24 WILMETTE LlFE August 2, 1929 St~re Closes Sat~~) .Continuing- The· Apparel Clearance $15 and $17.50 Silk Dresses, $9.95 ·Sports frocks-afternoon dresses·-street dresses. Some sleeveless-some with sleeves. Broken assortments of sizes and ·m odels-but excellent values . fOVNTAIN $25 Dresses Reduced to $16.95 Chiffons and printed crepes-some plain-colored flat crepes. limited assortments. Sizes to 44- -~- -~ 11~ ASaleof i =--===----- --===-~-..:::.--- -- $69.50 to $85 Coats at $55 Fur-trimmed models. Broken sizes and colors. Lord's--Second Floor Unusual bargains! $I. s - ·- Lightweight S . -- erVJce -: : Semi- Precious Jewelry To Clear HALf Price at About The very pieces you have admired and wanted may be left and included in this remarkable sale. It is a marvelous opportunity to get exquisitely-fashioned pieces at very little! Here are a few of the items; only one and two of a kind : 'S18.)o Whitby $ 14 Jl't = Bracelet, $ro Cuneli;m Brooch. S I o S 1 o Crystal Pendant . S5 $r6 .5o Carnelian Earrings. $9 and Marcasite $ 2 r; S.1pphirc* -Jnd- M.ucl'iitc . Brooch . $ 1 8 ':>:; Blue .Crystals. $2 . 5o S 7. 5o '!) S I o Rhinest nc Bracelet. $5 Choker, S4 Chromium Bracelet. $2 $2.25 \\'hite Gold Pin. Sr Gold-Finished $8 Pearl *-.1nd -L1pis Brooch . $4 $25 Cameo Brooch, $ 1 5 3. 7 5 2 $I5 Mesh Neck!Jccs, $7.50 $6.50 B.1kelite I'\eck!Jce . $3.50 $3 Pc.ul * Choker. 1. 5o ·s2 and $3 Enamelled Pins , price I , $ r; Sterling Pins. $3 $5 White Gold Filigree Brooch, $3 $r2.so Pcacock's-Erc and Silver Ring, $7 S 4 . 5o 2.50 $6 \Vhitc Gold Brooch. $3 $ 1 2. 7 5 Aquamarine -a nd -Pearl* Pendant , $7 Tortoise -Shell Earrings. $5 \\' hitc Gold Brooch, $2 .50 *Simulated $7. t; o 6o $}.95· inch Sih·er Chain, Children 's $5 Bracelets, $3 $5 Novelty Bracelets, $3 *Simulated $I o Lapis Ring. $5 $ 16 .5 o lapis Ring , $9 $12.50 Topaz Ring. $7 $I9.50 Jade Ring. $ro $1 o Amethyst* Ring, $5 $1 2 Carved Carnelian Ring, $6 $12.50 Agate Ring, $7 $r o Silver-and-Ruby* Ring , $5 $7.50 Choker, $3.95 $1.95 Earrings, $1 * Simulated Lord's-First Floor Sheer . . . VERY sheer . . . -a fine, ex·pensive-lookinct> the points of wear. A lightweight service stockin~ extra-strong reinforcements. sportswoman ... and for da Suntan, Lido Sand, Piping Atmosphere, Gunmetal. I' Lord's- Ft/ ~·