~ugust 2, 1929 61 EXPERII~NCED WILMETTE l'OR RENT-HOUSES j!) LIFE ACREAGE 45 & ESTATES 99 ANTIQUF.S l\lAN ~'OR PAI~TI~G -.:eree n:-: window wa:-:hmg and J.\'l'neral ~\·ork ;;bout home. 'l'l'l. Wilmett e 5i0. 61 L.T:\'2!l-tfc EXPERTEXC'ED (;ARDE~ER \VAXTS work U.\~ thE' day or .wt-<·1< ; good rd er~ (·twt>:-:. Tt·l. 'Wilnwtte 570. 61 LTX2!1-tfc - - - ill FOH H.F.YI'-l<THX. JIOFSt:S L ·\RD "'ORK, TlOl ' SE \YOHK OR <"lt·aning- of a 11 ldnd:-:. \\'ilm t-ttt· r\'fpr- ' t '0:\l.I'LI·:TI.:LY Fl' I~:"\ I ~II ED. A L~IOST t' lh'l'!'. J'hon e \\'ilnwtu· !t{i4 . (i1 LT-I:i-lt c 111-w . :!0 room hliu~ e <Ill b P: tut ifull.\· lanrt~~·<IJH:<l ~~ ~ n<·n·~ in ( 'hicago su ln11·h. (.'0). 11 J ;:TE.'\T, IO:Xl'EIUI·:SCEJ> Hl"I'LF:R Largt· <lr:t \\'ing· l'<l~>llt, :-:un roont . op .·n and chauff\·ur. Hd. Ph. l'ni\ ·t· r:-:it~· pon ·h, library, <lining room, IJrt> ald'ast 2~~R2. {i 1 LT :"\ ·15- ltp t'lllltll, and \\'~· II l'qUiPik<l 1\itchl'n on 1st f!oHil '. .~ m:t~tt·r IJ l' dl'o··m~. :! with s:eq), ing pe~n · ht ·~ . .· h:tlhs 1111 2nd floor . 3 "l'l·<·lns. I lt:tth, and at tic on :~nl floo1· . :! <·a I' ga I':IJ..:<·. st·n··· nts' qua rtt>rs :dJo\·e. KX PET~H:::\'('E)) C () t· l' L E \L\XTS ll:trding l' Oil !lunwt·, Frig-id:til 'l'; \' l'gt.:'po:-:ition, man :t!-; <"h<tut'ft·ur an<l 1·utlt>l', t:tld ,· gankn, Jl<I!Hl, :ttH1 Wllodv<l lo t on W(ll11:tll g"t·JH'l'<ll maid . l)h . Linl'oln :152X. gt'<lttlHl:-:. 0\\'llt't" s hu~in vss <lt·lll }t11tlS {}:!I /1':\' 4::>-ltp 11111\·\-. to :'\(·\\' Yt~rl;: for at kast I :\'\·:11'. \\'rilt · '1':111;: 11-l{i!l. 70LT).; ·1~-1ttf'OLOTIEll ('(ll'J>LE EXI'EHII·::"o:C'l<..D S1 KG U LA HLY A T 'l' H. A C T I V E llh story l.n111ga low. 4 bed rms.. 2 baths 1st floot·. l·'ot· ~:tle-moflern Eng-li:sh hnm<· ·. ground:-: lnnd~<.'<lPe<l. sittmted in attra ·t h ·e IJIIc l'rict·s and tprms very reason;1 hie. Look! \Yhile real estatE' h; s low. Ph. Glt-neop 4!17. H!ILTi:i-ltc· (111 \\? 'l~L\. 'l'T & COOXS Offer A ('J JOI CE SELEC'TJON OF S0-:\1E A 'HE THACTS On a half arre of gnnmd, surrounder1 two sidt>s hy a J;!olf <"lull. an R room brh-k hcmw with 5 lw<1t·ooms, IJath, hot watt-r lwat, g·a:-: alll1 Plt·<.·tri··ity, jn~t out~i<h· c·nrpt>t';ttt· limits ' of Ull'll\'i(·\\'. Two l':tr gat·agt.· . Prict· $1l,i:i0. ~ix: lH'l'<' rnnwr, lncn.tt.·<l w~·st of Xorthhrool\, m·a1· tht· :\lission I lilts, l'niYe rsity and 11<·\\' ::-;pl·l't~l11:tn l'ountt·.\· f'lubs, impro,·c·<l \\'ith G room · fram' home, JH·\\'ly p:till!(·cl, hath. Plt· t·tt ·idl.\', hot-air lwat. l<lt> :1 l lo<':t tion for 'I1UI1trv honw. chivl\t·n farm ur inY~·s tntl'nt. l'ri~·e $14,7:-iO. You are invited to inspect a newlyanivE'd shipnwnt of Early American Antiflues. Also a lon·ly colle(·tion of Curriers & In's and other prints. MAllY AX~ ])J 'KE 808 Wn~hing-ton St., 1 bl. S. of Main n~l bl. F of Wdge, E\·anston !I!ILTN45-ltc IUO .\1.:\SST\'E ·w A L:\'l'T D R E S S E R, doulll t:· front. plate gla~s top $55, f rn· .PI';\' ~:: . :,n. Italian ma rille pt·destal $14, \\TOU!.dH iron ma rhlt' top cnnsolt: table ~12, !4'as plat e sto\·e 2 hunwrs with marhlt' tnp stand $:t50, :1 :-:ection firesidt· S('l't't·n $14. PidUJ'E'S , floor lamp, tahh· and hridg·~;· lamp. Tailored silk Yt>IYet pillow~ $:L Pri\·. honw. Ph. (;Jpn~ coe 64S. 100LTN45-ltc ()A \'EXI'01tT, lf'E BOX, S!XGLE lRON hl't1, <·ot, miiTot·s. l:ttn1)s. Bri [ cnses. \\'int t>t' fronts - :'\ash, Packard, '27 nw<lt·ls. ~~ .... n~ona hlt: -mo\'ing· a.waymakt· offl' l'. 'l'l'l. \\ ' illn~o· tl-:a 10!15. 100LT1"45-ltc .., \\·ant po~iti n as (·ook and (·hauff()Ur. Call lligltland Park 10:t 66 u:!LT:'-\4;}-Jtp ;:1 .F Oil URXT-S'l'OUJ·:S & OFFICI:~- · · F111' tht · in\'t.·~tor (h·siring a travt of l:tnd with lat ·gt· ro:td front :lg't' and shaiIP\\' in <({·pth, W< :ll'E· of[Prinp; 20 :1<'l't' t·onlt·r of hig·h laJH1, in a tt·nitor_\· of <·"untr~· dulls, 1,!t~H ft.· <'l u( ro:1c1 frr~nt ag·t.· . I'J 'ivt· $~7ii )It'!' acre. I:"\ \\' 1:\' X8TK :\ . l ::\'E\Y <;OH. ~TO R8 -l ·lx:!-1. 1 liP\\' sLon· 4h1G . J:oth haY <' ALL ~TEEL I<'E B(JX, \YrDTH 2 FT . 2 1 :.! i ndw:-;, dt·[lt h 1 ft. S i n('ht>s, height 1· :t:-:· · ll lf· n~s . g t·as. 1·ent. Ph . \\'inn. 11:?. ..\'l"l'l~.\< 'T I \'I;: HOCI.\I T:\' E .\!-\T ~II IE 1~1.-:ALTOHS 7:H,TXH-tf<· 4 ft. !I indw:-; eapadt~· 10() lbs. Price hona·. Bathroom fadlitit·~ unu:-;ualJ~·~ _ J:,.J, \\·,·n tt . . . . . .. Cknd<·w , 1 *20. <:ood eond. Ph. \\'ilmette :n·13. Lt ·s ('<.,·Ill s .. .. . .. . . .. ('t>ntral :lfl21 g(·od. ('nll\'t· ni t.:' lll all tran~p. <;arag·<· ~FOR S .\J.E IIOt ' SES 4 1OOTA5-ltc optional. H t- f. l'h. \\'ilmdtt.:' :W-1 . __ ' - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - !-;ant I 'atnpbt·ll . ... ... Xorthhrook 1;-)i',-1!1:: liliiA;}-1t<" 7HLT:\' -t:i-1t<" 5 J'IE<'E HRO\Y:\' \\'r<'KER PPHOL..,. stt·n·d porch :-:d, with rug- and standPLEAS..\:\"1' R<!0:\1 lX PHl\':\TE · F..\:\1W .\ Vn:n TH HE:\'T-HOO)JS "" ing lamp to match, $::!5. Porch ru!4', $1. il.'·, -Ill! Lind(·n ~t.. \\.inJwtka, ., 1·lod,::-: f'hild':-: in·-box, 2x:t ft., $:1. Td. Winfrom all train >'. Xo ntht"l' ruomer:-: \\' TP . -:\ ltOU.:\1 ~UITAilLE FOlt netlm 167. 100LT~45-ltc · Hn·akfa~l optional. Rt·as. l'h . \\.i ll· pt ·h ·; llt· ht111lt' or ollke @1 lllllSic stu<lio, rwtlct :lliR. fHiLT:\' .J:i-1 t c hldg·. J'art nr . all tinw. Ph. \Yilnwttt.· FOit ~.·\Ll ·~ 0.'\E LAI!<JI~ KITCHE~ \\. II IT E <'L.\l'B0 .-\1~1> JU·:sillE:\'<'1·: . ~;)lAii-lt(· 11:i2. sink with t \\' O tlrainboard:,;. Bargain Lgt ·. ait·y Ji\·. rm .. :: ht · <lrtll~ ... ~111. 1Wh .. F<>H 1!1-::'-\T H(l0:\1. ;\ L~O ::-;1'..\< 'E IX pt ·it't'. l'lwn e \\'innetka 151. tilt· l·:tth. Tl . \\' . h<':lt, (Ill llllrllt'L ~!I gara,t.:t ·. \\.ill arrangf· !'or ~omp lig-ht W .\':\'TEil TO UE~'I'-IIOl 'SES IOOL45-ltp <:ar:tg<·. Sr. Sl'ht1ob and tr:tll~JI . ~~llxlli~>. houst·IH ·t·pirtg· if lh· ~in·d. Ph. \\'ilmdtl' l'ri<·t· for quit-!;; salt· $1~ . 110!1. l·:as~· ~2~ii. GGL:38-tfc FOI! S..\ LE - l·PtU(; HT 1'1.-\XO VERY h·nn~. dwap. Call \\'ilmette . 95-'l-4. ~LEI-:1'1:\'1; f'(JI{<'II. SlTI'.:\HLJo: F(lH IOOLT~45~1tc 1 (II' ·· Td. \\'innl'tl\ a 2fi!i~l. liliLT:\' 40-t f (: .\ ).JOliEl::"o: l':\'Fl'l:~TSTIED lfO.:\IF: 1::\' \\.J<'KE it \\','1!'\(; CIIAIR, FEH~ERY, nEALTOI~S Xorth 1-:::t·nil\\'orth, \\' itlltdl\a or (;)enaJH1 tniJlt'- $12. Tt:>l. \\'inn et ka 25n. EX<'lX~l\'E A<JI·:XT::-; Fl ' H:'-\1~1 I El) H 0 0 :'IT FOH T!E:\'T, ('Ot> for a clist.:riminating- dil-ut who 100LTN45-ltc l ·l!i J·:lm ~~ n·t ·t \\'innt ·t l\ii 1 I~ I 7 g<·ntlt·n1an prt ·fl'!Tt> d . ~·I a Wt ' 1-: . Ph . ntight 11Urt · ha~t· latl'l'. 77 LT :"\ ~~~-1 tv \\'ilnwt tt · li:!:~. (lf)]Aii-1 tp l'A I tTY :\10\'1~<;. l'OH.CH FCI-tN'lTURE, ~i!I~:\'T ---:\'fl'f~L~T!:\'I!-\II£:i> tablt·s, <'lark Jt·w e l ga:::; rang e , bt>d, etc. 1'1111111. EH~t ~i<l\' homt·. l'h. \\' ilnwtlt · Ph. Wilmette :l-lS-1. 100L45-ltc 1~1.Jo . lifiLTiii-lt<· I~,\f{(;J 1~ JJI~I·:~\~~1·.. 1{():\:'i-;-iT.\1. ( ()X\·. to h;t t h . \Yilnwt It> :{:!Oii. liiiLT Li-1 tc· HOO:'If F<lltTIE:\'T ~(l.'\\'.:-'I'<) TrL\XSP . Ph . \\"iltnl'!tt· :~7::2. (ii)J.J:'\-ltr· I~ )Tour 1 louse for Rent? 101 W 'J'D. 1'0 BUY-HS}:HLD. GDS. 6j \\'1·: ;\IU:: lL\\'1:\'n <'ALL:-:: FOH W.\XTED '1'0 Bl'\' ~E<'OXD-HAND houst·~ to rent lwg·inning; thv fall · ~t · ason furnit un· and nth ·r hou~ehold good~ . .,f ]!1:!!1 . List your houst · with us :tJH1 T~T\TIYEX PT~. J 1ig· he~t pri<-t·s f11r sa 111l'. Crost FurmsP<· the n·~ults we can bring·. ture :-:tort·, 1tHH-ii F:nwr:-:on St., Evan:-;TIF:ALTOI~ 1<111, Ill. l'h. L'ni\·. IS!I. 101LT~48-tfc \\' imwtl.:a HtHl ~~:i~ Lilltlt ·ll ;\ \'(·. 2. ~. 4, 5 nnd 6 ROO:\TS 77LT:"\.J:i-1 tc WE BOX, 70 OR tno LD. CA P.AC'ITY. ll··n ' in \\.ilmf'ttf"s mo~t <·onn·nit·nt ~tH1 HK\LTOHS ).Ju:-;t h<· in good <"<>ndition and rt'ason<·xC'lu~i\· <· lo eation. \'Oil will find ,,.< ·11-aralll<>. '1\·1. Wimwtka 176:t 101LT~45-ltc ~'l'.\".'"f~'Tll-f()'CS1\ Wilnwtt<' 2i:1 rang-t' d :tpartmf'nt~. All apartnH·nts I 1177 \\.ilmdtt· A\·t·. ,) . '\ .1 · X!I I.A 5~ I tc ha\·t· lllltl"ir1<· I'1111111S whid1 JH "<·Yid~· an \\'1.'\XI·:TKA. Sl'Ll·::\'J)][) ::\'I·:\Y }~OR SALE-JliSC. 102 ;Jhund:tn<·t· f1f light nncl air. .-\mph- 1.'\ h1 kl\ ;tiHl tilt· !-\pani:-:h hous< · on \n·ll \\' ..\.'\TEl> TO H8!'\T- ':\'Fl'H.XlSTlE l. <'ln~Pt spa(·t·. ~('ho(.\:-;, <'11urdw:-:, anc1 \\'fltHI<·d J,.t. llugt· li\·ing, clinin14' anc1 1 IH·l!St· in \\'innPtkn, R nt· !l ro(IJllS, nt·ar Al'TU \YAHDH(lBE TRCXK, FITS 0~ :-:hopping- fn<"ilitit·s within immt·<liat,, mn icl'~ suitt· nn fir:-:t floor. 4 hugt· ~lt·<·l~svhool, Oil hurnt·r. \VritP A. Koolbh. runnirH!. l>o<lrd. l'ost $50, · used twke. :H·<·t>s:-:. St·t> th··st' apnt·tmt·nt:-: t(1d:ty. ing- rotHns a111l :! tilt:' haths on 2tHl. Uti -t::~i'i Jt an·ns\\'IIO<l ..\\'P., <'hil'ago . price $Fi. all ::'llonuny ,\.innetka 176:t .Agt>nt <111 )11'l·mi~t·~. ~!ILT:\'45-ltp IH·at: frigiclain ·: 2-l':tr garagl'. ::'llo\'102LT~ 45-ltc 1.~\X ing· East . must ~wll. Fini~h. n 11(1 fixtur P~ tlw h <' ~t. An Artist~ hnnJt·. \\' TD. 'I'( I 1~-I·:XT-(i rnom mod<'l'n lHnts P. FOH. QLTI<'K SALE, LATE 1!)28 :\[()DEL ltE..\L1'011S l'rit ·t·d $:l:?,.i00. tn sc·ll quil-l\. 1 ~\':IS. 1'\r. tr:-tnsp. l'rPf. m·. Ho\\'anl 8 twin John so n outboard motor, prae424 LitHh·n A"<' . \\'il. 460 tic·ally 11('\\'. Call Giencoe 713. Sl'hocl! . Wt·it<· \\.i lnwtt c Lift> B-174. liil/I'X:!-tf<· ~ S!lfA;:}-1 k 102LT~45-ltc \\'i)mdlt' ()~IS - - - - -- - - - -......------~~ 41 S LiiHh·n A \ 'C'. 77LT~4ii-lt(· !HI W'I'H. '1'0 Ht:XT-1-Tit:\", JISF.S. VELOCil'EIH~ $4, 1 PAH.KWAY bikl' $6 holh like new. Ph. Winnetka NILES CENTER --------------------~~ <:LE:"o:<'OE E;\ST !-\II>E . <'11.:\lll\IlX<: fi OH 7 ROlHl RESIDEXCK OXE ' 2211. ' 102LT~45-ltc 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, En!4'li~h honw of 1ft rooms just ('IIlliy 1: a r, hqdnnin~ Oc·t. 1st. ('011\'(·ni~nt light, modern. Near D em pster "L" plt·!Nl. Lidng- room lSx.:!~. ~i~ 1w<1lov:lt ion in \Vinn etkn. Ht·:-:pnnsihlc A D.\:'lf S<'H.-\Al<' U PRI<:JlT PIA~O, terminal statlon and North Shore elec1'0(1111~. 4 u:tth~. l:l\';\tory,_ttl~·ll krtci1Pll, I di· ·nt Jl(J c hildn·n. Submit li~ting- to g·ood condition. Ph. \Vilm ette ;:n 6:1. tric. 29 minutes to loop. att:wlwcl :?-<"~I' g-arage. ' ' llhln 3 hlol'ks B . H.' H.\H:\'L;:TT, Room 4, FnAXKLIK 102L45-1tc, (If stati11n nn<l lal-: e. ~-IS ll a\\'lh clntt · BLIH;. 52() C'entt-r St., \\.innetka. A ,.t'. I 'rit-t· $50,000. Fm· information \\'t· ha n· dif:'ntl" for unfurnislwd homes tu:t W'I' U. TO lll ' Y-JIISCEJ,I"\.Sf~Ol.1 S 77LT:'\ ·Ii}-lt<Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. ~'(' (}lt·nco<· ;)lil. for tld . 1st occupancy. W ~\XTED ('LEAX, V\TifTE RA(;S, Phone Niles Center 93 XORTJI SHORE OFFIC'E FOU SALE-VACANT 67LTN36~tfc iS 10(.' [Wt' lb. 1 ~::2 Central A\' <'., Wilnwltt'. C LEX f' . RGLL 10:~LT~4S-tfp ------------------~~~~ PJI . Wl:\'XI~TKA 77:~ EAST \\'1::\'::\'ETKA \\~OODEO LOT FOH. RBNT- 2 R00:\1 KTTCHE~ETTE !lOTA!l-Hn LE<.:S Tli.:\X $SO PI·~H FOOT : u IS( ' EJ,{, ,\X t:Ors apnrtmE>nt. ~tcnm he~t. jnnitor ~f>t'\'iC'<'. · nPnr transportation. Call \Vilm <.'tte For inm k di;t1<' salE>. ::'llu~t bf:> nil <'a~ll. !Ill W .\:\'TED TO Hl · \-- HOt ' SES 1800. 67LTN3!l-tf<· Pon'1 an:-:\\ ,· r unl <.·>':-; rt':Hl~· to pun·ha ...;P. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H..\ \'E Yot·n. OLD PTBC'E~ REX8WED H. T1. lL\ H:\'ETT. Ph. \\'intw tl{:t 77:~. at a rpasonahi E' l)rict'. Siln' r r efi ni~h d 1ST OF OCT. APART:\IBXTS AVATLnnd madt· <lb:-:olutPI.\· tarni!-ih proof ~fODER~ i\orth Sh(1rt' Offi<"f' . <ilE>n r. Hull, Hoom ~hl(· in Smith Bl<1~ .· \Yinn ct ka. $6ii. Ph. 4 Frnnldin fluildin!4', 536 <'C'ntt>r St., l'aul l);ln·:v . .1<'\H'lt'r, 1165 Wilmeth \VintWtl\a 11:!. G7LTN43-tfc A \'t.·., Ph. 'Wilnwtte 6. 105L3:i-tfc \\'iJ1t1f'tl\:t. 7SLF\-l"tn TIO~IT~ I C'...\X l'A Y CA!-\11 FOH :\J()I)Jt:I!X MOI>l~lt~ !) 110U~f ...\I;T., 2 HLO<'K!-:; j!) ACREAGE k ESTATES h<>ttH' on largt' lot IH·;tr l:tl\P in <~IPnt·(H' fn·nt tran!-ino1·tation. ('all \\' imwtka : . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>1' Wimtdl\ :t. ::'llu~t h:t , .(' :tt !Past ~ix TO ENTERTAIN CLUB 2GSR m· \\'imH·tka 10~~:.. fi7l.'r" .r-._,,,. hvdro<~lll:-<. ;\tlYis<· full d<·tail:-;, Jll'i<' <' ~f rs. Dnnald ~f. Callie '"ill enter .:\CRT~ r~srr_t\.1'1~ ancl t·n<"umht·ran('r ·s. ~ 0 brokt-t's. \\'r it P tain her Dra111a club at her ht)ll\(', 11 L FOil Ht:~T-FI ' H~ · . \ PTS. OVERLOOKlN'G \\'ilmdt< · Lif<· I :-171. !16LT:'\ t:i-1t <· FOH HE:\'T-1{0().\IS I Wrt Iillllli®li:Jk ~ ffilf ~ CB1lliiD ---------------------------------·---- 1HI@Jk ct1ID~@ IID & JJ ®ITilJk$3 -------------------·-·- 1 CRES'l' . \ riLl\IE'l"J'E I I (jLTI : & 'f\"S():\. TXC. P :\ c r' SCl I l{OEl)EH & CC). THE BRONX M. ]. FAHER'rY \ \ ?_\:\TEI) FlTlt-:\'lSliEil A PT. 2 ROOl\IS WITH pullman ldt('h·,n: show<·r. For month of Au .l:!'ust. \\.inn p tl\ !1 1'>'1'> (l~o:r '~"· . t-:_,,., JXDT:\X HILL CLUB GHOUXDS This exclusin· C'St:ttE' fronts on th·· Indian llill Club (;r(Junt1s with <'fl\'t'll:tllt <1f 11\'1'])~·tual Yil'w. \~'1.·11 ":oo(lt-(1 with o:t.k~ :tnd <·lms, maldng· an H1enl :-:<·<·lutlt·(l sJ1·· f··r tlw ht·autiful h()nw. Shown by npp't. _.:.:..;;.:.:.;.:.:..:,~..:.;,:~..;.;...:..;~---;..;;.;.;..;.~~~ - Elmwno<l avenue. on Tuesday at lunch !1!1 con. 69 .) ·T \·o~xr.~ S()l-IX FOR UENT-JlOTT SES BILLS REAL'f\r, I~C. EXC'LrSlVE AGEXTS P..EALTORS 960 Snanish C't. WilmE>tte 3740 7!1L1'N4S-l t(' FOR SALE-CJlOIC-ESo ACRESNORTH of Deerfield. close to hig-h class developments, cnn~iderable woods and. beauREALTORS tiful views. Inquire ')[ E. L. Vmyard, 340 Linden A \'e. \Vi! met tP 6S-444 7!lLTN44-4tc 69L45-lt< I Deerfield. l':E\VLY T>EC'OlL\TED 6 ROOM 110:\lB; h<'sl N. E. lo<'n tif1!1; wooded Jot; ga t·ag<·. $175 ])f> l' month. ln\'il<·:-; You to imqwet lwr Ia rg.(· cnliN·t ion of Fl'l~i'\1Tl'11E Fl!OM Till~ PllOY1:\'('fo:S OF FI~A:"\CE (17Tll AX() UTI! CK:'\Tt·ltY). OLD FABIU<'S ..AN'D XEI·~I>LEI'OIKT TAI'I·~~TitiES. l'I·~WTI·~R A ~23 \\T.'\ SJ n I'AIXTJX<:s. llXG'fO~ Stl'. X ('111.'\:\, I:L.-\~!-;. Cvrus Barr of 336 Essex road. Kenil worth. who has been a patient at M avo Bros., for the past week has success fullv passed through a very serious operation. Mrs. Barr is with 1lr. Barr at Rochester, Minn. -0- Xr. ::'1-T:tin St., E\·anston, Ill. G RK8~LEAF 6!J!12 Opt·n E\'(>nings & ~undays hy A 11p't. 9!lLTN45-ltc D\\'ig-ht Dav and his son. Ted of Xew York. arrived 111 \Vilmctte ~r (11Hla \' to he the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R Tenrhcr. at 828 Ashland avenue, for a fe\\' days.