Au~us.t 2. 1929 WILMETTE . LIFE 25 Sat~ays at 6 P. M. ,. LVAN5TON We've Replenished ·Stocks Again! Sun back Swimming Suits! They ' re hard to keep in stock -the demand 's so great. But here you'll .find plenty of deep -cut Gantner suits -the kind with the elastic waistband that gives you greatest · swimming freedom. In black , sailor blue, emerald or red-- perfectly plain and perfectly smart. $5 .95. One-piece suits with broad : striped tops and plain trunks tn black- and - white, orange -and -blue, orange-andblack, green-and-white, and green -and-yellow. $5 .95. 1 hcsc are not sunbacks. Lord's- First Floor Handkerchief CLEARANCE! The handkerchiefs listed are pure linen, except where they have been described . otherwi~e. Each group (excepting the all-whtte) are tn assorted colors. 35c. Handkerchiefs, 18c. W(lite- with initials. Another. .l~t with colored borders and initials . Others, not tntttalled, have smart colored bands. 50c. Handkerchiefs, 25.c. A large lot of French handkerchiefs with hand -roiled hems and hand -embroidered initials. 75c. Handkerchiefs, 50c. · Boys' Two--Piece Bathing Suits n. Smooth, even weave Well- reinforced at Snappy blue trunks and white . shirts--each $1.95and a white webbing belt at 3 5c makes an inexpensive and good-looking swimming outfit. Lord's-Boys' Section Block-printed in solid color, with a .white .b~~d in which appears a two-tone hand-embrotdcred tntttal to match the handkerchief's color. $1 Sport Handkerchiefs, 50c. Extra-fine French linen-imported. stripes of color on white. Lord's-First Floor With bars and Summer Sweaters Reduced to rr da pekin~ vith a narrow lisle weltlnts. )r the business woman and e wear. $3.95 $5 values $4.95 $6.50 values ring . White .. Light Blonde, Light colors. 1' ~~·~~~~~~~~~ s-FJ Floor First Floor ·------Lo_r_d'_s--s_e-co_n_d_F_ro_o_r- - - - ·· -~-~ II