Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 36

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I Latest ~ School New:JI JU·NIOR LIFE 1 Told by the Pupils Publi&hed weekly by the school children of Wilmette under ) \:0 . 24 uperuisiotJ of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board \'01.. \YfL11ETTE, ILLJ).;OfS, Al.Cl'ST 2, 1929 (ltd _ , i"1' Wt'Cb remain in the summn playgrl ltltHI ::-l.:ason. August 17 ha~ htTtt alltHHlllct·d as closing- date oi t Itt· t lllt'l' playgrtHllld:- by Dir<'ctors J >a11ivl .\I. 1>;1.\-i:", 11i the PlaYI.!'rnund and l~trreation hoard. -. Dttring tltc rt·maining \\Tek~ mo~t oi tltt· arti\'it~· Pll thl' rarilHts grounds will ht· rt·lltt.·rcd in · handicraft \Y<.,rk in pn·paratitHl lnr the annual handirhaft exhibit wltirh will hl' held at a llKal store during th<' last week. A ne\\' prl,jl'ct. t'lltbruidery ,,· jt 1: yarn:-. will he intr,Hiurcd lll'~t week :llld pat tnth inr rc 1i11 purses. slwpping hags. and porkl'thllllks are ht.·ing dis trihutl'd to thl' rltildrl'll Ill ht· made and embroidered during tlte \\'t'l'k. Introduce Flower Making Flo\\'C'r making " ·ill alsu hl' intro tlun:d and childn·n undl'r 10 H'ars of ;t~l' \\·ifJ ·<ft.'\'O tl' lllll~t lli tht·i;· hanuicrait hour to making paper flowers for tltl' l'xhihit. 'l'ht' ,-illagl'-widl' ro11t t·~ t 111 l1cr:;e shol'~ will ;tl~n hl' an t'\'l' tll 11i next week and will takl' plarc at 10 n't:lock next Tursd;w mnr11ing at ths \ ' illagf! Crern. I·:ari1 playgwund will hl' al lowed t hrl'e en t ri l'S and t h t' rem t l' ·' t wil! he in singks thi~ n·ar in~tt· ad of doubles as in past yca~s. !"oap earring and \\'0_od caning haYe ht·en handicra it pruiet·b in tIll' past week and int cresting ex hi hits ni this craft will be shown h~· ea-ch playground at the exhibit. Beach Day Program Tilt' la~t wrckh· hearh d;n· \\·ill be held at 2 :30 n'clock next Fri<.laY afternnnn at the ht.·arh \\'IH'n the ~~~!lowing program will he gircn: ~ail boat contt.·:-.t. open: rra\\·l ~trnkc swim. boys 10 and under: rr;l\d stroke ;;wim. girls 10 and uncia: crawl stroke swim. hoY~ II. 12. · 13 Years: crawl stroh· S\\~im. gi rJ:.; 11. 12. 13 years; , raw! stroh· swim. h<lrs 14. 1S. 1() -Years· rrawl stroke ~\\'im. gi~ls 1-l. 15. 1() ~·cars; watt·r treading contest. girls unc(er 1(): di,·ing-, bon under Io: and di\·c for h: is~t·-.. ope.n. Village Green Wins Helen Followed Teacher's Sunz1ner Playground Tells How Br'er Rabbit Example Entirely Too Well Member ship Contest; Season to Close on ":'\ow <lo .iu!'t :t!' T do." saicl t E:'ac.:her, Outwitted Ole Br'er Fox 11tll'l\, h1 · t .. aching- I IL·kn I;orn Get Ice Cream Cones Saturday, Aug. 17 to tli\·,. and this is what hl' did. ;t:-; \\' : I H h11\\· ,\~ morning· thl ·l'P w : s a hu ~tlt- ancl llll stl t· to g-P! in tht' g-ym l.t c (': tu:-t · "~Ltltlllt.\"' was ~ocon to ht· th e r e. :\t 10 ::\n "'l'lud\ !oilW :tnin·cl. th Pn askf·rl tl~ to go "utsidt· lk! ' ;tll~o · sh1· lil\t ·cl to It'll s lt·rit ·S lwttt-r C)llt~itlo ·. ~l1· · t··ld li S :1 s tr·n· ··I' Itt·\\' llr' , .r 1-'t>X It i· ·d 111 c·:ttl'll Br'l'l' ·l: :tllllil lout lio ' noti\11 lito\. llr 't·r fo'pX II it·d Ill t il\' \\':l\':-- Iotti lit' t'olltld 11ot ,.;;t<'h llr't ·r J:ai,'!Jit . · Tit· · sttol'Y is aiHJUt tilt · :tllilllal !if,. in l{t·llllll'l\\' ~\- ht·n· :-;Ill' \'folllt'S fn·llL \\' t· t'XJl o l't to ~t ' l' lwr lll'XI \\'l·dtlt·sd;t~· rlll ·l'lli ! " :t t Ill :::11 ,,·,.J.,d< t" lt ·ll us alltolllt't' ston· uf Kt · lttlld\~· . - l:tttll ~:tlldt · J'stolt. t 't ·lltr;;} )ll:t~ ' gTtllllld . Last \\' t · tln· ·~clay h1· pt·r('lwd r··ady !'or his spri11g- hi s hantl fi t· \\' up tt · h1s nu:-:e and his fn·' hand strl'tl'lwd f1onvanl. J-l t> l e n \\':tklwcl d u:o; t·l~· a ~ lw took a "b e lly-flop" and canw 11p. lft·lt ·n todd him to watch ht-r. And this is what happt>nt ·cl. Slw \'l·r.\· vardully fo))tl\\'t·cl his instl'll!'tions allfl to11k a "ln·lly-tl··p" also. Bu ek !'aid th l' !lt·Xt tinw sht· llttppt·d likv that ho· wo>til<l (!llil lll'i llL:' IH·I' lt'a\'ht·l', that ~ht· wa~n·t a t·rt·clit t<J hi:-: tval'hing-. l·'lo rvnt ··· l~t·:ul , ( 't·tl,tra I. Offer Instruction in Golf for Ladies of the Village Tlw \ ' illagt · Gn: Pil ha~ itl\·itl'cl all latliPs 11f \\'ilmt'ltt · to r e('t' i\'l' instnwtiton in g11lf . for which a :-;mall vhargt· is m:tclt·. Tht·J't· :ll'\· ~f1 man,· IW\\'t 'O IIlt'I'S that th ~ d;lss lws lwt·n di\'icio·cl i11t11 t \\'to ~· ·l'tit·JJ". Tht·re i ~ :t ·laf's r.t.f t \\'l'llty frronl !I ::lO 1 11 Jo :::0 t~'\'lc w li: and a l~r llll tlw s:tllll ' l ~ll lll J,,.r in th·· st-roncl d:tss, whid1 i" fr,!ll 10 :;:o t·· 11 ::lO Cl'\'lc!l'l\. Tl11- \'las~ i ~ gr""·int:" and all!ltJ!'t t·\· t · r~· day tlltort · j11i11. Th e go\( inst rut'lul ' i ~ I'· II. ll :tn·t·r. a ))I'Of< ·S~i loll:tJ. J!rt!t 'l ' ~Jt· :tl\t·l', J( ll \\' ;t l'tl !-=dHJu l. Thursclay, .Tul~· 2i:i. tlw clirt·l'tol·s _nf tht · pl:tYgTIIlJIJ(lS }wlcl H llll't'tillg' ill \\:h!t ·h . \\'t · )\Itt :\\' wlH · ,,.,_, n in tlw nwmlwrsh1p di'I\'P. Tht· \'ill:tg·p <it'C'f' ll \\.:ls first with 1:i!l n 1. ,,. 1 n 1 · !111Jl'l'~ :tiHl 17!1 olr1 mt·mlwr~ . \ ";tltlll:tll \\':IS St·<'OIHI With ];);) nl'W lllt-'111Jwl' ~ :tn<l J)i6 111<1 11ll'll1hl·l's. t\·ntral wa ~ third. Tlw YillagP <in·t ·n c· hiltli 'P II \\"t'~'l' Y P ~T· \'t·r.'· g·lall . Yill;tgt· (; rvt·n n·<'<'l \'('s I L'l' l'rt ·;tll1 o·Oilt-'~ :tllcl \·:tttman . j)}:ty~J'()lJJ11] n ·t·l' i\'t>S lollipops . \\'t' an· pl:tlllllllt-:' tt· h<t\'1' IIIII' tn·:1t sonw \\'p dlw_sclay :tftvr lunr ·h fr·l' that is tlw rla;\' all hnng- lun('h e:-tr· tlw playgTotm<l .-- .Jnsl'!>hinl· ('osto, \'ill:tg<' (; n·i·n playg-rou ncl. - - - - - - -- J/ erna Discloses Interesting Tips on the Butterfly :-iottlt· t inw this lnrtt~:·rfly i~ <·:t llt·d tlw <'low~ecl :-iulphur . . lt :qlpt ·<ll'~ in th·· samt· nl:tt ·t·s a 11cl at thf' sa ll1l' t i rnt· pf tlw ypa r :t~ lhto c '\~tu<l · d Yt·llo\\'. But it is not qtlitt · :t~ l'fllllllH·II. Ytl\1 111:1 \' St·t· tt·ll Ill' I \\'l ·l \'o· ( 'l<oUrlt·cl Yl'!lco\\'s to one I' a!·.~ t ')t>tlllt-d \'t ·llfl\\', ' il il'h i~ aln111SI whit". :tiHl th· · hl:wl\ bonlt ·r ··n tht> li!JJ >P I' wings , itt~tt ·:t rl llf !wing n1· ;tr l)· tht· santt· wiclth all tlw \\·a~· :tl ong, is , . , . r~ · hn1atl at the [llJl :tlld \'o 'l'.\' n :t t'l'tl\\' al tht· ]lllt!Oill, l'\'Pll ill tlw m:tk. Tt i~ nl:tl'kt·tl with St'Yl'r<tl Tlli ~ lout tt·rfl . ' · is quil l· a ,\ 'l·llow SJio·t~. st'a~idt· ill:--··1 ·t and ~ ~·tnt · tinlt·s it i~ ~(·ton fluttt ·ring 1,,.,.1' th1· wan' s a lt·llg w;t~· out fro11J shon ·. Tht.· t':ttt·rpillar ,,f th o· l':tlt · l'lotHh·<l Yt·llc·W i:-; lolh't' J.!Tt't ·n i11 l'tolor. ~prinklt·d with ltlal'li: dots and· h:ts t wco ~· · · llco\\' litH:' ~ along- it~ IJ:t·l\ :ttlll r·n· · on t·:~t·h " idt· and it fPt·rls (ill do\'t ·l' a tHI t l't · ft~il ~. \ 't· rn:\ l·':t~· .\n ·hanltault. \ "ill:q.:.·· «;n·<·n. Village Green Wins Over Vattman in Kickball Tilt July 22, the Village Cret·n':tt·am play<·tl Yattman'~ first tt·am in ldd\lt:tll. Tlw fir " t inning- tht· sc·r1n' was 7 t o II in \ 'illag·t· Ct·et·n'::; favor . \VP pi:lYl·d :H \' :l ttllJ:tll playg-round. ,\t th e l'IHl lht· ~l'lll't· wa~ Li '" ::s in fa\'rtr of Yill:q.:· · fi r~t (; l't ·(·ll. ~lronclay, Mary Ann Witnesses Auto .Crash on Michigan Avenue ~undaY Wt· t··ok a wall\: on ~lkhig· an :t\'t· nue in <'hit·ag· ~~ ancl it sut·l'lr pron ·cl t11 IH · l'Xl ·itin;::. \\'e ~a\\' the autrorncoloilt:tcritlt-nt in which one· man was killl·<l and th; . girl ~~·ricJusly injurt-d wlwn to:<:--dl 1·11t rof tht · l'lllllhl t· f'eat of tht' ('ill' :lllcl lhl'ro\\' 11 itt(to :t \\'indow. \\·hit·h had g·to\\'11:-: 1111 displa~ ·: Tlw man \\'a:-- t:d,t ·ll t·· ;1 ht·!-=Pital ancl abcout an h<1lll' aftt·J',,.:tnls lw dil'cl. Tlli~ <tll lll'l'liiT!'<l <tt ;l iHollt 4 to't'l·wk in tilt· :tftt·l'll!·l·ll an<l it ~lll'PIY wa:-: .. xdtitlg·. :\!at')" :\nn ~Ikhdsi · ll, Yill:tgl' l;l'l·I ·IL \\'t' ;tl~o t1la~· t"fl thC' !'evotHl tC"rtm ··t' Yattma11 at Yillag-t> !;t'<· t·ll play·~r 'o liiH I. At th t' ('r,unh inning th<> ~ore was 11 t11 :H in \.iiagt· Cin· e n's fa \·or. Tlwn tlk l'hildrt':n r·( tht· Yattman playg-rouncl ~a i , l it wa~ tco11 hot to play. Tlwy :-;ai<l tlw~· quit. ~" W<· won. )lr~. F:tnddJoner \\'fts sr' h;q>p~· that !-=ho· gaY e thP :<l"t·c,JHl tf·am kt· <'l'l'alll <'llllt ·~. -H£.sSit · ('.,!-=llo, Yillag-t· {;n·· ·n playgrouncl. Central's "Six" Trounces Village Green Nine, 24-9 On .Tul~· ~;:;. C'entral playgrounrl playt' tl the \'ill;tgt.· Green. ( 't·ntral hnd ronly !'iX plnyers :tll<l Yillag·t· {jrt't-'11 hacl a whr·le t<' am. Tlw pl:t~'t' l'~ co( (~l·ntral 1.'-'P I't' as follow~ : .T:wk Allw··rth, r·atl'ht·r; Hobert Kiel, pitdwr: Hill .f(·nldnf-:, first base· : Dick l'rt·:-: ton . lflft fip}(J; Tom Finlayson, <'t'lltl'l' ti ... ld : ancl Fra l1 li: JrOOj)t'l' rig-ht fi!'\(1. J ~· 'hl'rt 1\:i· ·l hit thP (·nly lwnw run of tlw g-anw . Th1· g·amt· w:t~ \' t·r~· <·X<'iting-. 1 >il-l\ PrL·stun, t 't·ntrnl \\'r 1n 24 to !1. C'vntr:t I nlayg-rou11d. Marcia Takes Her Boating Se.riously at Lake Ripple \\'t·nt nut teo J.al, t· l~ipplt· f111' tl1l'e cla\'s. I hn<l lots ,,f fun. Tlw so·vollHl dav I ~\·: ts th l' l't· I lt·anH·d t11 row a hoat. ·1· likt·d tht · c···ttagt· \\'t· \\'l ·l't' in \'t · r~· llllll'h . I \\'t·nt ~\\'itnrning· ;11111 tht' \\':ttt·l' wa~..; :ts \\':tnn :t~ if a Jkt's"n \\'t' l'l' Ltki11g· a hath . Tlw 1l:ty I lt·arnt·d to l't,,,. a hc·al, that t·\·t·Jtillg· \\'t· ~nw ~r·m·· tisht·rmt·ll wh.·n I was rowillg' m:.· mothl·t· ill'I'C'~~ tht" laiH' . \\. ht·IJ I got h :t1·k I hacl 1'11\\'t·rl t·ig-ht tnilt·s :lltogt'tlwr. :\l:tn ·i;t ~mith, Yattman Jl:trk. Central Junior Nine Plays Two Games and Loses Both . (lUI' pla~·g rotlll<l h;ts r·t·ganiZl'cl its .Junit ·l' lt·n m. The lilll ' ll!l is a:-: ftdll·\Y~ : pit1 ·ht ·r , :llHI f':1ptain. \\.:tltt-1' \'toll l~t · in, :-:JH·rg: c:1 tdwr, Frank t:ro;ttl: fir~t IJa~.- man. I lil'l.; Kt'tlt; ~<·t·ron<l l.a~t:·ltl:lll , llrdt ~lt · h:: a": thinl h:ts ... man. t 'harh· ~ K1 ·11t: ~h .. rt ·:-- t11p, .\lbt·rt <'a l'JW11tt·r; right ti .. lcl, t 'li11(11n I 'ili'Jll·lltl'l': ldt fit·l<l. Bill Lv:tr.\·. :tllcl t't·JJtl·r fil'ld, l.1111i~ ~lt'll'hior. \\' t· i1a , .,. Jwcl two g:tlllP~ :tncl lo:-:t h<·lil 11f t ht ·IIL Lt · tli~ :\ll"khi111', ( 't·nt ra I. Summer Classes Over for Pupils in Local Schools Vattman Nine Bows Thrice in Row to Central Outfit "',. h:t\'t' pJa~· l·<l thrPt J.,.tllW~ With \ "attnlatl and h :t\·, . wcon :ill uf them. The la:-t l!anw wt · pl:tyt ·cl w:ts fl\'t ·r :tt Ynttmall \\'o · tllll'~tl:t~· . .lui~· :!:;, " 't' Wo1n the ~am, · -tl t~> :!!1 . 'Tilt· nlt-mht · t·~ of (lllr l«>:un w..r·,. as f~tllt ow:- : c·;tll-ht·l·. :!\Tat·y Alit··· I fay, ·~: tlitl'llt-1', l~uth ~olomon': fit'!-lt l1a:-o ·, Flort ·Jln· l!o·;lll: :<t·<···rHl bn. f', Katlwrint· Hir111ingham : thin! lta:-:t· , Ct·ett> , ·on l~· · inspt'rg-: right ~hort ~t11p . Patsy Butlt·r: ldt ~hr·rt !'top, Elt>:liH·I' nurpep; l'i~ht fi.-lcl. l'hylli~ <'ar)pton: <'o·lllt-1' fh·ltl, El~w , ·r· n ht·illsJki'J.!', ancl lt>ft fiPI<l, Ruth ~anrlt·r~orL \\.t· h:t\'t· nth' l!lol'l' g-amt~ with \'attm:111 . · :\Tat·;\· :\lin· ll a \'l·s. l't:ntral i)l:t yg-mund. . A noo·s I.IFF. I arn n \'t>ry t·urious dllg-. \\'hf>n a stntng-1·r is in si~ht l'd likl· to take a littl1· bitt> of him l·ut mv ma:-;t~"t' hold:<: nw IJal'k with all his might. Th~"Y g-h·<· tnt· !Jiscuit~ . which T don't likt·. A lJonP is m~· fa\'oritt> clish. but dt>ariP nw. wlwn Friday <'limes tlwn tlwy gh·t· llh· fish. Tlwy kt·pp tnt> in a littlt> yat·rl, harrlly room to run and jump and won't lt't me out for fl'ar that I'll get !J umped . One day tb(' mall man was coming d?wn tht' strN~t. Of course 1 didn't like hun bP<'ause hi!-! namt· was Pt>tt>.Gladys Schmidt. Vattman park . It is tlw la:;;t (lay nf Slimmer :--vho(ll. It is a g-]nom~r da;\-. The clas~ in surnrtll'l' sdJtoo) . now i~ " " rv small. ..As tlw \\'t ' t·k~ p.tS:.-it·\1 tilt' cJa;~ gTt'\\' !'111<1 IJt.r. .-\t tht· fir~: t flaY 11f sumnwr ~··hnol Wt· h:tr1 a da~s pf 1!l. - Thfl t·ighth grade wor!<t' rl 1111 tlwit· drill hooks whill· the sen·nth gr:ult> did otlwr wor·k in a ri t hmet ic. 'fht· t·ig-hth gT:tdt' S \\'t' l't'· tolcl to mnkC' UJ) tlw Y .\T 'Df.\'X ~E~IOHS WIX prohh-ms tht·~· mis!-=t.·<l. Then we had ~nlln Ynt tman seni<·l' boy~ \\'!Ill a playgTcouiHl ma r·. ~Jwlli11g· ancl L'Unent C\"('11ts. ,\.t· lmll g·amt· Thursday, .Jul~· lR. The l111~- ~ <t bo \\Tott> for tlw .Tuniot· Lift>, whkh of tlw Yattman ]):ll'k had a haH·hall lwlpt ·d out· litt·t·ntun· .t.~Taclt·.-Ernt·st Hos- g:tmt· with thP Yillng·~" (';n·t·n at Yattmall \\'t·cltk~clav. .July 24, a · colored tn·m. l'ighth ~raclt· !Inward . nark. :\lr~. C'alrlwt>ll \\'as tlw St'lll'f' ":\ lamm~·" (::llllt to Yattman from Kt·nk<·t>JH'l' and l!ich anl l!twk tlw umnin·. .-\ t tl.l<'kY. :-ilw told u~ ~tories ahout Ht·'pr \ '.\T 'DI.\.:\" HOWXS YIJ.I.. \ta: (;HEEX tht· t·JHl (,j' tlw SP\'f'llth inning· tJie SCOI't' Hahbit :lllcl Tir·'e1· Fox and sh(· is c·omingwns 2~ to :~ in faynr of tlw Yattmnn next Wt>~>l< to tell us about Tar Bahy. Thursday, .July lS. Yattman played the A mnn t·ame from the Chicago .Tribune Yillag·l' Grt>t>ll in playg-rouncl ball and p:trk .-nlaclys Svhmidt, \'attman park. <1nrl took a picture of "Mammy" and thl· \\·on. Tht· batteries for Yattman wen' lll'~H ll . \~KE'I' JL\liiX(: ch ildrt-n. Ellt'n Jean Torrey, Vattman Fo!-=lund :111<1 H:1as; for tlw Village Gret' n. :\Tr~. Fanckboner told U!' that W(· shnu ld park. l{t'fot·y and Borre. In tht' first i11ning· work very hn rd on our basi< ts this week. F'oslund hit a honw run with the bases loadt>d which g-n Ye Yattman an early )pad for they should bt> finished at the end YISITS SKY HA UHOTt OYt:>r the Gret:>n. The game lasted seven ~f the Wfek. Every body is busy work'Ve w e ut out to Sky Harbor two tinw1<. Some are It i::; Yery int('resting-, especially the arnw inning-s. Vattman \\'on hy a scort> of 21 mg- on their baskets today. almost finished. Others are far from p];uws that did stunts on Saturday, .July ttl :l.-Jad< Stt>in. Vattman playground. the finishing touch. Those who have not 17, when it op('ned. It is on Dundee road. made baskets are making- napkin rings It is Hll light('d up at night and a. Yery SUCCESSFVL RECORD anrl pil'ture frnmes.-Doris Stanco, Vil- preUy l-iight.-Randolph McCandlish, Va.ri'fhl· kickball tf'am of th(' Villag-e Gt·e('n lage Gre('n playground. mrrn playground. pla~round has been successful. Monday .July ~2. the score of the first team wa~ CLASSES REDl 1 C}:O l,RO(i ILUIS INTERES'rJNG 15 to 3R in Villa~e Green's fa\'Or. The When summer school started we had There is something different every rlay s('ore of the second team was 11 to 34 in nineteen pupils altogether in seventh and on the Yattman playground and we have \illage Gr('('n's favor. Both teams played eighth grades. But ~orne of them only the bestest. time ev~ry day. "Mammy" \ attman park. I hop we win many morf' went four weeks. Now at the end of ~amt·s before the playground season is summer school we only have four seventh tell~ the mcest stones .and we like her and our ~eacher: Mrs. Caldwell, so much. o\·er.-:\Jargaret Schmitz, Village Green graders and three eighth graders-- -Jacqueline MIChelsen, Vattman playplayground. Daniel Cassell, Howard. · ground. \\'1· bn<l a ~and mod(' ling- eontest of our r1\\'ll toda~· at 111 ::HI ;tncl tlw judg-t·s jul1g-t><l a~-; follows: Yirg-inia Crcfln. fir~t. ~lw Tlltil':<d:l\', JulY 1:-.. thl' .Juni"r '"'":-: of mach· a d\\'arf. Ot'rHlclin e llnffman won tlw \'ill:lg·,. (;n .'t· ll and of tho· \':lt.ttn a n seeoncl. She mncle an ln<linn h e ad . .Jarw 'l'hv g·anw Brandt won third. pari.; h:ttl a ba!'it' ball g-anw. Slw ah;o madt> an \\'a:-; n ·n · t·xl'ititlg·. :\Irs. ('aldwdl wa:-- tht' Indian h c acl. ~Tary ,\.bite ~ot honorablt· ~· t·t~J't ' li:t 'l'Pt·l' fnt· about half 11f tlw gamt· 1111'111 itJll. ~11C' maclP the aiq)ort an<l anil Cl:t<l~ · ~ .-\m t·!' tlw n ·~ t. .\t th1· qHl Edith Hrnn<lt got honorable m 'lltioll . of tilt' se\'t·nth inning- th t· SC'on· was 7 'l'h<·r·t-- \\'t· t' v mn ny ·other desig·ns. - I..oret ta teo ,, in f:t\'ol' of the \'i!Jag·t· t;rt·v n. Stt>fft·n:-:. \'attman park. t;lad;\'S ~ l' hmidt. \'attman pari\ . Village Green Nine Wins Tilt With Vattman Park Virginia Green Wins 1st Place in Sand Modeling "Mammy" to Tell Story of "Tar Baby" Next Week

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