\'hich · \\' (b ~aid tll han· IH·cn caused ll\· the loc king ni the car's steering ,~· heel. l~llhtTt · T hl' ca~iun Vast Escorting Air Fleet Iat L' s t p 1a 11 s cl n i:-; e cl fur t he m:- hy the Press Club oi Chicago and its L ' nopcrating organizations pro ,·idt· that the ya:;t esct)rting air Ht·et will inll<l\\' the Lakl' ~I ichigan slwrc line irlltll the Ford airport at La11sing· north tn the Ruoscrelt road ,,·a ter ramp. There \ \'illiams and Yancn, their e:-.corting flycr.. guests and pron~ incnt a ,·iat it)ll leaders, \Yill alight and f1)rm t~1c ,·angnard oi a parade "hich \\·ill thread the loop district early Sund~. _\' a it crnoon. · Participating in this pandc " ·ill be a unit oi th~.: 33rd !)i,·ision. a regimental hand and · the .\merican Legion drum corps. Fulltn\·ing the parade, the \\·clcoming pi lots a 11 d I~ nml' fl ycrs will em hark 1 uniting \\'ith a group of tri -1iwtor pbn~.· s coming with pas . engcrs from Sky Harbor and entering formation \\'ith the escort. Expect Crowd at Sky Harbor 1fo\\'ard E. Preston of \Vilmcttc . mtmh(·r nf the Chicago Civic Opera C<lmpam·, " ·hn is said to haYe created lllt)rc American ·opera roles than an\' other sin,g-n, has · ju~t returned from Paris \\·here he and other American singers achi~,·,·c d an out tanding sue~ cess ..iu pcriormaHces c,j Frank liar· F ling's American ()prra, "A Ltght rom Saint Agnrs," at the Theatre des Champs-Fh·secs. It \ra:; the first American opera C\'Cr produced in France. Tn leading n)Jcs · \\'ith \.fr. J> rc s tnn were Eleanor Painter of tt1e Phila<klphia opna c(lmpanv and famou~ star oi light operas, and lbiaelo Diaz oi the ).{ctropl1litan Opera ((Jillpan\·. Commcntirw on ~fr. Preston's performanu in l'aris a rritir \Hites: "11()\\·ard Presttlll \\'a~ \\·hat the purehlnoclcd Atnerican might call a 'krwcknnt' in tlH: role pf the criminally inclined \I irhel. Tone. attitude. lltakc up, stagt technique. ctr., . positively amazint.:". One scarreh· tXlH:cted this oi (ttlr Lohen,g-rin lleralcl, nr our p;Hl rna! ?\lnntcnne." Program for Afternoon ,., At Sky Harbor a sy~t em of amplifiers has been installed for the ceremonies. as.;uring that C\'ery part of the ,·ast assemblage awaiting the air fleet will be able to enjoy the program in which there \\'ill he an all-Chicago !>art iciJ>a t iotl. Especially for the occasion. the \fid lancl Club nf Chicagn, headed hv Presidcn t Clare nee H ich. has an;10uncecl appointment ni an a,·iation committee. " ·hich includes B. Gates Dawes, Jr., president Eureka Security Fire Tn. urancc company. a nephew of Ambassador Charles Gates Dawes. and son of B. Gates Dawes, head of the Pure Oil company. Colonel Froman Smith. an aviator of \\TorJd \rar fame and oAicia l of Paine V\7 ehbcr and company, is chairman of this committee, which also includes Kenneth Curtis. of the Curtis Lighting company. At the Press club luncheon ).fonda\' noon in honor of the Rome flvers. Opic Reid, famous author, will dc.liver the principal speech. Rev. M. Grether Preaches at Presbyterian Church The 1\ C'\'. \I. CretllC'r. assistant mrnrstcr of the First Presbyterian church at Oak Park. \\'ill occupy the pulpit of the Fir:-;t Presbyterian church ~nndav mnrning. :\ngust -l, at the II o'clock stnin·s. 1 le will preach at the local church thwughnut August in the ah:-;ence nf Dr . Clyde l~andolph' \\ 'hecland. the pastor. Look: pleasant diversion awaits you on your vacation if you ar~ range to have WILMETTE LIFE sent to you while you're away. J.ust call our Circula-} tton Deparcment-say w he n and w her e. ~~ They' II do the resr. In This Issue Pages The program of the afternoon will be: 20 yard s\\·im- Girls under 10 years of age. 20 yard swim-Boys under 10 years of age. 40 yard swim-Bm·s II, 12, 13 years. -+0 \'ard swim-Gi~ls 11, 12, 13 years. -+0 ~-an! swim-Boys 14, IS, 16 years. -+0 yard swim-Girls 1-l, IS. lo years. 100 Yard breast stroke-Boys and girls u;Hkr 17 years. 880 yard swim-North shore championship. Open. Plain diving- Boys and girls under IS ,·ears of age. Fancy diving- Rnys and girls 15 years and over. Diving for quarte.r s in flour. Open. Gold, silver and bronze medals will he awarded to first 1 second and third place winners, and in addition a special feature of the occasion will l1c the presentation of medals and awards to winners in the summer long heach contest for points. Children who have attained 500 points up to the time of the \\'ater carnival will he a\\'arded gold medals and the three hoys and girls who attain the 500 pc1ints first will he a\\'ardccl swimming suits. ··~> · { Boy Scout Affairs ......... 20 Book Comment .......... 30 Editcriai-Shore Lines .... 26 Junior Life .............. 36 Church Page ............. 16 R£creation Page .......... 38 Sc-ciety News ........ _... 28 Thea~ers ............... _. 40 Classified Ads . . ........ 44-46 I I I I I I Minister at Augustana Hospital for Operation The l~cv. Herman \\r. \le\'er. pastor of St. John's Luthnran ch~1rch, \\ ilmette, underwent a goitcr operation at the Aug-ustana hospital in Chicagn Fridav of last \\'eek. He is expected to be- able to return home sometime next week. · After he has full\· recovered from the operation · Rev. ~I cyn plans to take a vacation.

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