10 WI L M E T T E' L IF E August 2. JCP <J I p··----------------------~ I I : DECOllATE : : I . During Vacation \ ,·nt.J th·· fnronn·ni··n<'r of b(lfllK ton· 1111 hJ h11 \'I IlK l.he fll'rnratlnJ.C n n tl : 1 1 I I I· I 1 1 I i M. Portenhauser ! : I I I art· on l'n intlnK d·onr while you your Vnrntlon. Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf : I : Phone 2764 : ~-----------·-··------~--~ Ef.\ \\"il! nc tt c FlFT fo rm ed t he chart er JEWELRY of n :cc ntl y mcml1 er-, hi p ··i th e \\ 'ilmct tc Hidin g· clu b :-- JH m ~IHl' rl h_\· thl' l' la~· gn' III H I a nd l~ <.·c n· ;tti() t l h0ard. \H>m t n CHARACTER We specialize in design ing and the making of pbrinum a n d g o I d j~\\' dry. We are diamond seuers, warch. clock and jewelry repairers . and dealers in pearls. dia monds and other precious stones. We also felture stationery engravin g tor our fashionable pltrons. rirk Ull \ 1o nda~· . \\ ' d and Thur da~: t:\t:ning :- ir t ·IJ I ; tn 11 o'rl ot k, ea ch club mt·tnl·n h·t\' in ~ li n clw ir v ,, j t\\·o c1i tlH· thrl'l' t' \'l'llill .l!' >. Till' lir:-.t tt·rm (li in-, t rurti l ·11 i-. i<·r ,j x \\T d.:!\ ;utd i i t lit· cluh p r < ,,·c..; :t > IICL'l' :-. ~iul \'t'll ur \' r~·crva 1i t1 11 aut h- Tht: Jlll'lll!Jer ..; lll':-.da~· . {I 1.I t' l' r nl. MR. 12 PAGLIARULO's experience in rhe shops of Spauldin~ ~ Co. is your guarJntee. r J' Years in the }'l'JrS \' n ch:t r!-!t' i~ Lla rl v I··r club Jll t 'Jll 1 l~· r "ltip v \ cvp :ltt· itT l'li: tr:_:t·cl itl l' t 1 Jt' n ·m;tl .. t t li(· '11·r~~· .... ,. ;ti.·:t ,li:t" l·t· vn p r ··rllrt· d j,, tllt' ··n .. ···:t:t,,ll j,,,;tr cl ;tt ;t rc cl u'cl'd r:t t t'. Same Location )). p AGLIAHULO Jetveler and Optician 1166 Wilmertc Ave. Phone Wilmette I \ 1,\,\'t·. :1 !..:l'"'lJI ··I Jilt :tl·ot·r- ~;tl-:itt!..: l1vir k"' 11~ lllltkr ~·irt'llJJ,~t.JJil't'" ;tpl':tn·titl:· 1111" ' :t~rv.·.tl.!t·. \ ; t 1't' kft . \1 i . . 1!t·kn ~~·h:tt·ln ~:\ i11~ :1 dt·nw n -- tra ti t ·JJ til \'t ·rrl·t: J·· " t u r v i11 t ltt· :- ad dk. t i'i · , I . \ · p· ."' · J;.::i/· , r) o6I -i~~~~~~ -~-~~lliiillillliiilliiilliiilliiilliiilliiiiiliilliiiiiiiiiilliiilliii-iliiii.i-iliiilllilliillli all 1 ·:..,:-l.'x }. (i..,:-; Julia \Y ild. dau . l !llter t)i ~i r. ).[r. at 1d .\lr~. l. t· -.l iv F . .\ l t'r. l!:tll , ' r 11 ; 1d. l't't lih\\lrtll. ctJtntaitlt'd a t a and .\ f r:- . F red \\' ild. f1.?X Crn·nk :ti io rmnh· 11i \\ 'i ltnt·tt l' , hut" ho !l \1 \\ ' li,·c ~ hr idL:t; ]111 1t·ll t·t111 at t ilt· Indian I !ill (~ ~ l]i ;tYt·JJttc. i~ vntv t: tain itlL: .\ 1i. . :- Fl tl!'\.'ll·n ·l it~ .. ~ lam.c\.la. l ·~~l. ~ 1_1:nt a ~h o~·t ti me t· luh F rida,· 11i 1:1:-.t \\' Ce k. L< tlll!t', ut 1\: tlttlll\IJ'L' . .\! d .. and .\! ~:-. :-. \'1:-.JttJig lrtcnd:-. 111 \\ llm ~t t l', l><: t orl' re__ __ ____ \ l'll l:ed-:\\i t ll. oi Sl.':trht ·rtJll .L dt . l·: ng - t urnitH.!. tu t ht·ir hP mc in Cal iiornia . by lan d. i \\·a,· ( li t he P an am a ca nal. ~ 1 1 Cheap Dry Cleaning lo\-v·pricc lure in Dry Cleaning can T I-lE lead only to lo\\rcrcd standards of \Vork· n1anship and service. \Ve operate on one standard- the highest. ISILE DTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BUA.NEI DON'T BUY A CAT IN THE SACK! NoRTHSIDE JCLEANERS 4-DYERS COMPANY An oil burner is an article you ·w ant only for what it can produce. Therefore you owe it to yourself to personally investigate the one that goes into your home. See o Demonstration Hubbard Woods Show Room 900 LINDEN AVE. Winnetka 650 Ask Our Users Evanston Show Room 1620 SHERMAN AVE. (;reenleaf 700-4821 Telephone: HIGHLAND PARK 2010 "Chicago's Largest Cleaners"