August 2, 1929 WILMETTE swim.ming; Bill Melchior, swimming, ~oo~mg; Don Minor, signalling, life savu~g; Ralph Morris, life saving; Fred Robmson, hfe saving, signalling; J arne~ Schroeder, . cooking; Troop 9-Jim H?ffman, btrd study, forestry, swimmmg; Henry Miller, bird study; Tr?OP . 22-J?hn Fischer, life saving, swtm~mg; 1 roop 23-Ben Brian, conservation, leathe~craft, lif~ saving; Motley Bryant, ltfe saving; Kenneth Hess, swimming, life saving; Troop 3~ -. ·H e rl:ert Stevens, pjoneering, stgnallmg; froop 33-George Hin~t, first aid. woodcarving; Carl Huneke fireman. hip, woodcarving; Jack Moran: carpentry, metal work. LIFt! 21 TROOPS AT CAMP ,_, I - J ... \Ve are having a swell time up at Camp Ma-Ka-ja-Wan. We have canoeing, swimming, games a'n d other .swell things. Today · we are · having "The Abyssinia King." Bob Wilkins is the king. · The whole camp of all the scou t s, officers included, are divided into t\\'O groups. One to prove him, craz,-. the other to defend him. If :1e is crazy he goes in the lake. \Vc ha ve ; hikes every So often. One troop went on one and got soaked in a rain sto rm. Wilmette Troop Captures Begins September 9 I think that if any Scout wants a Honors in Boat Contests For those who contemplate studying art this North Shore school offers good time h e sh ou ld come up here h e all that may be had anywhere. Its educational standards are the \viii get it.-Billy Katz, Repo;ter, La st Thursday at Camp Ma-Kahighest. Its credits are acceptable In the school systems here and in Troop 5. Ja-\Van each troop had representaevery university with which we have contacted. The most advanced teaching methods are employed, so that In the shortest space of time tiYes entered in a canoe and boating the student may be fittecl to enter a life work that at this time offers OVERNIGHT HIKE meet staged that aften~oon. Troop many advantages ' over other professions. Thursday afternoon, July 25. Camp 5 of \\'ilmett e won the meet with The picture shown above illustrates the unique method employed in Shaw n ee of the Ma-Ka-Ja- \Van camps twenty -tw o points, while Troop 23 of the interior decoration class, where the students not only learn to went o n an overnight hike t o a large Glencoe took second place with design the interior, but through the construction of the small model they learn the actual structure of the rooms, furniture, and accessories. lake seve n mile s from camp. After a twenty-one point s. Provisional· troop It will pay you to investigate. walk of seve ral miles thro ugh virgin c.a me in third with twenty points. ~ome of the events were canoe single hemlock forest and a four mile walk on roads and fields we arrived at race, canoe tandem race , canoe quar626 CHURCH ST. GREENLEAF 1674 Pickerel Lake. Tents w e re set up tet race, canoe-filling, a row boat race and others.-Scout Bi_!!y Katz. Re_ ___ __ while office r s prepared our m ea l. After dinner a campfire was s tart ed and stories a nd so ngs wer~ hcarcl. The next morning so me of the Scouts went fishing. After se yeral hour s a good me::;s of fish was their r e ward. For breakfast. ,,.e had FrencJ_, fried. toast, bacon, mllk, and ha sh. Coming home we ,·isitcd a logging camp where we ~a w. ~imber h ing felled and peeled. SAVE! :\rrn·1ng safely at camp a night of Your c'bance to sleep v·;as most desired. -Lec DlavMany save. Daring our lnck, Troop 8, \Vilm ette. store wide sale this More month we offer you SHAWNEE CAMP values of unusual Values _Cam p ' 4, Shawnees of Ma-Ka-Jatimeliness and price\ \an h~d a hike July 25. The attractiveness. Scouts l11k ed to Pickerel Lake wh er e they met the truck with th e baggag~. SPORTING GOODS GIFTS \f r . Becker, owner of a re so rt there, Bridge Set GOLF had l c~ us sleep o n hi s land near the Popular Crime Deck of cards. :;con~ pad, Shoes Clubs resort. The first thing don e wh en the,· talli es, pt>ncil. All in a Stories Mystery ~Pt~cia l Chand ler Smart brown and ·~:)t there was to put up the tents . smart case. cr0am gn l f sh oes irons and woods. SpPcial :1t 20% off :\.ext th ey fixed our beds and got o ur .. with rublwr cl4?ats. 11f·g- ula r Ya 1uc $1 75 <llnne r. Before and after dinn er th ev Desk Set RPgul:l.r price $7.00. to $~.00. Now only Non-Fiction Books Specia l at took r o wb oa t s out. which ~[ r. Becker Larg~ hlotter, ink well. $1.10 p n holder, han<'! blotter. $5.45 let us use free. :\fter dinner \\'e held 58% off Bags Conws in rol'le and blue . a campfire.· In the moming they fixed Sweaters Hegularly $2.50. Sturdy golf bags, the tents and got breakfas t. After i':nw · All $S .OO sweaters For Children clu c k, l0ather trim, in many co lors and breakfast th~y hik ed to a lumber camp zipper pockr·t. R eBook Ends . "East of the Sun." Beautisizes n·duced to duced from $6 .00 to fully illustrated by Kay a.nd looked .1t over. They th en conFancy m etal book e nds. Nielson. Regularly $2.50. $3.95 $3.85 Forme rly $1.00. t~nucd th e lnkc back to camp. A good Special at Now . . .. ~nne wa s had by all. Camp Shawnee TENNIS $1.75 Waste Baskets ts compo~"cd of Scouts from Troop 52 Lee Rackets Balls of beautiful cn·tonne. R eof Deerfield under the leadership of ~Pe f' cly, stu r d y Thl' always live Cross-Word Puzzle duced from $1.00 ~I r. Huhn, Troop 31 o f Highland Park mad(' bats. Greatly and alert J>ennsylto . . . . . .... . Books I'NlUf'('fl from $8 vanin tpnnis halls uncle~. Hobert Anspach and Troop 8 Lamp Bases and $10 to in metal conta in Pr. Regular price 25c each. of \1\ dmette, guided by Mr. Blaylock. (';lass hases s.; h arply cut Now $5.95 3 for $1.10 THE REGULAR FALL TERM THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AUGUST IS· at A SPECIAL VALU.E MONTH Chandler's BOOKS 89c $1 89 89c 89c Scouts Win New Awards at Camp Court .of Honor Results o f a Court of Honor held at Camp Ma-Ka-J a-\\' an, arc announced as follow s : . Life Scout: Troop 2-Gordon Cutler. Star Scout, Troop 4--Lawrence Huckn~aster. .First Class. Troop 2-William ) o.UI.lgqutst; Troop 5-D. A. Anderson, . \Vtlltam Melchior, James Schroeder. Second Class, Troop 2-Vernon Brown Howard Fogg, Edward Mee. ' Merit B~dges: Troop 2-John Brenner, chemtstry; Stephan Brooks, bird study, leathercraft, swimming; Gordon ~utler, first aid, life saving, pioneertng.; Karl D. King, Jr., cooking, pionecnng; Robert. King: forestry; Troop 3-J erome N evms, btrd study, cement work; J. C. Hirsch, personal health; ~roop 4-Lawrence Buckmaster, aviation, leathercraft; Ray Dunn, cycling, leathercraft; Troop 5- Donald Anderson, cooking, swimming; Edward Bri'i~ol, ai~; Edward Dierks, life savmg, sJgn~llmg, swimming; Henry E. Foster, life saving; Billy ~reeman, leathercraft; Roger Fridman, cooking, SWIMMING Suits A II Spalding- swim- from $2.00 to :w t ual < 'nst p1··ice . . $1 · 00 2 for 25c Sport Balls Great beach sport for grown ups and c hildren. In bea utiful colors. 3 sizes. Bridge Prizes A special dis play of fitting bridg prizes. Valu s up to $2.00 now Stamp Catalogue Scott's 1929 stamp catal-ogue reduced from $2.00 to ming- s uits of the latest styles have been sharply cut fro111 $G to only $1.00 $1.68 $4.95 $2 to $6 1567 Sherman Ave· -~.· OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriter Paper I<'ormNly 75c per ream sheets). Special- ...... 2 reams for . Business Envelopes $1.25 R egu- (500 Ink Standard size. A $1.00 box of 500 reduced to . . . . .. . . . 7Sc Desks Pencils V elve t and Ti conde r oga. lar 60c per doz. Now ... 8Sc SSe Desk Lamps Carter, Sanford, Waterman, or Signet. A $1.25 bottle at . . . ... .... ......... ... . $1.00 ~iton~l. ~~l.ue~ . . . . . . . . . Filing ·Cabinets ·· 3 drawer wooden desks. E~cep- $30.00 $18.25 $52 · SO used Filing Cards Size 3x5. Ruled or plain, per 1,000 ........ . Adjustable lamps, excellent for a variety or uses. Only .. . . . . .. ..... . .. · $1 95 Typewriters ~~~~~a~ ~t 4 drawer letter cabinets, fttted with neat hardware. Regular 2 ............. Gem Clips 1,000 in a carton at L. C. Smith selected machines (No. 8). Unusual value at . . . . 2Sc UniveJ"~ity 123 Chandler's 630 Davia Street, Evanston Office Pins Size No. f. for only % box 42c Wilmette 724