32 WILMETTE LIFE August 2. 1929 Liegl, flute; Alfred Barthel, oboe; Hugo Fox, bassoon; Pellegrino Leece, horn: Clarence Evans, viola; Francesco . Napolilli, English horn and Gustav . Stange, trombone. There will be no charge for reserved seats at this concert the general admission at the gate coY~ring everything. "Cannen" Next Monday I . Sunday mght, August 4, B' 1zct ' s "C armen" \Yill ·be presented for tbe first time thi s season with Mn~e. In~ BourskaYa ca t a . the altunng . c1g~rette girl and with Giovanni ~{~artm.elh opposite her as Don Jo~c. 1 he t1~le role of this Bizet opera ts well .smted to Mme. Bour skava, long regarded as 0~1e of opera's most brilliant actresses, wh.1le Ur. Martinelli has every opportumty as the heroic .T ose who wa s driven to ruin. bv the charms of the gypsy. Mme. Lola :Monti-Corsev wilt make her R~ vinia rebut as }.fichacla and Mano Basiola will he Escamillo, the toreador. Others in the cast arc 1-1 iss Maxwell. Miss Swarthout, Mr. Cehanovskv. 11 r. D'Angelo, Mr. Oliviero and ~!iss Page. ~f r . Hasselmans will conduct. That classic of the Ravinia repertoire, "I 'Amore dei Trc l{e" will be given a rc~)eat performance on Monday nig.h!, August 5, \\·ith the same cast whtch has made this monumental work one of the favorites of all }{a vinia patrons. ~{me . Bori will be heard as Fiora, a role in which. she is inimitable. while Edward ] ohnson will be opposite her as Avito. Giuseppe Danise will be hear as Manfredo and Virgilio Lazzari will again be Archibaldo, the blind king. ~1iss Falco and Mr. Paltrinieri will complete the cast and Mr. Papi will conduct. 44 La T osca" W ec:lnesday Tuesday night, Augu st 6, "La Campana Sommersa" will be given \Vith Mme. Rethbcrg, Mr. Martinelli and the cast detailed above, and \Vednesdav night, August 7, "La Tosca" will be the offering with Mme. Yvonne Gall in the name part, with Ed,,·ard Johnson appearing this time as Cavarado s ~i. Giuseppe Danise as Scarpia and Vit torio Trc,·isan as the Sacristan. Others in the ca:-t are Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Paltrinieri and ~fr. Ananian. ~1r. Papi will conduct. Thursday night, August X, "The Tak:-. of Hoffman," perhaps the mo. t fantastic opera of the repertoire, will he giYen its first presentation of the season. ~fario Chamlee will be heard as the poet Hoffman, while the many other characters that parade the scene as the . t9ries of this oper;J. are unfolded wlll he distributed among such Ravinia favorites as ~1iss Florence Macbeth. 11mc. Ina Dourskaya, 11iss Glady · S\Yarthout. Leon Hothicr, Giordann Paltrinieri, :\lario Basiola, Desire Dcfrere, George Cehanovsky, Louis D'Ang<:lo and Lodovico Oliviero. Louis Hasselmans will conduct. The presentation of "The Tales of Hoffman" on Thursday night, will mark a revival of this work which has not been prc"cnted at RaYinia since seasor\ before last. Frida\· night. August 9, that famou~ double hill. "The Secret of Suzanne" and "La Vida Breve," with ~1 me B0ri appearing in the name part of the former , op<:ra . and again be ing heard as Salll(l 111 "La Vida Breve"' will . again he the offering at Ra\'inia. The fact that one prima don :la app<'ar . Ill the leading roles ...~ i two operas on the sam<: en·ning. has been arclaime<l as an out standing Ravinia accomplishment and has created Ull!,!."Ual interest amon~ opera-gocrs. "The Secret of Suzanne-;, and "La Vida Breve" arc as differe11t as it is possible for t\\·o opcras to he. and provide an unusual stuclv in contrast .. Armand Tokat~·an will appear ?PPOstte Mme. Bori in both works, bcmg the Count Gil in "The Secret of S~tzanne" an( Paco in "La Vida Breve." GIOrdano Paltrinieri will be Sante. the dumb servant in "The Secret of Suzanne" and Mr. Papi will conduct this work. "SUNKEN BELL" NEXT BIG RAVINIA NOVELTY (Continued from page 31) comes the tolling of the sunken bep. This awaken Heinrich to his senses. 1n anger he abjures his love for Rautendclein and flees into the night. Rautcndelein. driven to distraction. · descends into the water and weds Nickelman. But Heinrich cannot live without her and begins a search ·w hich is all in vain. At last he appeals to Rautendclein's grandmother, who g-rants him one favor, and this to see J{autendclein before he dies. She ·appears to him worn and sorrowful and reproaches him for having driven her into a union with Nickelm.a n. Howcn~ r. as Heinrich dies. she kisses him tenderly and forgives him. Large Cast This op<:ra in which all that is fa.lciful and mystic pla~· s so important a part, has been gi,·en an elaborate inYestiture in kcepin~ with the spirit of its story. The cast is unusually large and in addition to ~fmc. Rethbcrg and Mr. Martinelli. includes ~[r. Basiola. Mme. Claussen, Miss Maxwell, Mme. .Monti-Gorscy, ~1 iss S\\·arthout. Miss Falco, Mr. Lazzari, Mr. D'Angelo, :Mr. Paltrinieri and ~{ r. OliYiero. Gennaro Papi will conduct. Ravinia's seventh week will open Sunday afternoon, August 4, with "An Afternoon of Solo Numbers In· ~!em bers of the Orchestra." The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Eric DcLamarter, will present four ensemble numbers and the re-· mainder of the program will be devoted to solos hv Jacques Gordon, violin; Alfred \ v'allenstein, 'Cello; Joscph Vito, harp; Ed\\·ard Llewllyn, trumpet: Robert Lindemann, clarinet; Ernest Eyes That Charm The only glasses that do not detract from the beauty of a woman's eyes-are rimless. That's why women, by the thousands, have disca~ded heavy shell rimmed glasses. See the Puntan, the Colonial, ~nd other rimless shapes with their s~art white gold mountings in any of the Almer Coe Stores. For those w~o require rims, a wide selection of finely Jesigned white gold rimmed frames are available. AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians Orrington at CAurci 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ... soothin1 to eyes Swimming, motoring and other outdoor activities often cause even the strongest eyes to burn and become bloodshot. When this occurs, apply a few drops of soothing, cooling MURINE. Almost instantly the burning sensation will disappear, and before long your eyes will be clear and bright again. Millions of bottles of MURINE are used each year to soothe and beautify eyes. Many persons make a practice of cleansing their eyes with it daily. A month's supply coats but 60c. Learn ita benefits!