Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 41

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August 2. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 41 had Ii,·ed for several years: She was· TENNIS TOURNEY AT years olcl, is two sons and two daughters. The sons, N. T. IN FULL SWING Ccorgc 1-:. and .\rthur :\.. Shogren, live 83 and survived by BEAUTIFUL FERNS A large assortment of fresh, sturdy Both Singles and Doubles Being Played Off Rapidly Early This Week The tenni s tournament on the New Trier High sc hool courts \\'a:; in iull :; wing this \\'cek, and both singles and I 1 6 1 Wilmette Ave.. Wilmette doubles matches \\'ere beiug played Wilmette 2 I 2 8 niT as rapidly a:; possible. lh· Tue sday no on H . Sudlo\\' of \V:nlJl'tka had ach·anccd to the finals in Jo se ph 0. Converse and his son, Joe. the lu\\'er bracket oi the boys' singles, 1610 llighland an·ntH.' , " ·ill lean~ Sat h;n ·ing defeated Chark:-; Franklin, also urda\· . fur a t\Yo \H:cks' camping and of \\'innctka, three straight sl't:->, f>--l, fi sh in g· trip in ::\nrt!Jcrn ~I inncsota. --------~-----------------------------------------------(>-3, (>-1, in the semi-finals. In the other bracket oi the i>o)·s' single:-; re:- ults 01: the f1rst round of matches wen:: Clnle \\'arhlc , \\' ilmcttc, trilllmcd H.ichard Joslin, Kenih,·orth, in . :-.traight sets, (J-3, 0-2; Bill ~ordhttrg, I \\'illliCtka. \\·nn a.1.1 uphill ],attic 1·rnm 1 Carlton ProutY,\\ ·nnctka, 3-G, <>--l. o-3; . \ed Levinson, \\'innetka, whipped . 1\iL·ha rd :\clson. \\' innetka, 7-5. 4-G. l1·2; ( ~~1rdnJJ H.av, \\'innetka, defeated I( 1 ·:. ~in~hciml'r, \\'innctka ,' G-1, 3-rJ. in Chicago. The daughters arc Mrs. ~lason, g45 Sheridan road, and Mrs. Archie Fran ..Jin. H-l-9 Sheridan road, \ \"ilmct te. ~r rs. Shngrcn had liYCd in \\'ilmcttL' st.· ,·e n Years and \\"as a mem- · l>er ui the \\' ilm.t.·tte ~I cthodist church. Before mm ing to this yj]Jagc she had . pent practiralh· her entire lifetime in Chicagn. The .iuneral sen-ices were helcl \\'edne sda,· aitnnnon at 2:30 o'clock in the Rt;se hill cemetery chapel. BOSTON FERNS SJ andup John Weiland PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. 7-5. rII the junior :-ingks C. I.. Darlin t;. Jr., C. "avanagh, ! ~il l (;ih:--nn, and Fred l~t~:-. sl' ll, all of \\' ilmettl', ~I ar -.. ha!l Dudlc\· and J\nb 11rmm. of "cnilm1rth. I.e 1n Dickin so n. of \\'in11ctka. and l·:d ll;,rrcll. oi Ckncnc, had n : ac!Jt·d th e quartn finals ll\· Tul'scl;t\· lllltlll, l!ct\·i ,Jg· \\tlll their fiJlL'IJing· matchc :--. The \\in" n-., d1 ,,,.Ill' d their opp(I!Jl'll b I)\ t h ·~ j,,JJ,,willl!,' :-curl'": Darlin g bl'at Cl'or. :..!t' 1: ,,,·]-.,t,,n, f1 - 0. fJ-0: l(a,·a,J agh " l1 ippl'd lh·a 11 \ 'ail. r, -2, (>-2: Dirkin:--tlll ·tri n1111vd .ltdlll :\clair. (,-.z., f1 -0 : llarn·ll a11d Dud it'\ \\'Clll IJ\· dda11lt: Cih:--on rotltl'd \l l'l .\ul!.·rlal ' l (> - 3. (, -.f: Jlru \\'11 trtllllll' l'< l ll tlh 1-.:~.· lln ·. r,-.?., fl-3. atlcl l~u :-:-- t.: ll 1\t.':li t I1 r v v :--l' h t , ' d cit' at d J a c k l. u rl " i L: . r' - 1. l -ll. ~-(1, Junior Singles Veere Park :\. \' t, :-.l lika,,;t. 11i L,·ct ll:-.lt lll. !111 ·k t 1 ,~· lllva:- un· 11i I. F. La\dt~ll. ()i \\ .ihndtv. 7-3. -l - f1, (l-3.' in nne (\i the h;trd j, ,tH.!:l t 1'11·:--t l'tl\ltHI m;tt t· hvs in thl' :--t·ni,,r ~i ll!.dv-.. f II t he ..,;lllll' ~I.'C l ion "j 1 !J~· t1'urnamvnt l. \\· . llitY. 11i \\ ' illiJt·ttt·. I I; l! I t I I p b \. t III' t'l' :-- \'t " t \l I\' lJ i p [) 1.'; Ill \ 'ai l. ,,j 1-.:t·llih\·,,rth. f1 - l. . .?. -f1, f1 -l. . ( ltht·r 1\illlll't's i11 thl' fir;-,t rou11d ,,j thv . . eni,,r "illL:Iv-.. \n ·rl': D . . \. J-.:n :ttlll. ,,j \\ .illllt'lte, F. 1·:. ~tt.'\\· art. ,, j \\'in11d k:t. II. \l;l\·. 11l Clcnrnc. T. ~ltHlfl'. oi \\'il 111 d lt'. a 11 d 1;. () . I j, 1..' 1i 11 L!.. c1 i \\ · i lil tt · t t ... }\: napp trimml'd D. Rnolll..'\', oi Chiral!.·n. (>-.?.. f1-2. \\'hile , 'tl'\\ ;trt t rtl\IIIL'l'd F . 1~ . J(ilncr. of \\'ilmctte. IJ-0. ri - 1. \la1·, \ft.Hlrl·. :tnd Ebeling \\nn 1>,· ddault. I Senior 2nd Round ln tl1r st.·con I rnuncl oi the Sl'ninr ~inl[k:; F. A. Emmnn:;, oi \\'innl'tka. j bvat Doh ~f ac Lean. <J-7. ()-4, "·hik D. \\'anger, another \\.innctk:1 entn·. \\·a:-; losing to Stockton. ri-4. ri-3. The onlv match of the junior dnuhlcs \\'hich had been plan~ d up to Tuesda,· !ll)ntJ was \\'on lJ,· R. Tirn\\' 11 an<l L. Dickinson fr.om 1'. Sullivan and C. K;l\·anagh, 6-1, 6-2. Others paired to pia,· in the first round of the junit1r doubles \\'err: F. Russell and ~r. DurlkY \'S. Dean Vail and T. nooth: T. Corns and Hooker vs. Darlin.g a1~d Hill f:ihson: E. \\' att and B. Tlutchin g;:; Ys. C. South\\'ard and T. l.ud\\'ig. Although some of . the pairings in the mei1's doubles had been mad<> ll\· Tuc5>dav. none of the matches had hecn l_>lan~d. M av and Stover arc schedukcl to meet MacLean and Knanp, Holter and Jenkins will take on Yoshikawa and Darling, and Vail and Rogers will s<>e what they can do with Lawton and Moore. c.· Mrs. Anna C. Shogren Dies Monday at Ae.e of 83 Years Mrs. Anna C. Shogren, widow of the late A. P. Shogren, died on Mondav afternoon at the home of her da~ghter, Mrs. William Mason, 845 Sheridan road, Wilmette, where she

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