Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE August 2. 1929 Golf Is POpular Summer Sport of North Shore Women Mcs.' D. T. Bjork Wins · F rancoeur-S pencer Trophy for July at Wedding Solemnized Wilmette Golf Club ·SatQrday Evening I, The coral, yellow and pink shades uf gladioli proved a delicate color scheme at the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Francoeur of Glencoe and Charles Dee Spencer. son of C. C. Spencer of Glencoe. which wa s solemnized at the Glencoe Cnion church, Saturday evening, julv 27, with Dr. Douglas H. Conwll performing the ceremony. Mrs . Dwight C. Orcutt organist play ed preceding and rlurinl.! the service. The bride's gown o f ivory satin was fashioned with the uneven hem line, the ~ca lloped skirt, and a deep lace bertha. The white tulle veil was \\'Orn in a cap · effect and caught with a \\'reath of orange blossoms. The bride was attended by her sister, M r ~ . George JI. Littell. of Evan 'itllll, as matron of honor, who wore a ~~own of deep pink chitTnJl. and carried a floral bouquet of gladioli anrl rose s. The bridesmaid s. \\'ho were \1 i.;s Martha Anne \Vilson, of Danville. fll.. maid of honor. Mrs . Francis \ \' . \f ajor (Giacivs Mnri ck) of Evanston. Mi"~ Edith Trelean~ n of Oak Park. awl \1iss DorothY Custer of h ·anston. who \\·o re g-mvn~ of ,·ellow and coral chiiion. TheY carried large ' floral bouquet s of vellov>' gladioli and ros es . anrl pink .glad1oli and rnses . .:specti,·eh ·. Two small nicL es oi the grolllll, Rose ~toetzl·l oi Clencoc and Beth· Lou 1fartman of Rnrhc:-tl'r. X . Y .. tln\\'cr !.!iris worl' frocks oi n·lluw ancl pink rhitTon and carril'<l hash·ts 11i rtlse petals. ~~ r. Spcncl·r ,,· a~ attcndl'd 1"· Tlwtras T. \t ontl!ill1JLT\. ui Chil·ago as b ·st ;nan. '"hile the . ushers indu<lcd Robert ~;trauh of Chicagn, David Fo:-: of \\'innetka. J~i chard ~pt· nct·r lli l{ochester. ~ . Y.. a h r ll t h e r ; a n d C l' ' >r g l' II. Lit tl·ll oi E\'anston. A small rereption \vas hcl<t after thr ccremnn,· at tlw hl,ntc L f the hridl"s parents, \fr. and \t r s. J. Alfred Fr:ttll'tll'ttr. <).f! FlH.l':-> t ar ' nue. Cktlr<>l'. The hridl' and l!flllHil, \\lin :ue nnw on a tl lll t< lr trip, " ·ill make their home at R30 \\ .as hin .~ton :-; trt·et, F.nn!:otnn. 1111 t hl·i r rd urn . Fairies, Elves and Betrothed Woodland Creatures Frolic at Pageant By Jane Arnt Like the wicked fairy in the s tory of the Sleeping Beauty, the. ,,·eather man stormed into the ~tdsumt~cr Frolic planned by the Natwnal Kmdergarten and Elementary college _f(~r last · \Vednesday afternoon at Cratgte Lea. Glencoe. No one had . count~d on having- the weather ;nan show a cbsplay of tem1)er. and perhap~ h.e ~elt disg-runtled because of an !nv1tat10n improperly worded. Suffice tt to sa:v that after the frolic had gotten unrl er \YaY he thundered into th e party, sending the children off in s hriek~" and the g-ro\\'n-ups in exclamations ot surprise. The afternoon program began iti fair weather with a recording of "T he Birds' Greeting," in which the hids piped merr\ wel~omes to the large crowd of adults and children clustered around the "stage." Students of the college then appeared as fairies. dancing around a magic ring the\' made on the la\\·n. fluttering colorful scan~s. Putt in.g hunch es of carrots around the ring. thev lured the slw bunnies fn~m their retreat s. The "bunnies," wtth cnmicallv sobe r faces, r olled on the lawn, capered \\·ith the carrots. <HHl bo\\'ed to the children, who squea led \\'ith delight. A~)l)fnpriate dann. ·s ,,·ere p)a,·ed fnr e\'en- num be r h\· the clcctrolas. Then cam e the "chi ldr en" carn·inl! !\fa\' baskets. The,· were studen ts, ,,·ho shmH·d son1e of the partner dances tau ght in kinderl!art etls. The real childr en in the audien ce s l'l' n1 c d to l' n i o \' t h is. her au s c ni ll s t n f them knnr the dances . Tn the rh\·th m nf a tnm -tlllll, T ttdian braves camr stalkin g int o thr srr ne, " ·hilc a r<'cording of an Indian ~ntttr \\'as he · rei . The warriors in a lin e. lookinl! t.rrim. and at the clo se of the SOn(! the\· \\'atLhed t\\'0 of th eir lltllll hcr in a dance . Bright red and Yl'llO\\. hlan krto; \\·a \'eel wildh· a" the Tndian.., did the intri cate step.;. Th r chi ldn·n jum!>cd un and drH\'11 \\·i th jm·. and \\·att'hecl \\'ith shinin Q e\TS. ,,.a'!l!'illl.!' their heacl s in rhYthm . ft \\·a.; here th;tt the rain de sce nd ed in tn:- rent=-. \\·ith sca rcelv any warning, and thn:-l' \\'lw di<i not. take rdut.re undn tn"':' and rul.!s cla shed for th ei r autn 11lllhill'~ -and home. After th e st,lrt ll, an attempt was made to continue the nrol.!r:-tm. hut heca,, e .of wet \\'ires there could l1e no mu sic. The final nnmher wa s given. in which all thl' characters-the gran~ rahhit s. th e :-~tern-faced Tndians. damp but hap p,· eh·es in green garh. and fairies ;n :;n mewhat bedraggled dress . ma(lc a charming pattern in mo\'ing colnr as t hn· s kipperl about and \\·a \'eel a gay hut apologetic goodln·e. The pag-eant wa s gin:n at the home of !\lr:-~ . Andrew 1fa cLei sh under the auspices of the SeYeral ocpartments (ll art. literature and music of the cnlleC!'e. So excellen were the numbers given. th:-tt one coulrl not help feelin~ thoroul!hh· di . appointed unnn hcinl{ denri\·efl of the last half of the rrngr 1111 . Tn sp ite of the fact that the rain did not in'tpnwe the appearance of the clothes of the auciience. tho'ie who remainerl were smiling undtr the man\· imorovised and inadefluate shelters. \\'ho wouldn't, after having met some of the woodland folk in an enchanted fairv ring? The members By Vtr.t McDermid :t\ot all the women of the north shore han~ d · . ~ t'rtcd their respective villages for the ~ea sho re ' or the moun tains; there are many remaining here tor the summ er and a large nmnhl'r of the se arc spe nding the sunny day s on the golf course. The incrt·ase in th e number oi women's golf en:nts at the o utlying country cluhs more than prove the popu larit v llf that sport among the fair sex. - lla11tlicap matches and foursomes are being played daily, as well as matche . for cluh championships, tro phies and small prizes. At Skokie Country club today the women members play the qualifying round for the August trophy, which will he presented by Mrs . Bas sett. They play for the best score. on en. · n holl·s with one-half handicap. On Friday, :\ugust 9, . they will play for low gross and low net with putts on eighteen holes. At 2 o·clock in the afternoon there will be a discussion of goli rull's for the championship tournaml'nt tn hl' played Friday, August lf1. These rules will be taken from the l'n it ed Sta tl' s ( ~ol i association rules nf match play. On this day the ml'mhers will start out at ~ o·clock in the mormng 111 the rluh championship qualifying round . There will be L·ight in each flight .to qualify, and the matche~ must ht' played off during the following week before Friday.. :\ t !. o'clock of tht' saml.' daY the d~i,· ing contests will ht' hdd aiso in f1ights. 011 FridaY . .-\ugust !.3. tiH· llll'lllhcrs will play i:,r the be st ~cnn· nn od<l hnle s with t~tw - hali handicap . )11\·ita tilm (~uc~t daY " ·ill he hl·ld on Friday. :\ugust 30. 'hu: re "ill be a t1r st and second blind hugcy l'H'nt fl)r gttl·s ts. and a first a.JHl sernnd blind hngt·y L'\·cnt iPr members, which are to be played ofT in thl' lllllrtling. In thl' afternoon there will he a hc~t hall fnu-;~<111lt' on . t·cond nitll' IHlk~ . \I r:-. 11orton Jlephurn ni 1-\. cnihn 1rt h i~ chairman oi the \\'Otllcn's golf l'\'l'llb . In t h c fi n a Is this \\' e e k f n r t h l' 1{ n s eman trophy at the \\'ilmettt' C oif club. Mrs . G. L. \tartin plays \Irs. Dan Comstnrk. Tht' witlller in the .1uly handicap trophy . tht· finals for " ·hirh were played b~t \\ eek. \\as ~~ rs . I );1\·id T. Bjl1rk ni \Yilml'ttl'. ·wllll dl'icatc<l ~frs. ]. T . Da\'i ~. ~fcmiH:r:-; at \\·est moreland l\1unt ry club will start next week ttl play for the club championship, and 'ior which they will continm· to play through Augu~t until the f1r st t)f September. :\ t \\ u hall four some \\'ill he played toda\'. Thl' handicap match which was heg~n on July lY ,,·ill continUL' until August 17. Ladies· Day is on Friday and ~pl'cial buffet lunches arc sened. :\ special guest day for members of other cl ths \\·as held on Friday L)f last week. Prngrt s~ i,·e bridge is played on Saturda\' aftl'rnoons with wceklv prizt:s. . \f rs . Rurt Ste\'ens is card chairman, \f r :-~. Cia \'ton ~~ itchcll. chairman of thl' goli C\'L:nts . . ~ nd \Ir . Frank M. Schiehlc. get.eral chairman. All arc of E\'anstnn . Next \\'l' dnesday the players at the Illinois Coli club will play the quali iying round for the club championship for la<iil' .. Guest day is \\·edneulay, and there are gnlf e~·ent and prizes for both mem hers and guests. A buffet luncheon is !'><:ned. Evcrv other Sundav afternoon there are - mixed fourso~ne . Saturdav afternoon is bridge day, and meml;ers are now playing in the t urnaml'nt . At the end of the season there will be about s1x prizes for the six high scorers. . .... Announcement ui the engagement uf \1 iss Laura Lue bkc of Glencoe t o Donald Russelt Browning of \Vinnetka was made on \Vednesday, J ulr 17 at a tea dance at the Kildeer Countn' club. The announcement \\·as made in an unu sually attractive manner. \\"hen all the guests · had arrived balloons , on \\ hich \\'ere attached small pink hL·arts \rith th e \\'ritten name s of .Miss Luebke and 11 r. Browning, and \\'hich \\'ere caught at the ceiling, were rl'leased and tloated anwng the gues ts. ).{i ss Lu e hke. \\·ho is the dattl.!hter o t' ~Ir . and \lr ::;. 11 arr\· J. Luebke of 328 Hazel avenue, graduated from i\e\\' Trier High :-;chnol in 1027, and ha s si nc e attended 0,1..!ontz sc hoLII. from \\'hich she \\'ill he graduated next \'ear . \[r. Bro\\'ning is tilt· ~(\Jl 1li :\t r. atHI ~[ rs. Ho,· H. lh cl\nti ng. 1!.3 1J l'htTn· str e1 t. ll c attt·mkd ~llrtll\re:-tnn uni- Announce Marriage Miss McWhinney to M aery ).f r. and :\1 rs. \\.i lhur C. ClnYer ui George Hannah on Aug. 1 0 1!.-+0 Forest avenue. \\' ilmettc announcl' \1 i ~s \ \ ' ilma \t r \ \ .h innev. daught er oi ~tr . and ~Irs. \\'illiam \V . ~1c 'X hin tll'\' oi \'alparaisn, lnd., \\·ill be married ~aturda,· l'\'Cning, August 10 tl) CL'l)rge C. Hanna h. snn ()f ~-~ r. and ~1 rs. Gordon 1[annah of 1120 Elm\\'on d a\·enue. \\'ilmdtr. at the First 'M ethodist Epi scopal church. Yalparaisn. \Iiss 1Ic\\' hinney has chosen for her attendants, Mi ss Flore nce Klep pinger of Chicago, maid of hnnor, ~1 iss Autum Barthnlnme\\' ni \'alpar·aisn. hridl'smaid. and little Janet Take oi \ ·a lparaiso. niece ni \liss ~lc\\'hin nC\'. Ao\\'er girl. n~: ~ t man inr ~fr. Ilannah \\'ill h~ Frank Miller nf Tlil.!hland Park. Tile ushers \\'ill include \\.illiam George nf Chira~~~) and ~1 iltl)n Takt· oi Valparaiso. Bllth ~[iss ).f c\\.hinne\' and Mr. Hannah attended the l'ni\'ersih of Tltillllis. wht·rL· the inrmer is a member ui Pi HL'ta Phi snwrih·. and thl' latt'er a member oi Phi Kappa Sigma £raternit\·. \f r. and \f rs. F<l\\'ard :\ndrews of \\'innetka were host and hostess at a dinner recentlY in honor of \!iss \fc\\'hinnt'Y and ·\fr. Hannah. \fiss \'i~ginia Hannah and \[iss \farion Blain of Chicago entertained at a bridge luncheon and hosiery shn\\'er at the former's home, 1120 Elmwood an~nue. on Tuesday of last week. in honor of Miss McWhinney. the marriage of their dau . l !hter, 11ary Durotll\·, to H.o\· \\.illiam Thiel, ~nn ui :\I r. and \f r s. Paul Thiel ~lf Foncl du Lac. \\'is. Bllth :\1 r. an<l \Irs. Thil'l attended th e 'Cnivcrsit\· oi \\'iscunsin. where the former \Iiss Clo\'cr \\'a~ a member nf the Alpha Xi Delta sn rllritv and '\f r. Thiel of the Phi D elta Phi. the Phi Kappa Sigma, and th.L' Scabbard and Blade fraternities. They \\'ill make their hQ.Jne 1n Fond du Lac, \ \ ' isconsin. Marriage Announced ).! r. and ~[rs. Trumbull Backus, formerlv of Kenilworth and now of Hamilton, Ohio, ha,·e sent out cards announcing the marria.:;re of their daughter. Theresa. tn lohn Cah·in Slade of ~ladehurst, Ohio: on Saturdav afternoon. July 27. The \\'edding wa· a very .mall affair at the home of her parents, \{r. and 1frs. Bacus, only a few friends and relati\'es attending. After a trip east Mr. and Mrs. Slade will be at home at Sladehurst. 11 r. and Mrs. C. F. Keiser and their daughter. Florence, from Danville, Ill., were the h_ o use guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Leeman, 1004 Lake avenue, this week. Mrs. Howard F. Spurgeon of 1038 Bluff road, Glencoe, entertained with a luncheon and bridge on Tuesday at the Shawnee Country club in hun or of Mrs. Keiser. o: the Eastern Star 1nd their families and friends will hold a picnic at the Skelto:1-Humphreys cal]1.n at Deer Grove near Palatine on Saturday. August 3. Guests are renuested to bring their own lunches. [f further. information is desired the members may telephone Mrs. August \{eyers, Wilmette 942}.

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