Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 44

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WILMETTE" LIFE .;~ JIE I · August 2. 19~9 p WTJ).-)L\Ll: & }'};)1 .\L"~ :w f "\' - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .' . C'las!":ifted advertisem~nts wtll General Not'.r.e ~ --,o rt-l<ident~ of the distrrct GLE~COE Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd mortgages Ins uran ce 5~~ be - charged only from Evanston to Glencoe fu c lu!'i\·e who!"~ names apJ>ear tn the telephone directory, or who are regular ~ub~crih .. rs to ei ther WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TAI.:K or Main St., Wilmette l'E\YS. ct-nt~ T I. 65 30Ll7-tfc 15 a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papere. Ra(es--30 cents a line in all three papers. ~IINDIU)l CRAilGE 90 eents. Average (lr ft n· words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with o rd e r advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central A\·e., \\'ilm e tte, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be a<:· to W ednesday 5 o'clock fnr thP WIL1>1ETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thurs day 5 o'dock fnr flt.WTN~ETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE .!\:1:.:\\ ~ Telepho nes: "Wdmdte 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · Classified . f Or Jnser t lOnS-cepted D ea dl tne up IL 0 ilL~@ TI illl 0 IE w(ffi,]]l ~it@ ITll Late :\Iodel Special Sport Linvcoln 1 :1~-.: 1 JdUXt· ~Jl··c · ial !-' port l'h :leIDn - thi:-- c·ar pral'li<-:111~· tit-\\" h :ts t·quiplll··lll t tf ti Wit"t' Wht · t · J ~ ~idt· lllttllllt~ f,t)t}ing tntt tk r:Lt ·k atHl t.,ttllvau ('0\\"1 "it h wittd :- hit-ld i:-; tini:--lwd itt a bt·:tutiful tl· ·:-..r·t :--:tnd :tttd pyratnitl gr:t~· " · ith tilt · " ·h, ... l!-' itt lturnt c·r:tlll-:t' . Thb c·:1 r t · a rr i·· ~ .1 :-t:1 11d :tnl guaran t t·t'. l'ri. ···tl :tt ~ : :,.-,tlit.llfl. :'::oct. llll 1"1' 'J'r;t(1c:-; tii'E:."~:\'lt . \Y~ .\cccj>te(l . \:\'11 1 ·: \ · J · ::\'t:\'c:~ ~ . \TII«ti~IZJ·:It 0Cnmmlhce1rrlk 111 ·:. \I.J ·: t:~ l :\C. 1.1:\'c "( 11.:\' 1':.!:! l~itl"t · .\ \t ·. E\,ttt:--tun . I ll. (;l"t'l ' lllt·:t f l ·l!t:i \\"ittlldlw ti70 ·I LT:."\ lil-ltc I~~:!~. I ~I:: i \1 u :-; t Sell Th c:-;e Car:-; t'(l .\11 ·: . \:\'11 .\1. \1 \:1·: tlFI-'1·:1~ II S1 ·: H \"1 (' t-: B I . H t: \ I . ~h<,p 1·:~~ ~ 1 ·: \: T ill ~ I~ . ~ 1·: J) . \ ~. 1<) 2() 'l'lldt ·r "<·c l :~ 11 .\1: I:-- t l ' I" ti I d I"' I" :'I ·d : I! I J: ·:!li .\1 :1:-- lt ·r fi I cl·~t·r ~ · · rhll I~~ :! I \I : t:o- tt · I' ti t c ·uri 11g !':II' TI: .\1·1 ·: (tit TI · :J:.\1~ <-,,) .' fiJi ~. ~~~;) \"c :r:-;h()re Canwr;t 1 ·:.'\I'I·TII ·: :'\t'l·:lt 1. . \l ".'\lli:J ·::-'~ \\-. \:."\T:-; \\'11 1'k ' ' ' ta].;,. lllllllt' . \\·i f! c· :tl l f··r :tll d t], )i\· ·1'. I'll . \\"ilttlt tlc · ::.-,11: ·. cill l,'l'.'\ 1:: -1 f p .\I Y J .' tll: .\ 11 ·:1~ .\1.\11· \\ ' 1~111 ·:~ t" .\J:t ·: <tF c·lt i lclr· ·ll J,,· t h t· 11"111' . .\I· ~ · d 111· ·1 .' 1'· · 1 · :t llcl r··~Jt . . I'll. \\ 'i !lll ·· t l ·· ::::11~. 1:~>1.11 - :!t.1-'lt l~ ::; 1 ~,II VJI::-"1' ~J ·: Jtll · :~ I IHictJl ,., ... , t·:tr tll:11 lt :t ... ll:1d t·Xt 't·t·clin g l,\ goctd · .c rt· f"r tilt · f,. ,, tnilt ·~ that it h :t~ 111'0 11 dri\1'11. 'I'll· · ti11i~ It l't ·l :li tt :-; it~ l·t ·:~ utiful II· \\' t·:tl' 111:--l t·l' :tl td it i ~ ~~·;IJ't ' t·)~ · JHI S:-; j].J, t·· tl t,..tittL:ui:-- 11 l·t ·tw· ·t·n thi ~ :111d a l·r 111t1 11· ·\1' ··: t r in :t(IJlt·:II':Cilt 't' . .\kl'll alli··.tll ,· it i ~ tl:t\1 It ·:--'~ :tlld · ·:tl'l'it·:-- <·Ill" I'· ·!..! U.I:I I" !..: ll:tl':tll lt-1 · . ')', :t JJ\' t·llt· i Jtl t· J" ' .'- I· d in , t'ttttttlltit·: tl. cl· ·Jlt 'll.d:tll!t · 1r att~ l'"rr:t t i··Jt .1! :t L:l't·:ct :--:t\ itt g, t lli ~ is a11 llllll:--tl:tl \,clu· . 1 ·: \ ·. \:\' :-'Tc·:\' J :I!.\Xt ' ll .\:<lrth Shore l~uick Co. lltt tllP 11f qu:tlit .'· p!'i 111:-ltl·:\"1 ·:1.< t i 'J .' \c ; 1'1!1:\'TI:\'c; l:'\1 .. \l!c i):\'c; 11 1.-, c il"t ·· nk:lf .\ ,·. .. \\ 'i ltn· ·ll·· lti~t i I II. I ct - t ft· 1'1: .\c'Tit' .\1. '\1"1!:-'1:\'c; t' .\LL .\J i,..,.. .'\,·1:- .. n. l'lt. \\ 'iltth tt.- ~:! ~ 1 · titt J.T J.-, - 1t p 1·. \ 1· :\' ltl! '\- . :ct t.T .' \ ! ~.-It·· \I< ) I < ) I\ C< >. ttl ' 1 ' ::tt I: i !l!..!t . \ , · .. 11.1 . 1:\'\ll:-' l·11 I :!U (i \ltllt-:\1\ti i, . · r ~i t" -;-::n ~J.TX-i:-, - It\' Lake ~ht>rc \lc>tt>r ~ales 10 1I Ch ira .~· t > . \ '·c . ·::, ·::~· ··~t : <:ardt~t · r ~i" · rt 1 ·::\ 1'1·: 1:'1' Tl: I·: 1 ·: ~I·: I:\ ' It' I·: I 'I : l . :\' I :\' t ; · T I: 1·: . \ T I :\' l ; . ~ I 'I: .\ Y f :'\ t ; . Tliconlltill I:rc ·~. l'h ullt· \\"ilnJt ·tt.· :!~:~~. :.!OI,T:."\:\\i-1 fc· l,ti~T - I : IXJ ·: LI~ . \TIII ·: J: l'l · I:~J·: , SIn · \ T I 0 \Y \ \ T E U- .'1 \I.E t:tining· ~ht · ri!J:t ll l.; t·~·s, ('lllllJl:ll'l. l..tt· · r ~. <'<>"-·d·· . (ttl l! ": ltblt ·r ~7~;) ~:) '~;) l·'··rd Tutl··r :-'. ·d .lll c 'hn :--It r lll··tf..l ~et ~~·da ll :'IICJ .: : ;:! ~) _, ( Jld~lllc·l·il·· t't·:tdl ~:!~;; ·:: ;-, :'\ :1 :-- h . \ch·. ci, I 1·: 1:--:--. t'"ll Jl· · ·::, I Jld :--liHtl·il t· I dttt tl' :-- nl:tll .~ 7:!:t .\1.\:."\Y <t'l' lll ·:l::-' FI:tt.\1 ·I LT:\' Li-lt v ,., 1,and:.;cape Planner~ and C<>ntract!>r:-; ::otti t '1 ·::\"TI : .\I. ~ :'\ur :--t·!'~ · ~'1' . Jl na d, ht ·l \\"t·t·ll ),; 1 kt· ~l l' c · d :1n cl \\"i lmdt e .\\.t'll lll', \\' ilnl<'l!P, 111. . ~1111.. :? \tit. l'll ·a~t · lt'kpltclllt' l-tth' t'!'~it~ · tilt~. c·r c·:1ll at li~JJ I>: i~ ~tl"t·t·t. J·:,·:cn:--tetn. ·111. l:t ·\\':tnl. ~.:; r.t:-o -1to· ~!):;n il IT5) (7 I ~ nQ .(1.[0 fC' c';!J l1. ...s; L> ~ ·' ,r.' J.., ~ n=Jfr. f9b ~ ,._ · ~\d(Ql I·: : ) I; I: 1 ·:1·::\' 1.1·:.\1-' at 1 ln·rlil'ld. lll.l ~~~ . ·,li 1 ~ 1) 1 ·: .\: r·: r< and holhl'tllan ,,·1th sc\-cral J· ( : . ~." C;Lr:-; c 1·~ 1~ 1,1·: :\ , IIELI' W .\\Tt-:U-FE~I . \J , E LTX:?i -t fl' l'\:jll'rll'11l'l'. 11<>\\" <..'111- Ylll . :\'t; ] JETTE H SF H \ ' I( ' E ]:' Ttl C'.\ltl·: FOlt ~ <'llfL· cln ·n from !) . \ . :\1. to 1 1'. :\1. an d frnm li 1'. ':\1. t11 :1 1'. '.\L Ot·V:I~ion:llh· \\"ll o l co \\"ritt· \\' iln lt· tt e Lif l· h-17::. l:ll~L ,.,.,.11 i11g. i··ll tllruugh··llt. l~t ' \'1'111 1~ · r..tllli ~ lll'<l 111 :111 :tttr;w t i\t· lolut · :tll d :ti l bright p.trt~ rt ·ttid\lt d . lnlt'riur wit h11t1t a I·J..IIli:-11. ;-, o·Xq·Jit ·ttt tin ·s. ·I whvt'l :--ll ult\ll'r ~. t'l c·. ( 'h:t ~~is :uul lllttl t ·l' h :t\·· 1"·· ··· 1111~· l!t ·o·n l"t·hu ilt It~· us :\till o·:tJ'I'i · ·~ tt\1 1' \J ~t· t) t ': ll' g U:ll ':t lllt ·P. . \ Wot tlllt· rful Y:tlll·· at ~~.till . $:.!tHI dt~\\' 11, l·:tlanc-t· .. ::!· . n~ :t ttlllttt It fur 1:! ll1t1ll\ Its. hraht ·~. 1-:\'.\X~Ttt:' ~l"l'EI!I<H! ~I'EJ · :ltY ~ . \TI ~F . \t 5ti Liii-1 k 'Tt )]1Y 'I ·: .\lulti g- raphing-, ~lim·· · cogT:~phing-, ing·, Typing, I 't·rson:1lizing, ~Jailing·. s 1·: H \ "H . \thln·ssFe tiding- , .\ t·nmpll'tt · LETTI·:n ~1-:lt\"II'E at your ~J.:J(\"]('1·; :Ill thl' tilllt ·. --------------- l:It .\:."\t'll 1~\- _\:\S'J'<): \\-. \:'\TI·:P- . \X EXJ>El~H:X<'I;:n ~\\" l ·: n i~h or < ;t ·t·man girl for g, ·n t· r:ll l wu~·· work t: .. cHl pbin t·ocok. Xn \\"<t~hing·. :': IS pl'l· wt ·t·k. Hd. n ·quin·d. \\' inn..tl.;a ~I !t~. ,-,liLT~ i;)-1t p . . -· -\\' 111'1'1·: <:Tl!L TU liEI.I' \\TI'If <~E~ t·ral hou~t'\\' ork and c·:trt' of <' hildr<·n, to g·o homt· night~ . l 'all \\"ilnwttl' 2\iK.:. p lnyed. \\· ant~ prnnanen t p o :-.; 1 t i on . ~ i n g·l e . C c n 11 an . in the l~nitcd States I Year:-;. References. Phone \\T innctka 2X3 or \\Titc 170. \ \~innl'tka 'J'alk. 1~ - ~ -------------------------.\:."\)) (;. \lUH.:'\ WOH.K lllll"~E Iii LT:\'-1 5-ltp :'\1~:\TLY 1 Il.J)~O:\ \]( )'f()l{ CC1. CIF I LLI :."\(II~ }\~0 LE'J'TER SER\.1CE 11 .\lUUF:T E . t i l'\ - ti~tl lla\i:-; ~t. Hll'H.\IU)~OX l'nh·ersit~· 61~5 iif)Li5-1tc . - 1·H~E <~ll~L. WHIT!':. 0\"En 25 homt· niglttf: . Tt'l . c:I,·twot' 11:n . Go dntH· by t·XJJt>rieut·l'd man. \\' ashing-, gT\·a!-'ing, poli~hing· of vars. \'tall llcttkr clo·anivg, painting. <'te., 7iie p e r hour . Ern eHL l\[iller. Tel. IIarri~on 6013. GlLT~ 44-2tp ltidJ.!t· .\\'t·. l"lli\'t·l":--itY 'j~t) 4LT:."\.i~-1h' :?'lt:r:-.: H-2t t.: i>ti LT~ 45-1 tc .\!AlP, CEX. hath, $12. JI~WK . , OW:'\ HOO:\I A~D Ph. 'Wilmette lil. 5GLT.N45-ltp ~TTLr ATIOX Bun your Waat Ad Ia Evaastoa, too This Office will accept classified a.dvertising to be run an THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familifs in Evansron. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tut:.Jay. -------------------· ~IOTIIER'R HELPER '\"HITE, FOR mnrnit~g-s. Xo l'ooking llt>tlm 16:{!) momings. EXPERIrt>liable chauffeur and hou.~P ·man. Stay nights if desired. Colored. Can furnish references. Tel. Highland Park 35n. 61LTN45-ltc BY w· A~TED e net:'d, Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetk.a 2000 'V Phone V\'in56LTN45-lte WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY,GENera l housecleaning, washing windowf: and woodwork. Garden and landscape C'O:\fPETE:."\T 1\IAin. <iF.~. HSWK., ·work a ~pecia lty. Ph. Winnetka 3427. small family. Call Highland Park 3258. 61LT45-2tp ;)6LTN45-1 tp. A~TED EXPERIENCED WHITE WAKTED - PAINTING, GARDENING, maid. Call Winnetka 2226. hou~Pwork. Willing to do anything. 56LTN45-ltc Ph. University 4122-R. 61LTN45-ltp

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